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Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. But Dooku shook his head. “Oh, no, Master Vos,” he protested. “I’m actually rather impressed. I now have other plans for you.”
  2. His hand shot out. Blue streaks sprang from his fingers and danced over and through Vos’s body. The pain was like nothing Vos had ever experienced. It simultaneously burned and froze him. Every muscle tensed and cramped, his body spasmed uncontrollably, and his heart tried to burst from his chest. He heard someone screaming, as if from a long distance, and it took him a moment to recognize his own voice.
  3. After a second, or a thousand years, the torment ended. His body sprawled limply on the stone, and he could offer no resistance as metallic hands closed on his arms and began to drag him away.
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