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a guest
Apr 26th, 2018
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Lua 2.68 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 'm releasing this tutorial because I want lua wrappers to fucking die.
  3. And make this community worse by spoonfeeding them.
  5. Just replace the addresses with these,
  6. Contact me for more information if you don't know how:
  7. Astrica_lole
  9. #7689
  10. Code:
  11. retcheck - 0x58b070
  12. lua_getfield(3 args) - /*updated*/ 0x73F8D0 __stdcall
  13. lua_setfield - /*updated*/ 0x741640 __cdecl
  14. lua_tolstring - /*updated*/ 0x741C50 __cdecl
  15. lua_settop - /*updated*/ 0x741A10 __fastcall
  16. lua_toboolean - /*updated*/ 0x741B90 __cdecl
  17. lua_pushvalue - /*updated*/ 0x740D30 __stdcall
  18. lua_pushnumber - 0x740be0 __cdecl
  19. lua_pushstring - /*updated*/ 0x740C70 __stdcall
  20. lua_pcall - /*updated*/ 0x7406B0 __cdecl
  21. lua_pushnil - /*updated*/ 0x740B70 __cdecl
  22. lua_next - /*updated*/ 0x740530 __cdecl
  23. lua_pushboolean - 0x740770 __cdecl
  24. lua_tonumber - /*updated*/ 0x741F30 __cdecl
  25. lua_pushcclosure - /*updated*/ 0x7407F0 __fastcall
  26. luaD_precall - 0x738690
  27. lua_checkstack - 0x73f360
  28. lua_createtable - /*updated*/ 0x73F580 __cdecl
  29. lua_insert - /*updated*/ 0x73FEA0 __cdecl
  30. lua_newthread - /*updated*/ 0x740380 __cdecl
  31. lua_newuserdata - /*updated*/ 0x740470 __cdecl
  32. lua_pushfstring - 0x73a270
  33. lua_pushthread - /*updated*/ 0x740CB0 __cdecl
  34. lua_rawgeti - /*updated*/ 0x740FE0 __cdecl
  35. lua_rawseti - /*updated*/ 0x741150 __cdecl
  36. lua_rawset - 0xc11b90
  37. lua_rawget - /*updated*/ 0x740E90 __cdecl
  38. lua_remove - /*updated*/ 0x741270 __cdecl
  39. lua_setfenv - /*updated*/ 0x741540 __cdecl
  40. lua_setmetatable - /*updated*/ 0x7417F0 __cdecl
  41. lua_getmetatable - /*updated*/ 0x73FBA0 __stdcall
  42. lua_xmove - 0x7420d0
  43. ScriptContextVFTable - 0x6b9e0e //0x111915C
  44. lua_close - 0x781310
  45. lua_touserdata - /*updated*/ 0x742060 __cdecl
  46. ContextLevel - 0x598950
  47. lua_call - 0x73f2d0
  48. ScriptContextVFTable2 - 0x6b8ce6 //0x111915C
  49. lua_type - /*updated*/ 0x742090 __cdecl
  50. luaS_newlstr - 0x73b330
  51. luaV_gettable - /*updated*/ 0x73EB60 __cdecl
  52. luaV_settable - /*updated*/ 0x73ED50 __cdecl
  53. lua_resume - 0x741420
  54. rawrjz - 0x738a07
  55. index2adr - /*updated*/ 0x737320 __fastcall
  56. luaL_ref - /*updated*/ 0x73A8B0 __cdecl
  57. lua_settable - /*updated*/ 0x741980 __cdecl
  58. lua_gettable - /*updated*/ 0x73FD50 __cdecl
  59. Arith - ?????
  60. luaH_new - 0x739880
  61. lua_pushlightuserdata - /*updated*/ 0x740A50 __cdecl
  62. luaL_getmetafield - 0x73a440
  63. lua_yield - /*updated*/ 0x742190 __cdecl
  64. spawn - 0x6c7b30
  65. luaL_unref - 0x73abd0
  66. lua_topointer - /*updated*/ 0x741FB0 __cdecl
  67. retflag1 - 0x16EA650
  68. retflag2 - 0x16EDA1C
  69. retfunc - 0x16EA620
  70. luaF_newCclosure - 0x739240 __cdecl
  71. XORCONSTANT  - 0x15F86F0
  72. identity - 0x16EF838
  73. gettop - 0x73FDD0 __cdecl
  74. Top - 8
  75. Base - 12
  76. Env - 64
  77. cdt - 36
  78. v50 = v41 + 56 * v49 + 164 + *(DWORD *)(v41 + 56 * v49 + 164);
  79. v50 = (int)&v41[14 * v49 + 41] + v41[14 * v49 + 41];
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