
Some crazy shit bro

May 30th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Wait around time
  2. Covet: Yup. I went to go get high, get a drink and get my cake. XD
  3. Tsaaq: ((heyyyyy.))
  4. Covet: [Hola]
  5. iKamal: [heeeeeeyyyy pretty ladies]
  6. Tsaaq: ((we were just parked in here we can rp elsewhere if you want.))
  7. iKamal: [pfft no why would I want you to do that]
  8. iKamal: [are you guys rping somewhere else??]
  9. Covet: [Not at the moment no]
  10. Tsaaq: ((idk there's plenty of rooms to choose from!))
  11. iKamal: [well im going to post if you guys join in you join in]
  12. Covet: [We probably will]
  13. iKamal: Kammie had to pick up her last check seeing as she quit her job She takes a deep breath and walks into the rusty handle. She had done her make up to hide the mark on her face and even pulled herhair off to one sideto hide it even more. She even had make up on her neck to hide up what that happen earlier when she got home. she went to the bar and the owners daughter was working it."here for my check"
  14. Covet: Angel was sitting at the bar sipping on some potent fruity concoction. She ran her fingers through her hair and bit the inside of her cheek, wondering if she had time to dip into the bathroom. She was feeling pretty buzzed as is and enjoying the repetitive music on the jukebox. She saw Kammie walk in, in a change of outfit and she gave a soft smile, still sipping on her drink.
  15. Tsaaq: Libi played with her bottle of beer, twirling it around in circles as she sputtered her lips. She turned to Angel and began to shove her gently. "This is booooringggg." She complained then glanced over her shoulder at Kammie as she approached. "Ever got your drink?"
  16. iKamal: Kammie saw the girls and smiled."Hey what are you girls up to." she grabbed her paycheck and opened it up looking at the amount. She tucked it into her pocket and order herself a drink."Can I get jacks on the rocks please." she smiled to libi whowas bored."wanna go vandlize shit I got my spray paint."
  17. Covet: "I know...Nothing happens on mondays. Mondays are boring." she said giving a yawn. "we could go cruise and drive around. Yell at people and be obnoxious. Or... We could go hot box your Hearse?" She added in, "Just getting our drink on. Maybe somethinge else...haven't decided yet."
  18. Tsaaq: She guzzled down the remainder of her beer. "Nothing. Jack shit. Just drinking like last Monday." She said to Kammie. She rose her eyebrows and nodded her head. "Sounds cool. I'm not that drunk." Libi stood to her feet and stumbled. She held onto the bar. "Why not both?" She asked. "I've got this bat I use sometimes." She declared.
  19. iKamal: KAmmie smiled to the girls."I'm down if you girls are down." she looked down at the stool and thought for a moment."I think they got new stools Libi.." she grabbed one and tapped her fingers on it.
  20. Covet: "You still going that blunt Damian gave you?" She asked with a grin, wondering if Kammie would join them or not. "Let me get a togo drink, I'll watch while you vandalize whatever you're doing. I need to find some new photo locations anyways." She said, getting herself another potent drink ordered.
  21. Covet: *got
  22. Covet: [IDFK where going came from]
  23. Tsaaq: ((Biiitch.))
  24. iKamal: [XD]
  25. Tsaaq: Libi nodded and went to glance into the crotch of her pants. "Wait, you said blunt." She slurred and pulled it from her cleavage attempted to straighten it out. "Why don't you take pictures on a set bitch?" Libi asked as she glanced at the stools. "Hmmm, Mars already stole one of the old ones for me-" She shrugged. "It'll fit in the hearse." She said, lifting up one of the stools and staggered while trying to carry it.
  26. iKamal: Kammie laughed seeing Libi look at her vagina. She shrugged and nodded."I think these are even better." she leaned over the bar and grabbed a bottle of jack. She already had her pay check so they couldn't take it out of her check and she didn't work there anymore. She smiled and waved the bottle."I got the booe."
  27. Covet: "Yeah, Blunt, bitch... dios mio Libi." She said with a laugh then scoffed, "Because that's to... typical. I like real settings for my designs." She said getting off the stool, fixing her socks around her thighs. "How many more do you need for a full set Libi?" She snickered as she walked outside to where Libi's hearse was.
  28. Tsaaq: "Okay good!" She called out to Kammie. "I don't know I already have one. And this one makes two." Libi replied in a slur. "What the fuck ever, come on!" She called out, walking towards the door and walking intot he wall. She finally made it to the hearse and put the stool in the back. She sighed and fanned herself before placing the blunt in her mouth. "Light me, wait not yet." She said as she went to sit inside the back of her hearse. "Get your asses in here!"
  29. iKamal: Kammie laughed watching Libi and followed her out. She got into the herse laughing at Libi and cracked open the bottle of jack and took a swig of it. she didnt bother putting on a seat belt. she handed the bottle over to Angel."I don't think I know your nam."
  30. Covet: "This bitch... I swear..." Angel said as she climbed into the back and sat down criss crossing her legs, and pulling her lighter out of her back pocket. She also pulled out the thin tin she used to keep her stash in, but she knew the blunt was laced because Damian had told them earlier. She flicked the lighter to life and held it up for Libi while she answered Kammie, "I'm Angelina, but I go by Angel." Once the blunt was lit she took the bottle and tipped it back with a happy grin on her face, wincing after a mouthful.
