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May 28th, 2020
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  1. ekf_localization:
  2. base_link_frame: base_link
  3. frequency: 50
  4. imu0: imu/data
  5. imu0_config:
  6. - false
  7. - false
  8. - false
  9. - true
  10. - true
  11. - true
  12. - false
  13. - false
  14. - false
  15. - true
  16. - true
  17. - true
  18. - false
  19. - false
  20. - false
  21. imu0_differential: true
  22. imu0_queue_size: 10
  23. imu0_remove_gravitational_acceleration: true
  24. odom0: husky_velocity_controller/odom
  25. odom0_config:
  26. - false
  27. - false
  28. - false
  29. - false
  30. - false
  31. - false
  32. - true
  33. - true
  34. - true
  35. - false
  36. - false
  37. - true
  38. - false
  39. - false
  40. - false
  41. odom0_differential: false
  42. odom0_queue_size: 10
  43. odom_frame: odom
  44. two_d_mode: true
  45. world_frame: odom
  46. gazebo:
  47. auto_disable_bodies: false
  48. cfm: 0.0
  49. contact_max_correcting_vel: 100.0
  50. contact_surface_layer: 0.001
  51. enable_ros_network: true
  52. erp: 0.2
  53. gravity_x: 0.0
  54. gravity_y: 0.0
  55. gravity_z: -9.8
  56. max_contacts: 20
  57. max_update_rate: 1000.0
  58. sor_pgs_iters: 50
  59. sor_pgs_precon_iters: 0
  60. sor_pgs_rms_error_tol: 0.0
  61. sor_pgs_w: 1.3
  62. time_step: 0.001
  63. husky_joint_publisher:
  64. publish_rate: 50
  65. type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
  66. husky_velocity_controller:
  67. angular:
  68. z:
  69. has_acceleration_limits: true
  70. has_velocity_limits: true
  71. max_acceleration: 6.0
  72. max_velocity: 2.0
  73. base_frame_id: base_link
  74. cmd_vel_timeout: 0.25
  75. enable_odom_tf: false
  76. estimate_velocity_from_position: false
  77. left_wheel:
  78. - front_left_wheel
  79. - rear_left_wheel
  80. left_wheel_radius_multiplier: 1.0
  81. linear:
  82. x:
  83. has_acceleration_limits: true
  84. has_velocity_limits: true
  85. max_acceleration: 3.0
  86. max_velocity: 1.0
  87. pose_covariance_diagonal:
  88. - 0.001
  89. - 0.001
  90. - 0.001
  91. - 0.001
  92. - 0.001
  93. - 0.03
  94. publish_rate: 50.0
  95. right_wheel:
  96. - front_right_wheel
  97. - rear_right_wheel
  98. right_wheel_radius_multiplier: 1.0
  99. twist_covariance_diagonal:
  100. - 0.001
  101. - 0.001
  102. - 0.001
  103. - 0.001
  104. - 0.001
  105. - 0.03
  106. type: diff_drive_controller/DiffDriveController
  107. velocity_rolling_window_size: 2
  108. wheel_radius_multiplier: 1.0
  109. wheel_separation_multiplier: 1.875
  110. imu:
  111. data:
  112. accel:
  113. drift: 0.005
  114. drift_frequency: 0.0002777777777777778
  115. gaussian_noise: 0.005
  116. offset: 0.0
  117. scale_error: 1.0
  118. rate:
  119. drift: 0.005
  120. drift_frequency: 0.0002777777777777778
  121. gaussian_noise: 0.005
  122. offset: 0.0
  123. scale_error: 1.0
  124. yaw:
  125. drift: 0.0
  126. drift_frequency: 0.0002777777777777778
  127. gaussian_noise: 0.0
  128. offset: 0.0
  129. scale_error: 1.0
  130. navsat:
  131. fix:
  132. position:
  133. drift: 0.0001
  134. drift_frequency: 0.0002777777777777778
  135. gaussian_noise: 0.0
  136. offset: 0.0
  137. scale_error: 1.0
  138. status:
  139. SERVICE_COMPASS: false
  140. SERVICE_GALILEO: false
  141. SERVICE_GLONASS: false
  142. SERVICE_GPS: false
  143. STATUS_FIX: true
  144. STATUS_GBAS_FIX: false
  145. STATUS_SBAS_FIX: false
  146. velocity:
  147. drift: 0.0
  148. drift_frequency: 0.0002777777777777778
  149. gaussian_noise: 0.0
  150. offset: 0.0
  151. scale_error: 1.0
  152. robot_description: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!-- ===================================================================================\
  153. \ -->\n<!-- | This document was autogenerated by xacro from /opt/ros/melodic/share/husky_description/urdf/husky.urdf.xacro\
