

Aug 11th, 2018
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  1. and we have two 3.5mm audio jacks
  2. per enclosure
  3. okay
  4. Sorry fil
  5. okay
  6. We're not gonna just get it from best buy because it makes things a lot easier for the cornell and NSF bureaucracy if we order online
  7. Oh okay
  8. nah lets irritate alex
  9. we could spend our reimbursement money on it if we ever got reimbursed ecksdee
  10. "Hey alex we got 1000 dollars worth of electronics from best buy, but we didnt get a reciept and we paid in cash"
  11. "Can you sort this out for us thankyou
  12. "in unrelated news, check out my sweet new laptop"
  13. Lmaooooooooo
  14. lmao
  15. That said, whoever tested this is also a goon because it's plenty loud
  16. Filip, Ava, I need an estimate on the price of mechanical stuff
  17. 1 coach 3 coxswains for electronics gives us $30 to work with
  18. that sounds like enough
  19. if alex charges us for shipping that gives y'all like $20 to work with
  20. is this including or excluding the o rings we already bought
  21. Including
  22. Think about what taps you need to buy
  23. I need to get this order in and I need to be sure $20 is enough for mechanical before I do so
  24. oh yeah we already bought one but forgot to put it on the budget spreadsheet
  25. we don't need any more
  26. let me find the link to that again
  27. when did you buy it
  28. Before or after 1:30pm on friday
  29. before
  30. Ok
  31. Can you make a parts list of everything you'll ever need
  32. Just so we know for sure it's in the budget
  33. for tomorrow
  34. yeah
  35. ok I wrote some code for context switching
  36. doesn't save floating point state, but that's not a problem (tm)
  37. all I have to do is never, ever use floating point outside of the main thread
  38. and if I do there will be weird, hard-to-diagnose issues
  39. U
  40. H
  41. i said it yesterday, but i won't be at rev until the afternoon
  42. yeah
  43. cool
  45. about as level as the makerbot bed
  46. Yikes
  47. Guess who just got megans number? Ya boi
  48. congrats
  49. wew
  50. nj
  51. beat me by like 2.5 months
  52. but phones/sms is overrated imo
  53. you're not truly dating until you communicate with hangouts
  54. Fil, what time are you coming in?
  55. 10 - 10:30 realistically
  56. Alright
  57. Did anyone do the rev demo day poster form
  58. Ok it's due in 7 minutes so I'm just gonna fill it out
  59. I'm putting my email down as primary team email because has and will never get checked
  60. Paul when you wake up wear your vector magnetics shirt
  61. the grey one
  62. Ok I yeeted it
  63. No Benny wtt
  64. Shoot
  65. you already did the form didnt you
  66. ahhhhh
  67. Nope
  68. oh whats the problem then
  69. I check coachlinkithaca religiously
  70. maybe he's mad that you said the team email will never be checked
  71. yep called it
  72. ecksdee
  73. Yeet
  74. It's my job
  75. have we ever gotten an email on it?
  76. well
  77. Only responses to recap emails
  78. Paul can you bring an allen key set when you come down
  79. along with your grey vector magnetics tshirt
  80. Why the shirt
  81. yeet
  82. both of us have one on
  83. I don't have one
  84. wait really
  85. bring an imperial allen key set
  86. Only yellow
  87. then wear the yellow one
  88. That I can do
  89. I think it's dirty
  90. it'll be closer to the gray color if it's dirty
  92. codec chip 1/4 the price of the opamp network and a hell of a lot smaller
  93. Nice
  94. Probably sounds better too
  95. rev B is coming along
  96. except you're still asleep so I have to actually learn how to wire interfaces myself
  97. what do you mean
  98. idk how i2c and i2s and spi work so I've started killing trees to learn
  99. there are many pins on this mcu to wire to the codec chip, so I need to figure out what goes where
  100. i2c you connect sda to sda and scl to scl
  101. shut up homo
  102. spi you connect one mosi to all the misos, and all the mosis to one miso
  103. and sck is common
  104. don't lie to me ever again
  105. i2s/generic serial bus idk
  106. I printed the i2s spec so we good
  107. is this codec i2s?
  108. yes
  109. or PCM
  110. pcm means nothing
  111. maybe i2s and pcm are the same thing idk
  112. maybe it means something in this context
  113. pulse controlled modulator
  114. oh close
  115. but you could also describe raw audio as pcm
  116. pulse code modulation
  117. pulse-code modulation
  118. yeet
  119. I know what it stands for, it just doesn't specify anything specific electrically as far as I know
  120. Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It is the standard form of digital audio in computers, compact discs, digital telephony and other digital audio applications. In a PCM stream, the amplitude of the analog signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, and each sample is quantized to the nearest value within a range of digital steps.
  121. yes
  122. that doesn't describe how you get those uniform samples from point a to point b
  123. True
  124. you use i2s
  125. ok
  126. works for me
  127. but there are also things that aren't i2s for transferring real-time ish audio
  128. Like tdm
  129. yes
  130. which stands for time-division multiplexing
  131. which also doesn't mean anything on its own
  132. Should slave select be gpios?
  133. or does the mcu have lots of sss
  134. ss's
  135. s;s
  136. it could just be tied if we only have one i2s device
  137. I think
  138. I don't know about i2s slave select
  139. or is this for spi
  140. This is for spi
  141. I think i2c is inherently more suited for configuration
  142. yeah
  143. I'm saying hypothetially
  144. Not using spi for anything at the moment
  145. I was just reading up on it
  146. the 144 pin has tons of SS
  147. and you lose em pretty quickly as you go down in pin count
  148. after all, the 64-pin doesn't even have a fully functional spi module
  149. everything should just use i2c smh
  150. i2c is slow af
  151. 150 kbps max I think
  152. thats p l e n t y fast
  153. I can't count that fast
  154. not really for audio
  155. well yeah
  156. it's also half-duplex
  157. one data line
  158. so there's a lot of bus overhead
  159. it's good for short reads and writes
  160. routing tip
  161. have an sda plane and an scl plane
  162. all you need is vias
  163. pcbs came in
  164. somehow
  165. good thing we held off ordering all the other electronics
  166. Aaaaaaaaaah
  167. Wtf thats so litttt
  169. we've got pcbbbbbbbbbbbbs
  171. Nice
  172. I'm a goon and left my lunch at home
  173. So brb
  174. just eat lunch at home at this point
  175. Aaaaah
  176. Actually getting salty that the doctors haven't called back yet
  177. oh were they supposed to this morning
  178. Yeah that's the thing
  179. I'm probably gonna just give up and go to convenient care
  180. just sent in the order we now have between $27 and $0 left in our budget
  181. Uuuuh
  182. Did you order buttons and shit?
  183. ava are you coming today?
  184. yeah he did
  185. Probably
  186. Soon tm
  187. Doctors are a pain in the ass
  188. Some people are into that
  189. Yeah probably not gonna come today
  190. cool
  191. Ava next time we make the laser cut acrylic panel we should make it a bit smaller
  192. I had to use a vice to get he 1.95x3.2 thing in
  193. I'm going to order plastic on amazon and start printing stuff at home
  194. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  195. New phone still doesn't work with audio
  196. Fucking cocksucking faggots at Google can't put a 3.5mm on their phone smh
  197. maybe they're punishing you for being a sinner, because you're swearing
  198. It's cause I'm a jew
  199. exactly
  200. riddle me this: no matter where you put the rectangle in coreldraw the laser cutter will always put it in the same place
  201. I sure do love how it works on the left ear and not the right
  202. I sure do love listening to half my music
  203. scott did you end up ordering a headset
  204. for the coach
  205. how many speakers ever actually arrived
  206. Mira just gave me a brownie
  207. she's just hanging out outside rev?
  208. She was walking by
  209. Yo she just gave me more brownies
  210. wait is she still there
  211. ava mira got here before you
  212. Wtf why is she there?
  213. Ok I'm done
  214. Should I come to rev?
  215. Sure
  216. Is Mira still there?
  217. idk if she's here she's outside
  218. I'm going to grab my stuff from home then head down
  219. What's happening
  220. I'm working on revision B
  221. paul's programming
  222. Wut
  223. Filip left
  224. Already revision b?
  225. We haven't tested a
  226. there are some changes that can make things better whether or not revision A already works
  227. smaller, faster, less noisy, cheaper, etc
  228. scott's out of town
  229. all of us are waiting on scott to tell us what he ordered
  230. I placed two electronics orders, the first being the stuff we need and the second being some spares because rev got a discount and we had extra budget
  231. It's a good thing we have extra budget, because I didn't factor in any mics and headsets and speakers that may or may not have been ordered and we may or may not need
  232. We have between $50 and $40 left
  233. since pcbs came sooner than expected, depending how long digikey takes, mechanical stuff might become a holdup
  234. but I think it's more likely programming is going to be the bottleneck once the pcbs arrive
  235. The pcbs have arived right?
  236. Yes
  237. Dealing with a bed, gonna be a bit
  238. I'm gonna leave early, around 5:30
  239. Scott what time are you getting back
  240. Next week
  241. aah sarah is still on our asses
  242. Oh yeah Ava she was curious where you were
  243. I feel like she wants me to testify against benny
  244. so to speak
  245. How so
  246. Like telling her Benny is bad?
  247. she kept asking me if I wanted the goon saloon deleted
  248. and if ava wanted that
  249. I think Ava said kinda but wasn't super it must be deleted
  250. I thought ava said the damage was done in terms of the "personal information"
  251. Oh idk, maybe she'll chime in later
  252. We did discuss it without Sarah there too and I think that was a more productive discussion
  253. Wut?
  254. What happened?
  255. I'm now trying to fit a dresser in my agressivly crowded room
  256. Need some help?
  257. If you don't get it we could help you out like tomorrow
  258. I'm not sure what happened, I left
  259. Presumably it was a one on one with Sarah and Paul
  260. well benny was there and then he had to go home
  261. Wait she was trying to get you to testify against Benny, with Benny there?
  262. nah, after he left
  263. aah it's dropping data again
  264. I don't even think it's a code problem this time
  265. What tf is happening?
  266. Paul, what did Sarah say to you?
  267. If it's not too invasive to ask, if it is don't say anything
  268. she asked me if benny had had his one-on-ones yet
  269. I feel like this was over a week ago and rev staff are stretching it out
  270. No, the one-on-ones were Friday right?
  271. uhh
  272. were they?
  273. Well, he brought up the idea Friday before we left
  274. I dont feel the need
  275. ??
  276. Are we all good now? I feel like we're all good now
  277. You were making such a big deal about talking to me alone
  278. I change my mind a lot
  279. Usually for the better
  280. Ok my mom is flipping shit about a few tiny bacteria so I might miss some of tomorrow for a doctor thing
  281. Possibly driving to philly depending what the doctor says
  282. That sounds kinda bad
  283. lmao the problem is the signal being too strong
  284. when I unplug the antenna it works perfectly
  285. Wtf
  286. it's not very clean on the sdr
  287. so maybe the sidebands/harmonics are getting picked up
  288. brb, getting aluminum foil
  289. why does windows tell me there are updates but then say there are no updates after I click check for updates, then I click check again and it tells me it's downloading updates
  290. cause windows is bad
  291. No so what was this meeting tho?
  292. Did we have one scheduled?
  293. I think that was just sarah talking to paul
  294. nah sarah just yote us
  295. she also talked to benny before he left
  296. hmm outdoor recreation is a 373.7 billion dollar market
  297. yes that is billion
  299. this might be what we want
  300. Ill email him to ask if he wants to interview
  302. whoops didnt mean to do that
  303. Well I'm in the er
  304. Ecksdee
  305. Here?
  306. At cayuga medical center yes
  307. Aaah
  308. ooh nice
  309. good job
  310. What happened? Was it an infection?
  311. that's what he said earlier
  312. I was on and off since I too was under medical care
  313. bennt pls do tell
  314. also hmmm there does seem to be some interesting stuff in whitewater kayaking schools and the such
  315. It sounds like they're gonna give me some oral antibiotics and send me on my way which is what I expected
  316. I tested my phones heart rate sensor and its accurate ti the hospital heart rate sensoe
  317. I thought you had oral antibiotics yesterday
  318. im gonna start with puddledockers and move on from there
  319. I've had some incredibly un-fun oral antibiotics
  320. No i never had oral antibiotics
  321. I had oral yesterday but no antibiotics
  322. that was a joke about the fish
  323. What does that mean paul
  324. really bad heartburn, basically
  325. what's heartburn
  326. a misnomer
  327. I aint no bitch
  328. pain from stomach acid getting where it shouldn't be
  329. 110/54 blood pressure heart disease can fuckin fite me
  330. Oh
  331. is that low?
  332. 120/80 is normal for adults over 20
  333. Lol my incision looks like a vagina
  334. Like that little flab
  335. I like how you said it in here and then said it again in the big chat
  336. I said it here and then realized I should share it with the big chat because nobody wants to hear it
  337. Lmao
  338. This is gonna be a late night
  339. I'll be pretty late to rev tomorrow
  340. How's it going?
  341. I hate the united states medical system because there are too many laws and regulations against sick people
  342. I knew I needed an oral antibiotic and thats it
  343. So why couldn't I just buy shit at cvs
  344. Prescriptions should not be required for any drug
  345. Congress hates men
  346. yes sir I would like 4 meths
  347. Yes mr. FDA please keep me from snorting antibiotics
  348. also people are idiots who are gonna load up on antibiotics when they have non-bacterial infections
  349. which will contribute to antibiotic resistance
  350. People are idiots in a lot of ways
  351. I'll make that sacrifice to never go through the bureaucracy and unnecessary costs that I just did
  352. You mean your insurance's unnecessary costs
  353. I mean the costs for the tests I didnt need and the hospital I didnt need just to get a common fucking pill in one night
  354. The time is a pain in the ass
  355. I can't get over how schizophrenic atmel's peripheral design is
  356. SPI, QSPI, SSC, USART can all do spi
  357. I2SC and SSC can both do i2s
  358. I woke up way too early
  359. Yeet
  360. Anyone at rev?
  361. I figured everyone would be late so I shouldn't show up on time
  362. but I'm about to head down
  363. not sure about ava
  364. Well I just woke up
  365. benny and scott are both out for today I think
  366. Ill come down
  367. where are you at the moment?
