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a guest
Oct 9th, 2021
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  1. Tony stoically emptied his twentieth glass. The
  2. crowd began to cheer him on.
  3. “Tony! You're the strongest!”
  4. “Ha! Knocking back a few glasses doesn't mean
  5. you're strong!”
  6. Surrounded by reckless hooting, Tony flung his
  7. glass away. “Don't be asses. I'm doin' the whole keg!” he
  8. proclaimed.
  9. “Do it! Do it!” The jeers and cheers grew louder.
  10. Tony grasped the half-empty barrel with both
  11. hands, tilting it back so that a steady river of vodka
  12. flowed into his welcoming mouth. He drained the keg
  13. amid rousing cheers, letting it crash to the ground once it
  14. emptied. An enormous bout of applause erupted from the
  15. crowd.
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