  155. \ | -->\n<!-- ===================================================================================\
  156. \ -->\n<!--\nSoftware License Agreement (BSD)\n\n\\file husky.urdf.xacro\n\\\
  157. authors Paul Bovbel <>, Devon Ash <>\n\
  158. \\copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Clearpath Robotics, Inc., All rights reserved.\n\
  159. \nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,\
  160. \ are permitted provided that\nthe following conditions are met:\n * Redistributions\
  161. \ of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions\
  162. \ and the\n following disclaimer.\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce\
  163. \ the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the\n following disclaimer\
  164. \ in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\
  165. \ * Neither the name of Clearpath Robotics nor the names of its contributors may\
  166. \ be used to endorse or promote\n products derived from this software without\
  167. \ specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT\
  177. \ name=\"husky\">\n <!-- Base link is the center of the robot's bottom plate -->\n\
  178. \ <link name=\"base_link\">\n <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0\
  179. \ 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/base_link.dae\"\
  180. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  181. \ xyz=\"0.0 0 0.061875\"/>\n <geometry>\n <box size=\"0.9874 0.5709\
  182. \ 0.12375\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n <collision>\n <origin\
  183. \ rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0.175625\"/>\n <geometry>\n <box size=\"0.78992\
  184. \ 0.5709 0.10375\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <!-- Base\
  185. \ footprint is on the ground under the robot -->\n <link name=\"base_footprint\"\
  186. />\n <joint name=\"base_footprint_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0\
  187. \ 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 -0.13228\"/>\n <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"\
  188. base_footprint\"/>\n </joint>\n <!-- Interial link stores the robot's inertial\
  189. \ information -->\n <link name=\"inertial_link\">\n <inertial>\n <mass\
  190. \ value=\"46.034\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"-0.00065 -0.085 0.062\"/>\n <inertia\
  191. \ ixx=\"0.6022\" ixy=\"-0.02364\" ixz=\"-0.1197\" iyy=\"1.7386\" iyz=\"-0.001544\"\
  192. \ izz=\"2.0296\"/>\n </inertial>\n </link>\n <joint name=\"inertial_joint\"\
  193. \ type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <parent link=\"\
  194. base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"inertial_link\"/>\n </joint>\n <!-- IMU Link\
  195. \ is the standard mounting position for the UM6 IMU.-->\n <!-- Can be modified\
  196. \ with environment variables in /etc/ros/setup.bash -->\n <link name=\"imu_link\"\
  197. />\n <joint name=\"imu_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 -1.5708 3.1416\"\
  198. \ xyz=\"0.19 0 0.149\"/>\n <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"imu_link\"\
  199. />\n </joint>\n <gazebo reference=\"imu_link\">\n </gazebo>\n <link name=\"\
  200. front_left_wheel_link\">\n <inertial>\n <mass value=\"2.637\"/>\n <origin\
  201. \ xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <inertia ixx=\"0.02467\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.04411\"\
  202. \ iyz=\"0\" izz=\"0.02467\"/>\n </inertial>\n <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"\
  203. 0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/wheel.dae\"\
  204. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"1.570795\
  205. \ 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"0.1143\" radius=\"\
  206. 0.1651\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <gazebo reference=\"\
  207. front_left_wheel_link\">\n <mu1 value=\"1.0\"/>\n <mu2 value=\"1.0\"/>\n \
