
fishes 1

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. Finish these 11 fish similar to as you did #383 - long(dead), examined only. If you can
  2. think of a few cute renames to Aetolify a few of them, feel free to tweak. As before, no references
  3. to size or weight since that'll be determined by the fishing system. Create up to 14 fantastical
  4. planar/elemental fish that will be fished up on Terminus(air), Azvosh(earth), Dendara(fey), and the
  5. Dream realm. The dream realm you can be especially crazy with as the player will not be taking those
  6. fish out of the plane.
  8. 1. a lobster
  9. A large, orange and black lobster lies here.
  10. Easily recognisable by its hefty body and large, powerful claws, this is a lobster with a thick reddish-orange carapace. Tiny beady eyes and an array of whiskers and feelers make up the creature's face, which is framed by its menacing, scissored forelimbs. It moves around upon eight spidery legs, and has a powerful, armoured tail that it uses to aid in swimming.
  12. 2. a rock goby - ocean, temperate
  13. A mottled rock goby has been discarded here.
  14. Mottled with shades of pale and dark brown, this rock goby is perfectly suited to camouflage itself against rocks and sea-beds. It has an oblong sort of shape, with an array of fins along the top and bottom of its body, similarly marked to keep it from being detected. A pair of beady black eyes sit on either side of the fish's mouth, which is wide and fleshy-lipped.
  16. 3. a purple-striped jellyfish - coral reef, warm
  17. A deflated jellyfish sits here in a gelatinous heap.
  18. Shaped somewhat like an otherworldly mushroom, this jellyfish has a smooth, domed body that is mostly white and translucent. Bright purple stripes blotch the cap of the jellyfish, and a matching hue decorates some of the wispy tendrils that trail from beneath the creature's main body. Slick and shiny, the eyeless creature floats with an almost ghostly presence through the water.
  20. 4. a flameback angelfish - coral reef, warm
  21. A small, blue and orange fish lies here, dead.
  22. This fish is small but striking, its vibrant colours making up for its lack of bulk. The body of the fish is a deep shade of ultramarine blue, and this contrasts sharply with the blazing stripe of orange that gives the flameback angelfish its name. Capping the head and upper fin of the fish, the bright golden hue is impossible to miss. A small mouth and a pair of beady black eyes make up the face of this small but fetching fish.
  24. 5. a yellow seahorse - coral reef, warm
  25. The corpse of a small, yellow seahorse lies here.
  26. Instantly recognisable as a seahorse, this whimsical creature has a knobbly little body and a bright, cheerful yellow colour. The head of the creature is vaguely equine in shape, the cause for its name, and bears a fluted snout and an array of knobbly little horns. The ridged neck and curved back trails down into a spiraling tail, small fins fluttering from the back of the beast to propel it through the water.
  28. 6. a colorful clownfish - coral reef, warm
  29. An orange and white clownfish has expired here.
  30. Striped with orange and white, this clownfish has a striking and recognisable appearance. An oval shaped body supports a number of fins, top and bottom, each edged with black, as is the fan-shaped tail that the fish uses to swim. Round black eyes are set into a blunt face, behind which the distinctive stripes of the fish begin, stark white bordered by more black set against the bright orange-gold backdrop of the fish's scales.
  32. 7. a spiny lionfish - coral reef, warm
  33. A spiny lionfish lies here, dead.
  34. This fish is spectacular and showy in appearance, its stark colouring and magnificent spines serving as a warning to its venomous nature. Jutting out like the ribs of a fan on either side and along its back, the fluttering fins and spines of this fish are striped in white, brown and honey gold. The tiger-stripes continue over the animal's body, making for an impressive and showy creature that is impossible to miss.
  36. 8. a bulky sea hare - coral reef, warm
  37. The gelatinous blob of a sea hare lies wetly here.
  38. Something akin to a very large, aquatic slug, this sea hare is jellyish and soft, with a long, squashy body. Its head is capped by ruffly, sensitive horns, and its skin is a jade colour spotted with rings and stripes of black.
  40. 9. a vicious piranha - Itzatl/Dun Jungle river
  41. A toothy piranha lies here, dead.
  42. Infamous for its ferocious appearance and ravenous appetite, this piranha is easily recognisable. A rounded body sports greenish scales and small fins but a pair of large, bloody red eyes. The reason these fish are feared in swarms is easily visible, the creature's large mouth filled with large and razor-edged teeth which it can use to deadly effect.
