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Jan 17th, 2020
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  1. import sys, time, os
  2. def no(): #fix for cButton function, used as a default command
  3. pass
  4. class Error(Exception):
  5. pass
  6. class utils():
  7. def __init__(self):
  8. import time
  9. self.varstore = {}
  10. self.textlen = 0
  11. def writelines(self, text): #print over same line
  12. self.text = text
  13. sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * self.textlen + '\r')
  14. sys.stdout.flush()
  15. sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(self.text) + '\r')
  16. sys.stdout.flush()
  17. self.textlen = len(text)
  18. def sleeper(self, interval): #sleep in miliseconds
  19. interval = interval/1000
  20. time.sleep(interval)
  21. def var_store(self, text="", key=""):
  22. if ley != "":
  23. if text != "":
  24. self.varstore[key] = text
  25. else:
  26. return self.varstore[key]
  27. def pad(self, input, length):
  28. x = ""
  29. for i in range(length-len(str(input))):
  30. x+="0"
  31. x+=str(input)
  32. return x
  33. def help(self):
  34. commands = """
  35. writelines(text): wrights the text string to the stdout and then flushes the line, overwrights line each time.
  36. sleeper(interval): same as time.sleep(interval) but uses interval in miliseconds rather than seconds.
  37. var_store(text, key): stores the text string as a instanced variable. Stores multiple using unique key.
  38. pad(input, length): adds leading 0s to input untill input meets lenght
  39. """
  40. return commands
  41. class serialHandler():
  42. def __init__(self, ser="", timeout=1, baudrate=9600):
  43. import serial
  44. if ser == "" or not isinstance(ser, basestring):
  45. raise Error("Exception: 'serialHandler(address)'. please include the serial port address as a string")
  46. self.ser = serial.Serial(ser, baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=timeout, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
  47. print("created serial port with options p:%s b:%s t:%s" %(ser, str(baudrate), str(timeout)))
  48. def read(self):
  49. count = 0
  50. msg = ""
  51. tries = 4
  52. while len(msg) < 1:
  53. msg = self.ser.readline()
  54. count += 1
  55. if count >= tries:
  56. return "Error reading from serial"
  57. break
  58. return msg
  59. def write(self, text):
  60. if text == "" or not isinstance(text, basestring):
  61. raise Error("Exception: 'serialHandler.write(text)'. text must be a valid string")
  62. else:
  63. self.ser.write(text)
  64. self.ser.flush()
  65. def close(self):
  66. self.ser.close()
  67. pass
  68. def help():
  69. commands = """
  70. init(serial): uses serial string to create an instanced serial connection using default values. serial string is the port.
  71. 'baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False'
  72. read(): reads data from the serial. if there is no data will retry untill there is data or it has tried 1000 times. returs string of the data.
  73. write(text): wrights data to the instanced serial connection.
  74. """
  75. return commands
  76. class TkUtils:
  77. def __init__(self, log, root):
  78. try:
  79. import Tkinter
  80. self.TkUtil = Tkinter
  81. except:
  82. import tkinter
  83. self.TkUtil = tkinter
  84. import threading
  85. import time
  86. import traceback
  87. self.traceback = traceback
  88. self.time = time
  89. self.threading = threading
  90. self.log = log
  91. self.root = root
  92. self.active_window = None
  93. self.active_side = None
  94. self.active_scroll = None
  95. = False
  96. self.moving = False
  97. def cButton(self, element, borderwidth=0, width=0, height=0, fg="#07a501", bg="white", text="", relief="groove", padx=0, pady=0, command=no(), side=None, expand=0, fill=None, state="normal", anchor="nsew", cursor="hand2", font=None, image=None, justify=None): #basic button
  98. try:
  99. if state != "normal":
  100. cursor="arrow"
  101. b = self.TkUtil.Button(element, borderwidth=borderwidth, width=width, height=height, fg=fg, bg=bg, text=text, padx=padx, pady=pady, relief=relief, command=command, state=state, cursor=cursor, font=font, image=image, justify=justify)
  102. b.pack(side=side, expand=expand, fill=fill)
  103. return b
  104. except Exception as err:
  105. self.log.error("atk.cButton failed\n%s" %err)
  106. def cFrame(self, element, bg="white", borderwidth=0, relief="groove", side=None, padx=0, pady=0, height=0, width=0, expand=0, fill=None, image=None, highlightbackground=None, highlightcolor=None, highlightthickness=0):#basic frame
  107. try:
  108. f = self.TkUtil.Frame(element, bg=bg, borderwidth=borderwidth, relief=relief, height=height, width=width, image=image, highlightbackground=highlightbackground, highlightcolor=highlightcolor, highlightthickness=highlightthickness)
  109. f.pack(side=side, padx=padx, pady=pady, expand=expand, fill=fill)