  208. \ <kp value=\"10000000.0\"/>\n <kd value=\"1.0\"/>\n <fdir1 value=\"1 0\
  209. \ 0\"/>\n </gazebo>\n <joint name=\"front_left_wheel\" type=\"continuous\">\n\
  210. \ <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"front_left_wheel_link\"/>\n\
  211. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.256 0.2854 0.03282\"/>\n <axis rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  212. \ xyz=\"0 1 0\"/>\n </joint>\n <transmission name=\"front_left_wheel_trans\" type=\"\
  213. SimpleTransmission\">\n <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>\n\
  214. \ <actuator name=\"front_left_wheel_motor\">\n <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>\n\
  215. \ </actuator>\n <joint name=\"front_left_wheel\">\n <hardwareInterface>hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface</hardwareInterface>\n\
  216. \ </joint>\n </transmission>\n <link name=\"front_right_wheel_link\">\n \
  217. \ <inertial>\n <mass value=\"2.637\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n \
  218. \ <inertia ixx=\"0.02467\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.04411\" iyz=\"0\" izz=\"\
  219. 0.02467\"/>\n </inertial>\n <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0\
  220. \ 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/wheel.dae\"\
  221. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"1.570795\
  222. \ 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"0.1143\" radius=\"\
  223. 0.1651\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <gazebo reference=\"\
  224. front_right_wheel_link\">\n <mu1 value=\"1.0\"/>\n <mu2 value=\"1.0\"/>\n\
  225. \ <kp value=\"10000000.0\"/>\n <kd value=\"1.0\"/>\n <fdir1 value=\"1 0\
  226. \ 0\"/>\n </gazebo>\n <joint name=\"front_right_wheel\" type=\"continuous\">\n\
  227. \ <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"front_right_wheel_link\"/>\n\
  228. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.256 -0.2854 0.03282\"/>\n <axis rpy=\"0 0\
  229. \ 0\" xyz=\"0 1 0\"/>\n </joint>\n <transmission name=\"front_right_wheel_trans\"\
  230. \ type=\"SimpleTransmission\">\n <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>\n\
  231. \ <actuator name=\"front_right_wheel_motor\">\n <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>\n\
  232. \ </actuator>\n <joint name=\"front_right_wheel\">\n <hardwareInterface>hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface</hardwareInterface>\n\
  233. \ </joint>\n </transmission>\n <link name=\"rear_left_wheel_link\">\n <inertial>\n\
  234. \ <mass value=\"2.637\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <inertia ixx=\"\
  235. 0.02467\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.04411\" iyz=\"0\" izz=\"0.02467\"/>\n </inertial>\n\
  236. \ <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n \
  237. \ <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/wheel.dae\"/>\n \
  238. \ </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"1.570795 0 0\"\
  239. \ xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"0.1143\" radius=\"\
  240. 0.1651\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <gazebo reference=\"\
  241. rear_left_wheel_link\">\n <mu1 value=\"1.0\"/>\n <mu2 value=\"1.0\"/>\n \
  242. \ <kp value=\"10000000.0\"/>\n <kd value=\"1.0\"/>\n <fdir1 value=\"1 0 0\"\
  243. />\n </gazebo>\n <joint name=\"rear_left_wheel\" type=\"continuous\">\n <parent\
  244. \ link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"rear_left_wheel_link\"/>\n <origin\
  245. \ rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"-0.256 0.2854 0.03282\"/>\n <axis rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"\
  246. 0 1 0\"/>\n </joint>\n <transmission name=\"rear_left_wheel_trans\" type=\"SimpleTransmission\"\
  247. >\n <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>\n <actuator name=\"\
  248. rear_left_wheel_motor\">\n <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>\n \