  31. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and held the smoke in her lungs a moment before exhaling it. She blinked a few times and wiped her eyes. "One sec." She held up her finger and too another pull. She coughed and handed it to Angel. "Yeah that's Angel." She said. "And what? This bitch what?" Libi asked, holding her hand out for the bottle now.
  32. iKamal: Kammie chuckled handing the bottle to Libi."I'm KAmisha but everyone but this hoe calls me KAm or kammie." she pointed to Libi and smiled."It's nice to meet you Angel." she put her feet up and smiled.
  33. Tsaaq: ((Kiki!))
  34. Covet: "Nothing, I love you Libs." She said with a smirk and took the blunt from her taking a couple of hits herself, exhaling with a big grin on her face, "Nice to meet you Kammie...Officially at least." She said then handed the blunt over to her as well.
  35. Covet: [Sorry! I fogot to hit enter]
  36. Tsaaq: ((Smfh!))
  37. Tsaaq: She nodded her head with her eyes wide. "That's what I thought." She said as she began to sip from the bottle of jack. She grinned and leaned back against her window. "Dude." She whispered. "The guy you're fucking gave my daada like five hundred bucks and he didn't want it so he gave it to me. It was so rad." She said.
  38. iKamal: Kammie took the blunt and took a drag of it holding the smoke in her lungs for a few moments before letting it out."Well You probably seen my shit al lover the damn internet." she shrugged over the whole video."Should give myself a super awesome porn name." she laughed at her joke before handing the blunt over to Libi before taking another hit."ell charles has money to throw around." she show Libi her nails." he got me these today and I'm going to go get my hair braided tomorrow."
  39. Covet: "Sadly no, just heard of it through the grapevine." She said with a shrug as they passed the laced joint and booze around. "I'm not sure if that makes him... great.. or pathetic.. but I suppose if it works for him, then who am I to judge. You are just doin your thing sweet gold digger, he paying for the braids too?" She asked with a smile feeling the euphoric effects of the PCP kick in.
  40. Tsaaq: "Porn is played out. It's all about selling vids and nudes on snap now." She said in a slur. "Hey I don't know what he said to my grandad to make him not want to take his money but I'll gladly keep it for myself." Libi laughed as she took the blunt once more. "That's not bad. I can't have a dude buying so much shit for me though. Not unless it's drugs."
  41. iKamal: She nodded her head to Angle/"Yeah he is paying for it. Ourrelationship is complicated." she chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair." I mean he wants to pay for it who am I to say no.I've worked all my life and its nice to be spoiled abit."
  42. Covet: "I suppose.. but at what cost?" Angel said with a shrug. "I'm spoiled too,. so I get where you're comfing from. It's just spoiled from my family vs. a lover." She gave a shrug, "I live a comfortable life and share when I can" She said with a grin.
  43. Tsaaq: Libi was really feeling the buzz now. "It sounds so complicated." She replied with a slow nod, because she was fucking drunk. "Yeah I've never actually been spoiled." She said, which was a total fucking lie. "But hey I get where you're coming from."
  44. iKamal: Kammie shrugs takign the bottle from libi and takinga swig. she was starting to feel the pcp andweed take over.I mean we fight alot but it's usally my fault. I got a mouth on me." she hsrugged her shoulders."It's better then beingwith my grandmother. She is a holy roller."
  45. Tsaaq: ((Yeaaah.))
  46. Covet: "You say holy rollers like they are bad things." Angel said looking over at her, "I'll spoil you Libi... with Mexican food, tequila and good drugs. It's about all I got." She said with a laugh feeling a little giggly. "So what's this about vandalism...that was discussed earlier?"
  47. Tsaaq: "Pfftttt." Libi sputtered loudly. "Fuck that. My family are a bunch of muslim assholes." She said, rolling her eyes. "Why are families so annoying? They want you to do they shit they do. The fuck." She grumbled. "I mean that all sounds good. So let's do that. I'm up for that." She said, taking a long sips from the bottle of whiskey then burping. "Yeah let's do this! Hand me a spray can bitch." Libi demanded as she manuvered her way out of the hearse and fell on her fucking face.
  48. Alexithymiaa: (What the fuck is going on)
  49. Covet: [THey're being delinquents. ]
  50. iKamal: She shrugged."Nothing is wrong with it unless you throw a damn bible at me for loosign my virginity." she chuckled and grabbed her purse pulling out her spray paint and handing one to Libi who had fell on her face and she couldn't help but laugh." I feel different then what my grandmotehr does."
  51. Covet: "I guess I get off lucky with my religion being as I can just confess all my sins and be forgiven." Angel said with another laugh, though it really doesn't work that way. She crawled out the back door because she figured that would be easier than the route that Libi had taken and walked over to give her a hand back up, still giggling though.
  52. Tsaaq: She groaned and took Angel's hand as she forced herself to stand. Libi scoffed as she leaned on her car and took a bottle of spray paint, shaking it loudly. "You think I'm gonna put a FUCKING HIJAB OVER MY FUCKING HEAD? Fuck that!" She shouted before going to the pavement and marking it with an X.
