
Fort Snuggles Sleepover

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley was sitting on the the kitchen island, scrolling through all the stories that had already been on the internet since the press conference. She couldn't help herself. // "I think we can order some pie from Depot Cafe and have it delivered by GrubHub if we're expediant." She smiled at the others before going to the television. "You guys wanna watch Futurama?"
  2. Covet: "I like that idea, Pie and Futurama."Eli said with a grin as he made his way into the living room to pull up netflix, " What kind of pie sounds good for you guys? I am game for anything so long as we can get two, because I'm feeling the pie cravings." He said trying not to force the chipper mood too far.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood in front of the stove with the fucking jiffy pop because stop me I dare you, shaking it by the handle back and forth as the aluminum bubble grew. "I'm always in the mood for pie. And in honor of Thanksgiving being so close, might I suggest pumpkin, sweet potato, or apple?"-
  4. Tsaaq: She looked up from her phone and bit the inside of her cheek. "Apple pie sounds good I guess." Hayley said, still looking through her phone. // "I'm leaning towards apple pie as well." She went to stand by Eli, nodding her head in Hayley's direction and gritting her teeth before nudging him.
  5. Covet: "Apple sounds great to me, order that up." He said with a smile as he flipped to the earliest season Netflix had, Then he turned to look towards Hayley as Bliss nudged him. "What's got your attention over there Hayley? Should we make a no phone rule for tonight? "
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Once the jiffy pop was fucking huge, Adam pulled it off the burner of the stove and ripped it open, grabbing the bowl he'd set out and dumping the hot popcorn into it, moving it over to where Hayley and Bliss were standing. "Why don't you have some popcorn and stop looking at things that are just going to upset you?"-
  7. Tsaaq: She frowned and put her phone in her pockets. "Sorry..." She trailed off as she hopped off the counter and went to stand beside Adam. "It's just that... Everybody is talking about it. I guess it's kind of scaring me." Hayley muttered. "Anyways... Pie and Futurama?" She forced a smile as she went to stare at the jiffy pop. // Bliss exhaled a sigh of relief then turned to Eli. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "They can sleep in the fort if they want?" She suggested. "Would you two like that tonight?"
  8. Covet: "It's okay to be scared. We're here if you want to talk about it. I just don't want you feeling like you're not involved with us tonight." Eli said with a soft look at her, then nodded his head at Bliss after she kissed him, "Of course. You're more than welcome to make yourselves at home here tonight."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I think that would be really nice tonight. Wouldn't you like that?" He asked Hayley, putting a hand on her back, but also grabbing a handful of popcorn to toss into his mouth.-
  10. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head and a more genuine smile. "Yeah I definitely would like that." She answered. She went to grab some popcorn and went to toss it into his mouth as well with a laugh. // "And just take solace in the thought that nobody is downstairs prowling and trying to get a quote from you." Bliss said to her and gave a comforting smile. "Now let's watch Futurama! I've ordered the pie."
  11. Covet: "Great. I agree with Bliss. Time to enjoy some mindless animated goodness." he said as he went to sit in his chair, pulling Bliss along with him to sit in his lap, leaving the couch for Adam and Hayley. "I'm sad they took off the first seasons, It's just not quite the same to start it not from the beginning again."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Adam tried to catch the popcorn in his mouth, but he sucks at that so he was just chomping at air, essentially. Leaning down to pick up the dropped pieces from the floor, he chucked them over into the trash before gesturing toward the living. "Shall we watch Futurama?" He asked her before starting over to drop down onto the couch.-
  13. Tsaaq: She nodded her head again. "Okay." She went to skip over to the couch and cozied up beside him. "Wait we're not watching the old episodes? What episodes dot hey have?" // "I know. It was disheartening." Bliss sighed. "But these episodes are just as funny. Even though I'm a sucker for the older ones."
  14. Covet: "From Season seven and up I think." Eli said to Hayley then pressed a kiss to Bliss's shoulder. "That's true, it does stay pretty consistent with the early episodes. Fry really is the greatest character in this show. Bender's good, but Fry is just wholesome for a twentieth century guy."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Fry is by far the best. Although I have to say I'm also a big fan of the Professor." He said with a laugh, stretching his arm out along the back of the couch behind Hayley.-
  16. Tsaaq: "I always liked Leela." Hayley piped up. "And the Professor. I think he's underrated." She said as her eyes went to glance to the television. // "Fry?" She asked as she went to shake her head. "He's so silly though. He makes so many mistakes." She chuckled.
  17. Covet: "Hey you can't help but love the guy, and you can't blame him, He's from a thousand years in the past." Eli said with a laugh, then mimicked the professor, "Good News Everyone!" Giving Bliss a bit of a squeeze on the bum he smiled at her, "Leela is the only real compentent crew member, that's for sure."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Hey Amy isn't too bad. She's intelligent, she just makes poor decisions a lot of the time. She needs better guidance." He said with a laugh.-
  19. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I do like Fry even though he's a dumbass. He's cute because he's always really loved Leela." She said with a nod of ther head. "Yeah but Amy is always fucking up. And she's obsessed with peen." Hayley said as she snickered. // "I'm pretty sure he was silly before he got frozen honey." Bliss began to snicker as she went to nuzzle him. She squeaked at the butt squeeze.
  20. Covet: "He's definitely a hopeless romantic. Which is probably why I can relate to him so much." He said with a grin, hearing Bliss's squeak. "Amy, gets better... once she realizes how great Kiff is. Then they brake up, then they're back together again, then she gets him pregnant." Eli said with a laugh and a shrug.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Like I said, she needs guidance." He said with a laugh, sweeping his hand over the top of his hair. "I always liked Kiff."-
  22. Tsaaq: "You would." Hayley playfully poked him in his arm. "I should've taken a bet on that. I was literally just waiting for you to say it." She began to laugh again. // "Ooooh. It all makes sense now." Bliss nodded her head. "They tend to go back and forth but true love, as always prevails."
  23. Covet: "Mhhm. I think my favorite episode is probably the one where Fry sells his hands to the robot devil so that he can play that instrument masterfully for Leela, but in the end there was more romance in the bad version once he got his own hands back." Eli said as he nuzzled Bliss's neck while watching the screen.
  24. Alexithymiaa: (I fucking love that episode)
  25. Alexithymiaa: "That's a great one." Adam said with a nod, laughing at Hayley. "You know me too well." He leaned over to kiss her cheek before turning his attention back to the screen to watch the Futuramas.-
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