  368. also are you still alive
  369. I'm in bed
  370. Yeah I'm totally fine
  371. They gave me oral antibiotics and sent me on my way
  372. Which is what I knew would happen
  373. But first they had to charge me and make me wait for like 30 bullshit tests
  374. oh
  375. is the infection better?
  376. Yeah a little bit
  377. that's good
  378. I'm gonna eat some lunch and head down
  379. if other people are also coming
  380. because I can also do the CAD from here there isn't much of a point to being at rev if others aren't
  381. Fuck its late
  382. I'll aim for 12;15
  383. I just lost half my day
  384. How do y'all do this on a regular basis
  385. I usually don't but I figured no one else would be there if I came at 10
  386. I actually think its nice being the first one there in the morning
  387. It was the one time I did that
  388. I want to get money this weekend
  389. does mudman have jobs?
  390. But I also want to fuck Megan's brains out on my own bed
  391. Mudman does have jobs
  392. I'd be down to help him out
  393. One day for one, one for the other
  394. Saturday will be the fuck day
  395. So mudman doesnt make me too tired
  396. or vice versa
  397. If I'm doing an all day all night fuck marathon I'm gonna have the physical ability to make it good
  398. This is not an everyday opportunity
  399. Why all night
  400. Especially with the ever-earlier curfew
  401. ^
  402. Good point
  403. can you fuck and do mudman with your shitty chest
  404. or is that mostly fine now
  405. My chest isnt shitty but keep talking trash and I'll take a shit on you
  406. My chest is good enough for weeding and mulching which is the job
  407. can you lift your arms above your head yet
  408. Yes
  409. that's good
  410. Still cant lay on my side
  411. He's been able to the whole time
  412. Well I can but not long enough to sleep
  413. He's just not supposed to
  414. Right?
  415. It was a pretty limited range of motion at first
  416. Putting on shirts was a pain in the ass
  417. My physical therapist, megan, expanded that range of motion faster than the doctor expected
  418. as long as your dick works you have nothing to worry about
  419. True actually
  420. The work can be distributed in many ways
  421. Who's at rev?
  422. Slept through my alarm
  423. nobody but I'm about to head down
  424. I know I said that an hour ago but I shaved and ate food and I'm packing my stuff
  425. I just woke up
  426. Ken is talking downstairs, I'm upstairs
  427. Alright
  428. I'm leaving the house
  429. benny/scott one of you filled out the demo day poster form right?
  430. yeah mudman sunday looks better than saturday, saturday looks rainy
  431. Wait, is today the day when we don't have much space
  432. maybe?
  433. I thought that was wedneday lemme check
  434. yeah it's august 1st, tomorrow
  435. but we also have the cohort meeting then I thinkk
  436. Cohort meeting moved to Thursday as far as I can tell
  437. oh that could be true
  438. got a snapchat from my room mate
  439. he send me a video of him zooming in on the faces of dogs
  440. also sarah just talked to me I explained to her that nobody being here has nothing to do with last week but rather everyone got sick or got surgery all at once
  442. I've been barricaded
  443. oh no
  444. Fuck
  445. Uuuh
  446. go to the toher door
  447. other
  448. Basement door I guess?
  449. Also still salty that my headphones don't work
  450. wait, filip is here?
  451. yes
  452. are you here?
  453. where
  454. yes
  455. upstairs
  456. oh
  457. why
  458. Upstairs
  459. on the comy ish sofas
  460. getting the roast from sarah?
  461. ken was talking downstairs
  462. is he still talking
  463. or just relaxing cauase you don't have anything to do?
  464. ok
  465. nah that already happened
  466. I'm omw
  467. she didn't really roast me
  468. Paul aren't developer options in settings->system?
  469. I have no idea
  470. Oh feelsbad
  471. can someone bring headphones
  472. in case I get bored and want to do this don't rape people online course, which for some reason uses sound
  473. Paul I'm gonna find you
  474. Cohort meeting is one on one in the conference room on wednesday 12 to 12:30
  475. We missed Ken's talk, it got moved to 11 which was before any of us got here
  476. @filip yeah I filled out the demo day poster thing
  477. Lmao
  478. Just ran into my mom in her car
  479. ooh nice
  480. do you see how fancy that spect poster looks?
  481. ours looks so less cute
  482. saw it earlier, we dont have the orange-tinge of the stock-photo
  483. I feel like we had a team dynamics problem and now we're being baby sat throughout the entire project including the technical side
  484. yes
  485. it's annoying
  486. but maybe they're doing that for all the teams to get them all ready
  487. maybe they're less inclined to believe us when we say it's ok now
  488. yeah
  489. "do we have to have a meeting"
  490. "yes"
  491. we're also meeting with xanthe about team dynamics right?
  492. Fuck
  493. All the clamps are gone
  494. ?
  495. To hold the part to the workbench
  496. This one might be small enough to do in a vice tho
  497. Just saw Mira, she didn't have cookies
  498. do you understand pio multiplexing at all?
  499. cause I'm having some trouble
  501. there's "primary function" and "alternate function"
  502. and then multiplex A, B, C, and D
  503. I just want it to be a gpio
  504. what do
  505. Can't say I do, sorry
  506. ok I think I figured out
  507. but this is some dumb shit
  508. I sure wish I had the paragraph that described how suspending dma channels worked
  509. Why does baud rate limit how many channels it can use
  510. I have the feeling that this thing isn't really designed for streaming
  511. idea: hack the module so it can transmit at 1 watt 115200 bps
  512. why is one of the boards fucked in two ways and the other fucked in zero ways
  513. What are the two ways
  514. Is it hardware
  515. led is broken
  516. button is broken
  517. Both sound like your fault
  518. Button definitely is
  519. I'm mystified about the led
  520. I can see frying the humpro's led pin
  521. but that's not it
  522. I want you to fix the led tomorrow
  523. I'm heading home
  524. Should I take the bucket of stuff homr
  525. Are we going to be working at rev tomorrow
  526. Someone's house could be easier
  527. Is the cohort meeting tomorrow after all?
  528. I think Benny said yes
  529. benny said so, but i still remember thursday
  530. Not 100% though
  531. It's probably on slack
  532. wait no its wed
  533. we're 12-12:30
  534. I'll leave it
  535. well...
  536. we can't access the main area, so if we want to work afterwards you might wanna grab stuff
  537. If we're there for the meeting we can get the wtuff in the morning
  538. If we get there on time. Idk when the other stuff starts
  539. ^
  540. I'd like to just work at rev tomorrow
  541. In the upstairs
  542. I'll get there early, I bet it'll be cramped but I bet we can make it work
  543. i think it might be easier to work at someones house
  544. i dont really mind either way tho
  545. I have prototyping shop stuff to do and equipment to use
  546. i dont know if you'll be able to use the shop
  547. Yeah I just sent sarah a slack
  548. The event doesnt start until 1 or something so if y'all get here at a reasonable hour you can still get things done either way
  549. yeah good plan
  550. I wonder if the 3d printers are too noisy to have runnign during the event
  551. they mightbe
  552. I probably cant be messing with the speakers at that time
  553. there's like what, four of us?
  554. and 3/4 need the shop
  555. benny what do you need in the shop?
  556. ask sarah if you can borrow the power supply/osciliscope
  557. Idk yet
  558. Just go to rev tomorrow theres gonna be space
  559. yeah but i dont know if they want you fucking around with loud noises even upstairs
  560. it was implied there would be very little space but that might also scare off all the other teams and leave it to us
  561. most of the other teams are barely there anyway
  562. I wont be fucking around with loud noises in a place that its a problem
  564. Yoinks
  565. aaaah
  566. literally we all look like zombies
  567. do we have to use this image?
  568. can we photoshop paul instead of ethan into the old one?
  569. it looks like this was already posted
  570. little fuckers
  572. we should talk about this here
  573. this is why the group chat is so dead
  574. notice how everyone else went offline
  575. yeah
  576. they got to smile feels bad
  577. I'm gonna sleep lol
  578. me too
  579. I took a nap so I'm not too tired
  580. im trying to figure out photoshop now
  581. why
  582. the photo?
  583. even if you do make something acceptable it doesn't matter and they won't use it
  584. i know
  585. its an excuse to practice photoshop
  586. oh
  587. where's the rest of our competition
  589. ok first edit wdyt
  590. less dead?
  591. looks slightly weird but not dead
  592. I will never be dead as long as my heart is alive ❤
  594. happy tm
  595. Lol we good nobodys here
  596. I'm gonna come
  597. somtime
  598. gotta start a 3d print at home
  599. Tfw I want to solder something but no buddy
  600. if sarah is there she can be your buddy, if sarah isn't there then nobody cares
  601. Went with the second 🤫
  603. Our board that doesnt exist yet can now play through the coxbox
  604. Dont plug in the wires backwards
  605. No shop use during the event btw
  606. does that mean we can start a 3d print or not?
  607. Not sure you can ask
  608. OK I'm gonna head down. I might head up right after the cohort meetings, there really isn't much to do without access to the shop
  609. Aren't yall still doing cad?
  610. not really
  611. I'm gonna make a few revisions once I start assembling stuff but none of the CAD takes more than half an hour
  612. yesterday we spent most of our time fixing fusion
  613. ahh fusion
  614. the 5 minutes I spent messing with fusion during the workshop about it left me with a good impression
  615. user error tbh
  616. might have been user error, ava was doing it
  617. but it definitley seemed like a problem
  618. had trouble with version control
  619. and it would constantly say uploading from her computer and not do anything
  620. and then say it had the current version, but have a version that's a few weeks old
  621. the fact that reinstalling it didn't work implies expected behavior, so user error
  622. not really
  623. we opened the reinstalled program and the error popped up almost immediately
  624. exactly
  625. ?
  626. Fusion does a lot of weird things but most of them are my fault
  627. in my experience syncing boards and stuff
  628. the program is dumbed down to clicking save and refresh idk how ava messed that up, I think it's fusion's fault
  629. the frontend isn't totally polished so sometimes the backend kinda leaks through if that makes sense
  630. btw I ordered white PLA yesterday. coming thursday, I'll start printing at home then
  631. I can get everything printed by monday if we have a final final cad done
  632. for the rest of the week we're gonna keep making slight modifications based on how stuff fits together
  633. Did you order from rev or through yourself
  634. myself
  635. well rather my dad
  636. only a couple bucks of plastic is actually going to the project
  637. meeting with elisa tomorrow fyi
  638. Yeah it's in the calendar
  639. Found the headset buried under paul's stuff
  640. that's good
  641. I expected something a lot bigger
  642. I dm'd sarah about using printers during the talks
  643. What'd she say
  644. hasn't responded yet
  645. paul I see you awake
  646. Good morning
  647. Hurry down so you can get the stuff you need before we lose downstairs access
  648. The cost of our pcb approaches 30 cents
  649. as quantity increases
  650. the 4 layer
  651. The pcb itself?
  652. yeah
  653. not the components
  654. components are still expensive af
  656. check out this datasheet
  657. What if it
  658. so why does the coxbox use a heavy machinery connector rated to like 70 amps
  659. Cause its waterproof?
  660. And feels solid
  661. well it's a pain in the ass and it's expensive
  662. all connectors are too expensive
  663. if you want to sell something for $10 putting in a connector cuts your profits pretty much in half
  664. its fuckin cold lmao
  665. At rev?
  666. I miss the downstairs
  667. After the cohort meeting we can go to my house or something, idk
  668. I don't think we're gonna get much done at anyone's house
  669. How much space is at rev?
  670. Lots
  671. it's pretty much empty
  672. Hmm
  673. The entire ynot bike table is just me and some indian dude who's been on the phone since I got here
  674. Well I'm gonna eat and head down
  675. Dope
  676. We have a cohort meeting at 12 right?
  677. 12 to 12:30 yeah
  678. ava make sure you bring your mouse, and the other one
  679. Yep yep
  680. fil why don't you just get a mouse
  681. because I've been using Ava's mouse and she took it back yesterday since she forgot her other mouse
  682. also sarah just told me we can start a print on the printrbot
  683. Nice
  684. since it's in the shop and shouldn't be too loud
  685. but we might not be able to get in and access it later
  686. Use the shop laptop
  687. And make sure it doesn't sleep
  688. yeah definitely
  689. I always use the shop laptop and I've only had a problem with it once
  690. did any of you take the print off the bed at the end of yesterday/
  691. Yep
  692. where is it right now?
  693. It's in the cubby
  694. oh
  695. I just checked there and didn't find it but I guess I gotta look harder
  696. benny I'm gonna stay downstairs as long as I can, gotta use the shop
  697. I don't think anyone is here until 1
  698. ava have you done any testing with it yet?
