

Aug 15th, 2014
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  1. ----[X] 1 "About that shield, what kind of enchantments does it have?": (Sunhawk)
  2. ----[X] 1 "Could you tell me more about the spear?": (Sunhawk)
  3. -------[X] 1 "Do you carry flutes or other instruments?": (Sunhawk)
  4. [X] 1 "Do you have any medical options?": (Diller)
  5. -------[X] 1 "Do you have any medical options?": (Sunhawk)
  6. [X] 2 Barrier Jacket armour.: (Xicree, Diller)
  7. -------[X] 1 Barrier Jacket armour.: (Sunhawk)
  8. [X] 4 Classify yourself: (Xicree, BFldyq, Graig, Diller)
  9. ----[X] 2 Classify yourself: (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  10. [X] 1 Force field armour (especially force fields that can be specialized against certain kinds of attacks).: (Graig)
  11. [X] 1 Grenades that can be mentally triggerd to instantly explode.: (Graig)
  12. [X] 4 No: (Xicree, BFldyq, Graig, Diller)
  13. ----[X] 2 No: (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  14. ----[X] 2 No, conserve your strength.: (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  15. [X] 1 Nullification fields.: (Graig)
  16. ----[X] 3 Write in.: (Sunhawk, Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  17. ----[X] 2 Yes: (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  18. ----[X] 2 Yes, but only for important classes. (3 willpower): (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
  19. [X] 4 Yes, for maximum efficiency. (1 willpower/class): (Xicree, BFldyq, Graig, Diller)
  20. ----[X] 2 Yes, for maximum efficiency. (1 willpower/class): (Sunhawk, Grosstoad)
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