

Mar 15th, 2014
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  1. dare775 admitted defeat
  2. Siding for next duel has begun (1-0-0)
  3. dare775: sigh... no more going easy
  4. MeteorD: eff okay?
  5. dare775: ok
  6. MeteorD: eff
  7. MeteorD: Chain
  8. MeteorD placed a counter on "Evilswarm Exciton Knight" in M-3 (now 1)
  9. MeteorD removed a counter from "Evilswarm Exciton Knight" in M-3 (now 0)
  10. MeteorD: Sea Horse
  11. dare775 has lost 1900 life points
  12. MeteorD: Okay
  13. MeteorD: Is this you not going easy?
  14. dare775: this is a bad hand
  15. MeteorD: More like a bad deck
  16. dare775: judging someone's deck on the first duel makes u a pretty bad player
  17. MeteorD: You're playing Battlin Boxers, you don't really have a say in this
  18. dare775: thats honest fact not my opinion
  19. dare775 has lost 2400 life points
  20. dare775: your point?
  21. dare775: who said boxers where bad?
  22. MeteorD: The fact that they're not doing shit in the OCG, nor the TCG
  23. dare775: umm
  24. dare775: they topped regionals before
  25. MeteorD: Everything tops in regionals
  26. MeteorD: Dude
  27. MeteorD: Read the card
  28. MeteorD: "You can only activate 1 "Battlin' Boxing Spirits" per turn."
  29. dare775: the fact that your being a rude ass dick for what reason?
  30. MeteorD: shuffle back Spar
  31. dare775: i said nothing negative to and your being a ass
  32. dare775: you*
  33. dare775 has lost 2400 life points
  34. MeteorD: You said that you're going to stop going easy, which is trashtalking
  35. MeteorD: so I'm just trashtalking back
  36. dare775: dude
  37. dare775: get out of your little fantasy butt hurt over you own false interpretation of what i said
  38. MeteorD: Okay
  39. dare775: i stated a fact that i was really trying cause im busy doing other things
  40. dare775: wasnt*
  41. MeteorD: I'm currently playing Runescape, so that makes 2
  42. dare775: who said im like you?
  43. MeteorD: Okay
  44. dare775: dmg
  45. MeteorD: sure
  46. MeteorD has lost 900 life points
  47. dare775: gj
  48. dare775 admitted defeat
  49. dare775 has left the duel
  52. Private Chat:
  53. dare775: learn some respect might do you some good
  54. MeteorD: I'll learn respect when you learn to git gud
  55. dare775: been good
  56. dare775: let me tell you 2 useful pieces of information
  57. MeteorD: Okay
  58. dare775: 1. its YGO, its not a game of oh im so good and your so bad when you can just copy decks that win tournies all the time
  59. MeteorD: I don't copy decks, I look at decks that topped and then fix part of them that I think can be optimized, just like in every other card game
  60. MeteorD: Unless it's banlist season in which case I do what the fuck I want
  61. dare775: 2. this game is 90% luck 10% skill dont give me that get good crap all the famous actually good players know this and if they seen you comment they would laugh at you
  62. dare775: and i didnt say u copied a deck -_-
  63. MeteorD: I'm pretty sure they'd be laughing at the person playing Battin' Boxers when SHArk is a card
  64. dare775: dude... you just another typical player like everyone else you taking pride over ygo lmao
  65. dare775: thats like a lightsworn player telling the world hes good because he sacks everyone with JD lmao
  66. MeteorD: LS relies entirely on mills, so it can literally only sack
  67. dare775: excuses
  68. dare775: your missing the point
  69. dare775: im stating facts your stating opinion and pigheaded remarks
  70. dare775: its ygo enough said
  71. dare775: the game is far from being balanced fair on things and everyone should know this
  72. MeteorD: It's unbalanced as fuck, but if you're playing Battin' Boxers then you're just asking to lose
  73. dare775: you should check azneyes videos he seems to understand how ygo works unlike you, you should go learn from him
  74. MeteorD: Azneyes is an awful player
  75. MeteorD: He can't deckbuild for shit
  76. dare775: he never said he was a good player
  77. MeteorD: You say he understands YGO, which he clearly doesn't
  78. dare775: hes humble enough to say hes a decent player
  79. dare775: and actually
  80. dare775: he knows waay more than you do even me actually
  81. dare775: again
  82. dare775: you stating opinions and pigheadedness im stating facts
  83. MeteorD: Sure he does, nigga doesn't even know his own rulings
  84. dare775: lmao
  85. dare775: ok and you remember all your rulings even for new cards? and super old cards? 100% of the time all day everyday?
