
The Battle for Brindol

Aug 21st, 2020
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  1. War has come to the humans, and you assholes are their final trump card. The Battle for Brindol, being an epic, is going to happen in several parts, but in addition to that there will be some sort of minigames going on. Whether you choose to participate in said stuff is on you, but obviously succeeding or failing them will have boons associated for each side of the battle.
  3. Warfare
  4. It's a war, so there will be warfare. Check the warfare section of the Strongholds and Follower's rules for what to do there. Unit cards will be assigned for all units under your control during the encounter, and will span the several encounters of the night. Defeating the opposing army before the final battle will impose a buff on you, and losing it (or opting out entirely) will buff the enemy.
  6. Allies
  7. Over the course of your adventure, you've managed to secure allies who now come to aid the last human resistance in Elsir Vale. Once during the session, you may use each of the following once:
  9. Your faithful spy
  10. Idalla has been busy. Not only has she been hard at work making sure your keep gets built, and bartered diplomatic relationships between the Brindol and the Wrymbreaker clan, she's used her shapeshifting powers to get information to you and to Brindol. Not only did she locate the Fane of Tiamat where the High Wrymlord sits, but she also managed to gather intel. Once during the session, you can probe her to ask about the following encounter for the night, and she can give you some details. Such information may inform how to best use your spells and abilities in the coming encounters.
  12. Owl Squadron
  13. Led by your faithful retainer, Trellara Nightshadow, a squadron of owl riding snipers attacks all targets on the battlefield with a hail or arrows. The arrows are non-magical, and deal a total of 6d6 piercing damage divided among enemies on the battlefield.
  15. The Forest Giants
  16. The Giants will show up as a unit in warfare, and their battle magic not only effects the war, but also encounter, so pay attention on when to use it.
  18. Defender of All the Earth
  19. Someone in your party has a nonsense book, so I wanted to remind him he had a battle magic he can also use once during the battle, as well as an ace in the hole should things get really bad.
  21. See you Wednesday when I kill you all and feed this world to our dark goddess! Hail Tiamat.
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