

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. TXT
  2. entityType "Buff"
  3. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  4. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  5. stackingLimit 1
  6. allowFirstSpawnerToStack FALSE
  7. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  8. isInterruptable TRUE
  9. isChannelling TRUE
  10. numInstantActions 0
  11. numPeriodicActions 2
  12. periodicAction
  13. actionCountType "Infinite"
  14. actionIntervalTime
  15. Level:0 10.000000
  16. Level:1 10.000000
  17. Level:2 10.000000
  18. Level:3 0.000000
  19. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithTravel"
  20. instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
  22. targetFilter
  23. numOwnerships 1
  24. ownership "Enemy"
  25. numObjects 5
  26. object "CapitalShip"
  27. object "Frigate"
  28. object "PlanetModule"
  29. object "StarBase"
  30. object "Titan"
  31. numSpaces 1
  32. space "Normal"
  33. numConstraints 0
  34. range
  35. Level:0 6720.000000
  36. Level:1 6720.000000
  37. Level:2 6720.000000
  38. Level:3 0.000000
  39. maxTargetCount
  40. Level:0 1.000000
  41. Level:1 1.000000
  42. Level:2 1.000000
  43. Level:3 0.000000
  44. effectInfo
  45. effectAttachInfo
  46. attachType "Invalid"
  47. smallEffectName ""
  48. mediumEffectName ""
  49. largeEffectName ""
  50. soundID ""
  51. travelSpeed 500.000000
  52. effectStaggerDelay 0.200000
  53. hasWeaponEffects TRUE
  54. weaponEffectOriginType "Targetter"
  55. weaponEffectAttachInfo
  56. attachType "Ability"
  57. abilityIndex 0
  58. weaponEffectImpactOffsetType "RandomMesh"
  59. canWeaponEffectHitHull TRUE
  60. canWeaponEffectHitShields TRUE
  61. weaponEffectsDef
  62. weaponType "Missile"
  63. burstCount 1
  64. burstDelay 0.000000
  65. fireDelay 0.000000
  66. muzzleEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Muzzle"
  67. muzzleSoundMinRespawnTime 0.100000
  68. muzzleSounds
  69. soundCount 1
  70. sound "TORPEDO_LAUNCH_M"
  71. hitEffectName "PROTONTORPEDO"
  72. hitHullEffectSounds
  73. soundCount 1
  74. sound "EXP_KATARN_1.ogg"
  75. hitShieldsEffectSounds
  76. soundCount 1
  77. sound "EXP_KATARN_1.ogg"
  78. missileTravelEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Travel"
  79. missileStartTurningDistance 50.000000
  80. missileSlowTurnRate 10.708997
  81. missileMaxSlowTurnTime 3.000000
  82. periodicAction
  83. actionCountType "Infinite"
  84. actionIntervalTime
  85. Level:0 10.000000
  86. Level:1 10.000000
  87. Level:2 10.000000
  88. Level:3 0.000000
  89. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithTravel"
  90. instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
  92. targetFilter
  93. numOwnerships 1
  94. ownership "Enemy"
  95. numObjects 5
  96. object "CapitalShip"
  97. object "Frigate"
  98. object "PlanetModule"
  99. object "StarBase"
  100. object "Titan"
  101. numSpaces 1
  102. space "Normal"
  103. numConstraints 0
  104. range
  105. Level:0 6720.000000
  106. Level:1 6720.000000
  107. Level:2 6720.000000
  108. Level:3 0.000000
  109. maxTargetCount
  110. Level:0 1.000000
  111. Level:1 1.000000
  112. Level:2 1.000000
  113. Level:3 0.000000
  114. effectInfo
  115. effectAttachInfo
  116. attachType "Invalid"
  117. smallEffectName ""
  118. mediumEffectName ""
  119. largeEffectName ""
  120. soundID ""
  121. travelSpeed 500.000000
  122. effectStaggerDelay 0.200000
  123. hasWeaponEffects TRUE
  124. weaponEffectOriginType "Targetter"
  125. weaponEffectAttachInfo
  126. attachType "Ability"
  127. abilityIndex 4
  128. weaponEffectImpactOffsetType "RandomMesh"
  129. canWeaponEffectHitHull TRUE
  130. canWeaponEffectHitShields TRUE
  131. weaponEffectsDef
  132. weaponType "Missile"
  133. burstCount 1
  134. burstDelay 0.000000
  135. fireDelay 0.000000
  136. muzzleEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Muzzle"
  137. muzzleSoundMinRespawnTime 0.100000
  138. muzzleSounds
  139. soundCount 1
  140. sound "TORPEDO_LAUNCH_M"
  141. hitEffectName "PROTONTORPEDO"
  142. hitHullEffectSounds
  143. soundCount 1
  144. sound "EXP_KATARN_1.ogg"
  145. hitShieldsEffectSounds
  146. soundCount 1
  147. sound "EXP_KATARN_1.ogg"
  148. missileTravelEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Travel"
  149. missileStartTurningDistance 50.000000
  150. missileSlowTurnRate 10.708997
  151. missileMaxSlowTurnTime 3.000000
  152. numOverTimeActions 0
  153. numEntityModifiers 0
  154. numEntityBoolModifiers 0
  155. numFinishConditions 1
  156. finishCondition
  157. finishConditionType "OwnerChanged"
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