
Fruit Battlegrounds PVP ESP

Dec 4th, 2022
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  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  2. local lib = loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://7657867786")[1].Source)()
  3. local subs = lib.subs
  4. local libclose = subs.Wait
  6. local window = lib:CreateWindow({
  7. Name = "Novaline | Novaz#0001",
  8. Themeable = {
  9. Info = {"Kalas A Skid"},
  10. Credit = false,
  11. Background = "",
  12. Visible = true
  13. }
  14. })
  16. local main1 = window:CreateTab({
  17. Name = "Main"
  18. })
  20. local section1 = main1:CreateSection({
  21. Name = "ESP"
  22. })
  24. section1:AddToggle({
  25. Name = "ESP",
  26. Value = false,
  27. Flag = "ESP",
  28. Callback = function(state)
  29. esp = state
  30. end
  31. })
  33. section1:AddToggle({
  34. Name = "Names",
  35. Value = false,
  36. Flag = "ESPN",
  37. Callback = function(state)
  38. espname = state
  39. end
  40. })
  42. section1:AddToggle({
  43. Name = "Health",
  44. Value = false,
  45. Flag = "ESPH",
  46. Callback = function(state)
  47. esphealth = state
  48. end
  49. })
  51. section1:AddToggle({
  52. Name = "Distance",
  53. Value = false,
  54. Flag = "ESPD",
  55. Callback = function(state)
  56. espdistance = state
  57. end
  58. })
  60. section1:AddToggle({
  61. Name = "Fruit",
  62. Value = false,
  63. Flag = "ESPF",
  64. Callback = function(state)
  65. espfruit = state
  66. end
  67. })
  69. section1:AddToggle({
  70. Name = "Level",
  71. Value = false,
  72. Flag = "ESPL",
  73. Callback = function(state)
  74. esplevel = state
  75. end
  76. })
  78. section1:AddSlider({
  79. Name = "ESP Size",
  80. Value = 20,
  81. Min = 1,
  82. Max = 50,
  83. Precise = 1,
  84. Flag = "ESPS",
  85. Callback = function(value)
  86. espsize = value
  87. end
  88. })
  90. section1:AddColorpicker({
  91. Name = "ESP Color",
  92. Value = "rainbow",
  93. Flag = "ESPCOL",
  94. Callback = function(val)
  95. espcolor = val
  96. end
  97. })
  99. local drawings = {}
  100. RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  101. for i,v in pairs(drawings) do
  102. if v[1] and v[1].Character and v[1].Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v[1].Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
  103. local x, c = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  104. if x and c then
  105. pcall(function()
  106. v[2].Text =((espname and "Name: "..v[1].Name..((v[1].Name ~= v[1].DisplayName and " | "..v[1].DisplayName) or "").."\n") or "")
  107. ..((esphealth and "Health: "..math.floor(v[1].Character.Humanoid.Health).."/"..math.floor(v[1].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth).."\n") or "")
  108. ..((espdistance and "Distance: "..math.floor((HumanoidRootPart.Position - v[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude).."m\n") or "")
  109. ..((espfruit and "Fruit: "..(v[1]:FindFirstChild("MAIN_DATA") and v[1].MAIN_DATA:FindFirstChild("Slot") and v[1].MAIN_DATA:FindFirstChild("Slots") and tostring(v[1].MAIN_DATA.Slots:FindFirstChild(v[1].MAIN_DATA.Slot.Value) and v[1].MAIN_DATA.Slots:FindFirstChild(v[1].MAIN_DATA.Slot.Value).Value)).."\n") or "")
  110. ..((esplevel and "Level: "..math.floor(((v[1].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth - 100) / 4)).."\n") or "")
  111. v[2].Visible = (esp or false)
  112. v[2].Position =, x.Y)
  113. v[2].Size = (espsize or 20)
  114. v[2].Color = (espcolor or Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0))
  115. end)
  116. else
  117. pcall(function()
  118. v[2].Visible = false
  119. end)
  120. end
  121. elseif v[1] then
  122. pcall(function()
  123. v[2].Visible = false
  124. end)
  125. elseif (not v[1]) then
  126. pcall(function()
  127. v[2]:Remove()
  128. end)
  129. end
  130. end
  131. end)
  133. for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  134. if v == Player then
  135. continue
  136. end
  137. task.spawn(function()
  138. local x ="Text")
  139. x.Position =
  140. x.Text = ""
  141. x.Visible = false
  142. x.Size = 15
  143. x.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
  144. x.Center = true
  145. x.Outline = true
  146. x.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(1, 1, 1)
  147. table.insert(drawings, {v, x})
  148. end)
  149. end
  151. Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr)
  152. task.spawn(function()
  153. local x ="Text")
  154. x.Position =
  155. x.Text = ""
  156. x.Visible = false
  157. x.Size = 15
  158. x.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
  159. x.Center = true
  160. x.Outline = true
  161. x.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(1, 1, 1)
  162. table.insert(drawings, {plr, x})
  163. end)
  164. end)
  166. Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Plr)
  167. for i,v in pairs(drawings) do
  168. if v[1] and v[1] == Plr then
  169. task.spawn(function()
  170. pcall(function()
  171. for i = 1, 10 do
  172. v[2]:Remove()
  173. task.wait(.1)
  174. end
  175. end)
  176. end)
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end)
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