
A Lesson in Adult Manners 3

Mar 26th, 2014
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  1. "What are you doing?" How in the world did Rarity get behind you? You didn't even hear her coming!
  3. "Uh..." You turn around, covering yourself and looking up at her face. She doesn't look happy. At all.
  5. "Where are your clothes, young man?" She demands.
  7. "They're, uh..." You start, but you immediately feel yourself being lifted off the ground. "Woah!" You're now at her eye level, and you cannot break eye contact with her.
  9. "Were you trying something with my sister?" She asks. She notices how utterly frightened you look. "Never mind. I'll get the answer straight from her." She moves you behind her and opens the door. The girls are still on the bed when they notice Rarity, and their faces immediately turn pale.
  11. "Run for it!" Scootaloo shouts, her and Applebloom trying to get off the bed. As they run towards the door, however, they seemingly trip over nothing, like their feet caught on an invisible branch. When they hit the ground, they start floating upward by their feet, leaving them dangling upside down. They hastily cover themselves with their hands.
  13. "Just what is the meaning of all this?" Rarity asks, arms across her chest. "What kind of game is this?" She moves the three of you together.
  15. "Great job getting us caught, Button!" Scootaloo says with a scowl in your direction.
  17. "I'm sorry..." Your heart's in your stomach now, and you don't know how things can possibly get any worse.
  19. "Sweetie Belle?" Rarity looks right at her sister, still on the bed and looking like she's going to cry.
  21. "I...just wanted to do something nice with Button. He's my boyfriend, and..." She sniffs. "I wanted to do what couples do..."
  23. "Sweetie Belle..." Rarity doesn't look like she's about to blow her top, but you can't let your guard down. She sits next to Sweetie Belle on the bed. "Is that what you wanted to do?"
  25. "Uh-huh..." She nods.
  27. "Oh, Sweetie Belle." Rarity hugs Sweetie's head to her chest. "If you wanted help, you should have asked me!"
  29. The collective "What?" from all four of you shows you were not expecting that response.
  31. "You're not mad?" Sweetie Belle asks.
  33. "Well, the only thing I'd have to be concerned about you getting a boyfriend was you getting pregnant. But that's not gonna be a problem for at least another 10 years!" Rarity shoots a glare at you. "Right?"
  35. You nod your head so fast, it might fall off. "Uh-huh!"
  37. "Now that explains you and Sweetie Belle." She looks up at Applebloom and Scootaloo. "What about you two?"
  39. "We just wanted to know what it was like having a boyfriend." Applebloom slumps her shoulders.
  41. "Sweetie Belle looked really happy. We didn't wanna get left out." Scootaloo adds.
  43. "So this was something that all of you agreed on." Rarity asks, to which all of you nod. "Very well, then. I shall take it upon myself to answer any questions you might have. But first, I'm sure you girls are very curious about what you see on Button Mash here. Would you care to find out?"
  45. "Anything's better than getting in trouble," Scootaloo answers with a nervous smile.
  47. "I've taken baths with Big Mac before, but I wouldn't mind knowing more, either..." Applebloom adds.
  49. "This is gonna be our secret, right, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asks.
  51. "Of course!" Rarity smiles. "Secrets shared between others makes life exciting." She snaps her fingers and Applebloom and Scootaloo are both turned right-side up and let down on the bed. You're still floating, however, as Rarity sets herself at the head of the bed and raises her arms upward.
  53. Your body starts moving on its own, your hands uncovering yourself and your legs spreading, leaving your penis in full view. You float down to where she's sitting and set down at her lap, your back at her chest. She wraps her arms around your chest and pulls you closer to her, the back of your head resting between her breasts. If you weren't red already from the situation before you, you would be now. They're so soft and squishy...
  55. "Now, girls, this, as I'm sure you're aware, is a penis." Rarity's hand is right below your belly button, and very close to it. She holds the middle gently between her fingers. It feels quite nice, the way she's holding it. "This is commonly known as the shaft." She moves her fingers up to the skin at the tip. "This is the foreskin. Boys are born with it so that the urethra, where they pee from, stays clean."
  57. "So that's what it's for..." Applebloom comments.
  59. "Um...Rarity?" You ask.
  61. "Yes?"