  53. iKamal: Kammie got out of the heasre with the girls. She watched libi and angel and leaned against the heasre and watched Libi."I think some of them are really pretty." she chuckled and smield watching Libi. she grabbed two spray paint cans and shook them up and started to make a moral on the side of the window.
  54. Covet: "Libi... I don't expect you to do anything.. of what's expected of you.. every." Angel said watching her put an X on the pavement and Kammie start painting something on the window. She herself more or less just kind of wandered about in the parking lot dancing about. " What are you putting up there? I see Libi making some sort of treasure map." She snickered teasing her friend.
  55. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn pulled her car into the lot of the Rusty Spoon, killing the engine and removing the keys from the ignition. Climbing out of the yellow SUV, she pulled her hair over one shoulder and started to walk up to the diner before stopping short when she saw the group off to the side. She opened her mouth to call out to them, but stopped abruptly when she noticed the spray paint, lowering her voice to a harsh whisper as she turned to make her way over to them. "The hell are you guys doing?"-
  56. Covet: *ever
  57. Tsaaq: "Yeah well those fucking clods think I should." She grumbled, shaking up the spray can once more. Her vision was blurred so spraying anywhere would be useless really. She was wasted. "Am I supposed to be drawing shit liken The Life of Pablo over there?" She asked as she pointed to Kammie. Libi walked along the wall of the Spoon while spraying and shook the can once more, glancing at Quinn with a smirk. "Whatsit look like?" She asked playfuly with her tongue sticking out.
  58. iKamal: Kammie had drawn a little gangster looking guy on the window with a bandna on his face holding up to middle fingers."It's Charles look" she laughed and looked at Libi."I don
  59. iKamal: [dame enter]
  60. iKamal: "I don't care what you draw." she laughed and smiled taking the whiskey bottle tipping it back and chugging some of it down. She was drunk and high and would probably feel it in the morning."I'm fucked up shit."
  61. Tsaaq: ((Yay!))
  62. Artificer: ((oh dammit. I thought this was one of those escort/strip club rooms. BYE.))
  63. Tsaaq: ((Fuck youuuu.))
  64. Covet: [You damn tart]
  65. Alexithymiaa: (Shut up, your boobs are fake, Lucas.)
  66. iKamal: [mani can escort you to your grave in her herse XD]
  67. Artificer: ((uuuh yeah, and they were paid for with nothing but ones. Cuz I know how to work the stage.))
  68. Alexithymiaa: (Hey, everyone has their calling.)
  69. iKamal: [XD]
  70. Covet: "Life of pablo.... I thought that was a music album...not a painter..." Angel said a little confused, then ran up to Quinn as she joined them asking them what she was doing, "Q, you lovely face with your halo of good around your head" She said clearly tripping a bit. "I have no talent.. you give me a can and I'll just make some design for a dress on the wall, How's that? I need gloves though I don't want paint on my fingers, or my manicure."
  71. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn raised her brows as she watched them, holding her hand out toward Angel because she seemed so unsteady. "Um... are you okay?" She stepped a bit closer, her eyes drifting over the cans and the markings on the wall and shit. "Is this really the place to do this?"-
  72. Tsaaq: "That shit ain't about picasso? I don't fucking know. I don't fucking know man." She rambled. Tossing her spray can and doing a backward somersault and let her legs stay against the the wall for support as she shook her ass. Libi fell after a few seconds before sputtering her lips. "Any place is the place to do this what are you even talking about?" She slurred as she kicked the spray can hard, making it bounce across the street.
  73. iKamal: Kammie snorted and laugh looking at Libi. They were all tripping balls. she put her hands on her knees and started to twerk her ass lightly."ayyyyeee. " she made her way over to Libi who was palying kick the can with a spray paint can."We need to hang out are so much fun." she looked at Angel and the other girl."you the one with the face..your so pretty." she was pointing at quinn.
  74. Covet: "I'm feeling fantastic! High as a kite with a little buzz to boot. How are you doing Mi amor?" She asked sticking her tongue out. When Libi kicked the can she threw her arms up and called out "GOOOOAAALL" for a ridiculously long time, then it fizzled into a giggle. " Sorry Quinn, I know we're obnoxious right now."
  75. Alexithymiaa: "You're kind of always obnoxious..." She gave a little shrug, her eyes drifting over to the brunette pointing at her. "What? Oh... um... thanks I guess." Slipping her arms around her middle to cross over her chest, she just kind of stood and watched them for a long minute.-
  76. Tsaaq: "It's good! It's good! It's GOOOOD!" Libi shouted with her hand sup. "I know, we're a fucking riot." Libi told Kammie as she took out her vape and walked over to Quinn. "She's kissing ass." She said with a chuckle before inhaling. "I feel fucking great. Let's keep this going." Libi said to Angel. "Where's the bottle?"
  77. iKamal: Kammie looked around and handed Libi the bottle."I got it." she smiled and pulled her phone out looking at it and giggling."uh oh Charles is looking for me." she swayed as she stood there texting him. She wasnt even sure if she was texting the words right but then again she didnt care.
