
Hoenn Episode 11

Oct 16th, 2017
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  1. Episode 11
  2. Friday
  3. Afternoon-Evening
  5. Jalen, Rin, and Lucina make their way towards the Desert portion of Route 111. The Hoenn Desert is well known for how fierce it is and is a graveyard of a sort where unprepared travelers perished due to wild Cacturnes killing them and draining them of their blood, something that scares Jalen and Rin who was telling others about the horrors of the desert, but not Lucina as they arrive at the desert and put on their goggles as well as desert cloaks to cover their bodies....Lucina look at them with a raised eyebrow.
  7. 'Guys, what's wrong?'
  8. "Uhhhh...Maybe you never paid much attention to what Rin was discussing here...But there are wild Cacturnes there ready to fucking kill us!"
  9. Lucina shrugs her shoulders as she turn back to the desert and venture onwards
  10. 'Well, if I find a cool Pokemon, consider it your loss.'
  11. "....."
  13. Jalen turns towards Rin with a disgrunted face.
  15. "She's your girlfriend...A stubborn, senseless girlfriend."
  16. [Yes, and I love her no matter how flawed she can be...Let's go.]
  18. Rhiannon head off to follow her girlfriend as Jalen grab a Pokeball and release his Blaziken. Blaziken looks at the sand and give Jalen a "What in tarnation' Look. Jalen just shake his head.
  20. "Blaziken, can you make sure no Cacturne come near us while we explore this place? Thanks buddy."
  22. Blaziken nods, assured that his new Fire Blast(TM from Lavaridge) attack will come in handy and if any get close, a good Blaze Kick will burn them all. Jalen and Blaziken walk on and catch up to Lucina and Rhiannon in the desert. The 3 + Blaziken travel the sand, making sure to not walk too far from one another and on the trail with the least amount of sand to walk on. Along the way, Lucina catches a variety of Pokemon such as Trapinch, Sandshrew, Baltoy, and even a Cacnea. Which Jalen notes the irony here considering that Blaziken is busy sending Fire Blasts from his hands towards Cacturnes in the distance. the sounds of pained screaming echos in the desert from these murderous Pokemon as the sun is setting in the afternoon. Soon, the 3 are done with Lucina catching all the Pokemon she can(She won't try to catch a Cacturne for fear of her life.) and the trio are in the northwestern part of the desert where some fossil are standing up in the sand.
  24. "Huh, the hell are these?"
  26. Jalen walk up to one of them, a fossil in the shape of a root and pick it up. Lucina rubs her chin and smile as well as Rin.
  28. [Luci, you think we found...]
  29. 'Why, I think we did, love! We may have found the resting place of the Lileeps and Anoriths 100 million years ago!!'
  31. Both the girls jump in happiness and hug each other as Jalen sweatdrop. Meanwhile, Blaziken is just busy KOing the Cacturnes far off, by now most of them are getting the message that they won't be able to feast on these 3 teens at all and slink off. Lucina walks and grab a fossil in shape of a Claw while Rin pick up an another Root fossil.
  33. [Jalen, we have made a wonderful discovery today! We need to rush back to Littleroot and have Father revive these fossils!]
  34. 'And then, tell him the location of these so that we can revive more of these Pokemon!'
  36. Jalen scratches his head, wondering why the Leonhart lab and not...
  37. "Why not Brando Corp? they have a lot of techno on their end, right?"
  39. Both girls winced at such idea as the 3 teens carry their fossils out of the desert while Blaziken just go to town on the last remaining Cacturnes. At the end of this, his hands was leaking fire from multiple Fire Blasts and he cool them off with a flick of the wrists.
  41. [Cause Brando Corps is a terrible company and our president is nothing but a complete dumbass...]
  42. "President...Man, to think the son of the president have it out for me...So Brando Corp sucks ass?"
  43. 'Yes, very. They are responsible for overusing many of our resources and making not generally helping us. Such as letting Team Magma and Aqua running amok!'
  45. Jalen blinks as he absorb all of this...
  47. "...That does seem fishy, why isn't the President doing anything about them?"
  49. Rin shrugs angrily and walk on to Mauville
  51. [Who knows? I wish he would be impeached, but he somehow have a 52% approval rating...Whatever, let's just get to Littleroot.]
  53. Lucina follows her girlfriend and wrap her hand around hers to calm her down as Jalen look on after returning Blaziken.
  55. "(Wonder how Soleil and Selena are doing...)"
  57. He runs up to catch up with them as they begin a long trip back home from all the way from the bustling Mauville through route 110 and then landing in Slateport and catching a ride towards Petalburg. There, they went to Littleroot, met Professor Chrom once more and showed him the fossils with the 2 girls telling him where the others are located. he's glad they didn't tell Brando Corp about it as he plan on getting some of his friends to dig them up for their safety. Afterwards, the 3 teens each get a new Pokemon, Lucina got Anorith, a Rock/Bug as Jalen and Rin got a Rock/Grass mon named Lileep. Soon, Jalen is outside of the lab and is ready to head off to Petalburg Gym. After 15 mins, he arrive at the gym and walk in...It's very dark in there with lights on the walls providing the only source of light. Before him on the other side of the battlefield is his Mother, Tharja.
  59. Why if it isn't my lovely son...I see you have 4 badges and you wish to battle me huh?
  61. Tharja takes a Pokeball from off her waist and throw it in her hand as Jalen nods
  62. "Yup, I'm ready to take what's rightfully mines...."
  64. Jalen does the same and send out his Blaziken as Tharja send out a Cacturne. Blaziken can't help but smirk at this turn of events. Tharja was already knowing that her son may be good, but not good enough to beat her so soon...So imagine her shock when Jalen opens things up with a Fire Blast 1st turn and Instantly KO her Cacturne.
  66. 'We-Well then....I knew you started with a Torchic, but to have a Blaziken so soon...And so powerful at that..`
  68. "I've been training my ass off, that's all."
  70. Tharja scoffs
  72. 'Such arrogance...`
  74. However, she smirks knowing where he got his attitude from...and send out her Crawdaunt.
  76. `Knowing that I have a type advantage over you as well, are you still confident in letting Blaziken out there?`
  78. Jalen roll his eyes
  80. "Of course, He's Fighting type.."
  82. The next rounds after this one end the same way as the last one, a total Knock-out for Blaziken as he cruise through Tharja's team with either Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, or even High Jump Kick. Particularly using that last one on Tharja's Houndoom and sending it through rocks. Securing the win for Jalen. Tharja blinks and have a shocked look on her face as her son approaches her hand out
  84. "Looks like I win, Mom."
  86. `...Well shit, the hell did you do besides train? Fed your Pokemons Super-Wheaties?`
  88. Jalen shakes his head as Tharja gives him the Nohr Badge.
  90. "Nope, just trained."
  92. `Tharja smirks and she shakes her head as she escort her son out of the gym`
  94. `Well, the next gym is Fortree, which is west of Mauville. To get there, you gonna need Surf so here.`
  96. Tharja reach into her pockets and hand over the HM for Surf to Jalen who takes it
  98. "Thanks Mom, Well I'll be getting going now. Gonna sleep at Mauville and then head out. It's 8PM so I should make it to Mauville by 45 mins from now."
  100. `Mhm, you better call when you get there...`
  102. Tharja glare at him which he shudders
  104. "Al-Allright mom..."
  106. The 2 hug each other before Jalen make his way towards Mauville by crossing the river up north of Oldale. After that, he make the long trek to Mauville and check in the PKMN Center for a room. After getting one and calling up his mo to let him know he made it safely...Jalen fall asleep in the center, mentally prepping himself for tomorrow.
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