

Apr 7th, 2020
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  1. Andrew took the time to examine the mans magic and one the boy found an opening he'd land time strike. The boy combine his hit flame with the sturdy earth to create something totally different.
  3. Andrew placed his hands on the ground causing the dirt to terraform into sand and from sand into a pool of magma. Andrew stomps his foot on the ground and caused a mini earthquake that would serve as a finishing touch later.
  5. Andrew conjured power from Vorna to increase his offense abilities. He'd used the sand to root the man into the ground and placed a well timed cosmic beam into his chest.
  7. "You fight with anger for a cause that isn't noble and that potion won't help, but cause you pain. It will force you to believe your ideals are right, but I ensure you there is a better way."
  9. Andrew sighed and dashed towards the man
  11. Andrew had laid the trap at the very begin though the man wouldn't have noticed, or did he? Andrew played this to his advantage the entire time, but now was time to execute the plan.
  13. "Thought your rage you haven't noticed I lead you into a trap, but it's far to late to get out of it now. This won't kill you since it's still a work in progress, but you'll get the idea."
  15. Andrew stomps one final time allowed the earth to spit in half and create a large structure begin to protrude from the ground. The structure begin to boil and with another stomp the magma store begin to flow and cover the entire area.
  17. "You weren't aware, but you'll fall victim to...." Andrew paused and shouted towards the man.
  19. "THE SLEEPING APEX!" the structure reacted to the passion within Andrew's voice. The lava shot out leave the mana submerged under the magma; however, after a minute passed Andrew split the ground allowing the magma to pour back into the earth.
  21. "It wasn't meant to kill you, but it did the job of slowing you down. All I ask is that you consider that the Demons will turn on you one day.
  23. You don't have to agree about my ideals or where I come from, but understand that if you care about your home then serving a Demon will cause pain.
  25. Farewell Mister I hope you have a better life and make a change for the better of mankind, beast-kin, Draconite every where. If not I hope that faith shows you mercy if the Demon prey upon you."
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