
Alone in the Woods-A Coyote's Bitch

Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. Being alone in the woods at night can be therapeutic. Scary? Sure, to some, perhaps, but not me. I could watch the stars above for hours on end and be at perfect peace - but I needed to find the right spot to do it. My favorite clearing was back further in the woods, and with my flashlight, I was making my way there.
  3. I'd come out here before, of course. Plenty of times, in fact. But tonight would be different - not that I was aware. But as I stepped around a bend with a tree nearby, a chill shot up my spine. I heard the one noise someone alone in the woods never wants to hear: The sound of a twig snapping. A sign telling me that I wasn't alone.
  5. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I slowly turned around, shakily aiming my flashlight at the source of the sound. I froze in abject terror as a piercing, glowing gaze stared back at me. Following the frightening eyes that were sizing me up, the body which owned them was that of a large, imposing canine - a coyote. I had only just now heard him... how long had he been tailing me before now?
  7. With a gulp, I started to turn away to walk. I tried desperately to not panic and run, but panic go the better of me as I took off, attempting to keep my way lit with my flashlight. My attempts were in vain, however, as a loose tree limb along the ground caught my foot, and I found myself thrown to the forest floor. I scrambled to get back to my feet, but was halted by an even more terrifying sound:
  8. The sound of a low, deep, commanding growl.
  10. Breathing deeply, I turned, shining my light behind myself as the fierce-looking canine stood behind me, fangs bared. Immediately, I began to fear for my life. I tried to move away, but the response to that was a fanged nip on my ass. Okay, so I can't try to get away. I had to find a way out of this desperate situation.
  12. It was at that moment... I had an idea. A disgusting, filthy, arguably immoral idea, but one that could save my life. I looked over the coyote's body - strong. And... between the legs? ...male. Very much male. This idea could work. But could I really do this? It would be a truly filthy act...
  14. My decision was made by the throaty snarl he wore near my ear. I would have to reduce myself to a slut for this beast, but it might save my life.
  16. With a resigned whine, I closed my eyes and swallowed my pride. I reached my hands back to my shorts, reaching under them to grab both them and the elastic band of my underwear. I whined again. This was so demeaning.
  18. I slid them down past my rear. I was always proud of it - I thought it was my best feature. Round, jiggly in the right places, and very spankable. I could only hope this predator would agree. Down past my shapely, clean-shaven legs, I laid into the dirt as a cold breeze reminded me why my nether-regions were clothed in the first place. Though I was indeed female, I was 'endowed' with a male's anatomy, and it didn't appreciate being let out here. Its neighboring hole was going to be much less appreciative, though.
  20. After I tossed my shorts and underwear away, my ass in the air on a moonlight night, presenting my body to a literal canine, I gulped, closed my eyes, and waited. The snarl from the predator faded, blessedly. I breathed an uneasy sigh of relief, until I felt his wet nose probing my backside. It was awkward and embarrassing, but I felt my pride licked out of me by his warm, rough tongue lapping at my hole as if he wanted to prepare it for himself. I groaned out of sheer embarrassment, feeling him lap my dignity away.
  22. After what felt like hours of his experimental tongue-fucking, I felt it cease, and once more felt relief. This relief, however, was incredibly short-lived as I felt fur paws grip around my sides to hold me in place, furry chest laid into my back. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, bracing myself, hoping for some other kind of out.
  24. Then, I felt the tapered tip of his red rocket pushing against my backside.
  26. I whined in equal measures fear and mortification. But perhaps a bit of... excitement? The coyote's warm body over me seemed to exude power and almost a sense of authority that it would be hard to not find at least a LITTLE bit of a turn-on. But...
  28. My internalized debate came to an abrupt end as I felt his tip start to squeeze its way inside of me. It forced its way inside, and I winced in pain. He was BIG - much bigger than I expected. His tip jammed into my anus, I gulped and gasped, only for any moment of respite to be stolen as his throbbing, veiny shaft followed suit, my tight booty being invaded by an intruder that was in all honestly probably too big to be in there.
  30. His forepaws squeezed down on my body and he growled contentedly as it seemed like endless inches poured inside of me. Finally, he bottomed out - I felt fuzzy balls rubbing against my own, as if I needed my dignity dragged through the mud any more as it was. I took a moment to breathe, and that one moment is all he gave me.
  32. I felt his hips contract, his red rocket slide out a bit - and then he began to piston his legs and hips, nailing me into the forest floor like his omega bitch. His thick meat thoroughly stretched my poor booty, reshaping it to fit the needs of himself, an animal.
  34. The worst part?
  36. The absolute worst part?
  38. It felt pretty damn good.
  40. I moaned whorishly only moments after he started violating my butt. He had such power, such authority - I felt compelled to submit. I leaned my head back and let my tongue loll languidly, and he responded by lapping the insides of my mouth and throat. It felt gross, but in the best possible way - the kind that made my own by comparison pathetic little meat tingle and wobble beneath me helplessly.
  42. After a few minutes, he was still throatfucking me with his tongue and railing my ass as hard as he could, treating me as though he owned me.
  43. But he did, didn't he? I was that much of a doggie-slut that I was willing to let that be the case. Owned by a wild coyote - there was certainly more pride-inducing ways to live, but few that satisfied my desires so deeply. He slipped his canine tongue out of my mouth, leaving it and my throat thoroughly coated in his thick saliva. It was disgusting and I loved it, whore that I was.
  45. Moaning like a skank, I was brought out of my reverie temporarily by a forceful pressing at my ass's opening. A firm pressing, something insistent, something demanding entry.
  46. It was a thick, bulging knot.
  48. He was going to knot me like a pack bitch! Try to impregnate me with his puppy-producing sperm. I started to feel concern over that possibility - that thing would tear my ass up! I tried to escape, but was met with forceful growling. I got the message - I had to endure this.
  50. I braced for it. And with a squeeeeeze and a POP!... the veiny, engorged bulge slipped into my ass, holding me there firmly. My own dick couldn't take it any more, spurting uselessly into the dirt. Even worse, he maneuvered himself around forcing me ass-to-ass, truly treating me like his bitch, but it only intensified my orgasm as I moaned deeply.
  52. It was only moments later that he hit his own, and I felt warm, wonderfully satisfying canine cum get pumped into me - it seemed to flow without end, the thick cream pumping my belly full, making me look as pregnant as he was trying to make me. Under the intensity of orgasm and the knot deep inside, I passed out in sexual bliss.
  54. Hours later, my eyes fluttered open. I felt something leaking from my bare ass - a touch to it, a sniff, then a taste (it tasted great) confirmed my suspicions of its origin - coyote cum. It was steadily dripping, and my belly still looked at least 6 months pregnant. I thought I was alone... but I heard the all-too-familiar growl again, a lap at my neck with a gentle nip, nudging me back to all fours.
  56. I knew immediately what he was trying to tell me, and I was excited for it.
  58. He owned me.
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