  63. "Sweetie Belle started rubbing it earlier, and then I felt like I needed to pee. Why?" You figure that while she's answering questions, you might as well ask some of your own.
  65. "That's easy. There's a small sack that's right around here called the scrotum." She moves her hand right to the base of your penis and starts rubbing right below it. You gasp slightly at the sensation, almost like you were hit there, but it's softer and not as sudden. "It's much more sensitive than your penis, which is why it hurts so badly when you're hit here."
  67. "Uh-huh..." You say, squirming slightly at the sensation.
  69. "This sack makes the stuff that allows you to make babies. And that comes out of here." Rarity points to the tip.
  71. "Wait, I thought only girls could make babies," Scootaloo says with a confused look on her face.
  73. "Girls do most of the work, yes, but you can't start making a baby without a boy's sperm," Rarity clarifies.
  75. "What's sperm?" Applebloom asks.
  77. "Sperm is what boys make to give his traits to the girl. Like when a child is said to have their father's eyes or his nose or his hair color. That's why." She gently squeezes the tip. "It will look white, sticky, and sometimes, thick."
  79. "Is that what that was?" You ask, to which she nods her head. "That stuff came out of me before. Why?
  81. "I was just getting to that," Rarity answers. "Anything that feels like intercourse, like the penis being rubbed up and down, will tell your body to release sperm. When that happens, your penis will become stiff." She idly runs her fingers across it, like she's trying to get a feel for it. "Whenever your penis is touched, it always feels like you're going to need to pee eventually."
  83. "What was that thing you just said, Rarity? Inter...curse?" Sweetie Belle asks.
  85. "Intercourse, darling," Rarity interjects. "That's what most people call, 'having sex'. 'Making whoopie', 'having a go', 'going like bunnies', and other such silly things." She chuckles. "Intercourse is when a boy's penis is inserted into a girl's vagina."
  87. "What's that?" You ask.
  89. "It's an opening in a girl's body. I'll show you. Sweetie Belle? Would you like to volunteer?" Rarity looks to her sister.
  91. Sweetie Belle perks up. "Me? Um..."
  93. "You've already shown your body to Button. This is so he knows what's there and can keep from hurting you when the time comes." Rarity tells her.
  95. Sweetie stays quiet for a few seconds, then nods. "Okay."
  97. "Splendid. Now come up here. Button, you best pay attention." She lets you go and gently pushes you off her while Sweetie Belle crawls toward her. Rarity puts Sweetie's hands onto her shoulders while she's still on her knees, her butt towards you and the other girls. "Now, just relax, Sweetie Belle. This will only hurt if you tense up and panic. Okay?"
  99. "Okay..." Sweetie Belle says, still nervous, but willing to trust her sister.
  101. "Now, what you see here is called the vulva." Rarity takes a finger and runs it lightly across the line that is the opening of the lips, causing Sweetie Belle to whimper a little in surprise. "This is what protects what's inside from getting dirty." She takes two of her fingers and pushes the lips apart, revealing the slippery pink insides. It almost looks like a mouth, specifically the tonsils and throat.
  103. You let out a "Wow..." in amazement.
  105. "The small mounds surrounding the center are the labia. They are another layer of cover for the center." Rarity continues. She spreads her fingers a little more, and you start to see a hole in the center. "The center is an opening called the vagina."
  107. "Is that where I put my penis?" You ask.
  109. Rarity chuckles. "Smart boy, aren't you? You picked a nice one, Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle blushes immensely. "Yes, it is where a boy inserts his penis. It is also where a baby comes out when it is born."
  111. "It's kinda small," Applebloom says. "How's a baby supposed to come out of there?"
  113. "Well, when a girl is pregnant and about to give birth, it can stretch enough to let a baby's head through," Rarity answers.
  115. "That sounds like it would hurt..." Applebloom winces.
  117. "Oh, it does. But I'm sure your sister would tell you that nothing in this world is created without hard work and effort," Rarity responds.
  119. "Yeah, she would." Applebloom says. "But when we tried to put Button's penis in Sweetie Belle's vagina, it didn't work. Is it too small?"