  78. Covet: "Damian hooked us up for the night. I've still got shit int he car too though..." She said to Libi giving her that silent tell tell look. " I might be always obnoxious, but you love me for it." She told Quinn giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Charles to suck it , that you're hanging out with the girls tonight." Angel said being loud as she danced about in the parking lot.
  79. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn rolled her eyes because she couldn't deny this fact. Shifting on her feet, she dropped her arms to her sides and rocked back on her feet, unsure of what she was even doing now because she came with all intentions of getting some chicken fingers and fries, not standing outside watching some bitches spray paint some shit. "Did you guys eat yet?"-
  80. Artificer: Damian was walking home from work, when he heard the commotion from the girls down the street. He wasnt sure exactly who it was or what was going on until her heard Libi shouting for her goal. "Oh god." He said, shaking his head with a chuckle. He walked to the parking lot, seeing the girls dancing around and being misfits. "What is going on here?" He called out, walking closer to the group.
  81. Artificer: ((Damian always magically appears when you mention him and drugs. He's a like a mexican drug genie.))
  82. iKamal: [what do you rub to make him appear o.o]
  83. Tsaaq: "These nuts." Libi said loudly as she went to grab the bottle of whiskey from Kammie. "So what? Blow him off. He's just a stupid guy." She said with her eyebrows furrowed at the sound of Damian's voice. "Fuck off!' She called out, of course that was before she realized it was him. "Oh, nevermind." She shook her head and sipped from the bottle once more. "Eating is boring." Libi declared in her faux British accent. "But I fucking guess we can eat..."
  84. Artificer: ((his feet.))
  85. Alexithymiaa: (Lucas. Put your foot fetish away.)
  86. Covet: "I had a salad at Hiraj earlier. So I've got my calories in for today. But I'll go in and sit down with you if you want" She said to Quinn. " I could use a fresh drink at the very least" She smiled and started for the door seeing Damian, "Ey Vato... Como estas?" She smirked swaying around a bit, still lit from the joint.
  87. Polyblank: ((setting?))
  88. Artificer: ((Im afraid of developping a foot fetish due to my job))
  89. Covet: [Everyone's outside in the parking lot...spray painting and being high and drunk XD]
  90. Polyblank: ((what fun lol))
  91. Alexithymiaa: "No, it's fine. You guys continue doing.... this." She kind of just waved her hand around in front of her, gesturing to all their spray painting. When she realized it was Damian approaching, Quinn gave a roll of her eyes, not looking directly at him. "Hey Damian."-
  92. iKamal: Kammie giggled and tucked her phone in her pocket "yeah fuck em! im with the girls." she smiled feeling good about herself. She looked around at the guy who was shouting at them"food sounds so good right now I think my belly is trying to eat itself right now." she stumbled herway towards the door. she tried to push when it was a pull door."the fucker is broken man."
  93. Polyblank: The sounds of a incoming car approaching down the road could be heard along with the sounds of speakers blasting tunes, as it come into view it looked like a pimped out cadillac, that got puked out by the ghetto. As the lowrider swerved into the entrance of the parking lot the passenger doors on the right side popped out and following the two people who exited was a large haze a smoke exiting the interior, the two figures emerged and laughed and sang along to the latino music blasting from the car as they shut the doors and waved the car off before turning around. It was Carlos and Mars clearly high, drunk, or a heavy mixture of the two as they both held onto each other staggering over towards the wall of the restaurant, not noticing the others yet as they were laughing and blurting out drunken broken spanish.
  94. Artificer: "Im alright," Damian said, nodding towards the girls as they said hi. "Im exhausted from work. I am definitely going to grab some food." He said as he noticed Quinn and others walking to the entrance. He looked down at his scrubs, trying to scratch a little blood stain off of his shirt as he headed inside.
  95. Tsaaq: Libi grumbled as she watched everyone walk towards the bar. She grumbled and ran up behind Damian and shoved him a little. "Hey Libi! How you doing? Feeling okay? Work was good!" She said angrily before walking inside behind Quinn and Angel. "Food is stupid." She grumbled, inhaling her vape once more then exhaling a large puff of spoke.
  96. iKamal: Kammie saw the others open the door and jsut walkedi n after them. she smiled and heard the loud car and saw carlos and MArs walk into the resturant."aye fuckers!" she waved at them both and smiled. she gave carlos the figner though and smiled at mars. she hated carlos for obvious reasons.
  97. Covet: "Hey now it looks like a party is starting" She said hearing the music bumping as Mars pulled in. "Oh... it's that guy, from earlier.. Dios mio he's just as ghetto fabulous as I imagined." She mumbled to herself then walke din with Quinn, " How was poking the old people?" She asked Damian with a laugh "Don't get food Libs, Get booze. That's what I'm doing." She sauntered inside and pulled up a spot in one of the booths. "First rounds on me tonight, for all those partaking." She called out.
