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Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. do all of the eight points that night had to offer I did feel as though my community does pretty well for the most part on doing these 8 things the standard number 7 that mentioned local schools having computer and high-speed internet access as well as curricular that supports digital and media literacy at one point there was an initiative at my school where the district voted to buy new computers and switch over from books to tablets and digital mediathere was a point where I remember the books being paper but now all of the kids have tablets and digital books and homework that go along with them so as far as number 7 goes I feel as though my community does pretty well on this onestandard number 3 quality journalism through local newspapers local television and radio stations and online sources I do not feel as though my community does well on this standard it may just be the small size of the community but most of our news comes from the Louisville or Indianapolis area and there is hardly nothing that mentions anything going on in our town besides I 105.3 and that is just mostly local events that are going to be up and coming not very much on the new side sadly to say most of our news comes from Facebook and word-of-mouth but again that may just be the small size of our community which only is about 5,000 people. All in all I would have to say that while looking at all of the eight standards my town has done pretty good and keeping up with the fast-paced technological world.
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