  110. return f
  111. except Exception as err:
  112. self.log.error("atk.cFrame failed\n%s" %err)
  113. return None
  114. def create_overlay(self, over, event, title, height=400, width=400):
  115. if self.active_window != None:
  116. self.clear_overlay(self.TkUtil.Event())
  117. self.create_overlay(over, event, title, height, width)
  118. else:
  119. try:
  120. try:
  121. rootx = self.root.winfo_width()
  122. rooty = self.root.winfo_height()
  123. except:
  124. rootx = 200
  125. rooty = 150
  126. self.log.log("create_overlay could not get width or height")
  127. window = self.TkUtil.Canvas(over, width=width, height=height, bg="white", relief="groove", highlightbackground="black", highlightcolor="black", highlightthickness=1, borderwidth=4)
  128. self.active_window = window
  129. window.pack_propagate(False)
  130., y=(rooty/2)-(height/4))
  131. self.root.update_idletasks()
  132. self.root.update()
  133. spacer = self.cFrame(window, padx=7, pady=7, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH)
  134. Title = self.TkUtil.Label(spacer, text=title, justify=self.TkUtil.RIGHT, font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="#EEEEEE", padx=10, pady=5, cursor="fleur")
  135. Title.pack(side=self.TkUtil.LEFT, expand=1, fill=self.TkUtil.X)
  136. #Title.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event(), w=window, run=True: self.move_window(e, w, run))
  137. #Title.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event(), w=window, run=False: self.move_window(e, w, run))
  138. Title.bind("<B1-Motion>", lambda e=event, w=window: self.move_window_thread(w, e))
  139. close = self.cButton(spacer, text="X", relief="raised", borderwidth=1, fg="black", side=self.TkUtil.RIGHT, command=lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event(): self.clear_overlay(e))
  140. spacer = self.cFrame(window, side=self.TkUtil.BOTTOM, pady=3)
  141. self.set_pos(window)
  142. except:
  143. self.log.log("atk.create_overlay failed")
  144. pass
  145. return "break"
  146. def clear_overlay(self, event): #clear overlayed canvas
  147. self.log.log("atk.autil clearing windows")
  148. if self.active_window != None:
  149. self.active_window.destroy()
  150. self.active_window = None
  151. return "break"
  152. def overlay(self, over, event, title, height=400, width=400):
  153. if self.active_window == None:
  154. self.create_overlay(over, event, title, width=width, height=height)
  155. return self.active_window
  156. else:
  157. self.clear_overlay(self.TkUtil.Event())
  158. self.create_overlay(over, event, title, width=width, height=height)
  159. return self.active_window
  160. def move_window(self, event, window, run):
  161. = run
  162. if
  163. t= self.threading.Thread(target=self.move_window_thread,args=(window, event))
  164. t.start()
  165. def move_window_thread(self, window, event):
  166. try:
  167. if not self.moving:
  168. self.moving = True
  169. self.root.update_idletasks()
  170. self.root.update()
  171. #self.time.sleep(0.05)
  172. if(self.root.winfo_pointerx() != "??" and self.root.winfo_pointery() != "??"):
  173. - self.root.winfo_rootx())-window.winfo_width()/2, y=self.root.winfo_pointery() - self.root.winfo_rooty()-10)
  174. #self.time.sleep(0.05)
  175. self.moving= False
  176. except Exception as err:
  177. exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
  178. self.log.error("move_window_thread failed\n%s, %s, %s, %s" %(err, exc_type, exc_obj, self.traceback.print_tb(exc_tb)))
  179. pass
  180. def set_pos(self, window):
  181. try:
  182. rootx = self.root.winfo_width()
  183. rooty= self.root.winfo_height()
  184. wx = window.winfo_width()
  185. wy = window.winfo_height()
  186. except:
  187. rootx = 200
  188. rooty = 150
  189. wx = 400
  190. wy = 400
  191. self.log.log("set_pos failed")
  192., y=(rooty/2)-(wy/2))
  193. def scrollable_area2(self, holder):
  194. try:
  195. base_frame = self.cFrame(holder, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH, expand=1, padx=5, pady=5)
  196. base_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=0)
  197. base_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
  198. can = self.TkUtil.Canvas(base_frame, bg="white")
  199. can.pack(side=self.TkUtil.LEFT, expand=1, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH)
  200. scrollArea = self.cFrame(base_frame, bg="white", side=self.TkUtil.LEFT, expand=1, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH)
  201. can.create_window(0, 0, window=scrollArea, anchor='nw')
  202. Scroll = self.TkUtil.Scrollbar(base_frame, orient=self.TkUtil.VERTICAL)
  203. Scroll.config(command=can.yview)
  204. Scroll.pack(side=self.TkUtil.RIGHT, fill=self.TkUtil.Y)
  205. can.config(yscrollcommand=Scroll.set)
  206. scrollArea.bind("<Configure>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event(), c=can: self.update_scrollregion(e, c))