  98. Covet: [Poof]
  99. Covet: [Hey Chris lol just now saw that you slipped in]
  100. DGNightwing: (just now finished lagging xD
  101. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn followed into the diner with the group, making her way to the booth and sliding in across from Angel. "Am I the only one who has to be up early for a final in the morning?" She asked, just desperayely wanting her chicken fingers because it was like her security blanket. Tossing her hair to one side, she sat up straight in the booth, trying to twist behind her to see where a server might be so they could order their shit. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Well probably not a horse. Maybe like a very large steroid ridden chicken."-
  102. iKamal: [im slowly starting to nod off]
  103. Covet: [D:]
  104. iKamal: [i need to go to sleep ><]
  105. Covet: [Go sleep]
  106. iKamal: [i think i will gonna make an exit post]
  107. Artificer: Damian bit his cheek, holding his tongue as Libi pushed him. "Its been better." He said quietly to Angel. Damian stopped, and watch everyone go to a booth. He took a deep breath and then took a seat at the front counter, asking the server for a beer and a burger. Damian looked down at his shirt, still trying to scratch the stain away. He cursed under his breath as it would not disappear.
  108. iKamal: KAmmie saw a black car pull up and she knew that car anywhere. she huffed."i'll catch you bitchs on the flip side my ride is here." she made her way out and got into the car and it drove her away.
  109. Tsaaq: "What?" She muttered angrily as she watched the others walk over to the booth. Libi rolled her eyes. "Hellooooo? Are you acting like I don't even exist or something? What the shit?" She asked Damian with her eyebrows furrowed. "You're totally fucking up my high."
  110. Covet: "Later Kammie" Angel said with a wave as she ordered herself a couple of tequila shots. She was still feeling all euphoric and happy as she sat in the booth with Quinn, " Yep.. Just you.. because I finished min last week. I've been doing nothing but drinking at night and enjoying the sun during the days. Be careful with them roided chickens. Some of them chemicals might leech over to your body." She looked over to Damian and Libi, "Hey...get your fuckin drinks and come sit at the booth.Putas." She said laughing, calling Damian a female bitch as well.
  111. Alexithymiaa: "Ugh, so lucky." She grumbled, slipping out of the booth to walk up to the counter because she was not about to wait for her fucking chicken fingers. "Can I get chicken fingers and french fries, please? Thanks." Spinning around, she walked back over to the booth, lingering in front of it as she looked down at Angel. "I'm not that worried. Bring on the chemicals."-
  112. DGNightwing: _Jayden drove his car over to a different bar this time. After parking his car he got out, he wasnt so dressed up this time. Just a black t shirt, some jeans and a nice looking pair of shoes. He walks into the bar, seeing the sae familiar faces as the last one, he shrugged and walked to them, sitting down- Hey guys..what brings you to this side of the town?
  113. Artificer: "No, I-I'm sorry." Damian glanced up at Libi, biting down on his lip to keep it from quivering. Trying hard to keep a stern face. "It was a rough day." Damian wrapped an arm around her, giving her a half hug. "I'll be okay." He turned back to the counter, looking down at the stain again. "God dammit." He whispered.
  114. Tsaaq: Libi frowned widely at him and glanced back at Angel. "Fuck off, we're coming!" She called out. Libi tilted her head at him and lowered her head. She gave him an awkward pat and lifted her head in an attempt to focus her gaze on his shirt. "What's wrong with it?" She asked as she pointed at his scrubs because Libi was a moron. She looked over her shoulder at Jayden and rolled her eyes. "I don't talk to assholes who don't tip." She slurred.
  115. Covet: "I know, Fashion school has it's perks, Q" She said with a smirk, then laughed at Libi's response. She looked up when she heard Jayden's voice, and blinked, "Oh.. Hey.. It's been a little while.. You still suck at texting." She told him, taking a sip from her drink that was sat down, "I bought first round...If you would like one, I can add your's to it too." She said making it sound like it was but wasn't a big deal, while trying to keep herself cool and composed.
  116. Alexithymiaa: -Dropping down into the booth and sliding over to allow room for others to join, Quinn turned her head to see Jayden coming over to join them. Sending him a sunny smile, she waved, her eyes turning to follow between him and Angel. "Hey. Wait, you guys know each other already?"-
  117. DGNightwing: I dont tip bitches who drink shit that I ordered. Theres your tip- he looked back at Angel and shrugged- Yea...I guess I do huh? Seems youve been trying to hang out and what not. - he shrugged again_ i guess I wouldnt mind. I dont see wh I should turn it down..sure.- he smiled at Quinn, sending her a wave- How are you?
  118. Artificer: "Its nothing." Damian looked up as the server gave him his beer. He took a swig and set it back down, holding onto it as he stared at the bottle. If his grip on the bottle was any tighter it might shatter in his hand.
  119. Tsaaq: She stared at him a moment then sighed. "Well come on. These dumb bitches want us to sit with them." Libi said, barely because of how wasted she was. "It'll be fun." She muttered. She heard Jayden speak and flipped a switch hard. She grabbed the nearest bottle she could, throwing it agains the wall. "Fuck you! Fucking fuckhead. You fucking poser. You probably don't even know what Thrasher is you fucking piece of garbage. Figures a rich piece of shit thinks they don't have to pay for shit. The fucking nerve! I hope you fucking die!" She shouted.
  120. Covet: "Hey, don't be a dick to my friend. It's bad enough your a dick to me." Angel said "Get your drink ordered and be nice." She said furrowing her brow, "Yeah.. We know each other. I met him a couple of weeks ago, I've told you guys about him. This is the guy who just showed up to slap my ass... and now.. Libi's laying into him..." She said with a smirk sipping from her drink.