  249. \ </actuator>\n <joint name=\"rear_left_wheel\">\n <hardwareInterface>hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface</hardwareInterface>\n\
  250. \ </joint>\n </transmission>\n <link name=\"rear_right_wheel_link\">\n <inertial>\n\
  251. \ <mass value=\"2.637\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <inertia ixx=\"\
  252. 0.02467\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.04411\" iyz=\"0\" izz=\"0.02467\"/>\n </inertial>\n\
  253. \ <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n \
  254. \ <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/wheel.dae\"/>\n \
  255. \ </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"1.570795 0 0\"\
  256. \ xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"0.1143\" radius=\"\
  257. 0.1651\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <gazebo reference=\"\
  258. rear_right_wheel_link\">\n <mu1 value=\"1.0\"/>\n <mu2 value=\"1.0\"/>\n \
  259. \ <kp value=\"10000000.0\"/>\n <kd value=\"1.0\"/>\n <fdir1 value=\"1 0\
  260. \ 0\"/>\n </gazebo>\n <joint name=\"rear_right_wheel\" type=\"continuous\">\n\
  261. \ <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"rear_right_wheel_link\"/>\n\
  262. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"-0.256 -0.2854 0.03282\"/>\n <axis rpy=\"0 0\
  263. \ 0\" xyz=\"0 1 0\"/>\n </joint>\n <transmission name=\"rear_right_wheel_trans\"\
  264. \ type=\"SimpleTransmission\">\n <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>\n\
  265. \ <actuator name=\"rear_right_wheel_motor\">\n <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>\n\
  266. \ </actuator>\n <joint name=\"rear_right_wheel\">\n <hardwareInterface>hardware_interface/VelocityJointInterface</hardwareInterface>\n\
  267. \ </joint>\n </transmission>\n <!-- Spawn Husky chassis -->\n <link name=\"\
  268. top_chassis_link\">\n <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n\
  269. \ <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/top_chassis.dae\"\
  270. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n </link>\n <!-- Attach chassis to the robot\
  271. \ -->\n <joint name=\"top_chassis_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <parent link=\"\
  272. base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"top_chassis_link\"/>\n </joint>\n <!-- Spawn\
  273. \ user rails -->\n <link name=\"user_rail_link\">\n <visual>\n <geometry>\n\
  274. \ <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/user_rail.dae\"/>\n\
  275. \ </geometry>\n </visual>\n </link>\n <!-- Attach user rails to base link\
  276. \ -->\n <joint name=\"user_rail\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"\
  277. 0.272 0 0.245\"/>\n <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"user_rail_link\"\
  278. />\n </joint>\n <!-- Spawn front bumper link -->\n <link name=\"front_bumper_link\"\
  279. >\n <visual>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/bumper.dae\"\
  280. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n </link>\n <!-- Attach front bumper -->\n\
  281. \ <joint name=\"front_bumper\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"\
  282. 0.48 0 0.091\"/>\n <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"front_bumper_link\"\
  283. />\n </joint>\n <!-- Spawn rear bumper link -->\n <link name=\"rear_bumper_link\"\
  284. >\n <visual>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/bumper.dae\"\
  285. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n </link>\n <!-- Attach rear bumper -->\n\
  286. \ <joint name=\"rear_bumper\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 3.14159\"\
  287. \ xyz=\"-0.48 0 0.091\"/>\n <parent link=\"base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"\
  288. rear_bumper_link\"/>\n </joint>\n <link name=\"top_plate_link\">\n <visual>\n\
  289. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"\