  699. feelsbad I got a bloodstain on my shirt
  700. No
  701. Benny how
  702. from your mother lol
  703. Whaaat theres a hidden second call room upstairs
  704. someone moved the 4-40 bolts and I don't know where they are not
  705. now
  706. I'm stalty
  707. salty
  708. When your mother is a virgin
  709. ava what time are you coming down?
  710. Now
  711. Almost there
  712. Changes to CAD : deeper holes for board mount, deeper and slightly bigger o ring groove
  713. asian girl is hitting on benny lmao
  714. which girl
  715. spect
  716. not the cute one
  717. "spect girl"?
  718. they're gonna go on a hot date with the eagles
  720. left or moddle
  721. moddle
  722. paul come down and come upstairs im lonely up here
  723. Ava can you take a pic of the notes I don't want to walk downstairs again
  724. I might
  725. but
  726. benny come downstairs diana is lonely
  727. gotta get ready for trip
  728. Trip? aaah rip
  729. how long is your trip, when to when
  730. ahh
  732. I'm gonna make some changes
  733. I've been talking about this forever
  734. he has
  735. Yeah he actually had
  736. If it's not in writing I don't know about it
  737. 4pm today through the weekend
  738. anyways when to when
  739. Ok
  740. Have fun
  741. There'll be completed boards ready for when you get back
  742. how opposed are you to spending 72 straight hours programming in preparation for demo day
  743. very
  744. but I'll put in some extra time
  745. Love you paul
  746. also how does everyone know I got surgery lol
  747. No clue
  748. maybe sarah told her
  749. how does sarah know I got surgery lol
  750. No clue
  751. and sarah encourages everyone to help each other out
  752. like she made me help this guy on the printrbot
  753. how hard can it be to change filament
  754. Maybe fil or paul told them?
  755. definitely didn't tell spect
  756. Also btw I'm on my phone and fils on my laptop
  757. may have told sarah
  758. btw this is filip for some of the messages my computer won't turn on after benny used it
  759. typical
  760. should I hold down the power button?
  761. it has a light on
  762. but the screen is nothing
  763. A.i will preface all of my messages
  764. A. Fuck me in the ass with some pillies
  765. Ok that was fil
  766. Paul is there a way to remotely change my password and lock my computer?
  767. Paul is there a way to unfuck my computer since benny touched it?
  768. well idk what's wrong with it
  769. same tbh
  770. I deleted the cpu
  771. Benny where did you go
  772. To get a haircut
  773. cool
  774. Gotta look good for diana
  775. I need to do that before college too
  776. leave some pussy for the rest of us player
  777. benny's got a plan b?
  778. No, the spect girl just wants some eagle help
  779. and ava is blowing it out of proportion or joking?
  780. she asked him about his surgery
  781. and then asked if she could feel his chest where the bar used to be
  782. ok, that's a little flirtatious
  783. and was wondering if she could perform a rockwell hardness test on the bar, comparing it to his dick
  784. I was joking about the last two she just wants eagle help
  785. makes sense
  786. she also wants the d though, you can tell
  787. Paul Filip was the one on my computer who mentioned it
  788. oh lol
  789. This time I didn't actually blow anything out of proportion
  790. I feel like she might want to just hook up but she doesn't want anything long term
  791. gonna assume that was filip
  792. Gotta save my hyperboles for important moments
  793. Yeah the hooking up was filip
  794. ;)
  795. Hence me asking you how to remotely change my password
  796. Ava I got my computer working
  797. I held down the power button then the screen flickered
  798. Then get tf off of mine
  799. no
  800. Ava added Unknown to the Hangout.
  801. Aug 1, 12:49 PM
  802. I wonder if I can sign Ava off of her account, from her computer
  803. I'm confused
  804. Hi
  805. This is the real Ava Cohen
  806. is this your icsd account?
  807. Ava removed Unknown from the Hangout.
  808. Aug 1, 12:50 PM
  809. One True Ava
  810. @Benny Aaron said 11am
  811. on friday
  812. does that work for you?
  813. Alex said all orders due in 24 hours. We should meet and discuss our budget and what else we need with the leftover
  814. Hello there
  815. general kanobi
  816. Stop calling me
  817. Also unlock my phone
  818. when are you getting back to rev? we should discuss some of the changes before printing more stuff
  819. Now
  820. I had to win
  821. what?
  822. what?
  823. You locked my phone, I signed in on my ipod
  824. ahhh fusion
  825. I can't get the files to open on my computer
  826. the ones I modified on Ava's
  827. aaaaaah
  828. I can show you the problem when you get here
  829. it has all the info but the acutal part isn't there
  830. I'm gonna close fusion and open fusion again
  831. We need microphones and whatever mechie stuff you and ava need
  832. I'm going to design some quick circuits to let our system use a coxbox with the extra budget depending what yall eant to order
  833. Getting food first though
  834. Just hit up some korean bbq
  835. the lady talked to us about our poster
  836. We changed the email to the team email rather than Benny's
  837. and we're also going to talk to Josh about our business cards which will also be printed
  838. also if we have better photos that we want to use they submit the posters tomorrow morning
  839. she also said they're gonna get printed tomorrow so we gotta be fast
  840. Benny she just asked where Ben was
  841. we said "Benny?"
  842. now she knows your cute name
  843. she being the spect girl
  844. she looked down and smiled when I said benny
  845. she's only 4 years younger, age is just a number
  846. *odler
  847. older
  848. I'm at home eating korean bbq I'll be there at 2
  849. aight
  850. Who's josh, rev media intern?
  851. yes
  852. Nice
  853. he's the one that isn't blond
  854. Who's the one that looks like elliot
  855. the blond one
  856. Indeed
  857. His name is evan I asked shannon
  858. feels bad man
  859. I tried to start a convo with my roommates
  860. "What are you majoring in"
  861. "Computer engineering"
  862. he replied in 20s
  863. but that's all he said
  864. Which one duncan or hunter
  865. hunter
  866. the one that doesn't look like a squid
  867. He's not a squid
  868. well I don't know what he looks like yet since he replied to a picture of myself witha picture of dog food
  869. Wait hes paul + nick
  870. yeet
  871. I hit him with the I have a friend named paul who likes computers, you may have heard of him
  872. Lmao
  873. I didn't actually say that
  874. also fuck me
  875. the other guy is also computer engineering
  876. duncan
  877. Litt
  878. no wonder they can't have a conversation
  879. Wanna switch
  880. they're both robots
  881. Ive got a fucking meche roommate
  882. that sounds lit
  883. No
  884. why
  885. tell him to come to RIT
  886. I guarantee this chad meche piece of shit is saying "oh man my roommate is an ee no wonder he hasn't started a conversation"
  887. I feel like that's what both my computer engineering roommates are thinking
  888. wait no
  889. they're thinking that I'm the chad being weird starting a converstaion
  890. Mechanical engineers aren't real engineers
  891. hell yeah
  892. If it doesn't move electrons its fake and gay
  893. rotating a bearing is technically moving electrons
  894. Shit
  895. she was using connectors with the right number of pins to get each component on the board
  896. but not connectors with the same footprint
  897. what?
  898. diana
  899. I managed to rip the sata socket off a board
  900. got the 18650 cell out of the print using a chisel with ava
  901. it fits a lot nicer into the new design
  902. I jammed the socket back on but now I'm reading at like 1 kbps
  903. benny we might wanna order some screws
  904. I think this hard drive must be on its last legs
  905. oh feelsbad
  906. get a 4tb one next time
  907. not the one in my desktop
  908. an older 1tb one
  909. ?
  910. What screw length and size
  911. And how many
  912. 4-40 1inch
  913. we need 16, but rev has more than 16 here
  914. so we might not need any
  915. what should we bring upstairs?
  916. whatever you're gonna need idk
  917. Hey Paul
  919. Would you feel better about a radio that uses SPI
  920. probably
  921. however
  922. the real problem isn't async serial
  923. it's the myraid other data lines that it needs to function correctly
  924. state is shared between transmit and receive
  925. The XBee-PRO 900HP RF ModuleRF Module uses a multi-layered firmware base to order the flow of data, dependent on the hardware and software configuration that you choose. The following graphic shows a configuration block diagram, with the host serial interface as the physical starting point and the antenna as the physical endpoint for the transferred data. As long as one block can touch another block, the two interfaces can interact. For example, if the device is using SPI mode, Transparent Mode is not available.
  926. The command handler is the code that processes commands from AT Command Mode or Application Programming Interface (API) Mode (see AT commands). The command handler also processes commands from remote radios (see Remote AT commands).
  928. like this
  930. just look through this and tell me how it sounds from a programming standpoint
  931. I'm under the impression that Xbee is really low data rate
  932. Same
  933. I just found a speedy quick module but I think it was too expensive
  934. > Our IoT devices have super-fast processors that capture critical data up to 42 times every second, of every day.
  935. wow thats a prety fast processor
  937. this is the business accelerator that the guy who wanted to hire me came from
  938. What guy?
  939. some oil monitoring company ceo guy here for 76west came over, gave me some partially but not completely useless tech advice and said if I wanted to take a year off college he'd hire me on the spot
  940. Huh
  941. God's drilling for oil
  942. What was the somewhat useful advice
  943. he needs more people who will work for free for a year
  944. he was talking about how we could use sms instead of radios I think
  945. Hmm
  946. that was the useless advice
  947. the potentially useful advice was look into xbee
  948. which I did and everything's either useless or we can't afford it
  949. $8 microphone from a random kareoke company
  950. kareoke
  951. karaeok
  952. karaeoke
  953. karaoke
  954. if I were getting paid for the year, I might be interested
  955. which he didn't specify but he did say job and not internship
  956. idk
  957. I might look into
  958. It'd take a lot for me to accept
  959. if it's being paid in equity then it seems like a hard risk to take before college
  960. Yeah
  961. and if it's paid in real money, you still don't have very many skills
  962. He said "hardware engineer"
  963. I'll look into it
  964. aight benny
  965. slides
  966. which ones do I want to practice
  967. I can practice sperately for a bit, then we can reconvene later
  968. Be prepared for all of them
  969. okay
  970. Ava can you upload your notes
  971. you have them
  972. Like the paper?
  974. Can't read that
  975. why?
  976. Can you type it
  977. Can't wait for the team meetings tomorrow and friday with 1 to 3 members of the team
  978. ava can you do your bolding magic on the problem slide to make it all gucci
  979. when I get to rev tomorrow I'll place an order for 3 karaoke mics, some ceramic capacitors, a few smd aux jacks, and resistors
  980. Yeah I can do both of those
  981. also finally got the energy to patch photoshop/illustrator on my laptop
  982. so i can stop bitching about that every other day
  983. scott wtf did you do?
  984. how even
  985. idk dude
  986. everything is different weights and colors
  987. ok fixed
  988. i'll transcribe my notes now, it'll be in the pitch practice folder
  989. ok done
  990. I'm the plane rn
  991. And hangouts works for some reason
  992. Idea: ip over hangouts
  993. Or at a higher level
  994. Send a URL, a bot renders and screenshots it, and gives you text versions of the links
  995. What why
  996. Oh
  997. What?
  998. I don't get it
  999. Why don't you just use the link
  1000. Cause you can't click on an image?
  1001. on a plane?
  1002. At all
  1003. ?
  1004. What did on a plane refer to
  1005. you're on a plane, using hangouts, and then you say "ip over hangouts"
  1006. Yes
  1007. why is that an idea of yours?
  1008. like what good would it do
  1009. A way to access the internet at large via Hangouts
  1010. Because you have free access to hangouts and not the internet at large
  1011. on a plane?
  1012. Yes
  1013. At least I did
  1014. gocchu
  1015. I don't know if it's universally trur
  1016. btw i think you left your computer on
  1017. so you're gonna log a lot of minecraft over the next four days
  1018. Fortunately discord doesn't keep track
  1019. The people on discord, on the other hand...
  1021. idk if its actually stored tho
  1022. Nah, I did leave it open
  1023. its gonna say playing minecraft for like 90+ hours
  1024. Oh yeah
  1025. But once I close it it'll be gone
  1026. I feel like that's a kinda creepy feature tbh
  1027. Like I don't want to have my friends know I played besiege for 8 hours straigh
  1028. Which I have done, not anymore
  1029. like paul said, i dont think it logs it after you close the app
  1030. Yeah but like in the moment
  1031. Wait filip
  1032. Did you say 11am aaron on friday
  1033. yes
  1034. Nice right after the meeting where xanthe does group therapy with us
  1035. yeah
  1036. except it's only 3 of us to make it more awkward
  1037. xanthe is at 10 I hope it doesn't last until 11
  1038. Oh yeah
  1039. My uncle Dave who is a business consultant would love to help us with branding
  1040. So
  1041. We aren't at that point
  1042. I know but in the future
  1043. When we make a website
  1044. He will be a fantastic resource
  1045. Buulding a brand is about so much more than a website
  1046. It's about making us accountable
  1047. We put the company name on everything, if it breaks they remember us and if it works they remember us
  1048. Need a good product before we get a brand
  1049. Or we risk that brand
  1050. Well good thing he's good at that as well
  1051. I might be as late as 12 tomorrow, I got some stuff to sort out
  1052. I'll definitley be there for the speaker at 1
  1053. I'm running pretty late since marty wants to take a huge dump and I havent showered yet
  1055. Benny you got the last order
  1056. Yeah
  1057. Got as in I'm going to before it's due
  1058. yeah
  1059. do it like asap
  1060. Once I get to rev yeah
  1061. My cousin has almost as many mouser bags as we do
  1062. Just submitted an order for 3x karaoke mics and the stuff we'd need to interface with the coxbox
  1063. making sure to give alex the most complicated instructions I could for what to change if the order goes over budget
  1064. Omw
  1065. Fil wya
  1066. tfw our digikey order may or may not be in but alex isn't here so we don't know
  1067. Aaaah
  1068. Slack message him?
  1069. well he's not here so he doesn't know
  1070. he doesnt get tracking info
  1071. Omfg I just walked past a guy with an adobe shirt and almost fucking broke
  1073. this definitely implies that there are drawbacks
  1074. What's that
  1075. it's ripcord
  1076. a slack thing
  1077. that doesn't run a web browser within in
  1078. it
  1080. but the slack is super beta and yo have to join a discord and ask the creator how to make it work
  1082. will report back if it work
  1083. (it won't)
  1084. Idk if zero GPU usage is a sensible selling point
  1085. The GPU is just good at some things
  1086. It works
  1087. UI looks shit but fast
  1088. I want to use it for discord cause I'm trying to eke out every last little bit of performance for games
  1089. And discord isn't exactly light
  1090. can you play games without discord open?