  121. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn jumped when Libi started shouting, twisting in her booth to watch that shit unfold. "THIS is the guy?" She asked, her attitude instantly changing from hot to cold. "Jeez, what the hell just happened?" She stood up in the booth and climbed out of her seat, putting her hands up in a desperate attempt to calm Libi down a bit. "Hey, if you don't chill they're going to call the police on you and my dads already not your biggest fan. C'mon, you can have my fries when they come out."-
  122. DGNightwing: You know nothing about me. ANd I know what Thrasher is - he chuckled- You need to chill. Dont talk to me like that if you cant take it back cutie. Il tip your ass tonight. EVeryones gotta work right?- he dug in his wallet and took out a twenty- Theres your tip from the other day. I forget sometimes, true story- he looked at Angel and sighed a bit- Im not being a dick to anyone, just not gonna take shit. Was bad enough the other day- he sat down- And for the record. I slapped your ass cause you did something. I dont rememver what it was. You were coming onto me or some shit. But it doesnt matter really , im just here for a drink. I dont want a war. You guys dont want a war. We arent on your side anymore.
  123. Artificer: "The fuck did you just call my girl?" Damian yelled as he twisted in his seat, standing up quickly to face the guy. Damian was about to grab his beer to use as a weapon before Libi grabbed it and threw it. He looked over at Libi, realizing she can handle herself. Though he stayed right there. "The fuck you mean you are going to tip her ass tonight huh? Dont fucking talk to her like that." Damian said, his face getting red as he let out his problems from the day in the form of rage. "You better fucking watch what you say home boy. This aint daddies country club. Niggas die out here everyday." Damian stepped in front of Libi, staying between the two of them.
  124. Tsaaq: ((You just quoted T.I. XD))
  125. Covet: "I was coming on to you?" She said with a laugh shaking her head, "I was at home, happily drunk and invited you over to hang out and you chose to call me disgusting and slap my ass. I might have been drunk, but I wasn't drunk enough to forget why I was offended." She said with a laugh. "I need another round of tequila over here. Salt and limes por favor!" She called out. "All you fucks sit down and shut up.. we're supposed to be drinking not fighting!"
  126. Alexithymiaa: (Why is this so hilarious)
  127. Tsaaq: ((I DIDN'T EVEN POST ASSHOLE))
  128. Covet: [FUCK ME SIDEWAYS]
  129. Covet: [I thought I saw your post when I scrolled up to count. My bad x.x]
  130. Alexithymiaa: (I just know I post after Kiki. Stop confusing things you fuck.)
  131. Tsaaq: "Yeah okay Quinn. I'm fine. Fuck off." She said with a scoff. "Ugh. Don't call me cutie." Libi rolled her eyes at him and snatched the twenty. "Yeah, thanks." She said sarcastically, sticking her tongue out a little as she stuffed the money into her top. "All I want is war." She muttered. Before turning to look at Damian and fought giggling. "Fuck it, fuck it man. He gave me the fucking money. He can live another day. Barely." She said, attempting to lazily massage Damian's shoulders.
  132. Covet: [[<----Is the biggest fuck of all fucks to fuck]
  133. Alexithymiaa: (FUCK.)
  134. DGNightwing: See you need to chill bro. You dont know me. Nor my fucking father. Just because where you live sucks doesnt make you tougher then me. All I did was stand up, your girl went all crazy first. If you wanna do something, do it bro. She asked for a tip so I was going to tip her. When bitches ask for money...I give it to them- he pulled out his wallet again and threw another twenty at the dude- THere bitch. Theres a tip for you too. -he looked at Angel- I apologize then. Il make it up to you. k? I was drunk...ish.- he stood up looking back at the man- You want me to earn your fucking respect then im right here. Im not gonna keep this going though, make your move if youre gonna make it. If not. Then forget it happened. Cool? IF you dont mind. I want that blondes number, so id like to hurry this up
  135. Alexithymiaa: -She sucked in a deep breath, far too frustrated with these drunk and high bitches because she's straight up just hangry. "I just want my fucking chicken fingers!" She crossed her arms over her chest and dropped back down into the booth to be hungry and wait impatiently for her food, looking across the table at Angel. "How is this where we end up every single time? You guys are lucky I love you."-
  136. Artificer: Damian's blood was boiling as he listened to the arrogant prick speak. "Fucking serious mayne?" Damian yelled, a little spanish twang in his voice as his anger built. When Jayden threw the twenty at Damian, he lost it. At this point all he say was red. "Fuck you!" He yelled before he bolted towards him, attempting to tackle him to the ground so that he could pin him down and wail on his face.
  137. Covet: "You were drunk-ish? And giving me shit for being a sloppy drunk? Pinche Cabron." Angel said with a laugh, she was too high to do much more than just laugh at the chaos of it all, " The blonde has a name, and unless you ask for it politely, she probably won't give you her number, Jay." She told him with an amused smirk as Quinn pouted about her chicken fingers. "and you're damn right you're going to make it up to me." She added as the tequila shots were put down. "Now.. get this chica her chicken strips... okay?" She told the bartender person like it was their problem. She saw Damian and Jayden gettin into it and sighed. "Boys, will be boys." She grabbed a shot and smeard the lime along her thumb before pouring salt so she could take the shot.
