
azure/han xwg/superslob/scat tetra/oc windwaker

Dec 25th, 2012
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  1. Howabout No: flicking through some old stuff made me remember my hard on for Tetra
  2. Howabout No: like moreso than Viridi :V
  3. azureangelic: mm
  4. azureangelic: tetra can be fun
  5. azureangelic: dem oceans of chocolatey blubber
  6. Howabout No: easier to work in the whole egotistical tyrant bitch thing for Tetra though
  7. Howabout No: BAM introduce a certain new cabin girl to tend to her every whim and need
  9. azureangelic: why should she bother to keep herself in shape when she has a crew perfectly willing to ransack villages and bring bounties of stolen foods to their overstuffed bloated cabin-filling captain
  10. Howabout No: Just binging away on food as she gets her chained and leashed cabin girl to knead her flabby tanned fat~
  12. azureangelic: body wobbling and swaying with every wave crest the ship sails over, cabin girls mopping the pools of sweat and grime that build up beneath her as she feasts, reaching her short yet utterly pendulous blobs of arms for the rusted iron chains linking her to her favorite servant and yanking her into the foul-smelling mass of rolls and curves she calls a belly in-between belching out orders for the older crewmembers who are more skilled with the mops to start handling the aptly-named poop deck
  14. Howabout No: Feeling the surprisingly strong blob of a captain pull me up her hill of a soaking-wet stomach to her face before being greeted with a burp and the playful flutter of her eyes suggesting what she wanted to do with her favorite plaything~
  16. azureangelic: being buried between the massive, food-coated mounds of her bobbing breasts as she idly runs a finger around your hair, smearing sauce and gunk into it from her perpetually messy hands, letting you feel and hear the constant rumbling and churning of her stomach noisily trying to break down the mass of food while she gives you explict instructions involving forcing your way into the disgustingly humid depths of her flab, between the pillar-like thighs and beneath her agonizingly heavy quintuple-rolled behemoth of a gut, to find and tend to her sopping wet sex in the only way properly befitting a lowly slave
  18. Howabout No: With a heavy push Tetra forcing me off her stomach and landing with a wet splat against the cabin floor, remaining emotionless as I can *hear* from underneath her vast belly the source of this particular mess is and my mistress howling with laughter. "I thought I'd make things more interesting for you~! Now hurry up~!" She giggles as I slowly squeeze my way under her heavy, Chu-chu like stomach towards her own private treasure
  20. Howabout No: (WOW WHAT A SHIT EUPHENISM)
  21. Howabout No: (But yeah your stuff is great so far :3 )
  23. azureangelic: as soon as your head is beneath her titanic gut you can both feel and smell nothing but her, mocha flesh utterly eclipsing your senses as your world becomes an unbearably hot journey to the center of your gluttonous mistress, her tummy giving an upset-sounding blurbling following by a watery eruption of gas and waste from below, her entire body seemingly vibrating from the force of expelling so much so quickly, and yet underneath the fat captain it takes time for the hideously offensive stench of her most recent release to reach your sweat-dampened sense of smell; by the time you finally begin to pry apart her dimpled thighs she's goading you on, her scathing remarks and ruthless orders muffled by the brassy gas she releases from both ends of her pigsty of a body and the sheer volume of hanging adipose surrounding you in a sticky, pungent embrace
  25. Howabout No: (should really get going nowish... Would a tiny bit about maybe regrettably getting off to this myself while Tetra notices and ribs me for it be alright to cap things off? :B)
  27. azureangelic: despite how utterly depraved the scenario is, you can't help but feel an alarming rush of arousal at the sound of her gassy release, your own sex perking up and you half-heartedly sneaking a few thrusts into the ample amount of brown (in more ways than one) flesh; moments later, you realize she's stopped chastising your slowness at cleaning her nethers, and before you can keep going she calls you out with an indignant "Hey! Who said you could stop?!", followed by a momentary pause of realization (and to let out another booming belch). "And who said you could do THAT? Don't think I ca-aaRRRRRP- feel you down there...Oooh, had I known you were such a vile little thing, getting off on feeling around in me, I would have had you tossed overboard long ago! You better not be thinking of...nggh," she pauses, seemingly stifling another messy explosion of filth from her rear, "...of abandoning your duties! You're down there for a reason, runt, and with that sort of attitude I think I'll give you some more good reason!" it isn't like you can reply, being metaphorically (and possibly literally) six feet under in her disgusting, slick fat, but the revebrating groan that courses through the jiggling flab answers for you, in the form of the pirate queen giving a strained grunt, a massive, explosive burst of flatulence, and a deluge of waste, less-digestible bits of food visible in the squelching wave of chocolate that abruptly fills your vision and leaves you choking and gagging in whatever pockets of air are available in her rolls and crevices
  29. azureangelic: (hopefully thats good as a finisher~)
  30. Howabout No: (It most definitely is~)
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