  86. MeteorD: When literally all you have to is read the card unless it's shit like Psi-Blocker, yes
  87. dare775: thats one of the problems ygo reps pointed out
  88. dare775: its people like you that makes the game worse than what it is already
  89. dare775: the fact that im arguing with you ruins my reputation lol
  90. dare775: heres a fact bro
  91. dare775: then im done
  92. MeteorD: The only reputation you can gain when trying to make excuses with a deck like Battlin' Boxers and blaming it on bad hands is a bad reputation
  93. dare775: gamers, players, ect. they all have their sperate tiers of people thats actually can be titled good me on the other hand is with one of these top tiered group of players and i play with other top
  94. dare775: tiered players and no it doesnt mean they all insanely good or not
  95. MeteorD: Top tier players play top tier decks
  96. dare775: again your speaking in ignorance
  97. dare775: you dont even know what im talking about
  98. dare775: anyway
  99. dare775: im with legendary are borders touch any competitive game or thing its members touch
  100. dare775: their*
  101. dare775: thats just an exmaple of me and i can tell you now
  102. dare775: theres a line between a good player and a bad player and it has little to do with skill
  103. MeteorD: It has to do with calculating the ratios for your deck
  104. MeteorD: Which you clearly didn't do
  105. dare775: lmao
  106. MeteorD: because you can't get good ratios with BKs
  107. dare775: man your really ignorant
  108. dare775: you only care about what you have to say and what you think
  109. dare775: you think what your saying is the law or something like you wrote whats good or bad
  110. dare775: tell me
  111. MeteorD: Of course I can be certain of what's good and what's bad
  112. MeteorD: If a deck can consistently be a threat, then it's good
  113. dare775: if your so good and pro you have the right to down other players deck they didnt even say them self if it was good or not
  114. dare775: tell me why
  115. dare775: a slifer deck topped the highest league in ocg?
  116. MeteorD: Because the OCG isn't played in Swiss, which makes it easier for rogue decks to top
  117. dare775: lmao excuses
  118. dare775: its still playing tier 1 decks
  119. MeteorD: Dude
  120. MeteorD: Everyone fucking knows about why the OCG has stupid tops
  121. MeteorD: You'd have to be shit at the game not to know why
  122. dare775: excuses
  123. dare775: its still playing tier 1 decks
  124. MeteorD: Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that they have to win alot less times
  125. dare775: or even tier 0 what people call few formats ago
  126. dare775: they still topped 1st
  127. dare775: nonetheless
  128. dare775: and they not even a thing people know about
  129. dare775: thats how decks get the person's name behind it
  130. dare775: long ago you started the destiny stun deck
  131. dare775: no one used it and thought was bad until he made a build to it
  132. dare775: as for me i dont call any archetype bad if its the basic build
  133. MeteorD: Yeah, and it topped once
  134. dare775: sylvans for exmaple
  135. dare775: second i saw shinra i knew they was gonna be good
  136. dare775: everyone said they was bad
  137. MeteorD: They're not close to competitive
  138. dare775: look and behold support come out now that deck is insane with possibilities
  139. MeteorD: With Chronomaly and Artifacts running around, they can't do shit
  140. MeteorD: Charity is a powerful card, yeah
  141. dare775: umm
  142. MeteorD: and Sage and Oreia are good as well
  143. dare775: my sylvan deck has lost one duel yet
  144. dare775: yet
  145. MeteorD: On fucking DN
  146. dare775: whats your point?
  147. MeteorD: Dude, I have a consistent winratio with fucking Galaxy on DN, that doesn't make them good
  148. dare775: its easier to win in rl than on dn
  149. dare775: im talking 40ish duels all wins
  150. dare775: now i have a trail of people asking for my deck build
  151. MeteorD: Winning irl in a tourney is harder
  152. dare775: saying its dn is a poor excuse
  153. MeteorD: because you'll be facing meta decks constantly run by players who actually bothered to learn the deck
  154. dare775: when dn shuffle system is jsut bad
  155. MeteorD: because they actually spent money on the fucking thing
  156. dare775: lol the logic
  157. MeteorD: Yeah, if someone spends hundreds of dollars on a meta deck, then they're going to fucking learn how to play it
  158. MeteorD: This isn't rocket science
  159. dare775: spending money on sometthing determines if youll win more lmao wtf?
  160. MeteorD: Spending money on something means that you'll invest more time into it
  161. dare775: lmao
  162. MeteorD: because you wasted your fucking money on cardboard cards
  163. dare775: there are 100s maybe 1000+ people that spend months testing decks
  164. MeteorD: so the best you can do is learn how to use them properly to make it more likely that it'll gain recognition
  165. dare775: all you do is make excuses
  166. MeteorD: Excuses for what? A shitty Slifer deck topping once and then never seeing the light of day again because it was shit?