  138. Tsaaq: "Hey asshole fuck off! Who the fuck are you calling a bitch! You're a bitch! You're society's bitch! You're America's bitch! You're a conformist little bitch!" She argued. Her eyes glanced toward Angel and Quinn. Even though she wanted to smash a chair over Jaydon's head she darted her eyes then dropped to the floor and grabbed the money he tossed instead. She quickly stuffed the bills into her pockets as she rose to her feet. "Kick his ass Damian! KICK. HIS. ASS." She yelled then grabbed two of the tequila shots cause she's a selfish asshole.
  139. DGNightwing: I will ask nicely next time..- he looked back at Damian as he seemed heated- Well fuck..- he saw taht Damian leaned in to tackle him,Jayden was going to go down either way.. when damian put his shoulder into Jaydons chest, Jayden would turn, possibly causing Ddamians back to hit the bar counter, and possibly sending him tripping over a stool, reguardless Jayden would fall, but him twisting would cause Damian to not be ontop of him, once Jay hit the ground, he rolled and looked up at Damian, no matter the result of the twist, he would stand up straight, holding his arms up in a fighting motion- We can dance if you want to tough guy.. - he took off his shuirt, not wanting to rip it, he set it on the counter top, his toned body was red from the fall, but other then than that, he was fine and went back into lifting his hands up .
  140. Alexithymiaa: -Lettng out a frustrated groan at all of the fighting, she climbed out of the booth again, jumping back to avoid any incoming people throwing that appeared to be going on. She turned quickly to face Angel, shaking her head. "I'm done. I have a final in the morning and I'm hungry and I really hate everyone right now. Call me if someone needs a few strings pulled. I'm going home to microwave chicken nuggets and be mad about it." She leaned over to brush her cheek with Angel's and make that kissy noise thing I guess before stepping over to the exit, letting herself out.-
  142. Alexithymiaa: (Who doesnt have nuggets in their freezer? Ryan has a huge Costco size box in my freezer for "emergencies")
  143. Artificer: Damian hit the stool, sending it tumbling as he did as well. He scrambled up to his feet, spinning around to face Jay. Damian was panting and he had tears streaming down his face that he couldnt contain anymore. He watched the white boy take off his shirt and put up his hands like this was some kinda gentlemans dual. "The fuck you think you are?" Damian just looked over and grabbed the stool, swinging it and releasing, letting it fly in Jay's direction. He then moved towards Jay, following the stool to throw punch aimed for his jaw.
  144. Covet: "Maybe you guys should take your little fight outside. Not that I don't enjoy a show of machoism. But There's lots of glass in here." She said hesitantly then looked at Quinn, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Q. Good luck on your final!" She told her brushing her cheek against hers, and giving her a wave as she left before turning her attention back to the crazy fight that's throwin down.
  145. Tsaaq: "Okay bye bitch. I fucking guess." Libi waved as Quinn walked off. Frowning bitterly and feeling slighted by her not saying goodbye to her the way she did to Angel.She crossed her arms over her chest and looked over at Damian and Jayden scrapping. Her eyebrow raising as she watched. She hopped up and down and cheered at the stool toss. "Whoa!" Libi said with a grin. "Awesome!" She said before turning to Angel. "They'll be fine. Damian obviously does some shit that has to do with doctors. And the other guy has money." She said.
  148. Artificer: ((she wasnt mad enough to not say bye to Angel...that bitch.))
  149. Tsaaq: ((This instigator.))
  150. Artificer: ((FIGHT.FIGHT.FIGHT))
  151. Alexithymiaa: (Angel is quietly sitting in a booth. The same booth Quinn was just sitting in. Fuck out of here, Lucas. Im going to bed because I have fucking work in the morning. Someone save this shit so I can read it tomorrow when Im mentally cursing at old people.)
  152. Artificer: ((ahaha okay, night Steph))
  153. Covet: [LOL night bitch <3]
  154. Alexithymiaa: (Niiiight)
  155. DGNightwing: =The stool came at Jay, he put his hands up, the stool hitting jays hands- Oww man the fuck? Cheap sho..- just then a fist smacked jay in the jaww, he went back to the wall, now covering himself, letting Damians fist his his arm that the stool did. the adrenaline so high that right now it didnt hurt, once he saw an opening he took a right hook, swinging it at Damian, aiming ffor his jaw, sooner or later they were both wailing at eachother, getting good hits in,
  156. Artificer: Damian was throwing punch after punch, wildly swinging now. Every time he felt Jay's fist make contact with his body it deafened hima little more to his own emotions, to the pain he was feeling, and to any one else around them. He heard nothing, he saw nothing. By this time he had completely blacked out. Jay's fist, collided with Damian's jaw, sending him whirling back. By this time the server was yelling about calling the cops, with phone in hand. Damian's lip was cut and he began dripping blood onto his own scrubs. He was in a daze, squinting through a swollen eye as he saw the red all over his shirt. "No, no, no." He began to mutter, shaking his head as he started trying to wipe the blood off his shirt, only smearing it more. "No! Fuck!" He began to yell, tears streaming down his cheeks. He ripped off his shirt and tossed it on the floor, dropping to his knees sobbing. He held his face in his hands, his blood, dripping down his arms.