  1092. I van
  1093. I also van
  1094. And I can play with discord open too
  1095. It just runs worse
  1097. Lmao
  1098. It works great
  1099. you can't dm anyone who hasn't dm'd you before
  1100. On the day I had sex with megan with my dad and shannon downstairs, they didn't actually hear us, he was just suspicious because they didn't hear us talking
  1101. and he said he wasnt comfortable with me making out in his house or something
  1102. twice
  1103. ahhh
  1104. your slimy kissing germs might get everywhere
  1105. Last night was when I straight up just told them that I've had sex several times
  1106. them meaning him
  1107. why did you tell them
  1108. He was trying to give me a talk under the "I don't know if but ..." context and I don't like bullshit
  1109. Saved myself a lot of time by just upfront telling him
  1110. yeah that's true
  1111. I never had too serious of a discussion with my parents and I turned out fine
  1112. my mom was basically like wear condoms don't be dumb and you should go to planned parenthood which I didn't
  1113. Apparently once in college he met a girl from his high school 2 years younger
  1114. (who was now going to that college)
  1115. and he slept with her and decided he wasnt interested and fucked off
  1116. and like 2 months later he found out that she'd had feelings for him going back to high school and she had been a virgin and everyone else thought he was a total dick
  1117. yikes
  1118. so his unfortunate situation years ago now needs to be forced into your life
  1119. because he thought it was a hookup situation and she thought it was like a long term boyfriend thing
  1120. and he didnt want me to do something similar
  1121. yeah that's reasonable
  1122. So he wanted me to talk to megan and make sure we were on the same page
  1123. that's a good idea to do anyway
  1124. ^
  1125. Yeah
  1126. it's solid advice
  1127. have you tried communicating xD
  1128. If that was the situation then it'd be a bit too late since I'm going to college no matter what
  1129. but I might as well check
  1130. you could also just tell her that you won't be interested in continuing in college
  1131. Yeah
  1132. Thats what I was thinking
  1133. My dad doesn't care what I do as long as it's not in his house
  1134. no making out in my house
  1135. I kinda thing it's my bed why does he care
  1136. He definitely fucks in his house
  1137. ahahaha lol
  1138. father son bonding, I've fucked in your house, you've fucked in your house
  1139. maybe thats what he wants to ask me is if I've ever fucked in his house
  1140. or maybe he wants to know where, if not his house, I have been fucking
  1141. Neither of which I have good answers to
  1142. I think it's weird that he was mad at you two making out
  1143. also it's funny how you said there was a mutual understanding you did more than make out but then there totally wasnt'
  1144. well
  1145. I thought he could hear
  1146. because we ccould hear every footstep and movement from the downstairs kitche
  1147. and figured "hey if they really cared they would've stopped us"
  1148. ava use the caht
  1149. ok
  1150. stopping you is the last thing they want to do
  1151. they also hate awkwardness
  1152. game theory: everything everyone does ever is to avoid awkwardness in the future
  1153. no making out in his house so that he doesn't walk in on you making out
  1154. oh yeah my dad hates awkwardness
  1155. better talk to my son about sex AGAIN
  1156. The no making out in his house so he doesnt walk in on me making out doesnt make sense because he also wants me to keep out of his house while he's away
  1157. Which I will because I can just fuck at my mom's house while my brother's out drinking scientifically impossible amounts of alcohol
  1158. yeet
  1159. just use a car hello?
  1160. just do it right outside his house to spite him
  1161. no cars are fuckin cramped
  1162. do it on the roof it's not in the house
  1163. we tried that and went to go find another place instead
  1164. (tried the car)
  1165. ended up in cbc, then on a park bench outside of cbc
  1166. both were far more comfortable
  1167. Bed is A game strat
  1168. Also premarital sex is a sin
  1169. but it's nice to have a pretty view
  1170. thots are ugly but the sunset is 😍
  1171. aaaaaaa
  1172. my dad just bought me a box of condoms and told me I'd better use them
  1173. did you explain to him that she has an iud?
  1174. Yeah
  1175. He's worried about STIs
  1176. I told him that a. neither of us have stis and b. it's waaaay too late for that
  1177. but he wouldn't have it
  1178. are you sure she doesn't?
  1179. So now I have an extra box of condoms that I will never use
  1180. I'm confident that she doesnt and sure that it's too late to be worth the drawbacks
  1181. "Besides, it'll help you last longer" - my dad
  1182. Nice the skyn variety
  1183. Ok none of the bad stds are even a risk
  1184. 8,000 new hiv cases every year among heterosexuals
  1185. Thats like 0%
  1186. 1,0000 among white heterosexuals lol
  1187. these renderings suck, fil im gonna have you do some more tomorrow
  1188. Send picw
  1189. Pics
  1192. for some reason in-canvas works so much better
  1193. but i think thats cause im doing it wrong
  1194. Wheres the shading
  1195. didn't want it
  1196. its for a diagram
  1197. i can put it in i guess
  1198. It'll look a lot better if the antenna is bent
  1199. Right now it looks unnecessarily long
  1200. bending the antenna means redoing the cad
  1201. all of it
  1202. Uuuuh
  1203. Why
  1204. The antenna cad I understand
  1205. Why all of it
  1206. because we have to rotate the entire top 90 degrees, which means the stuff on the inside wont line up and parts will intersect
  1208. To bend this?
  1209. then it will stick out the side
  1210. right now it is oriented on the top
  1211. What
  1212. That joint is outside of the enclosure
  1213. Why does bending that joint affect the inside of the enclosure
  1214. Also the antenna has to be pointing towards the sky
  1215. wait it does?
  1216. oh that changes things
  1217. Yes
  1218. Antenna has to be vertically polarized
  1220. then yeah, i can bend it
  1221. I still dont see why bending it a non vertical way makes a problem
  1222. Does it block the entry of connectors
  1223. yeah
  1224. well the buttons intersect with the battery
  1225. Why does it move the buttons at all
  1226. rotate 90 degrees
  1227. it doesn't matter now tho, i can just bend it up
  1228. Why rotate the top 90 degrees
  1229. look at my diagram
  1230. otherwise the antenna will stick out of the side and it'll look dumb
  1231. Oh right the buttons are on the side
  1232. That should be clear
  1233. If its a square thats not clear people will try to make it vertically symmetrical which puts buttons on the bottom
  1234. Ok diagram isn't done but I'm getting tired of this
  1235. Yep I'm done for tonight
  1236. yeah it's kinda late
  1237. When I get home I'll sketch out a rough diagram of what I will make
  1238. And then someone can put it in the slide deck, so Aaron can critique
  1239. I keep forgetting it's two hours later for you guys
  1240. Paul I saw a black 2017-2018 Honda Civic in the hiking parking lot and I thought of you
  1241. Where are you again?
  1242. I'm glad I'm in your heart Scott
  1243. 35°13'59.9"N 106°36'32.3"W
  1244. 104 Noble Ln, Corrales, NM 87048, USA
  1246. You could have just said New Mexico
  1247. Easier to just click the button
  1248. Yeah I guess
  1249. I'm going to a wedding at 6 tomorrow but I'll be there the rest of the day
  1250. gonna start 3d printing a final version of something during the day
  1251. white filament arrived
  1252. Thanks for staying so late ava
  1255. Wait
  1256. First and third
  1258. Mock-ups for the deck tomorrow
  1259. Excellent
  1260. Can EVERYONE be here on monday for the media training?
  1261. Yeet
  1262. Ava that's really good
  1263. I can be there monday
  1264. ava I need your help fixing this graph once it's made
  1265. I'm doing a thing that's good enough to get feedback on from aaron but it is NOT presentable
  1267. IA = initial adopters
  1268. heading down soon still gotta get this print started
  1270. I think i messed something up
  1271. looking for a pair of shorts, still haven't started biking down
  1272. you might want jeans its kinda chilly
  1273. i'm wearing a long sleeved today
  1274. pitch practice with aaron moved to 12:45 btw
  1275. Cool
  1276. Oh scott while you're here
  1277. Yes
  1278. We think it's better if I do the pitch alone and you listen to it when you get back and make sure I''m totally clear about everything
  1279. Okay
  1280. I agree with thay
  1281. We could've made the double work if you weren't in the adirondacks this week
  1282. If I was here this week, I wouldnt
  1283. Yeah
  1284. Exactly
  1285. I understand completely
  1286. I can help you with some tough questions, brief you on my thoughts regarding ux, customer research, stuff like that
  1287. Yes please
  1289. I think this graph has potential
  1290. It just needs to not look like shit
  1291. Well what does it need to represent
  1292. We want to show
  1293. A: the growing size and difficulty of the markets further along
  1294. And b: the plan for who we will target first
  1295. well yeah thats why I made this graph
  1296. Basically make sure that graph clearly shows both those aspects
  1297. Intuitively
  1298. Well what do you think about it
  1299. Its here for feedback not a goal
  1300. It's not super clear if the total is cumulative or seperate
  1301. It's just bland
  1302. It's definitely bland
  1303. Very rough draft, needs to look pretty
  1304. Here's something that would be dope- a world map with different countries highlighted instead of typing out "europe" and shit
  1305. I'm not sure the stairs are the correct way to show it
  1306. That's an idea
  1307. Really? Sarah and I think stairs are pretty much perfect
  1308. You're climbing stairs as you move up through the market
  1309. Well I guess I am sure then
  1310. Each step takes you higher
  1311. What do we have hardware wise?
  1312. electronics haven't arrived yet
  1313. Like what's our prototype looking like
  1314. started 3d printing at home
  1315. Oh :(
  1316. got one completed concept model
  1317. not sure it's waterproof
  1318. Good idea lmao revs printers are garbo
  1319. Put it in a plastic bag if you really need
  1320. yep
  1321. well pcbs arrived
  1322. Just not the components :^(
  1323. I thought scott was there for that
  1324. oh maybe he was
  1325. maybe not
  1326. yeah they look cute
  1327. Yeah i knew pcbs arrived
  1328. You look cute :)
  1329. But I wasn't there
  1330. I got like 4 snaps about it
  1331. I didn't take any pics of the box that we assembled
  1332. but basically I put the two halves together and everything basically fits
  1333. 5 million still isn't a whole lot
  1334. yeah, it's not
  1335. that's like 2 college educations
  1336. Ava did we ever talk to josh about the business cards
  1337. 20.8 college educations
  1338. 5 million is enough to change our lives
  1339. that's true
  1340. weeeee've got mail
  1341. From digikey?
  1342. amazon
  1343. BOTH
  1344. there is also a digikey box
  1345. we got a singing machine mic
  1346. theres a digikey box with a rev employee name and amazon package with scott smith
  1347. I feel like that's gonna be shit
  1348. It will
  1349. yep
  1350. Frequency response 8-12000hz
  1351. *80
  1352. 600 ohm impedance
  1353. How linear is it though
  1354. well
  1355. I can't test it with a laptop because it's TS and that doesn't work with a laptop that has a TRRS jack
  1356. Pinouts not compatible
  1357. Thanks obama you muslim piece of shit
  1358. My laptop can swap the pins
  1359. At least I assume that's what the dialogue that comes up does
  1360. what dialogue
  1361. The dialogue on my laptop
  1362. That asks what kind of device I just plugged in
  1363. how would I know if mine could do that
  1364. Check the realtek thing
  1365. the realtek thing is useless and looks like 1994
  1366. Ok tried it on filips computer
  1367. it just don't work
  1368. will try oscilloscope after aaron and guest speaker
  1369. don't work on phone either
  1370. Aaaaaaah don't trigger me
  1371. ok
  1373. She still doesn't know Paul is in the group
  1374. ecksdee
  1375. Are Scott and Paul going to be back Monday?
  1376. yup
  1377. mic don't work because it's off
  1378. lmao
  1379. Lmao indeed
  1380. Well it still might not work
  1381. Paul are you back Monday?
  1382. Yes
  1383. Ok yeet
  1384. ava did you ever talk to josh
  1385. There's some mandetlry meedia thinf
  1386. No
  1387. mandetlry
  1388. meedia
  1389. thinf
  1390. yashua is that you
  1391. Mandatory media thing?
  1392. Yeah
  1393. check slack
  1394. Yeety yote yah
  1395. *slaps tv*
  1396. (ken)
  1397. What
  1398. literally bro
  1399. Ava are you finna pop down
  1400. Nah
  1401. Or if I do it'll be much later
  1403. notes I took
  1404. there was a bit on crowdfunding
  1405. then on next steps after rev
  1406. I added my notes at the bottom
  1407. I wrote 60 more words take better notes lol
  1408. take structured notes lmao
  1409. Hmmmmm I will be on the road monday
  1410. when do you get back?
