
Rushed sums of the week 17.04-22.04

Apr 17th, 2018
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  1. app tl. not that accurate.
  5. plastic surgery 32
  6. so fmc knows that mc got taken. uncle goes how he will go down there and tells them to block the road. fmc kinda tells uncle she wants mc to be okay and rushes him to go save mc. doc and his gmans and bitching how the fog is thick. doc goes how he likes it and how nobody will know who will get killed(prbly as under the cover of it) and how it will be a great ending for this. talk how uncle's guys are after them and how they got the baited. then they wonder where did they go, cause the fog made them disappear and then how their front is blocked. doc kinda goes how the pigs came down to the slaughter?(idk ..slang). gman taunting and then gil tells uncles guys to gtfo if they wanna live. gf wonders where mc at and how they will lose the flight if he doesn't come now/go there now. gf decides to go the the airport and wait there. she then sees mc's car and key inside. gf then gets worrisome thoughts about mc, but tells herself to stop that and to go the the airport and how mc might go too. doc talking trash to the dead gmans. gil reminds them how he gave them the chance to run. uncle comes and doc goes 'you're too late' and then uncle tells fmc to stay in the car. uncle all pissed tells them to 'get lost' and hits them. fmc asks if mc is okay. mc goes how it's fmc/jia but with the face of gf. fmc goes how it's her jia. fmc then asks mc why that serious face and admits how she had gf's face operated onto hers(notsure). mc kinda calls her inhuman. fmc disregards that and goes how yeah, its her with her short hair and she's back. mc freaks out about the first time they met/car dealer shop and fb where mc kinda idk, caught her attention to some mistake that she had with her hair and idk ..triggered her to be more careful about it. fb over and mc asks how, ever since then, fmc was crushing hard on him. mc kinda ask what's the reasons she's so obsessed with him. fmc replies how she felt that fatherly love coming from mc. fb here, where the father of fmc kinda does the exact cute gesture mc did for her at the car dealer shop. thoughts how even without a mother, her father showered her with love. but then, how his affection dropped when the stepmom came. how dad got addicted to sex with the stepmom. how she hated that bitch and decided to kill her and stabbed her. how dad trying to save the stepmother and how he got into an accident on the way to the hospital and died. then, she blames herself for her father's death. how the cute gesture/joke mc did on her the first time they met, brought back those loving father memories. then, how she saw mc like she would see her father and fell in love with him, but he had gf and again relived the nightmare, where the stepmom stole her father away. fb over and fmc goes how she tried to kill gf so she could get mc. doc calls her a really scary bitch and then how she was nothing but his plaything. fmc drags mc telling him how she will protect him. doc kinda tells them to stay where they are and if she doesn't misses her master's stuff(charms ..touches ..dick? notsure). fmc calls for uncle and doc calls her his pet. doc has her and fmc tells mc to run away, but mc calls her name. fmc tells him not to worry about her and how she'd hate it if he got hurt. doc taunts mc, cause he's weak asf and tells him to fuck off. mc wonders what can he do in this situation.