  121. "Nonsense," Rarity immediately answers. "A girl's vagina is incredibly resilient when it's treated right." She makes Sweetie Belle float so she can be turned over onto her back against her sister. "Just like a boy's penis will become stiff when aroused, a girl's vagina will become more slippery to allow the penis to fit. For that reason, we have a clitoris."
  123. "Never heard of that before," Scootaloo says.
  125. "The clitoris is a small place that's right above a girl's urethra." She spreads the vulva again, and this time, you notice a small hole above the vagina. "Just like the tip of a boy's penis, it tickles the senses in the body, making you feel good. Do it a lot or too much, and you'll start feeling like you need to pee, just like Button did."
  127. "So what happens when it's rubbed?" Applebloom asks.
  129. "Why don't I show you?" Rarity looks down to Sweetie Belle. "I need you to relax. You'll feel good. I promise."
  131. "Okay," Sweetie Belle responds with a nod.
  133. Rarity takes her hand between Sweetie Belle's legs, and with her finger, begins to gently rub the top of the rim. Sweetie Belle gasps and closes her eyes tight, letting out little sounds that resound in your chest. The blush in her face as her legs squirm slightly and her breathing becomes heavier is making your heart beat very quickly. You find it hard not to let on that this sight is making you very excited. After a few seconds of rubbing, Rarity stops. She circles her finger around Sweetie Belle's vagina and slowly parts her finger from it, revealing a sticky substance trailing from her finger.
  135. "When a girl is aroused, the vagina makes a fluid that makes it easier to slide in," she explains. She notices your expression and grins. "Would you like to try that same trick again?" You're not sure why, but you instinctively nod your head. "Lay down, please. With your legs together, if you would."
  137. You follow her instructions and lay down on your back, just like you were earlier. You feel a little bit of force on your penis as it's being made to point straight up by Rarity. You see Sweetie Belle crawl up to you until she gets to your waist, where she spreads her legs so that your genitals align. With a deep breath, she lowers herself, bracing herself for pain, but you're both surprised to find she easily slips in. The surprise is immediately followed by a feeling like electricity running through your whole body. Both you and Sweetie Belle let out a gasp.
  139. "Woah! They really connected!" You can hear Scootaloo exclaim. You look up briefly to see Sweetie Belle, her hands clenched up to her chin, face red with arousal. Looking down at your waist, you see that your penis has vanished into her, like it was always meant to be inside her, and it feels so warm and moist inside her, you can't believe your mind.
  141. "Feels good, doesn't it?" Rarity asks. The both of you pass noises of agreement. "Then try this." She moves over to Sweetie Belle, puts her hands underneath her sister's arms, and lifts her just slightly. Not enough to pull her off of you, but you feel the walls of her vagina slide across your shaft, bringing more feeling to the experience. Rarity then gently lets her down, once again causing your penis to slide into Sweetie Belle. "Think you can do that with just your hips?" She asks Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle squeaks with an, "mm-hmm!" She then begins to move her hips up and down, imitating the motions that were given by Rarity. The constant motions and sensations are causing the both of you to breathe rather hard.
  143. "Wow..." Applebloom simply says. "They look like they're having fun..."
  145. "Yeah..." Scootaloo concurs. "Is this what having a boyfriend is like?"
  147. Rarity gives a small chuckle. "Would you like in on the fun?" She asks. "This tango may be for two, but no one says a couple more isn't allowed."
  149. "We can?" Scootaloo asks. "How?"
  151. "Leave it to me." Rarity raises her hand, and Applebloom begins floating up and moving towards you and Sweetie Belle. With Sweetie Belle sitting upright, Applebloom is placed right in front of her, almost sitting on your stomach. "Sweetie Belle, be a dear and start touching Applebloom the way I was touching you earlier." Sweetie Belle nods and puts her arms around Applebloom's middle, supporting herself on Applebloom's back. You can barely see her hand move between Applebloom's legs and start rubbing. Your attention falls to Applebloom's face now, as she becomes aware of the sensation between her legs, and now she's making the same expressions as Sweetie Belle.
  153. "So how about me?" Scootaloo asks.
  155. "You will get a special seat." Rarity answers, raising her hand and lifting up Scootaloo's body. Her legs are spread out and she begins to move towards the rest of you. Your neck is tired from craning itself to look, and you lay your head flat on the bed, just in time to see Scootaloo's vagina right above your face.