  1411. Late?
  1412. Idk
  1413. I'm gonna try to get in as early as physically possible
  1414. Did we have to get rid of anything?
  1415. a lot of stuff
  1416. mostly old components from edd
  1417. lots of plastic boxes
  1418. I threw out the humpros and SAMS70 dev boards since they weren't working
  1419. Oh
  1420. I'm not kidding
  1421. But they're E70 dev boards
  1422. well he threw those out too
  1423. You mean I threw out the wrong ones?
  1424. Damn
  1425. Did you start assembling the boards?
  1426. no, boards are in the trash. Benny threw them away
  1427. We're going back to the good ol DRA818U?
  1428. no we're designing a megaphone
  1429. No
  1430. We're switching to AM
  1431. we're gonna tell the coaches to yell louder, and they'll pay us money for that
  1432. It's an empty box
  1433. Wait, genius idea
  1434. Instead of having the coach have a megaphone
  1435. We give rowers a parabolic mic that they can point at the coach
  1436. hmmm
  1437. Self-tracking parabolic mic
  1438. Nice
  1439. Typical mic output: 40mv of noise
  1440. Yelling into it: 60mv
  1441. Maybe it's condenser
  1442. Needs a bias?
  1443. Ava your mouse stopped working again
  1444. I guess that doesn't make sense
  1445. For two contacts
  1446. Dynamic mic
  1447. Hey paul
  1448. What
  1449. How do I make a chrome window think it has focus
  1450. So I can alt tab and the website think i'm still looking at it
  1451. You could try window.onblur=null
  1452. But no guarantees
  1453. No luck
  1454. window.onfocus = null also no luck
  1455. Or window.addEventListener('blur', function (ev){ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; })
  1456. actually
  1457. Or window.addEventListener('blur', function (ev){ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }, true)
  1458. tried the second it said undefined
  1459. What exactly is undefined
  1461. That's fine
  1462. Actually that might break stuff
  1463. nothing is broken but it still doesnt work
  1464. window.addEventListener('blur', function (ev){ if( == window) {ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }}, true)
  1465. Probably won't help if that other thing didn't
  1466. Yeah no luc
  1467. Do you get errors in the console when you leave the page?
  1468. No
  1469. Guess you're just screwed then
  1470. Might be able to catch it at the Windows level
  1471. But not something I can help you with from the phone
  1472. got one print out it looks really nice
  1473. Send pics
  1474. oh shit found a good meme
  1476. ok I'm gonna take some pics of it
  1477. Solid meme
  1479. Cute!
  1480. That's great!
  1481. We gotta have like what, 4 of them?
  1482. Scott I am disappointed
  1483. !
  1484. !
  1485. well 8 of these
  1486. this is half a thing
  1487. Yeet
  1488. Wait....
  1489. @fil how are those prints going?
  1490. also whats the plan for demo day? Like attire-wise
  1491. Just wing it lmao
  1492. @paul are you gonna be at rev tomorrow? There's some sort of media thing going on
  1493. Yep
  1494. I'm in the plane rn
  1495. Will be home by midnight-ish
  1496. Who wants to do something fun after the demo Thursday
  1497. Meeeeeee
  1498. We gotta celebrare boys
  1499. brother is sleeping in the printer room again but I'll bring in the print that I made
  1500. oh feelsbad
  1501. how many do we have?
  1502. just one lol
  1503. gonna print another tomorrow
  1504. Are we still being babysat
  1505. ?
  1506. What time do we get there tomorrow?
  1507. Ok it's 1-3
  1508. I will be there for that
  1509. Probably come in around noon +/- an hour
  1510. Like, is Sarah asking if everything is ok in a "blink twice if you're being held against your will" sense
  1511. Lmao
  1512. No they canceled the meeting with xanthe Friday
  1513. I think Sarah's still talking to us but it's like more about getting ready for demo dat
  1514. I think a lot of the staff are doing that for teams tho
  1515. It wasn't particularly helpful for me, at least
  1516. What wasn't? The talks?
  1517. I think she helped Benny with his sides Thursday or something
  1518. IDK, she seems usefull to me in small doses
  1519. Like I don't mind her checking up on us, and shes been brief
  1520. She was like "you're having a coding problem? Pingdi should talk to you"
  1521. Probably just trying to be helpful
  1522. Idk
  1523. Did pingdi help?
  1524. Also
  1526. And I didn't want to say Pingdi wouldn't much help because I probably know about as much as her about the topic in general and I know infinitely more about the code I've written
  1527. Aaaah
  1528. IDK, I would have just tried to explain it to pjngdi and get her help
  1529. But I also know exactly what you mean when people who know less than you about something keep trying to help you
  1530. I did but I think she also recognized that she wasn't gonna come up with an instant answer
  1531. Eh idk
  1532. Are you home yet?
  1533. Yes
  1534. Yeeg
  1535. *yeet
  1536. guys remember if you want your picture retaken wear something nice today
  1537. Wait what today?
  1538. Ok
  1539. that was the plan
  1540. we didn't actually talk to the media people though lol
  1541. also my mom says I need to mow the lawn this morning so I'll be a bit late
  1542. Aaa
  1543. Haven't left the house yet I'll be a bit late
  1544. Aight so its fine to miss it just yall take good notes
  1545. /all
  1546. finished mowing the lawn I still gotta shower eat breakfast and make lunch tho
  1547. Cool
  1548. white noise does not exist because power carried by noise cannot be infinite 🤔
  1549. Resistor noise is directly proportional to the value of the resistor
  1550. Good morning
  1551. good morning
  1552. Good morning
  1554. nice
  1555. I can't tell what's going on
  1556. Printer machine broke?
  1557. nah it's good
  1558. does tomorrow afternoon after 2pm work for pitch practice with aaron
  1559. Works for me
  1560. ok I'll tell him that
  1561. When you all get here let's talk about Demo Day, not the pitch but the other 1 hour and 56 minutes
  1562. also where y'all at it's 11:06
  1563. heading down
  1564. Paul, Ava
  1565. Just so you two know, your entire dm chat log is in the coachlink rev google drive
  1566. I'm not sure why it's there, especially why it's there as a csv, but it is, and you might want to delete it if it shouldn't be
  1567. I tried to delete it just now but idk if it worked
  1568. I don't see it anymore yeah
  1569. Just a heads up, I did see the last few messages when I opened it to see what PaulF-YAva_UgxHq (1).csv was
  1570. Hmmmm
  1571. Ava, are you coming down today? I need your help with the pitch deck
  1572. How TF is that there
  1573. Yeah I'm gonna take a shower
  1574. Alright cool
  1575. Probably because you accidentally put it there
  1576. I had nothing to do with it
  1577. Wait...
  1578. It said uploaded by ava yeah
  1579. I saved the . CSV file
  1580. And it fucking saved it to Google drive?
  1581. Hello?
  1582. Idk what it is
  1583. Doesn't matter, it's gone now, minimal leakage, everyone please be more careful with that sort of thing
  1584. But it definitely didn't put it in the coachlink folder without you telling it to
  1585. I honestly have no clue how that happened
  1586. Hahaha haha
  1587. Lmao
  1588. Also I got stung by something biking it fucking hurts
  1589. How cold is it at rev?
  1590. not very
  1591. Shorts? Pants?
  1592. Warmer than usual?
  1593. I have shorts and I feel fine
  1594. warmer than usual imo
  1595. Wait but are we wearing formal stuff for pictures?
  1596. I have a polo on
  1597. I found some mid-length shorts made of formal cloth
  1598. ok
  1599. If we get pictures it'll just be our upper body right
  1600. I need a good one for a fake id
  1601. yeah
  1602. just for the thumbnail thing
  1603. two birds one stone
  1604. I need one for rit
  1605. What are other girls wearing?
  1606. clothes
  1607. Smh
  1608. Dresses?
  1609. I don't thiknk there's an offical picture thing
  1610. I just decided I wanted my picture taken today
  1611. I don't even see the dues with the cameras right now
  1612. he hasn't actually scheduled anything
  1613. Ok I'm just gonna wear normal clothes and bring a formal shirt/shorts in case
  1614. cool
  1615. your pic should be fine anyway
  1616. Nah, I suck at taking pictures
  1617. Never smile
  1619. they're talking about your dad
  1620. oh my god scott they're talking about the slug goo
  1621. ^
  1622. "every year there's always at least one death"
  1623. looking forward to ic bois
  1624. What did they say about my dad?
  1625. His research is pretty revered in ic
  1626. suture of the future
  1627. they didn't specifically talk about your dad just the news articles around it
  1628. this boi put slugs in the once-sterile medical room
  1629. pretty good tm
  1630. Ava that's not how it works
  1631. shut up homo
  1632. They don't actually harvest slug goo
  1633. When did they talk about this? What context?
  1634. In context of the media around it
  1635. They said it was a successful campaign
  1636. Woooo
  1637. and how they had a picture of a slug on a surgical table next to the scalpel and all the people involved got salty because "thats not how it works" but none of the intended audience actually cared and it was a great success
  1638. Well our family was 6 of the salty people
  1639. well it got positive media attention and it was a success so
  1640. Ok scott we have a lot to talk about when you get here
  1641. "The slug goo story got picked up because we didn't use a headshot of the professor" lmao
  1642. maybe because he looked like scott xD <o/
  1643. I couldn't find the media dudes so I guess we'll get pictures taken some other time
  1644. Conveniently left zero markings on the board to indicate pin 1
  1645. Scott are you actually coming today
  1646. I'm coming back
  1647. those of you who have gotten reimbursed
  1648. did you get just the per diems
  1649. I just got the per diem
  1650. ok
  1651. You were getting the rest
  1652. I looked through the mail
  1653. didn't find anything
  1654. so I guess we need to talk to Alex
  1655. and by we I mean I
  1656. I got the per diem
  1657. fuckk man I have two things left to populate and I need to figure something out and my music doesnt work anymore
  1658. it's almost hour 12 of my work day and my music dont work
  1659. If I just used spotify everything would be great
  1660. google has a really good search engine and really good maps and I kinda think everything else they have sucks
  1661. I guess android isn't too shit
  1662. How's the music broken
  1663. I think it works now
  1664. Google play music was just being a fuck
  1665. force stopping didnt work
  1666. restarting didnt work
  1667. restarting and then force stopping like 5 times eventuallly it worked
  1668. What's happening rn? How's it going?
  1669. Also fil did you bring the prints in?
  1670. Should I come back? If it's for a legitimate reason I would be more than happy to leave this dinner
  1671. Heck u
  1672. ???
  1673. Cute
  1675. What's happening at rev?
  1676. benny is making a circuit boar
  1677. d
  1678. I'm making code
  1679. I'm seriously debating coming back and working on the diagram
  1680. Yeah I'm coming back
  1681. I really don't want to go home yet tbh
  1682. I brought the print in my backpack
  1683. which is now next to me
  1684. And I'm assuming you're not at rev
  1685. I'm not
  1686. Let me in
  1687. my mom says I have hives from the wasp sting but I think it might be poison ivy
  1688. feels bad
  1689. I won't be coming in until ~12 tomorrow most likely
  1690. same tbh
  1691. Can I ask why so late
  1692. cause im still here
  1693. I mean fil
  1694. I dont mind with you and paul because you stay so late
  1695. idk if it's a consistent thing
  1696. well
  1697. I guess after 5 often
  1698. probably the poison ivy
  1699. Anyways ava is there a diagram good enough for a practice pitch deck tomorrow
  1700. yep yep yep
  1701. and im making another to try out as well
  1702. been fucking around with illustrator, photoshop and krita for a while
  1703. Excellent
  1704. Paul, hows code?
  1705. the usual
  1706. fixed some stuff, found some new problems
  1707. I gotta do some more rit forms
  1708. I can stay late tomorrow
  1709. my entire left arm feels sore and the top of it hurts
  1710. I'm not sure if I can correlate it with the wasp sting
  1711. I'm a goon
  1712. I've been debugging a misconnected wire for like an hour and a half
  1713. and it's not even misconnected per se
  1714. it was like that for a reason, it just shouldn't be like that anymore
  1715. remember tomorrow is pitch practice with aaron
  1716. I feel overall really shitty but not really sure why I'll probably be better by tomorrow morning
  1717. night
  1718. also if the media guys are there we could potentially get our pictures taken
  1719. @benny where is 3.5mm jack
  1720. Idk
  1721. Goodnight champs
  1722. hold up
  1725. diagrams
  1726. hand is a lot more swollen than yesterday
  1727. I can't bike but I'll be able to take the tcat down
  1729. cute
  1730. I can barely type i hate this
  1731. Fat rip
  1733. at least my hand is thicc
  1734. 5hiihhthucqcqcqeue
  1736. Beautiful diagram ava
  1737. yeah facts its amazing
  1738. mine was so bad lmao
  1739. Two minor changes: the text on the coach module is too small, and there's no way to make it bigger/doesn't add much so we should just make it display our logo or something
  1740. and oars are still skinny :(
  1741. Might look cool if there was like a wifi symbol type thing coming up from the antennas
  1742. Wait a second
  1743. That passive isn't right
  1744. no its all good
  1745. decouple to the air
  1746. wait it's 10:30 what are you doing up so bright and early
  1747. Filip what time was pitch practice with aaron
  1748. 1:45-2:15
  1749. Fil are you coming down? I have a task to delegate
  1750. Yeah
  1751. Here's the plan
  1752. I'm gonna get a ride to dollar slice and then Rev from Amy
  1753. That way I'm not just using her for the car
  1754. can you work from home or something and get a slide done before pitch practice
  1755. And I don't have to take the bus
  1756. actually when are you leaving for dollar slice
  1757. Cause I could use a slice or two
  1758. I'm going down right now
  1759. I can get you slices
  1760. Can you order me 2 pep
  1761. thank
  1762. Cool
  1763. Slice me if it's not too late
  1764. What flavor
  1765. I talked to stephen and isaac and scott about this and we all agree it's wrong to describe pizza toppings as "flavors"
  1766. Cool
  1767. Garlic and pepperoni
  1768. One of each
  1769. Ok the line is kinda long so I'm gonna be a bit later
  1770. Good morning chat
  1771. *afternoon
  1772. Ok I'm gonna head down now-ish
  1773. paul I got you pizza and it's just sitting here lol
  1774. Paul have you left the house yet?
  1775. his last read message is 40 minutes ago so he might be coming down
  1776. If you haven't drive me
  1777. Is it cold at rev?
  1778. nah
  1779. Same as yesterday?
  1780. yeah
  1781. Yeet
  1782. He probably went back to sleep, idk
  1783. We stayed at rev till like 1am or something
  1784. I'm awake
  1785. Haven't even gotten out of bed yet
  1786. your pizza is getting cold
  1787. if you got to rev before 1pm you could work 12 hours a day and get home before 1am
  1788. Nah
  1789. Also Paul get out of bed so you can drive me
  1790. ok I'm leaving soon
  1791. stil at home?