  290. package://husky_description/meshes/top_plate.dae\"/>\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n\
  291. \ <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n\
  292. \ <mesh filename=\"package://husky_description/meshes/top_plate.stl\"/>\n\
  293. \ </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <!-- Attach top plate -->\n \
  294. \ <joint name=\"top_plate_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <parent link=\"base_link\"\
  295. />\n <child link=\"top_plate_link\"/>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.0812\
  296. \ 0 0.245\"/>\n </joint>\n <!-- Top plate front link -->\n <joint name=\"top_plate_front_joint\"\
  297. \ type=\"fixed\">\n <parent link=\"top_plate_link\"/>\n <child link=\"top_plate_front_link\"\
  298. />\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.36367 0 0.00639\"/>\n </joint>\n <!-- Top\
  299. \ plate rear link-->\n <joint name=\"top_plate_rear_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n \
  300. \ <parent link=\"top_plate_link\"/>\n <child link=\"top_plate_rear_link\"/>\n\
  301. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"-0.36633 0 0.00639\"/>\n </joint>\n <link name=\"\
  302. top_plate_front_link\"/>\n <link name=\"top_plate_rear_link\"/>\n <gazebo>\n \
  303. \ <plugin filename=\"\" name=\"gazebo_ros_control\">\n\
  304. \ <robotNamespace>/</robotNamespace>\n </plugin>\n </gazebo>\n <gazebo>\n\
  305. \ <plugin filename=\"\" name=\"imu_controller\">\n\
  306. \ <robotNamespace>/</robotNamespace>\n <updateRate>50.0</updateRate>\n\
  307. \ <bodyName>base_link</bodyName>\n <topicName>imu/data</topicName>\n \
  308. \ <accelDrift>0.005 0.005 0.005</accelDrift>\n <accelGaussianNoise>0.005\
  309. \ 0.005 0.005</accelGaussianNoise>\n <rateDrift>0.005 0.005 0.005 </rateDrift>\n\
  310. \ <rateGaussianNoise>0.005 0.005 0.005 </rateGaussianNoise>\n <headingDrift>0.005</headingDrift>\n\
  311. \ <headingGaussianNoise>0.005</headingGaussianNoise>\n </plugin>\n </gazebo>\n\
  312. \ <gazebo>\n <plugin filename=\"\" name=\"gps_controller\"\
  313. >\n <robotNamespace>/</robotNamespace>\n <updateRate>40</updateRate>\n\
  314. \ <bodyName>base_link</bodyName>\n <frameId>base_link</frameId>\n \
  315. \ <topicName>navsat/fix</topicName>\n <velocityTopicName>navsat/vel</velocityTopicName>\n\
  316. \ <referenceLatitude>49.9</referenceLatitude>\n <referenceLongitude>8.9</referenceLongitude>\n\
  317. \ <referenceHeading>0</referenceHeading>\n <referenceAltitude>0</referenceAltitude>\n\
  318. \ <drift>0.0001 0.0001 0.0001</drift>\n </plugin>\n </gazebo>\n <joint\
  319. \ name=\"velodyne_base_mount_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  320. \ xyz=\"0.0 0.0 2.00635\"/>\n <parent link=\"support_base\"/>\n <child link=\"\
  321. velodyne_base_link\"/>\n </joint>\n <link name=\"velodyne_base_link\">\n <inertial>\n\
  322. \ <mass value=\"0.83\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"0 0 0.03585\"/>\n <inertia\
  323. \ ixx=\"0.000908059425\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.000908059425\" iyz=\"0\" izz=\"\
  324. 0.0011049624\"/>\n </inertial>\n <visual>\n <geometry>\n <mesh\
  325. \ filename=\"package://velodyne_description/meshes/VLP16_base_1.dae\"/>\n </geometry>\n\
  326. \ </visual>\n <visual>\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://velodyne_description/meshes/VLP16_base_2.dae\"\
  327. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  328. \ xyz=\"0 0 0.03585\"/>\n <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"0.0717\" radius=\"\
  329. 0.0516\"/>\n </geometry>\n </collision>\n </link>\n <joint name=\"velodyne_base_scan_joint\"\
  330. \ type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0 0 0.0377\"/>\n <parent link=\"\
  331. velodyne_base_link\"/>\n <child link=\"velodyne\"/>\n </joint>\n <link name=\"\
  332. velodyne\">\n <inertial>\n <mass value=\"0.01\"/>\n <origin xyz=\"\