  44. 10. a cardinal tetra - Itzatl/Dun Jungle river
  45. A brightly coloured cardinal tetra lies here.
  46. This little fish has a lively and vibrant appearance, thanks to the contrasting stripes of scales that line its body. Shaped like a flattened oval, the fish has black eyes and transparent fins. A broad stripe of bright crimson splashes down each side of the fish, and above this rests a stripe of silver-blue scales which seem to almost glow when they catch the light, such is their reflective, metallic and shimmery nature.
  48. 11. a black-finned tambaqui - Itzatl/Dun Jungle river
  49. A fat, black-finned tambaqui lies here, quite dead.
  50. This fish has a somewhat comical appearance, with a tiny pair of eyes and a small, almost pouting mouth set into the front of an enormous, fat and rounded body. Clearly a creature with a meaty constitution, this fish is clad in yellow-green scales on top and black scales underneath that make it look like it has been dipped in tar. The fins along the underside of its body and its tail are black as well, giving the hefty fish its name.
  54. 12. an eyeless sand-wriggler
  55. An eyeless sand-wriggler lies curled here.
  56. A little over a foot long, this creature appears something like an enormous earthworm. Gritty and brown, it is difficult to tell if the creature is merely covered in earth, or constructed from it. Whatever the case, it has no eyes evident, the entirety of its front end taken up instead by a round mouth that is lined with ring after ring of razor-sharp teeth which descend into the shadows of its throat.
  58. 13. a dusty fossilback
  59. A dusty fossilback has been discarded here.
  60. A creature of grinding plates and bleached bone-like spars, this fossilback gains its name from its appearance, which is quite similar to that of a fish which has been dead for quite some time. Though it hides a living core of meat somewhere deep down, it mostly seems like the dessiccated remains of some other aquatic creature, ridges and spikes of bone sticking out between armoured, earthy stone fragments. Its tiny, beady black eyes are well hidden, and its fang-lined maw only makes itself evident when it is largely too late to escape.
  62. 14. an enormous, earthen centipede
  63. An enormous, earthen centipede lies here on its back.
  64. All glossy chitin and clicking legs, this is a centipede of nightmarish proportions. Its body is a deep, rusty brown colour, and each of its countless legs have a more reddish but still earthy hue. The creature's body is almost three feet long, thick and sinuous, moving with a fluid and unnerving grace. Its head is capped by two long, feathery and flexible antennae which are in constant motion, sensing out the centipede's surroundings.
  66. 15. a broad sand-manta
  67. A broad sand-manta is here in a heap.
  68. Much like its aquatic cousins, this manta is a broad animal with a diamond-shaped body, two triangular 'wings' stretching out from a thicker core. The manta is a mottled, sandy brown on top, and a paler yellow on its underside. Almost seven feet from wing to wing, this manta has a number of air-pocket 'scoops' underneath its wings, which seem to be used somehow to aid it in its spectacular leaps, bursting from the sand and gliding long distances before diving beneath again. The manta has no eyes evident, though it does have a wide gaping mouth and a long, whiplike tail with a stinger at the very tip.
  72. 16. a crackling cloud moray
  73. A cloud moray lies here, inert.
  74. This creature, with its long, sinuous body and fearsome, fang-lined maw, is somewhat similar to an eel. Its body is a bluish-grey tone, with stripes of black along the spine and belly. Its eyes are a searing electric blue, and there are a number of pits along the length of the body which spark and crackle with similarly-coloured electricity. The animal's head is long and tapering, equipped with a deeply-hinged jaw that sports a mouth full of jagged, razor-sharp fangs.
  76. 17. a small, floating ctenophore
  77. A small heap of translucent gel is all that remains of a ctenophore.
  78. Appearing quite similar to its ocean-going cousins, this ctenophore has all the trappings of a jellyfish, with the notable difference that its medium is floating through the air, rather than the water. Its translucent body is tinted in hues of purple and blue, with a bulging and veiny bubble on top and a number of puffy lobes beneath. Trailing from the bottom of the creature are a number of long, thin tendrils which wave and sway on the air, occasional crackles of static darting between them.