  1792. Yeah actually
  1793. Ok I'm gonna do a thing
  1794. ?
  1795. josh said picturess in ~5 minutes
  1797. ava smiling
  1799. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the pinout is wron
  1800. and checking that is gonna suck
  1801. Bus was supposed to be here ten minutes ago smh
  1802. Do I give up?
  1803. check the website
  1804. I did
  1805. also google gives me notifications on when busses are runnign late sometimes, so it might be worth checking maps or something
  1806. Cool
  1807. I've seen bus 17 four times now
  1808. But no bus 30 or 32
  1809. use the transit function on the maps app
  1810. ok I have a check for 417.79
  1811. who do I owe
  1812. I can'
  1814. this spreadsheet is rather lacking
  1815. The bus came and has now been sitting at the next spot for the past 8 minutes
  1816. next spot?
  1817. Green Street I think
  1818. the next stop?
  1819. Bus driver is gone
  1820. Yeah
  1821. Kinda weird since it was already running 15 minutes late
  1822. 4% battery :(
  1823. I have way less than the travel + airbnb amount
  1824. that should be 490
  1826. wait
  1827. I found that
  1829. nope, same one
  1830. try this
  1831. how much should the per diem be?
  1832. i got 160ish
  1833. so it looks like I got travel + my per diem
  1834. didn't get the airbnb
  1835. you shouldn't have
  1836. benny got it
  1837. i think?
  1838. idk he left
  1839. that's not what he told me
  1840. hmmm
  1841. yeah, per diem is 160
  1842. how much did you get?
  1843. 417.79
  1844. which is exactly 160 + our quoted travel number
  1845. ok yeah
  1846. @benny how much money did you get?
  1847. I got per diem
  1848. then no one got the airbnb
  1849. Oh yeah
  1850. I got a debit card
  1851. Well fuck
  1852. I got $160
  1853. well shit
  1854. i got 160
  1855. wait is that good or bad
  1856. not sure
  1857. but you got the same amount as me so high five
  1858. woooo
  1859. the problem is no one got the airbnb
  1860. foh
  1861. scott have you ever entered any of the grabcad competitions
  1862. I'm wondering if I can make a realistic animation of a robotic arm applying heat protection material to a space craft in 3 days
  1863. but my guess is nah
  1864. and there's already 17 entries
  1865. but it seems interesting
  1866. why is atmel suck
  1867. enable oversampling, suddenly the dac doesn't trigger dma anymore
  1868. woaaaah you can see the other entries ok this could be a lot easier
  1869. ehhhhhhhhhhhh idk I like being self directed
  1870. there's people who are clearly better at doing animations than I am who already uploaded, so idk
  1871. SAMS70 does have I2SC
  1872. for your rev 2
  1874. yeet fusion
  1875. tfw you don't know what an and gate looks lke
  1876. whats happening tomorrow?
  1877. also @fil bring the prints
  1878. where is everyone?
  1879. lmao all of these defines are off by 1
  1880. trigger 3?
  1881. did you mean, trigger 4?
  1882. how goes the curfew?
  1883. ?
  1884. Uh
  1885. I want to know if I can check off a few boxes
  1886. Shoot
  1887. Specifically "nonparticipating 3rd party in the room" and "walked in on"
  1888. aah
  1889. Uuuh
  1890. You know east shore park?
  1891. I think nonparticipation party means they are there willingly
  1892. I don't think they have to be aware
  1893. They were there willingly
  1894. in fact, maybe they have to not
  1895. So if it's your tnpsrents then that doesn't count
  1896. Oh
  1897. We were in east shore park
  1898. And the car next to us left slightly before we got started
  1899. But when the shirt came off, another car with a girl who looked like sarah pulled in
  1900. In the spot next to us
  1901. just making sure team morale is up
  1902. Didn't stop us, we had our thing to do and she was there to smoke a joint (it wasnt really sarah btw)
  1903. But eye contact was made several times
  1904. where is east shore park?
  1905. The place with "no swimming" that everyone swimming
  1906. Up lake st a bit
  1907. Anyways
  1908. Does that count
  1909. She stayed the whole time, we left before her
  1910. I think I'd go with yes
  1911. For both?
  1912. Ceause different cars arent really the same room even though theres full visibility
  1913. Absolute maximum voltage on input pins with respect to ground is 4v
  1914. I'd count vrefp as an input pin
  1915. that's not relevant
  1916. as far as I can tell
  1917. am I missing something
  1918. did you see the screenshot I dm'd you?
  1919. Yeah
  1920. What, you think I sent you that theory without reading the datasheet first?
  1921. I'm thinking along the lines of permanent damage
  1922. I thought it was entirely possible
  1923. could easily be
  1924. but let's find out
  1925. Well I'm having a really hard time measuring those resistor values
  1926. and I think that indicates a SHADY solder joint
  1927. do we have an extra of the "570"?
  1928. We have an extra of all resistors
  1929. In that case I believe 4 extras
  1930. ok
  1931. I hate atmel more with each passing day
  1932. 570
  1933. That doesnt make sense
  1934. why
  1935. Because it's not 57 ohms
  1936. Wait no
  1937. It's EIA-96
  1939. But what the fuck is the O
  1940. Are we retarded and the O is a D
  1941. zero zeroes after it?
  1942. tolerance?
  1943. Because it should be 57D
  1944. I'm not gonna crack open the doc oc glasses
  1945. and I could see that maybe slightly looking like a 0
  1946. but it does kinda look like it
  1947. Can you send a pic of the first and second voltage regulator
  1948. if you have the usb microscope out
  1949. the inductor ones with their relevant passives
  1950. I'd count it as non participating 3rd party but not walked in on
  1951. it's totally a D
  1952. Wow we're goons
  1953. Mainly because you knew full well that she was there, she didn't walk in on you fucking
  1954. Well she wasnt there when we started
  1955. Well
  1956. She was there when we started fucking
  1957. But we were already into the sexual acts when she pulled in
  1959. We gotta do another rice purity test count
  1960. I think it's even possible that R16 is straight up destroyed
  1961. We did them in edd but haven't done them in rev, and now everyone's on equal footing
  1962. lol I'm still high as fuck
  1963. Wait did she give you some?
  1964. The onlooker
  1965. kys
  1966. :(
  1968. I have no respect for ANYONE who doesnt have this checked
  1969. Females?
  1970. Not very practical
  1971. Not practical but totally doable
  1973. This question is dumb because if you've photographed someone else you can't check it
  1974. Ok, is it score reveal time
  1975. or do y'all need more time
  1976. I think I got 68 the last time I checked
  1977. When was the last time you checked
  1978. a week or two ago
  1979. I don't think I've gotten any more
  1980. I feel like it's hard to have sex without going below 60
  1981. Lemme take it real quick
  1982. Paul if you're lower than me by like 10 points I'm gonna have questions
  1983. He probably will be tbh
  1984. >only one of you checks "been in a relationship"
  1985. O shit
  1986. Ava do you have that F
  1987. The f?
  1988. I did it again and got a 67
  1989. below 65 ava
  1990. I have a theory that rice purity test is equal to senior year 4th quarter grades
  1992. Filip might have me beat
  1993. I thought you were waaaaay higher than that like a week ago
  1994. are you making a point of checking boxes?
  1995. I'm not actively trying to check boxes
  1996. weren't you complaining about not quite being in the 50s
  1997. But snacking on the forbidden fruit took off a few
  1998. I think that was more than a week ago
  1999. 10 or more times took a while
  2000. you or your partners parents in the same house was pretty fast tbh
  2001. sexual intercourse in a motor vehicle took a LONG time
  2002. I'm gonna scroll up but I don't think it was more than two weeks
  2003. since same house I think
  2004. but my perception of time is a mess
  2005. It definitely wasn't
  2006. 67
  2007. Wait...
  2008. Still haven't 35
  2009. what?
  2010. Unless you count shyanne
  2011. Cheated
  2012. And you can't count that
  2013. well, I hope she doesn't count it
  2014. I definitely don't count it
  2015. She being shyabne or Megan?
  2016. Still haven't used a sex toy with a parent
  2017. Fuck
  2018. with a MPS
  2019. !
  2020. Although I also haven't
  2021. Moving on
  2022. Haven't spent the night with a MPS, played a stripping or drinking game, almost none of the drug stuff, no skinny dipping or streaking yet,
  2023. Haven't seen a stripper for now
  2024. Wait paul did you count spending the night
  2025. no
  2026. Lol I did
  2027. I definitely haven't
  2028. Phillidelphia lmao
  2029. hmm
  2030. That counts tm
  2031. w888888
  2032. Does that mean I can count it
  2033. "spent the night with a significant other"
  2034. W888888888
  2035. thats not the question
  2036. spent the night with an MPS
  2037. Well I prefer males so it still counts
  2038. And so do you so I guess it also counts
  2039. Wait
  2040. I should check some of the easy ones off
  2041. Like?
  2042. 69
  2043. Yeah what is that one?
  2044. 69/
  2045. 69?
  2046. ava think about it
  2047. Does it mean doing 69 or is a free one?
  2048. It means doing 69 hello
  2049. Hmm
  2050. Well they should say that
  2051. I have a 68
  2052. It's pretty clear
  2053. O shit now Paul's ahead of me feelsbaf
  2054. ok I just had to write some retarded code
  2055. because atmel bad
  2056. I like my women the way I like my code
  2057. Don't....
  2058. the dac has a built in filter to make shit less choppy
  2059. but if you use it, DMA breaks
  2060. so you have to figure out an awful hack to trigger DMA off a different source and keep it in sync
  2061. Retarded, minimal comments, and existing only my computer
  2062. shyanne is that you?
  2063. Aaaaaaaah gottem
  2064. Just use a low pass filter
  2065. Wait there isn't one on our board
  2066. "Don't bother with a codec chip, the dacs will be good enough"
  2067. well it is
  2068. interestingly the filter seems to be making everything worse
  2069. at least at X4
  2070. Increase sampling rate
  2071. 8k doesn't inherently sound terrible
  2072. I played back 8k on my laptop, it's not beautiful but it's fine
  2073. much better than what I'm getting rn
  2074. switching from 8k to 48k was actually not that painful
  2075. huh
  2076. even at 48 khz it still sounds like shit
  2077. but that's a problem for tomorrow
  2078. Wait paul go home
  2079. benny you left all this shit out
  2080. Aaah
  2081. I asked Benny if the stuff was his and he said it was yours
  2082. What's the k.flay song that has "another way" in it's lyrics
  2083. I think it's FML but all I can hear rn is crackly can't sleep
  2084. I'm on a 24 hour 10 minute schedule
  2085. having someone in a nearby car can maybe count as being walked in on but definitely doesn't count for non participating 3d party in the same room
  2086. Also Benny I'm at 68 and I've had sex
  2087. lmao amy was 78 after having sex
  2088. Lmaooooooo
  2089. Was she 99 before?
  2090. idk, I didn't ask
  2091. probably tbh
  2092. what point should I try to lose before amy leaves
  2093. *points
  2094. Anal
  2095. nah
  2096. Been convicted of a felony
  2097. Also, the passenger seat of a car is the only comfortable place in a car to have sex
  2098. I've done both I preferred the back seats
  2099. Backseat dont work on my car but maybe it does in yours
  2100. it was amy's car most recently
  2101. putting the front seats forward a bit helped
  2102. I tried that but back was still terrible
  2103. Even the trunk worked better than backseat
  2104. (W/ back seats forwards)
  2105. Drivers seat was doable but definitely passenger is best
  2106. I'm having some medical issues I'll be a bit late
  2107. the schedule said today is a dress rehearsal does that mean we wear nice clothes