  207. base_frame.bind("<Enter>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event():self.set_active(e, can))
  208. base_frame.bind("<Leave>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event():self.unset_active(e))
  209. return scrollArea, can
  210. except Exception as err:
  211. exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
  212. self.log.error("get_access_users failed\n%s, %s, %s, %s" %(err, exc_type, exc_obj, self.traceback.print_tb(exc_tb)))
  213. def h_scrollable_area(self, holder):
  214. try:
  215. base_frame = self.cFrame(holder, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH, expand=1, padx=5, pady=5)
  216. base_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=0)
  217. base_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
  218. can = self.TkUtil.Canvas(base_frame, bg="white")
  219. can.pack(side=self.TkUtil.TOP, expand=1, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH)
  220. scrollArea = self.cFrame(base_frame, bg="white", side=self.TkUtil.TOP, expand=1, fill=self.TkUtil.BOTH)
  221. can.create_window(0, 0, window=scrollArea, anchor='nw')
  222. Scroll = self.TkUtil.Scrollbar(base_frame, orient=self.TkUtil.HORIZONTAL)
  223. Scroll.config(command=can.xview)
  224. Scroll.pack(side=self.TkUtil.BOTTOM, fill=self.TkUtil.X)
  225. can.config(xscrollcommand=Scroll.set)
  226. scrollArea.bind("<Configure>", lambda e=self.TkUtil.Event(), c=can: self.update_scrollregion(e, c))
  227. return scrollArea, can
  228. except Exception as err:
  229. exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
  230. self.log.error("get_access_users failed\n%s, %s, %s, %s" %(err, exc_type, exc_obj, self.traceback.print_tb(exc_tb)))
  231. def set_active(self, event, canvas):
  232. self.active_scroll = canvas
  233. pass
  234. def unset_active(self, event):
  235. self.active_scroll = None
  236. pass
  237. def reset_scroll(self, element):
  238. self.root.nametowidget(element.winfo_parent()).yview_moveto(0)
  239. self.root.nametowidget(element.winfo_parent()).yview_scroll(0, "units")
  240. def _on_mousescroll(self, event):
  241. if self.active_scroll != None:
  242. self.active_scroll.yview_scroll(-1*(, "units")
  243. def update_scrollregion(self, event, can):
  244. can.configure(scrollregion=can.bbox("all"))
  245. pass
  246. def OnCanvasConfigure(self, event, can, scroll):
  247. canvas_width = event.width
  248. can.itemconfig(scroll, width = canvas_width)
  249. def test_buttons(self, main, defaultIcon):
  250. self.root.update_idletasks()
  251. self.root.update()
  252. for i in range(20):
  253. Packer, state = self.cFrame(main, bg="white", borderwidth=2, width=400, relief=self.TkUtil.RAISED, fill=self.TkUtil.X, expand=1)
  254. L= self.TkUtil.Label(Packer, anchor=self.TkUtil.W, justify=self.TkUtil.LEFT, text="Test %s"%i, bg="red", borderwidth=0)
  255. L.pack(side=self.TkUtil.LEFT, fill=self.TkUtil.X)
  256. L2= self.TkUtil.Label(Packer, anchor=self.TkUtil.W, image=defaultIcon)
  257. L2.pack(side=self.TkUtil.RIGHT)
  258. class Log: #class to write to log file with time stamps
  259. def __init__(self, appname):
  260. import os, traceback, time
  261. self.traceback = traceback
  262. self.os = os
  263. self.time = time
  264. if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): #windows path fix
  265. self.exe = self.os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
  266. elif __file__:
  267. self.exe = self.os.path.dirname(__file__)
  268. if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(str(os.environ['USERPROFILE'])+"\\Documents\\%s\\" %appname)):
  269. os.makedirs(str(os.environ['USERPROFILE'])+"\\Documents\\%s\\" %appname)
  270. self.fname = str(os.environ['USERPROFILE'])+"\\Documents\\%s\\debug.log" %appname
  271. self.logfile = None
  272. def error(self, error):
  273. exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
  274. trace_stack = self.traceback.extract_tb(exc_tb)[-1]
  275. trace_format = "Error in file "+str(trace_stack[0])+"\r on line "+str(trace_stack[1])+", from module '"+str(trace_stack[2])+"'\r "+str(trace_stack[3])
  276. try:
  277. self.logfile = open(self.fname, "a+")
  278. except:
  279. self.logfile = open(self.fname, "w+")
  280. strtime = str(self.time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y,(%z),%H:%M:%S"))
  281. self.logfile.write("error: %s, %s, %s\r" %(strtime, error, trace_format))
  282. self.logfile.close()
  283. self.logfile = None
  284. def log(self, log):
  285. try:
  286. self.logfile = open(self.fname, "a+")
  287. except:
  288. self.logfile = open(self.fname, "w+")
  289. strtime = str(self.time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y,(%z),%H:%M:%S"))
  290. self.logfile.write("log: %s, %s\r" %(strtime, log))
  291. self.logfile.close()
  292. self.logfile = None
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