  333. 0 0 0\"/>\n <inertia ixx=\"1e-7\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"1e-7\" iyz=\"0\"\
  334. \ izz=\"1e-7\"/>\n </inertial>\n <visual>\n <origin xyz=\"0 0 -0.0377\"\
  335. />\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://velodyne_description/meshes/VLP16_scan.dae\"\
  336. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n </link>\n <!-- Gazebo requires the velodyne_gazebo_plugins\
  337. \ package -->\n <gazebo reference=\"velodyne\">\n <sensor name=\"velodyne-VLP16\"\
  338. \ type=\"ray\">\n <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>\n <visualize>false</visualize>\n\
  339. \ <update_rate>10</update_rate>\n <ray>\n <scan>\n <horizontal>\n\
  340. \ <samples>440</samples>\n <resolution>1</resolution>\n \
  341. \ <min_angle>-3.14159265359</min_angle>\n <max_angle>3.14159265359</max_angle>\n\
  342. \ </horizontal>\n <vertical>\n <samples>16</samples>\n\
  343. \ <resolution>1</resolution>\n <min_angle>-0.261799387799</min_angle>\n\
  344. \ <max_angle> 0.261799387799</max_angle>\n </vertical>\n \
  345. \ </scan>\n <range>\n <min>0.3</min>\n <max>131.0</max>\n\
  346. \ <resolution>0.001</resolution>\n </range>\n <noise>\n \
  347. \ <type>gaussian</type>\n <mean>0.0</mean>\n <stddev>0.0</stddev>\n\
  348. \ </noise>\n </ray>\n <plugin filename=\"\"\
  349. \ name=\"gazebo_ros_laser_controller\">\n <topicName>/lidar/points2</topicName>\n\
  350. \ <frameName>velodyne</frameName>\n <min_range>0.9</min_range>\n \
  351. \ <max_range>130.0</max_range>\n <gaussianNoise>0.008</gaussianNoise>\n\
  352. \ </plugin>\n </sensor>\n </gazebo>\n <material name=\"black\">\n <color\
  353. \ rgba=\"0.0 0.0 1.0 1\"/>\n </material>\n <link name=\"support_base\">\n <visual>\n\
  354. \ <geometry>\n <cylinder length=\"2.0\" radius=\"0.06\"/>\n </geometry>\n\
  355. \ <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.0 0.0 1.00635\"/>\n <material name=\"\
  356. black\"/>\n </visual>\n <!-- <inertial>\n <mass value=\"0\" />\n \
  357. \ <inertia ixx=\"0.0\" ixy=\"0.0\" ixz=\"0.0\" iyy=\"0.0\" iyz=\"0.0\" izz=\"0.0\"\
  358. \ />\n </inertial> -->\n </link>\n <joint name=\"base_to_support\" type=\"\
  359. fixed\">\n <parent link=\"top_plate_link\"/>\n <child link=\"support_base\"\
  360. />\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\" xyz=\"0.0 0.0 0.00635\"/>\n </joint>\n <link name=\"\
  361. bumblebee2\">\n <visual>\n <origin rpy=\"-1.5707 0 -1.5707\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"\
  362. />\n <geometry>\n <mesh filename=\"package://pointgrey_camera_description/meshes/pointgrey_bumblebee2.dae\"\
  363. />\n </geometry>\n </visual>\n <collision>\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  364. \ xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <geometry>\n <box size=\"0.04740 0.157 0.036\"/>\n\
  365. \ </geometry>\n </collision>\n <inertial>\n <mass value=\"0.342\"\
  366. />\n <inertia ixx=\"0.00010096866\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"0.00076652916\"\
  367. \ iyz=\"0\" izz=\"0.0007394325\"/>\n </inertial>\n </link>\n <link name=\"\
  368. bumblebee2_optical\">\n <inertial>\n <mass value=\"1E-5\"/>\n <inertia\
  369. \ ixx=\"1E-10\" ixy=\"0\" ixz=\"0\" iyy=\"1E-10\" iyz=\"0\" izz=\"1E-10\"/>\n \
  370. \ </inertial>\n </link>\n <joint name=\"bumblebee2_optical_joint\" type=\"fixed\"\
  371. >\n <origin rpy=\"-1.570796 0 -1.570796\" xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\n <parent link=\"\
  372. bumblebee2\"/>\n <child link=\"bumblebee2_optical\"/>\n </joint>\n <gazebo\
  373. \ reference=\"bumblebee2_optical\">\n <sensor name=\"stereo_camera\" type=\"\
  374. multicamera\">\n <update_rate>20</update_rate>\n <camera name=\"left\"\
  375. >\n <pose>0 0 0 0 -1.5707 1.5707</pose>\n <horizontal_fov>1.15191730632</horizontal_fov>\n\
  376. \ <image>\n <width>1024</width>\n <height>768</height>\n\
  377. \ <format>R8G8B8</format>\n </image>\n <clip>\n \
