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a guest
Aug 10th, 2012
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  1. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.3.1
  2. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
  3. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Loading properties
  4. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Generating keypair
  5. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on ****
  6. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.3.1-R1.0-b2320jnks (MC: 1.3.1) (Implementing API version 1.3.1-R1.0)
  7. 20:55:50 SuperpermBridge: Superperm/Permissions bridge initialized
  8. 20:55:50 WorldEdit: Loading WorldEdit v5.3
  9. 20:55:50 BukkitCompat: Loading BukkitCompat vr20A
  10. 20:55:50 PlgSetspawn: Loading PlgSetspawn v5.0
  11. 20:55:50 Permissions: Loading Permissions v2.7.7
  12. 20:55:50 PermissionsBukkit: Loading PermissionsBukkit v1.6
  13. 20:55:50 ZPort: Loading ZPort v4.1
  14. 20:55:50 mcbans: Loading mcbans v3.8
  15. 20:55:50 Herochat: Loading Herochat v5.6.0
  16. 20:55:50 Vault: Loading Vault v1.2.16-b184
  17. 20:55:50 Simple: Prefix] Loading Simple Prefix v2.0.1
  18. 20:55:50 WorldGuard: Loading WorldGuard v5.5.3
  19. 20:55:50 Essentials: Loading Essentials v2.9.2
  20. 20:55:50 PreciousStones: Loading PreciousStones v9.3.0
  21. 20:55:50 ChestShop: Loading ChestShop v3.46
  22. 20:55:50 Vault: Enabling Vault v1.2.16-b184
  23. 20:55:50 Vault]: Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  24. 20:55:50 Vault]: PermissionsBukkit hooked.
  25. 20:55:50 Vault]: PermissionsBukkit found: Waiting
  26. 20:55:50 Vault]: SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  27. 20:55:50 Vault: Enabled Version 1.2.16-b184
  28. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Preparing level "****"
  29. 20:55:50 CONSOLE: [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: ****)
  30. 20:55:52 WorldEdit: Enabling WorldEdit v5.3
  31. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] WEPIF: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
  32. 20:55:52 BukkitCompat: Enabling BukkitCompat vr20A
  33. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] MCMACOMPAT r20A
  34. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] McMyAdmin Compatibility Plugin version r20A started.
  35. 20:55:52 PlgSetspawn: Enabling PlgSetspawn v5.0
  36. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] PlgSetspawn version 5.0 is enabled!
  37. 20:55:52 Permissions: Enabling Permissions v2.7.7
  38. 20:55:52 SuperpermBridge: Superperm/Permissions bridge enabled
  39. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] WEPIF: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
  40. 20:55:52 PermissionsBukkit: Enabling PermissionsBukkit v1.6
  41. 20:55:52 PermissionsBukkit: Enabled successfully, 0 players registered
  42. 20:55:52 Vault]: PermissionsBukkit hooked.
  43. 20:55:52 ZPort: Enabling ZPort v4.1
  44. 20:55:52 ZPort: Checking for version file...
  45. 20:55:52 ZPort: Version file found. It shows version: 4.1
  46. 20:55:52 ZPort: That is the latest version. No changes made.
  47. 20:55:52 ZPort: Version 4.1 has been enabled.
  48. 20:55:52 mcbans: Enabling mcbans v3.8
  49. 20:55:52 MCBans: [INFO] Loading language file: en-us
  50. 20:55:52 MCBans: [INFO] Log file disabled!
  51. 20:55:52 MCBans: [INFO] Started up successfully!
  52. 20:55:52 Herochat: Enabling Herochat v5.6.0
  53. 20:55:52 Herochat: Version 5.6.0 is enabled.
  54. 20:55:52 MCBans: Looking for fastest api server!
  55. 20:55:52 Herochat: Saving channels
  56. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] chatCost: 0.0
  57. 20:55:52 Herochat: Save complete
  58. 20:55:52 Simple: Prefix] Enabling Simple Prefix v2.0.1
  59. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: Enabling WorldGuard v5.5.3
  60. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: (****) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  61. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: (****) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  62. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: (****) Lava fire is blocked.
  63. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: (****) All fire spread is disabled.
  64. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world '****'
  65. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: 1 regions loaded for '****'
  66. 20:55:52 Essentials: Enabling Essentials v2.9.2
  67. 20:55:52 Vault]: Essentials Economy hooked.
  68. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Essentials: Using PermissionsBukkit based permissions.
  69. 20:55:52 PreciousStones: Enabling PreciousStones v9.3.0
  70. 20:55:52 PreciousStones: Version 9.3.0 loaded
  71. 20:55:52 PreciousStones: SQLite Connection successful
  72. 20:55:52 MCBans: Fastest server selected: :: response time: 99999
  73. 20:55:52 PreciousStones: (****) cuboids: 11
  74. 20:55:52 ChestShop: Enabling ChestShop v3.46
  75. 20:55:52 WorldGuard: 1 regions loaded for 'Chaotic Carnage MC'
  76. 20:55:52 ChestShop: WorldGuard version 5.5.3 loaded.
  77. 20:55:52 ChestShop: Vault loaded - using Essentials Economy
  78. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  79. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Done (2.306s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  80. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Starting GS4 status listener
  81. 20:55:52 CONSOLE: [INFO] Query running on ****
  82. 20:57:36 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] Could not pass event AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent to mcbans
  83. 20:57:36 CONSOLE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: protocol = http host = null
  84. 20:57:38 CONSOLE: **** has logged in.
  85. 20:57:38 CONSOLE: [INFO] **** logged in with entity id 268 at ([****] 151.00215432842342, 104.0, 506.1003556433031)
  86. 20:57:38 CONSOLE->****: Hey there, ****!
  87. 20:57:38 CONSOLE->****: Welcome to ****!
  88. 21:00:19 Server: Saving world data. Expect lag for a short while.
  89. 21:00:19 CONSOLE: [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..
  90. 21:00:19 CONSOLE: [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
  91. 21:00:19 Server: Save Complete
  92. 21:00:19 Server: Thank You for choosing ****, Visit us @ http://****.com
  93. 21:05:18 CONSOLE: [INFO] fish
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