  2108. Uuuh
  2109. I'm gonna wear something a lot less nice
  2110. Been a long time since I've done the laundry so fuck it
  2111. I'm gonna be agressively blue
  2112. it just started raining, not heading down quite yet
  2113. damn it's raining more
  2114. ok I'm gonna take the bus down now I"ll be there in forever
  2115. voltage regulator outputs 1.8v
  2116. not 1.4
  2117. +-200mv
  2118. It doesnt actually dissipate that much power
  2119. 1.3 watts is vanishing into heat
  2120. Rain stopped
  2121. I'm coming down
  2122. Still on the bus
  2123. I removed the inductor connecting the analog voltage reference. Still drawing 396 mW
  2124. Stuck in traffic on state street
  2125. Chip no longer gets super hot though
  2126. So I don't like the constant power usage which I assume is of the voltage regulatorrs
  2127. But I do like that it no longer blows up and we can do tests in safety
  2128. I'm gonna redo your garbage rework and hope that it didn't break anything
  2129. Good morning
  2130. good morning
  2131. we're upstairs practicing the deck, if you guys show up
  2132. It's gonna be a while
  2133. Good morning
  2134. So are we wearing formal clothes?
  2135. nah
  2136. Alright yeet
  2137. I brought some just in case though
  2138. Hmm
  2139. I'll do that I guess
  2140. Is rev cold?
  2141. nah
  2142. It's a lot cooler than my mom's gonna be when she finds that stain
  2143. So shorts?
  2144. She fucking biked to work today lmao
  2145. Got so lucky
  2146. she probably biked because the car smelled bad lmao
  2147. she wouldn't normally bike if it's raining
  2148. I think I might have heard her arguing with henry about it
  2149. Oh nooo
  2150. Probably thinks it was him sweating after a workout or something
  2151. But I was 99% asleep so I can't say that with any reasonable confidence
  2152. Henry does often leave the car in a less than ideal sate
  2153. For example when I left the car to knock on megan's door my ass was completely fucking wet because the car seat was completley fucking wet and I still don't know why
  2154. So maybe you can blame it on him
  2155. What position were you in that it ended up like this hello?
  2156. I think you won't get away with blaming it on him
  2157. ^
  2158. ^
  2159. I think it's better to clean it up, do nothing unless confronted
  2160. and if confronted, probably just be honest
  2161. thats the way to do it
  2162. Have you asked Alex about the Airbnb?
  2163. I have not
  2164. Whomst is stevem
  2165. Tuc guy
  2166. Why are we meeting with him
  2167. we are?
  2168. since when
  2169. IDK, it's on the calendar
  2170. In 11 minutes or something
  2171. steven supron is who scott is meeting
  2172. not the tuc guy
  2173. yeet
  2174. Nazi Nick's dad??
  2175. yeet
  2176. hes really cool
  2177. @paul are you coming in today?
  2178. yep
  2179. Tangent parking is a real bitch
  2180. turns out problem is that reset is connected to a gpio and the microcontroller is not powered
  2181. works fine with it held high
  2182. So how I was going to just ignore it
  2183. is actually a good solution
  2184. also the blue led is distinctly not an eyeball scorcher
  2185. not easy being right
  2186. want me to just replace the 57D and do an equally shitty job?
  2187. No
  2188. Write code
  2189. Guys quick question
  2190. Shoot
  2191. hi ethan
  2192. Does anyone have the link to our portfolio on hand?
  2193. Hi Filip
  2194. I'll pull it up
  2195. Thanks mate
  2196. Ethan
  2197. Benny
  2198. Come to demo day tomorrow 6 to 8 at rev
  2199. It'll be fun
  2200. I’m in California otherwise I would so happy to
  2201. Foh
  2202. miss u babe
  2203. Miss u 2 guys
  2204. Tell me about how it goes though
  2207. good times
  2208. Ha classic
  2210. ethan in your absence this chat has become a place for filthy sex topics
  2211. ava uploaded her entire conversation history with paul to the google drive lmao
  2212. Lol was it not already
  2213. Whaaaaaat
  2214. "on accident"
  2215. was it by accident?
  2216. HAHAHHA
  2217. Benny deleted it because he respects ava
  2218. Guys we should do the next dollar slice as a final send off before I go to Buffalo
  2219. yeah let's set a time we usually go there every week
  2220. And then I can give Ava her moneys
  2221. haha
  2222. she'll love that
  2223. So she doesnt go for me knees with a crow bar
  2224. i've been to sammys 5 times in the last 48 hours
  2225. I want my moneys
  2226. And it was an accident, I have no clue how it got there, I was testing Hangouts statistics
  2227. benny that is a startling amount of pizza
  2231. We gotta figure out what we want on our table. Can someone(fil and/or Scott) work on that with me
  2232. yeah I can
  2233. Yeet
  2234. We're practicing one more time I think
  2235. I'm gonna go grab food soon
  2236. Sure
  2237. Fil and Paul, where you at?
  2238. Here lol
  2239. lol they told ava to quiet down
  2240. All of us
  2241. ""
  2242. no they were talking to you
  2243. since you were yelling
  2244. Who's they
  2245. Eh
  2246. people in the media shop opened the door and asked ava to quiet down
  2247. No, I was right by the door and they said "could you guys quiet down"
  2248. I was the closest to them so they were looking at me
  2249. they're not gonna tell you specifically to quiet down but that's wahat they meant, since you were yelling
  2250. Benny when are you coming back? we need ot do some pitch practice
  2251. I have to pick up my brother at 7 then put in the laundry
  2252. cool
  2253. Where are all the digikey boxes?
  2254. And our new tap
  2255. I definitely saw the new tap while cleaning. Forgot where we put it
  2256. check some of the boxes with 3d prints and mechanical stuff in them
  2257. Dont worry about it
  2258. Ecksdee
  2259. ?
  2260. I want to assemble the box
  2261. Filip open up the cad and tell me which holes have which taps
  2262. Also did you ever find the top?
  2263. the big not round hole is the barrel jack
  2264. the 3.5mm was a M7 I believe
  2265. and the 2.5mm was the special tap
  2266. Are we using the 3.5 or the 2.5 for this version?
  2267. Also do we have any if the jacks? I can't find them
  2268. that's a Benny question
  2269. the board mounting should also be 4-40. The holes might not be deep enough to do without a bottoming tap
  2270. IDK what that is
  2271. a tap with the end grinded off so it can go deeper
  2272. Did you print a top?
  2273. yeet
  2274. Yes or no
  2275. yeah I think it was warped and there's another on the bed
  2276. PEI sheet came loose
  2277. I need more 3m tape
  2278. Are we using a 3.5 or 2.5 on this module
  2279. Benny question
  2280. No it's not
  2281. Look at the cad
  2282. it says 2.5mm in cad
  2283. but I'm not 100% sure
  2284. Are there two jacks?
  2285. only one
  2286. but that's not the same as what we have printed
  2287. It's the other one then
  2288. What?
  2289. There are two modules
  2290. I remember printing an in and an out
  2291. Yeah
  2292. but it says coach base
  2293. and it doesn't have in and out
  2294. so maybe the cox base has teh in and out
  2295. I forget
  2296. Yeah it does
  2297. You printed the wrong one then
  2298. So 3.5s?
  2299. just take some dial calipers and measure them I'm not 100% on any of this
  2300. Maybe come down with your laptop and help mr
  2301. the cad for the boat base has an in and out
  2302. And are they 3.5mm jacks?
  2303. yeah seems like it
  2304. from the CAd
  2305. Yeah then they are
  2306. I didn't actually put them in, you did
  2307. they're smaller than 3.5mm which is good since you have to tap them
  2308. What's the part number?
  2309. for the hole?
  2310. For the jacks
  2311. yeet
  2312. absolutely no clue I had them open but then my computer did updates
  2313. I'll dig through history real quick
  2314. ava I'm taking a shit then comign down and helping you drill holes
  2315. also you can start now i think sarah left
  2316. ok
  2317. she didn't
  2318. shes sitting right in the corner, facing the shop
  2319. Fil can you lat me in
  2320. Let
  2321. Scott where are you?
  2322. Outside
  2323. Ok I got you
  2324. Benny we can use one of the blank pcbs to put in the box for demo day right?
  2325. Benny where are the components we need like the headphone jacks and shit
  2326. omw
  2327. Yes you can use a blank pcb
  2328. Components are in a box idk which one
  2329. Box was hidden behind a shit ton of stuff since y'all left it out
  2330. Hard to find, had to ask sarah
  2331. Still can't find some of the jacks tho
  2332. Wait nevermind got it
  2333. Fil come down, it's assembly time
  2334. cool, coming
  2335. Benny, you stopping by again?
  2336. filip this requires more than one trip and you have the card
  2337. filips just gonna send it realy quick
  2338. hes also eating
  2339. i know
  2340. For those that don't know we can use the prototype shop until we go off to college
  2341. But stay out of the way of actual rev members
  2342. If anyone sees a black computer case with a sunscreen stain lmk
  2343. I think ik where it is
  2344. where?
  2345. On the downstairs prototype tables
  2346. cool
  2347. turns out that other part is warped because I"m a goon and I forgot to change a setting back
  2348. I'm gonna get our last part in printed tonight
  2349. Todo for tomorrow:
  2350. 1. DECIDE ON MESSAGING. We need 3 main points to get across to media
  2352. The white pla that is too short to be useful claims it's newest victim
  2353. 2. Figure out how to set up the booth
  2354. 3. practice what to say at the booth
  2355. 4. Wear business casual clothing, no jeans but khakis
  2356. 5. Have fun
  2357. messaging imo (rough draft)
  2358. 1. We're not too stupid even though we just got out of high school
  2359. 2. Our customer discovery has backed up our idea a lot and it's very necessary for coaches
  2360. 3. even though we're all moving away it's gonna work tm
  2361. I'm gonna put on some nice shoes my sneakers are ugly
  2362. I'm not sure what the media points should be
  2363. do you have examples? we can ask the rev lady
  2364. I'm not sure the messaging is meant to be about us as much as the product
  2365. We should ask for examples
  2366. yeah that's what I meant
  2367. I'll wear nice shoes
  2368. what is there to talk about with the product other than the technical side?
  2369. we haven't done much testing yet
  2370. are y'all still at rev? I can video call in and have a convo about the 3 main points
  2371. I'm still at rev but I think it's more important to finish this and sleep asap
  2372. Sleep is major key
  2373. yeah
  2374. everyone make sure you shave
  2375. Only if you need to
  2376. It's a confidence thing for me tbh
  2377. if I can see it in the mirror up close then I feel like other people can
  2378. but really it's hard to se
  2379. see
  2380. That counts as need to if it's a confidence thing
  2381. Night
  2382. Night beautiful
  2383. got the new piece printed
  2384. is there anything else we need printed before demo day? We might be able to stop by here beforehand and get it
  2385. Good morning
  2386. good morning
  2387. I went for a run I feel great
  2389. about that 3d printer arduino thing yesterday, I also remember having to download arduino on my computer and send it to the board so it could be a custom board running arduino that isn't an arduino
  2390. It definitely uses an avr microcontroller
  2391. what's avr
  2392. Arduino
  2393. Running late obv
  2394. Is today a button down kind of day?
  2395. I was gonna wear a polo but I also have a button down
  2396. I don't have any polos
  2397. gonna wear nice pants and shoes
  2398. Today is a button down or polo day
  2399. Preferably button down but polo's fine
  2400. You gotta look like a snack to feel like a snack
  2401. I feel like my button down looks bad on me
  2402. Hey man whatever makes you look like a snack
  2403. If you don't look like a snack don't wear it
  2405. I got black shoes and formal black pants
  2406. ya boi ditched the nasty sneaks
  2407. I've got that half tuck goin
  2408. half the shirt tucked in, half the shirt out
  2409. do I go full tuck or no tuck
  2410. I think full tuck
  2411. Half tuck is an option
  2412. Do you not have khakis?
  2413. nope
  2414. huh
  2415. I'm gonna buy some before college
  2416. Yeah they look nice af
  2417. girls dig nice clothes
  2418. I got it how sam heimbecker got it
  2419. confirmation bias?
  2420. Yes
  2421. based on the guide I read yesterday, it does
  2422. btw summary is keep girls waiting, date a lot of them at a time to make them jealous and don't be a goon
  2423. don't be a wussy and be their friend
  2424. stay in control
  2425. Well some of that is true
  2426. Specifically "don't be a goon"
  2427. yeah
  2428. he said a lot of times that calling for more than 5 minutes is detrimental, and if the girl asks you to do something that's a test and if you do it, you failed
  2429. Huh
  2430. fuck man this is gonna be close af to 4 minutes
  2431. might be easier if you cut down on some
  2432. Yeah that's what I'm doing
  2433. look at the time after each slide so you can calibrate it as you go during the presentation
  2434. I might even prioritize messages in the script and have an actual plan for things to drop
  2435. if over time
  2436. yeah, maybe. I feel like if you practice a bit you can get it consistent enough that you don't have to improvise
  2437. Yeah
  2438. That's always ideal
  2439. I want to get the time down to 3 minutes 45 seconds
  2440. And then I can fit in improvisations
  2441. I like how we were 4 minutes 45 seconds with aaron and then we added a slide
  2442. Want to move to a quiet practice room but don't want to move power cable
  2443. I was going to head down but I found this realy cool thing called velocity printing so I'm going to start a 3d print and then head down
  2444. what is it
  2445. basically it uses the lag of the printer nozzle extrusion to overextrude by moving faster in some places
  2447. you can add patterns or pictures to prints just by changing the velocity in the gcode in specific places
  2448. cool
  2449. Scott when are you coming
  2450. You weren't there for the media thing so we still need to brief you
  2451. good call
  2453. good ol notepd?
  2454. ahhhhhh
  2456. Also this is something we should figure out
  2458. vase generated by the sheer power of VELOCITY
  2459. I feel like we generally know who talks for what
  2460. couldn't you also just adjust extruder speed?