  9. gnd 100
  10. so fmc listens in on mom and bonga talk, without wanting to. mom tells bonga to listen well and how how wife's death has nothing to do with them. how she died in an accident and asks bonga if he understands what she tries to tell him. she kinda tells him to tell the truck driver to keep his mouth shut. how she ruined wife and she had to finish/ended it and perhaps things might have escalated there(notsure). bonga then brings up mc to the talk and mom tells him not to worry, that time will heal everything. how she will take care of that, as the price for killing wife and how she's ready for what might happen some day because of that. thoughts how fmc didn't knew the specifics, but knew what mom did to wife. thoughts how idk was at the hospital and mc at the funeral and she went to check things out. how she didn't know what to tell him, but goes how her mom cant make it cause she's in the hospital and offers her sympathy. end of fb and fmc goes how 'that's everything'. mc acknowledges that she was aware of that happening/how she knew of it. fmc goes more how since that day at the funeral, when she couldn't tell him, she started distancing herself from her mom, cause she wasn't the mother that she used to know(gotye..). how she couldn't do anything about that situation, since mom was her only family. mc tells her how it's okay and how time already passed. fmc asks him how, that's why he was so distant, cause he was angry that he found out the truth/wife and the incident and mc agrees with that. mc kinda goes how perhaps he already knew back then and tried to deal with it and how he got used to acting all ignorant and unknowing with what wife did. but how after finding out, he had trouble doing that pretending that everything was how it was. how he was angry, couldn't bear it and couldn't do smth about it even if he wanted to. because he lost smth very important and he cant keep searching for it anymore? rpb and thinking of fmc and wondering if she thinks that this shit is over. how, for fmc to wait he will show it to her, to everyone(notsure here, if in general or maybe exposing fmc.. or even fmc x mc and let them be?). washing and idk ..fmc wants mc to do that to her everyday. mc ignores that and reminds her of her debut tomorrow and her face and what will she do about it. she ignores that and kisses him and tells him how he's big again. they fuck ..moans and she calls his title/mister/uncle. mc does the same moan and calls her name. mc tells her how he came inside her unknowingly. fmc tells him how it's okay and it wont be a big deal(say that again in 9 months time ..). mc troubled still, but she tells him how it was great and she can relax now(or him ..idk).
  13. first love's daughter 34
  14. hoe tells dad how the boss doesn't want this/sex in her place. boss comes and goes calling that shit he does 'crazy' and questions dad about what he does. dad goes how he paid for it and boss kinda tells him off and taunts him how, if he did that/paid, does he think can do whatever and kinda calls him a rapist and wants to take him to the cops. dad insists it's the hospitality and denies rape. boss tells him off again for seeing the hostess as a whore. dad asks to be let go and tells her how he got it and says sorry. then, talk about an agreement and a sum to pay for that. boss asks for 100 mil won and dad is flabbergasted. mom tells mc how she will go out and mc asks where she goes so late and mom reminds him how she said she had a meeting. mc thinks mom is all sad and so was hina, pissed. he goes to fmc and hears her calling for her dad wonders about(him a dad?) and then sees that she was sleeping. he sees that pussy and gets a headache and bitches about it. mc here switches to dementia mc and calls fmc 'sunny', mom's name'. he thinks how it's crazy, cause these days she keeps showing often to him. he fucks her and she kinda wakes up and calls him 'ahjussi/mister/uncle and wonders why it hurts her. she fully wakes up and kicks him and asks what's he doing now. mc goes how he knows everything and fmc asks him what is he taking about. mc kinda tells 'sunny' how he knows how she went with senpai and even that professor(maybe both at the same time...line). fmc thinks how again mc confused her with her mom. she wonders 'why' and then asks him what's with this situation and tells him to stop it. fb here? and thoughts how he didn't really believe it and how due to need of credits, she was doing some body lending with the professor and how that was the talk about it(notsure). how it wasn't the average student, but sunny, the most gorgeous(best?) girl on campus. thoughts how he didn't knew she would go over to his house and how they had that simple student-teacher thing going on before that. sunny kinda tells sensei how he gave her a mouthful of cum and he laughs shyly about that. she asks if she can get that A+ grade(maybe said all hint like) and gets an 'of course' from him. she then asks for another favor and he ask 'what'. sunny goes all 'well..' and sensei wonders what the heck is going on all of a sudden. sunny goes to take off her skirt and sensei asks her all politely what is she doing and thinks 'no way ..' when the pantsu drop.