  157. "Again?!" You shout, but any protests are immediately silenced when Scootaloo is seated on your face, this time facing the other way with her back to Applebloom. Your mouth was still open when it happened, your tongue making contact with her vagina. Man, it tastes salty, like licking a penny or something. You can see up from Scootaloo's stomach, all the way up to her face, now red from the feeling of having her clitoris licked.
  159. "Oh! You catch on quick, Button Mash," you hear from Rarity. "Licking the clitoris is a guaranteed way to pleasure a girl. Getting to the point in a relationship where you can do that, however, is tricky."
  161. "This good!" Sweetie Belle barely gets out.
  163. "Yeah!" Applebloom agrees. "I don't want this to stop!"
  165. "Me neither!" Scootaloo moans. You certainly can't complain either, since the feeling of the constant motion of Sweetie Belle's hips is more than making up for the fact that you've got a mouthful of Scootaloo. Even you just breathing through your nose is causing her to twitch.
  167. "Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity says with glee. "I'm so happy for you. I think you're going to be just fine!"
  169. All of you are way too busy to pay attention to her. The haze you find yourself in is heavenly, and you only want it to keep going as long as possible. The way the girls are gasping and moving makes it seem like they're enjoying it too. You start moving your hips up and down just slightly and begin licking Scootaloo at a faster pace. This doesn't go unnoticed.
  171. "Ah!" They scream, but not in a frightened way. "Ahh..." They don't seem to mind at all. In fact, they really like it. Their voices are almost joining in a symphony of pleasure and arousal, rising in volume and intensity.
  173. "Aaahh!"
  175. And all at once, it comes to an abrupt end, as they scream their highest. All over yourself, you suddenly feel cascaded by liquid. Very strong smelling liquid. So much for that...
  177. ****************
  179. "We said we were sorry!" Applebloom repeats herself, but it does nothing to remove the grouse from your face.
  181. "It's not like we meant to pee on you!" Scootaloo adds, splashing herself with water from the bath.
  183. "I'm really sorry, Button," Sweetie Belle says, still busy washing your hair. "None of it got in your mouth, did it?"
  185. "I don't know, and I'm better off never knowing," you answer, arms crossed and hunched over in annoyance. It was nice of them to take a bath with you after what happened. It was at Rarity's insistence, but they were quick to comply, at least. Getting scrubbed clean by them almost makes up for what they did. Almost.
  187. "Regardless of what happened, I would have suggested that you all took a bath anyway," Rarity comments, sitting on a stool next to the bathtub. "Bathing regularly, especially after times like this, is the best way to keep from getting any diseases and washing the sweat off yourself feels so good." She smiles. "Button, you really should brush your teeth when you get home."
  189. "I know, I know," you respond. "Sorry about the bed..."
  191. "Pish posh." Rarity waves her hand. "I wouldn't have the job I have if I didn't know how to clean linens. It's not the first time those sheets have gotten wet, either."
  193. "Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cries in embarrassment.
  195. Rarity only laughs. "In any case, I hope all of you have learned something from this."
  197. "Yeah..." You all respond, almost by instinct.
  199. "It was the first time for all of you, so none of you knew how much you'd be able to take. But now you know what to do, yes?" All of you nod in confirmation. "Good. Now I think it's time to get out." She snaps her fingers and four towels float into the bathroom from the hall closet and fold themselves onto the bathroom counter.
  201. The girls are dried first, carried by Rarity one by one with her magic into a dry towel. As it gets to your turn, Sweetie Belle turns to you and asks, "You did have fun, right, Button?"
  203. You ponder your answer for a bit, and then say, "Yeah. It was crazy, but fun."
  205. Sweetie Belle smiles one of her biggest smiles, and you can't resist it. "I'm so happy! I love you so much!"
  207. "Say, Button..." Scootaloo leans to you. "Any chance you wanna do this again with us? We promise not to pee on you next time."
  209. "Yeah," Applebloom pipes up. "Please?"
  211. You look at both of them, and then look to Sweetie Belle for help, only to see her with her face in a manner that pleads for you to agree. You just laugh and answer, "Sure! It's a date, girls!"
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