  2461. Do we
  2462. who talks for what
  2463. well sometimes paul and scott try to talk over other people
  2465. well questions will just be at the booth, right?
  2466. yeah
  2467. so it's hard to get super embarassing
  2468. I think we primarily won't be talking to media anyway
  2469. There will be media at the event
  2470. and as a high school team they'll want to talk to us
  2471. and we don't want even one sentence in their article about how we kept talking over eachother
  2472. that's true
  2473. The most common place for big media outlets to get quotes is other media outlets, smaller media outlets
  2474. If we say something dumb that goes in the ithaca journal then maybe in 5 years it goes on nbc
  2475. yeah
  2476. So definitely we need dedicated spokesmen for different topics
  2477. ok I'm heading down but I'm still riding the bus so it'll be a little while
  2478. also remember to bring a change of clothes if you don't want your fancy clothes to get dirty when we hit up dp dough or whatever after
  2479. or have a group orgy and get semen all over the seats
  2480. Yeah I'm bringing my fancy clothes
  2481. No way am I walking past all the construction workers in a dress
  2482. Also as a female I can confirm that we like fancy clothes
  2483. yeet eskeet
  2484. As a female how dope are my shoes rn
  2485. Pretty fine
  2486. I like the leather
  2487. " No way am I walking past all the construction workers in a dress" wait why
  2488. I don't like attention and they already look at me
  2489. A dress will make it worse
  2490. They look at me too
  2491. I feel like getting attention isn't really a concern, but you do you
  2492. one of em @'d me one time to ask about that limebike thing I was riding
  2493. It's a personal thing, I don't like getting attention on how I look
  2494. Like I've been cat called and shit and it's super uncomfortable
  2495. a girl smiled at me the other day and I didn't know how to respond so I pretended I didn't see even though we made eye contact
  2496. aren't you giving in to society if you're forced to dress differently from fear of being cat called
  2497. good call benny
  2498. Yeah probably, but I don't care
  2499. Also I don't like dresses in general
  2500. I change out of them the moment the event is done
  2501. Too hard to get on and off
  2502. Mainly because I can't do my weird sitting things in them
  2503. They're like yoga pants they look good but they're not practical
  2504. yoga pants are so tight dude
  2505. Agree
  2506. Also
  2507. No pockets in my dress or in yoga pants
  2508. I like to put my hands in the back pockets of short shorts when making out
  2509. it's so cozy
  2510. I feel like most girls shorts don't even have pockets
  2511. They usually have back pockets I think
  2512. To store that ass
  2513. Yeah, I actively find ones with all four pockets
  2514. They usually have back pockets, often don't have front pockets
  2515. Is Benny even here
  2516. Call room upstairs
  2517. Are you?
  2518. Yes
  2519. Paul wya
  2520. Where are speakers
  2521. in my backpack
  2522. Why
  2523. Yes
  2524. Scott wya
  2525. downstairs
  2526. Come upstairs
  2527. sitting in on this presentation
  2528. in a tiny bit
  2529. What presentation
  2530. its not for us
  2531. but it was interesting
  2532. That didn't answer the question at all
  2533. Still waiting for the bus
  2534. I think I'll be there in about half an hour
  2535. If you’re curious, interested in our product, or just want to talk, come find us! We’re also exploring our options for initial funding, and if you’re familiar with any business competitions in new york, let us know!
  2536. Smh bus isn't here yet
  2537. Just ran through a pitch. 3 mins 30 seconds but without slide transitions or pauses
  2538. Anyone who wants to hear it come on up
  2539. I'll see if when I get there
  2541. Uuh
  2542. Is this even possible
  2543. Wtf has my mom been doing
  2544. Idk what has your mom been doing
  2545. Ava are you here
  2546. Not yet
  2547. Leaving now, after I take my pills
  2548. Gboard used 1gb on her phone wtf?
  2549. Ok I talked to her
  2550. She had steamed around 8 hours of music from chrome and written essays using word predict
  2552. yeet
  2553. Fil do you want me to glue the acrylic sheet into the top?
  2554. And/or the ninjaflex
  2555. And the LCD doesn't stay
  2556. I think if we just press it in it's good for now
  2557. It's not
  2558. the ninja flex we will want to glue in
  2559. ok
  2560. Come down
  2561. hot glue should work
  2562. ok
  2563. It is a loose boi
  2564. the ninjaflex or the panel?
  2565. Panel
  2566. And lcd
  2567. ok
  2568. God Damn it who switched scott's major to mechanical engineering on the team slide
  2569. Wasn't that always there?
  2570. Since he's going into mechanical engineering
  2571. and business
  2572. Lmao
  2573. Just saw sarah, she said she's outside to escape the air conditioning
  2574. understandable
  2575. Alright Scott
  2576. A bit more seriously this time
  2577. Be prepared to do the presentation tonight
  2578. You probably won't have to but it's an increasing chance
  2579. I know that's hard to ask at this point
  2580. Maybe come back and practice the script as soon as you can
  2581. Benny I'm gonna start looking over the slides and script in case scott doesn't come back for whatever reason. I won't have time to get hte script but I have a good idea of what each slide is about
  2582. not sure why scott went right to "no voicemail box" maybe the phone is off
  2583. also I'm on the porch warming up if anyone is looking for me
  2585. Helooooooo
  2586. Hahaha
  2587. misson success
  2588. we got business cards boys
  2590. btw people are here
  2591. At some point we should talk about the other company named Coachlink that makes radios
  2592. Wait...
  2593. Also I found a business card of ours on the ground
  2594. Feelsbadman
  2595. Paaaaaaul
  2596. Oh lmao nevermind
  2597. This guy in front of is taking notes and he didn't even get our name
  2598. Feelsbad
  2599. Also only one line and everyone else is at least three
  2600. Which adc is connected on the board
  2601. Where's the module
  2602. Bring it up
  2603. Megan is here lol
  2604. Well yeah I invited her
  2605. I didn't really like the abrupt personality change from angry new sam to chill bro new sam
  2606. like it didn't feel like there was a reason for him to be angry and then change his feeligns really fast
  2607. also why do you need multiple physical poles to jam a radio just do it in software, if you're smart enough to hide an entire floor you can be smart enough to make the software say the signal is jammed
  2608. Ikr
  2609. @benny fcc coming for yo ass
  2611. wait is that a fcc truck looking at radio shit
  2612. those actually exist? I thought they didn't care
  2613. They care its just hard to enforce
  2614. it has an official license plate with a big antenna on it
  2615. so I'm thinking it is
  2616. What's this thing tomorrow?
  2617. brunch
  2618. see slack
  2619. starts at 11 I believe
  2620. Aaah 11 am
  2621. Ok I can wake up at 10:30, take a shower and arive late
  2623. velocity art = great success
  2624. Just watched the presentation
  2625. I think it came out pretty well
  2627. I'll be leaving the brunch half an hour early
  2628. cool
  2629. @11:30
  2630. I thought it was until 1
  2631. but maybe I'm dumb
  2632. are people doing stuff at rev after? I'm either staying there until 6 or going home
  2633. Either way I'm leaving at 11:30
  2634. got dinner at 6 downtown
  2635. cool
  2636. I'll come back if I can to do work
  2637. also guys remember to be free for dollar slice with ethan on tuestday
  2638. especially ava, he's gonna pay you back
  2639. Yee
  2640. Heading down
  2641. Wait it says lunch around noon
  2642. I thought it was 11
  2643. Same
  2644. And brunch
  2645. I'll just eggs and bacon up here and head to rev after the doctor
  2646. I'm asking in slack
  2647. I thought it was at 11
  2648. Is anyone there rn?
  2649. Tfw have to miss free lunch for medical
  2650. I'm in Amy's car heading over
  2651. Ooooh
  2652. Don't worry she's not coming
  2653. Nah idk
  2654. Can't believe you didnt invite amy to demo day smh
  2655. ^
  2656. I think she was busy
  2657. Also in her position I wouldn't want to come
  2658. Why?
  2659. Lol megan was busy too
  2661. Says 11 here
  2662. The thing starts at 11 food gets there at noon
  2663. Oh cool
  2664. Y'all wanna show up?
  2665. Oooh
  2666. I do wanna show up :(
  2667. Paul wanna drive me?
  2668. I'm awake so eventually
  2669. I might be there after
  2670. At 1 or so
  2671. Anytime before like 1
  2672. Guys they just said it's 11
  2673. What's 11
  2675. Food
  2676. It's 11 now
  2677. Oh
  2678. Ava if you wait for Paul you'll miss it
  2679. so sarah put the wrong thing in?>
  2680. but i wanna play ow 😞
  2681. I missed my chance by the time I get there
  2682. Darn
  2683. You still need to talk to Alex
  2684. Ahhhhh
  2685. God damn it
  2686. There's like nobody here
  2687. But there is food
  2688. o shit
  2689. good food?
  2690. @fil is it cold?
  2691. Nah
  2692. Sandwiches cookies fruit
  2693. Ok leaving now
  2694. Ok
  2695. We need to clean our cubby sometime
  2696. ok I'm omw
  2697. Gotta go fast, only 2 sandwiches left
  2698. I wonder what Scott is doing
  2699. Probably sleeping
  2701. Local Scott Smith spotted
  2702. Wait what
  2703. Nice
  2704. He hasn't even been online lmao
  2705. 1 sandwich left, it's a race
  2706. Scott wins
  2707. 😢
  2708. Paul there's no food left
  2709. Not even cookies?
  2710. There are some blueberries
  2711. That's disappointing
  2712. Two cookies
  2713. I know I am 50 minutes late
  2714. Shoulda come on time
  2715. 1 cookie left
  2716. A hahaha Scott took the last one
  2717. I'm just buying food feelsbad
  2718. @benny just got my food from Megan
  2719. Yeet yote
  2720. Is 8gb of ram and 1.6 ghz processor enough
  2721. Aaaa the doctor is still at her 11:00
  2722. What?
  2723. How much boost and how many cores
  2724. 4 cores 3.6 boost
  2725. But 15 watts so it might not really be 3.6 boost
  2726. Omw
  2727. I think everyone left
  2728. I left at around 1
  2729. Ava and I are talking to Juan about the Cornell life
  2730. He took a class from my mom
  2731. Alex says the reimbursement is processed
  2732. So I guess I'll get another check sometimes soon
  2733. Where the fuck do I parker
  2734. Park
  2735. So much traffic
  2736. Hudson st
  2737. Or
  2738. Giles
  2739. Or the left side of seneca
  2740. I snagged hudson
  2741. Come fast
  2742. Media lady talking to us
  2743. They might want to put us in the paper they'll ask us to send a group pic if it work
  2748. Who wants to get a smiling team photo at the cbc docks today
  2749. sure?
  2750. why
  2751. they found one
  2752. They asked us to send one 58 minutes ago
  2753. For if they want to write a news article about us or something
  2754. less than 58 minutes ago the media lady said she found one that josh took
  2755. it looks very not-dead\
  2756. Are you sure?
  2757. positive
  2758. I thought you left around 2
  2759. huh
  2760. nah, closer to 3
  2761. actually after 3
  2762. Smh why not tell anyone
  2763. idk, i thought you heard?
  2764. i think paul was sitting there as well
  2765. Yeah just sorted it out
  2766. She sent a pitch to 3 local media outlets so I'll lyk if any reply
  2767. time is 4:34 battery voltage 3.21V
  2768. whoops 4:35
  2769. 4:37 unplugged charger then batt
  2770. to pick up brother
  2771. cool?
  2772. I tried to test charging circuit and 2 minutes into a 15 minute test heney needs the car like a little bitch
  2773. ok restarting, 3.28v @ 5:46
  2774. Btw Paul I'm not making the other boards because I don't want to leave them out overnight and it's too late in the day to start
  2776. I'm charging the battery up from 0% to see if that akes things good
  2777. I think the charge controller is pretty slow though because I was afraid of vson
  2778. Rev B: faster ccharge controller
  2779. I'm impatient and this sucks
  2780. Vson?
  2781. very small no leads
  2782. Revision B: no fears of small packages
  2783. fuuuuuck this takes so much longer to charge than a laptop or a phone
  2784. 500mA times 3000 mAh = 6 hours
  2785. It looks pretty stuck at 3.44 volts
  2786. Our power system could be way less complicated if we just kept the battery above 3.3V
  2788. By the time it's below 3.3V it's useless anyways
  2789. AlcoholEdu says that the BAC cutoff in NY is .05
  2790. but I'm pretty sure it's .08
  2791. Yeajh
  2792. That goofed me too
  2793. yeah
  2794. In fact
  2795. I bet we get MORE battery life by using a nice buck while limiting battery discharge, than we do by using a fancy inefficient buck-boost
  2796. is the buck/boost actually that inefficient?
  2797. My alcohol edu class won't start
  2798. The buck boost was 85%
  2799. Buck 95%
  2800. Our current boost then buck is 90% but expensive and complex
  2801. So while megan and I were cuddling in a compromising position and lack of clothing in my mom's car, in stewart park, right next to the boathouse
  2802. Megan says "that looks official" about an incoming headlights
  2803. And yep it looks like one of those police suvs
  2804. As it got closer, turns out its not a police suv
  2805. It's a truck that looks like Marty's pulling the cbc boat trailer
  2806. oh fuck
  2807. I have yet to hear any texts about it so either he didn't notice or didn't care or is too awkward to bring it up
  2808. Either way we gucci
  2809. Ahhhhh
  2810. We were the only car in the lot so there is 0 chance he didn't see the car at all
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