  167. dare775: excuses lol
  168. dare775: cause maybe
  169. dare775: its a complex deck that not basic net decker can understand
  170. MeteorD: If it was actually good, then it would've been consistently topping after it
  171. dare775: oh
  172. dare775: but
  173. MeteorD: Dude, there are several thousands of people playing this game, there's no such thing as a deck being too complex when all you have to learn is the card interactions
  174. dare775: just contradicted yourself lmao
  175. MeteorD: The closest to complex shit you'll find is things like the Infernity FTK deckout, which is just a billion steps, but you can still memorize it
  176. dare775: this conversation is done all you do is make excuses, and contradict what your saying
  177. dare775: you seem to know whats a good player or not lmao
  178. dare775: that alone is priceless
  179. dare775: your so confident about it too
  180. MeteorD: I know what a good deck is
  181. MeteorD: Which you clearly don't
  182. dare775: please humor me more
  183. dare775: dude
  184. MeteorD: You're the kind of person who brought up fucking Regionals as something relevant
  185. MeteorD: If regionals were relevant, then that shitty 50 card FF deck would've been the norm
  186. dare775: everything your saying is opinions, excuses, and assumptions
  187. dare775: nothing you say has no logic behind it
  188. dare775: or fact
  189. MeteorD: Except it does, the fact is that decks that top at regionals rarely top any YCS
  190. dare775: i state a fact and logic reasons and come back with a fail excuse lol
  191. MeteorD: unless they're top tier decks
  192. MeteorD: This is a fact
  193. MeteorD: there's literally nothing you've said that refuted this point
  194. dare775: dude my point is what makes you have the right to judge a person's deck when they maker didnt even say oh im using ths for a competitive build or a test
  195. MeteorD: The only thing you need to do is refute why the 1. A deck that only topped once can be considered good and 2. Why decks that top non-competitive events like Regionals are considered relevant
  196. dare775: also
  197. dare775: the first duel
  198. MeteorD: You literally made the excuse "The deck is too complex"
  199. dare775: also downing an entire archtype
  200. MeteorD: That is the worst fucking excuse ever
  201. dare775: umm
  202. dare775: you go play the slifer deck and win with it
  203. dare775: actually
  204. MeteorD: I can't win with it consistently because it's shit and runs under another banlist
  205. dare775: go net deck 1st place decks those weird ones and win with it
  206. dare775: more excuses
  207. dare775: the decks im talking about not affected by banlist
  208. dare775: complex decks is decks with the maker's name behind the deck
  209. MeteorD: What the fuck are you talking about? I'm clearly stating that decks that only top once are shit, and that decks that top stupid shit like regionals can't be considered relevant unless they top a YCS
  210. MeteorD: consistently as well
  211. dare775: not some standard everyone knows tier 1 deck
  212. dare775: yes they topped in ycs
  213. MeteorD: Read the sentence again
  214. dare775: youtube it theres a guy i forgot his name he makes vids on ycs decks that topped
  215. MeteorD: Tops consistently
  216. MeteorD: not just once
  217. dare775: lmao
  218. dare775: dude
  219. dare775: complex decks only the maker knows how to effectively use it
  220. dare775: so its only him that would play it and maybe a few others
  221. dare775: also
  222. dare775: formats change
  223. dare775: maybe the guy wants a new deck
  224. dare775: or if he brought the exact build it be stupid if he shared his build already cause know everyone know how to stop it
  225. dare775: my point is get off your high horse and thinking a whole archtype is bad
  226. dare775: only a few exceptions to this rule ice barriers for example is jsut plainly bad
  227. MeteorD: You know what, if you miraculously manage to get good ratios so that you get consistent good hands in Battlin Boxers, I'll say that you're the greatest player alive
  228. dare775: lmao
  229. dare775: ok
  230. MeteorD: Because if the deck can't do that, then it's not good
  231. dare775: 20 duels
  232. dare775: first day i built the deck
  233. dare775: i lost around 5 legit losses
  234. dare775: both players had basic hands ect.
  235. MeteorD: No no, this doesn't have anything to do with duels
  236. dare775: no off the wall bs like a first turn starting hand with 5 exo pieces
  237. MeteorD: make a deck
  238. MeteorD: that has enough searchers
  239. dare775: lol
  240. MeteorD: enough ways to make a threatening field turn 1
  241. MeteorD: You dont even have to play any duels, just do the math
  242. dare775: do you you even know how the deck works?
  243. MeteorD: to see if you can get the card combinations required
  244. dare775: not all decks work the same lmao
  245. MeteorD: You know what, I'll even help you out
  246. dare775: dude
  247. MeteorD:
  248. MeteorD: Here is the basic ratios you need to understand
  249. MeteorD: to see how good your deck is
  250. dare775: boxers work by setting up your grave
  251. MeteorD: Yeah, and you do that with certain cards
  252. MeteorD: and you need certain card combinations to do that
  253. dare775: and i run those cards tyvm
  254. dare775: also
  255. dare775: 79 helps with this as well
  256. MeteorD: Just read the article and learn how to math
  257. MeteorD: so you can see how consistent you can make it
  258. MeteorD: This is shit players who top consistently do
  259. dare775: omg... its common sense -_-
  260. MeteorD: You can literally not bring yourself to say that math is an excuse, because numbers don't lie
  261. MeteorD: For example, the chance of opening Winky Disk in Chronomaly turn 1 if you include the maximum amount of searchers is 81-86% if I remember correctly
  262. MeteorD: which is why the deck is good
  263. dare775: sigh...
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