  80. 18. an almost-invisible windskimmer
  81. A gossammery windskimmer lies deflated here.
  82. This animal seems to bear qualities from a number of creatures, but most notably those of a butterfly and a bat. The entire creature is translucent, almost to the point of transparency, though an iridescent shimmer over its surfaces betray its presence even when the lighting is poor. A small, fishlike body with dangling, insectile limbs is supported between a pair of large, sweeping wings which unfold much like those of a sugar glider to allow the animal to flit through the air, darting and swooping with spectacular agility.
  84. 19. a tubby juvenile wind fish
  85. A juvenile wind fish lies here, dead.
  86. This creature, while still perhaps the size of a small dog, is clearly an infant. It appears something like a whale, with a fat body and stubby little fins. Sprouting from its back is what sets it apart from cetaceous mammals, that being a pair of fluffy, fluttery wings. They seem as if they should be too small to support the animal, but with rapid flapping they appear to do the trick. The wind fish is patterned over its body with markings which seem almost like painted decorations, forming symmetrical swirls and loops over its leathery, blue-grey hide.
  88. FEY
  90. 20. a pale green forest krill
  91. Its shell cracked, a pale green forest krill lies nearby.
  92. At a distance, this animal may seem to be a firefly or other insect, due to its pale green glow and the floating, whimsical way it drifts on currents of air. More closely examined, however, it appears more like a very small, translucent shrimp, with a curled tail and small, fragile legs. It has beady eyes and an oddly endearing expression for such an alien countenance, its lack of size or visible weapons making it seem quite harmless. Its body is mostly a pale green, glassy hue, with stripes of slightly darker green along its back.
  94. 21. a glowing tree lamprey
  95. Its glow extinguished, a tree lamprey lies here.
  96. This animal is long and slippery-looking, having much in common with a very small eel or a grossly oversized leech. Its body lacks much in the way of definition, aside from a few vestigial nubs which might be fins. In colour, it is greenish, with splotches of bioluminescence glowing along its porous-looking skin. It lacks much in the way of a face, foregoing eyes and any sort of jaw for a round, sucking mouth lined with fangs. Though it appears fearsome and nightmarish, this animal is generally harmless, attaching itself to trees to suck out sap.
  98. 22. a slimy green kelpie colt
  99. An infant kelpie sprawls here, dead.
  100. Both familiar and strange, this young animal appears to be what might occur if a horse were substituted for a human in the creation of a mermaid. From the head to the midsection, its features are equine in nature, albeit terribly slimy, stringy and knotted strands of kelp appearing to serve instead of hairs for its mane. The creature's eyes are a burning yellow hue, and its mouth bears jagged teeth rather than a herbivore's set. Its forelegs, instead of hooves, are equipped with slick, greenish fins which match the powerful, fishlike tail which serves for its body below the 'waist'.
  102. DREAM
  104. 23. a wildly shifting figment
  105. The ground glimmers with what remains of a shifting figment.
  106. Shifting from second to second, the precise nature of this figment is exceedingly difficult to get a handle on. At times, it appears spiderlike in nature, with long, trailing legs. At others, it seems to bear feathers, like a small, flitting bird. A flash of light might indicate scales, but looked at from the corner of the eye it sometimes even seems to just be a mental image of a memory long past.
  109. 24. a sail-finned memory
  110. A sail-finned memory, slain, glows like a handful of coals here.
  111. Wafting on the air rather like a miniature ship of some description, this creature - if it can be called that - is truly a curious thing to behold. The body of the creature is indistinct and leaves smudgy after-images on the eye, but despite this it manages to seem somehow familiar, as if it is something that you have seen before. From this strangely undefined mass trails a number of large, gossamer fins which keep the memory aloft. The fins are translucent, nigh-undetectable, but they shimmer with opalescent hues in the right light.
  113. 25. a crackling nighthorse
  114. Twisted cruelly around itself, a darkened nighthorse lies here.
  115. Something like a seahorse but much more malicious, this nighthorse is born of the kind of terrors that keep a person awake in the dead of night. It is dark purple and bristles with uneven spikes and trailing antennae, and though it has a fluted head much like a seahorse, its round mouth is ringed with pulpy flesh and studded with razor-fine teeth like the front end of a leech or lamprey.
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