
GodsEye config.yml

Jul 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. #=+= GodsEye Configuration =+=
  2. # Placeholders: / note PlaceHolderAPI is also supported /
  3. # %player% - player's name
  4. # %guiplayer% - the name of the player related to gui actions
  5. # %hack% - hack name
  6. # %world% - the world that player is at
  7. # %maxflags%
  8. # %tps%
  9. # %ping%
  10. # %type%
  11. # %flags%
  12. # %data%
  14. prefix: '&6GodsEye >> &7'
  16. Punishment settings:
  17. # Amount of kicks before ban
  18. Kicks: 2
  19. # Kicking command
  20. Kick command: 'kick %player% &7You have been kicked for hacking : &4GODSEYE CHEAT DETECTION'
  21. # Banning command
  22. Ban command: 'ban %player% &7You have been banned for hacking : &4GODSEYE CHEAT DETECTION'
  23. # Ban waves
  24. BanWave:
  25. # Enable/Disable ban waves
  26. Banwaves: Disabled
  27. # How much time between ban waves, in hours
  28. Banwave timer: 24
  29. # Ban effects
  30. BanEffects:
  31. # Enable/Disable ban effects
  32. Ban effects: Enabled
  33. # Choose ban effect
  34. # 1 - Guardians can see everything
  35. # 2 - The lightning of the gods
  36. # 3 - Sword fall
  37. Ban effect index: 2
  39. # here you can change the commands and settings of the gui
  40. # Console_executor will execute the command from the console
  41. # Player_executor will execute the command as if the player have executed the command
  42. Gui settings:
  43. Profile:
  44. Teleport:
  45. Console_executor:
  46. - tp %player% %guiplayer%
  47. Player_executor:
  50. Messages:
  51. Ban Broadcast: '&9&l%player% &7has been &c&lbanned&7 for hacking, I can see everything!'
  52. Kick Broadcast: '&9&l%player% &7has been &c&lkicked&7 for hacking, I can see everything!'
  53. # This message will not be affected by prefix and the hack name color is changing according
  54. # to the violations count
  55. Alert Message: '&b&ke&r &c&lGodsEye > &6%player% &eis suspected for&r %hack%'
  56. Verbose Message: '&c%player% &7failed &c%hack% &8[&r%type%&8] [&rx%flags%&8]'
  57. Verbose Message With Data: '&c%player% &7failed &c%hack% &8[&r%type%&8] [&rx%flags%&8] [&r%data%&8]'
  58. No permissions message: '&7You dont have permission to use this command.'
  61. AC settings:
  62. # will improve InventoryActions check if enabled
  63. Use InventoryOpenAchievement: true
  64. # will spoof the health of players to prevent damage indicators (only for 1.8.X servers)
  65. HealthSpoofer: true
  66. # Aggressive TPS Protection, makes GodsEye stop checking players at all when TPS is very low
  67. # This setting will not affect normal TPS protection, its just another layer of protection
  68. Aggressive TPS Protection: Enabled
  69. # Activate and check if the player has GodsEye.bypass.<check>
  70. # Note! enabling this may spam permissions checking request (a problem if you use a permissions database)
  71. Check specific permissions: Disabled
  72. # This will automatically update your config file to the latest version without resetting it, however
  73. # this would not update any value, this will only add or remove lines from the config and this removes
  74. # any comments or spaces in the config so everything would look like one big chunk of text
  75. AutoUpdate_config: Disabled
  78. GodsEye Professional:
  79. License: ''
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