  378. \ <near>0.5</near>\n <far>300</far>\n </clip>\n <noise>\n\
  379. \ <type>gaussian</type>\n <mean>0.0</mean>\n <stddev>0.007</stddev>\n\
  380. \ </noise>\n </camera>\n <camera name=\"right\">\n <pose>0.12\
  381. \ 0 0 0 -1.5707 1.5707</pose>\n <horizontal_fov>1.15191730632</horizontal_fov>\n\
  382. \ <image>\n <width>1024</width>\n <height>768</height>\n\
  383. \ <format>R8G8B8</format>\n </image>\n <clip>\n \
  384. \ <near>0.5</near>\n <far>300</far>\n </clip>\n <noise>\n\
  385. \ <type>gaussian</type>\n <mean>0.0</mean>\n <stddev>0.007</stddev>\n\
  386. \ </noise>\n </camera>\n <plugin filename=\"\"\
  387. \ name=\"stereo_camera_controller\">\n <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn>\n \
  388. \ <cameraName>stereo_camera</cameraName>\n <imageTopicName>image_raw</imageTopicName>\n\
  389. \ <cameraInfoTopicName>camera_info</cameraInfoTopicName>\n <frameName>bumblebee2_optical</frameName>\n\
  390. \ <hackBaseline>0.12</hackBaseline>\n <!-- NOTE: Distortion is currently\
  391. \ unused -->\n <distortionK1>0.0</distortionK1>\n <distortionK2>0.0</distortionK2>\n\
  392. \ <distortionK3>0.0</distortionK3>\n <distortionT1>0.0</distortionT1>\n\
  393. \ <distortionT2>0.0</distortionT2>\n </plugin>\n </sensor>\n </gazebo>\n\
  394. \ <joint name=\"support_camera_joint\" type=\"fixed\">\n <origin rpy=\"0 0 0\"\
  395. \ xyz=\"0.06 0.02 2.00635\"/>\n <parent link=\"support_base\"/>\n <child link=\"\
  396. bumblebee2\"/>\n </joint>\n</robot>\n\n"
  397. rosdistro: 'melodic
  399. '
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  403. host_4de3ee1f254b__40387: http://4de3ee1f254b:40387/
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  587. Optimizer:
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  589. GravitySigma: '0.0'
  590. Iterations: '20'
  591. LandmarksIgnored: 'false'
  592. PriorsIgnored: 'true'
  593. Robust: 'false'
  594. Strategy: '1'
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  596. RGBD:
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  598. AngularUpdate: '0.05'
  599. CreateOccupancyGrid: 'true'
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  768. Reg:
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  770. Rtabmap:
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  772. approx_sync: true
  773. frame_id: base_link
  774. odom_frame_id: base_link
  775. subscribe_depth: false
  776. subscribe_rgb: false
  777. subscribe_rgbd: false
  778. subscribe_scan_cloud: true
  779. run_id: a5600a5c-a12e-11ea-8622-0242ac110002
  780. stereo_camera:
  781. left:
  782. image_raw:
  783. compressed:
  784. format: jpeg
  785. jpeg_quality: 80
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  787. compressedDepth:
  788. depth_max: 10.0
  789. depth_quantization: 100.0
  790. png_level: 9
  791. theora:
  792. keyframe_frequency: 64
  793. optimize_for: 1
  794. quality: 31
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  796. imager_rate: 2.0
  797. right:
  798. image_raw:
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  800. format: jpeg
  801. jpeg_quality: 80
  802. png_level: 9
  803. compressedDepth:
  804. depth_max: 10.0
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  806. png_level: 9
  807. theora:
  808. keyframe_frequency: 64
  809. optimize_for: 1
  810. quality: 31
  811. target_bitrate: 800000
  812. imager_rate: 2.0
  813. stop_distance: 7
  814. twist_mux:
  815. locks:
  816. - name: e_stop
  817. priority: 255
  818. timeout: 0.0
  819. topic: e_stop
  820. topics:
  821. - name: joy
  822. priority: 10
  823. timeout: 0.5
  824. topic: joy_teleop/cmd_vel
  825. - name: interactive_marker
  826. priority: 8
  827. timeout: 0.5
  828. topic: twist_marker_server/cmd_vel
  829. - name: external
  830. priority: 1
  831. timeout: 0.5
  832. topic: cmd_vel
  833. use_sim_time: true
  834. xdiff_threshold: 3
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