  17. neighborhood 39
  18. red tells fmc how she's still pretty and slim. kinda goes how he was jealous on her before. red kinda goes how last time they saw/they met, it was 10 years ago? when fmc planned her debut. fmc tells her no smoking allowed there and red kinda hints how, that rule was made by douche who hated it. red then goes how it seems that douche will never come home again, so they should ignore that. fmc then tells red, how she has no clue of what she speaks about and to get out. red goes 'you don't know?' and tells fmc how douche was absent from work for 2 days now. red goes how douche had 2 things in life that he loved: work and fmc and he wouldn't abandoned any of it before he'd die. fmc insists red get out and red kinda goes 'what' to that and idk, taunts fmc a bit how she will do her best as a queen? and how a queen needs a king to do her best(maybe red and work related or even fmc). red here kinda goes how she imagined being alone in this house and what if douche chose her instead of fmc. red then taunts fmc how she got refused by douche and how perhaps she wanted him to settle for smth worse(or better ..notsure). red then calls douche a big fool. mc wakes up and wonders if he got crazy, since he reached a point where he cant tell reality from imagination. how it seems to be really crazy there. wife then all cheery, goes how on a break like this, she had to go out and buy fresh stuff for mc to cook. mc cooking and he wonders what the hell is this and how it feels like life is making a fool out of him. wife asks him to make it extra spicy. wife then worries that mc's face looks worse than the day before and wonders if this happens every time. wife then then tells off mc for renting a motorcycle when he cant even drive a bicycle. mc is all 'motorcycle..what the hell..?'. wife kinda warns him how he will get seriously hurtd if he rides one again(maybe makes him promise not to) and how bikes = widow makers. wife tells mc how his food is delicious and it makes her dislike going to work and more so on a free day/holiday like now. wife then asks mc if they should take their monthly vacation tomorrow. mc wonders about that and thinks how today is wednesday so no chance for a free day/holiday. then, how his wife left the company(holiday related). thinks how the days check out(work day- no holiday) and he isn't crazy. mc then wonders why is his wife like that and how he later found out that wife has selective memory loss(so wife prbly forgot a few days..). thoughts how that selective memory also had a distortion to it. how proof of that was cause he said he got beaten up by a gangster, but wife made up the motorbike incident. wife bitches about mc's face and how it comes more ...showy now. thoughts how wife even saw herself his bike accident and then she tells him off for that and how she told him not to ride it. thoughts how what he didn't knew about that selective amnesia was that, it generates a trauma that cant be discarded/ignored? how it's a self defense mechanism to endure a situation. how his wife had a hellish situation he couldn't even imagine. how it was smth that she would experience it(fmc and shovel fb here).
  20. mal-jah 52
  21. recap where mc thinks how, life doesn't always go according to plans and that(u can read last sumgist for it). then, how it also gives the opposite. uncle goes how that's him and how if he got more greedy and stayed for more in korea, he would have been buried, cause that's how his sister/mother is. uncle then details how a rat trap works. how his sister lost here and talk how he got passed immigration and they lost him from the gmans. uncle tells inhee to stay there, but she refuses and questions that. he tells her how her life is more important than revenge. how she wants pimp ..drowned, but they are both connected there and maybe, go down or go up together. kinda tells her to forget and how, it isn't always that bad to go for that and def better than the worst. how if she wants to go for pimp, she has to go out there and that may lead to shitty circumstances. how she has to be patient sometimes and tells her to stay and go with him to paris and the reward will ..but she calls for the airport police and they go get pimp. next is a news report about the sex vids. they go how pimp who was the ceo of A entertainment enterprise and the spreader of the vids was arrested at the airport. how inhee was the one that lead the police to him and how she was also the girl on the vids. how this will prbly be the biggest sex scandal of the century. how they found lots of money in pimp's account and they are tracking the source for it. mc's thoughts how inhee's story was all over the news for more than a week. how that was normal since it was about power and sex. mc tries to call inhee but gets voicemail. thinks how the story went berserk with gossips and that and he was unable to do anything about it. how he realized on more thing, that he didn't really knew anything about inhee(her family, her home) and how they didn't really know each other that well and a 'but ..'. tbc...
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