  157. DGNightwing: -Jay backed up to the wall, face all red, blood coming from his cheek and lip, he held his guard as he watched Damian go down to his knees and sob, he raised a brow, breathing heavily, he leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, sitting there, he spoke out inbetween his tired breaths- Whats wrong with you..?
  158. Covet: "Oh... well when you put it like that. I'm just sad that both of them are mostly sober. Fights are always better after a few drinks." She said, then took her other shot of tequila. "How long are we watching this before we go get a bump?" She asked curious because she was starting to come down from her earlier high.
  159. Covet: [Angel... is sucha bitch tonight... I don't even know where it came from. ]
  160. Tsaaq: "Yeah cause you can't feel shit. That's probably why I wake up all injured everyday." She said. Libi watched the two continue to fight. She went to grab the rest of the shots and threw each one back, just sort of waiting for it to be over at this point. She leaned against the table of the booth then saw Damian fell to his knees. "What the-" She began to ask outloud before jogging over to him. "Back the fuck up asshole." She said to the other male before dropping down beside him and attempted to lifted his hand. "Hey Damian what the fuck? What's wrong?"
  161. Tsaaq: ((I don't know bitch.))
  162. Tsaaq: ((xD))
  163. Artificer: Damian looked up at Libi his face was fucked up. "Im sorry," He whispered shaking his head. "Im so sorry." He leaned his head against her, sobbing some more. "I couldnt do anything." He took a sharp breath, "I was right there and I couldnt help her." Damian wrapped his arms around Libi, holding her tight, probably getting his blood all over her. The server was still yelling at them to get out and that cops were coming.
  164. DGNightwing: -he looked down at the dude, still breathing heavily, h whiped his mouth and stood up, looking at the server, then back down to Damian- Uh...Im sorry...? I dont know what happened- he shrugged his shoulders, feeling bad, he looked around the room and grabbed his shirt. Not wanting to get arrested he ran out the dor, getting into his car and speeding off
  165. DGNightwing: (niiiight)
  166. Covet: She slipped out of the booth and walked over to the three of them and looked at them, " there anything we can do?I don't know what just happened...What did I miss...Damian?... Jay?" She asked between them, seeing all the blood and the confusion. She gave Jay a look then Libi as Damian held her tight...then they were told to get out, "Uh...But we weren't even part of this... Fine... fine we'll leave I guess.
  167. Covet: [Night?]
  168. Tsaaq: LIbi shook her head. "Who are you talking about?" She asked, looking confused as fuck. She yelped once he went to hug her and she looked around, hearing the sirens. "Damian we gotta get the fuck out of here." She said as she tried to stand while they were still embraced. She definitely couldn't stand up on her own either but she had to try anyways. "Damian come on!" She said louder then watched Jaydon leave the bar. She turned to Angel as she patted Damian. "We gotta bail." She shook her head again.
  169. Artificer: Damian blinked for a second, hearing Libi yelling at him. He looked around taking a minute to process the situation. "What?" He asked before he heard the sirens in the distance. Insticts kicked in and he stood to his feet, grabbing his shirt before they began to bolt out the door. Damian grabbed hold of Libis hand leading her out. His face began to hurt tremendously as he regained full conciousness.
  170. Covet: "Back to your place?" Angel said looking a them both, trying to help drag Damian out of the building with her as they were ushered out and she could hear the sirens blaring. "I'll meet you guys there, Unless you don't want extra company...I can meet up with you guys later."
  171. Tsaaq: She ran with him and slowed as she looked back at Angel. "I don't even know where we're going." She slurred. "I just knew the fucking pigs were on their way and we had to get out of there." She staggered before leaning on Damian. "We gotta throw ice at his face." She said as she pointed at him.
  172. Artificer: Damian turned looking at the two girls, through one eye. "What the fuck just happened?" Damian asked, realizing he just went beserk, but thats about all he knew. He heard the siren in the distance and his eyes widened. "What did i do?" He asked starting to panic. "I need to smoke a joint." He said, patting his pants before realizing he was still in his scrubs which had nothing in them.
  173. Covet: "You didn't do anything.. Well there was a sort of fight, but nothing serious happened. We're more confused and concerned about you. Let's go get high, Do we want to go to my place or your Lib?" She asked getting her wits about her some more after the altercation.
  174. Tsaaq: "You and this yuppie jackass got into a gnarly fight until you started..." She trailed off. "My place is good. Come on." She said, taking Damian's hand as she went to go to her hearse and go inside, waiting for the others.
  175. Artificer: Damian didnt say anthing, he just listened to the two before they climbed into libi's vehicle to leave. "I'm sorry." He said, looking down at his bruised fists. Damian sat in the back seat and pulled his undershirt off, due to it also being covered in blood now. He couldnt stand the sight of anymore right now. He balled up both his shirts and held them in his lap.
  176. Covet: Angel got into the vehicle with them and rode off to Libi's apartment.
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