Guest User


a guest
Aug 14th, 2019
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text 2.07 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;}
  3. {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.17763}\viewkind4\uc1
  4. \pard\fi-1661\li1661\f0\fs20 21:37:51.987 \par
  5. 21:37:51.987 Corona Simulator 2019.3515 (Aug 13 2019 04:18:05)\par
  6. 21:37:51.987 \par
  7. 21:45:27.577 \par
  8. 21:45:27.577 Copyright (C) 2009-2019 C o r o n a L a b s I n c .\par
  9. 21:45:27.577 \tab Version: 3.0.0\par
  10. 21:45:27.577 \tab Build: 2019.3515\par
  11. 21:45:27.577 Platform: iPhone / x64 / 10.0 / Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 / 4.5.0 - Build / 2019.3515 / en_IL | IL | en_IL | en\par
  12. 21:45:27.577 Loading project from: C:\\Users\\Adam\\Downloads\\Tempp\\RatzLakneset\par
  13. 21:45:27.577 Project sandbox folder: C:\\Users\\Adam\\AppData\\Local\\Corona Labs\\Corona Simulator\\Sandbox\\ratzlakneset-822D4B4866A41ACA8E609224C1906830\\Documents\par
  14. \cf1\highlight2 21:45:29.320 WARNING: The 'plugin.firebaseDatabase' library is not available on this platform.\par
  15. 21:45:29.333 WARNING: The 'plugin.firebaseDatabase' library is not available on this platform.\par
  16. 21:45:29.873 WARNING: Sequence (player) has an invalid count (3) that makes the last frame index of the sequence (3) fall outside the range of valid image sheet frame indices: 1 <= index <= 1.\par
  17. \cf0\highlight0 21:45:30.372 admob.hide() WARNING: The AdMob plugin is only supported on Android & iOS devices. Please build for device\par
  18. 21:48:10.834 Testing credentials for 'C:\\Users\\Adam\\Work\\Corona Apps\\keyNapk\\Keystores\\ratzlakneset.keystore': \par
  19. 21:48:18.784 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en\par
  20. 21:48:18.784 jar signed.\par
  21. 21:48:21.942 Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua)\par
  22. 21:48:21.942 \par
  23. 21:48:21.942 Using custom Build Id 00000\par
  24. 21:48:22.114 Excluding specified files from build: \par
  25. 21:48:22.114 excluding: LaunchScreen.storyboardc\par
  26. 21:48:22.114 excluding: Icon.png\par
  27. 21:48:22.114 excluding: Icon-*dpi.png\par
  28. 21:48:22.114 excluding: Images.xcassets\par
  29. \par
  30. }
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