

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. ] Lillian(
  2. [01:53] <Lillian> Wb
  3. [01:53] <Katsa> Hello
  4. [01:53] <Katsa> Ty
  5. [01:53] <Lillian> Np. Wyd?
  6. [01:54] <Katsa> Nothing lol
  7. [01:54] <Lillian> Oh.
  8. [01:55] <Katsa> Ye
  9. [02:08] <Lillian> You bored
  10. [02:08] <Lillian> ?
  11. [02:09] <Katsa> I'm sleepy ;o
  12. [02:09] <Lillian> Oh. Me too.
  13. [02:09] <Lillian> How many boy friends have you had?
  14. [02:11] <Katsa> Serious boyfriends, 3 or 4, depending on how you view serious
  15. [02:13] <Lillian> Oh.
  16. [02:13] <Lillian> Was drew a serious bf?
  17. [02:14] <Katsa> o.o I didn't know you knew about that. Yes, I was serious about him. But then emotions kicked in
  18. [02:14] <Lillian> I'm his
  19. [02:14] <Lillian> Best friend.
  20. [02:15] <Katsa> Why bring him up? ;o or ask about them in general lol
  21. [02:15] <Lillian> Or close...
  22. [02:15] <Katsa> If you don't mind me asking
  23. [02:15] <Lillian> Just wondering.
  24. [02:15] <Lillian> I had two.
  25. [02:15] <Lillian> One was an ass.
  26. [02:15] <Katsa> Who
  27. [02:15] <Lillian> One was ok but was an ass after we broke up.
  28. [02:15] <Lillian> Uhm.
  29. [02:16] <Lillian> Matthew.
  30. [02:16] <Lillian> And irl.
  31. [02:16] <Katsa> Matthew is a poo head
  32. [02:17] <Lillian> Matts the second one.
  33. [02:18] <Katsa> Still a poo head
  34. [02:18] <Lillian> So who are the serious ones?
  35. [02:18] *Lillian* chews popcorn.
  36. [02:19] <Katsa> Lol well Drew, Jay, Sixx, and sorta someone named Koga.
  37. [02:20] <Lillian> Koga?
  38. [02:20] <Lillian> Sounds familiar
  39. [02:20] <Katsa> Brendan/Kenta. He was a good friend of Drew's
  40. [02:20] <Lillian> Oh.
  41. [02:21] *Katsa* nod
  42. [02:22] <Lillian> Non serious?
  43. [02:23] <Katsa> Tango, Spark, two guys irl (I don't really have an attraction to guys irl). None of them lasted long
  44. [02:23] Disconnected
  45. [02:23] Connected to:
  46. [02:23] <Katsa> Tango, Spark, two guys irl (I don't really have an attraction to guys irl). None of them lasted long
  47. [02:23] <Lillian> Oh.
  48. [02:24] <Lillian> Me either.
  49. [02:25] <Katsa> Did you have any like fling thingers that never turned out to be a full on relationship
  50. [02:26] <Lillian> Body parties?
  51. [02:26] <Katsa> o.o
  52. [02:26] <Lillian> Or like
  53. [02:26] <Lillian> "Talking"
  54. [02:26] <Katsa> Like having the characteristics of a relationship but never official
  55. [02:27] <Lillian> Mkay. Yes.
  56. [02:27] <Lillian> Right now.
  57. [02:27] <Katsa> Oi who
  58. [02:27] <Lillian> But I want to end... well there's nothing to end lol
  59. [02:27] <Katsa> o.o
  60. [02:27] *Lillian* looked down
  61. [02:27] <Katsa> I won't tell
  62. [02:28] <Lillian> You said his name.
  63. [02:28] <Lillian> I'm sorry...
  64. [02:28] <Katsa> o.o which
  65. [02:28] <Lillian> I didn't know you dated him. I wouldn't have... drews taken.
  66. [02:28] <Lillian> Idk Brendan.
  67. [02:29] <Katsa> Either Sixx or Jay?
  68. [02:29] <Lillian> Sixx.
  69. [02:29] <Katsa> O. It's okie
  70. [02:29] <Lillian> But we're talking. Nothing serious.
  71. [02:29] <Lillian> O
  72. [02:29] <Lillian> Good. Some girls get all mad.
  73. [02:30] <Katsa> I'm not someone who gets jealous. I mean I do, but like I won't have a hissy for over it. I can still have a normal conversation with any of my exes so
  74. [02:30] *Katsa* shrugged~
  75. [02:31] <Lillian> ...
  76. [02:31] <Katsa> Did that make sense
  77. [02:31] <Lillian> Yes.
  78. [02:31] <Lillian> Its just one of them... aren't nice.
  79. [02:31] <Katsa> It's 2:30am right now, if I don't make sense slap me and tell me to go to bed
  80. [02:31] <Katsa> Which isn't nice
  81. [02:31] <Lillian> Or puts out untrue info.
  82. [02:32] <Katsa> Who o.o
  83. [02:32] <Lillian> I think.
  84. [02:32] <Lillian> I can't say. But I can say what they said...
  85. [02:32] <Katsa> Sure
  86. [02:34] <Lillian> They said they seen you naked before. :| can't believe them..
  87. [02:34] *Lillian* shook her head.
  88. [02:34] <Lillian> Anyways you should get some sleep.
  89. [02:35] <Katsa> If I guess a name and I get right, would you tell me
  90. [02:36] <Lillian> Umm.
  91. [02:36] <Lillian> Sure.
  92. [02:36] <Lillian> But I know all of them
  93. [02:36] <Lillian> Btw.
  94. [02:36] <Katsa> Know all of who
  95. [02:36] <Lillian> Shoot.
  96. [02:36] <Lillian> Or exes.
  97. [02:36] <Lillian> Your *
  98. [02:37] <Katsa> Do you know Lan
  99. [02:37] <Lillian> Yes.
  100. [02:37] <Lillian> I do.
  101. [02:37] <Lillian> Pedophile
  102. [02:37] <Lillian> But yes.
  103. [02:37] <Katsa> Was he the one who said it
  104. [02:37] <Lillian> Nope.
  105. [02:38] <Lillian> I didn't know you went out with Lan.
  106. [02:38] <Katsa> I didn't
  107. [02:38] <Lillian> Oh.
  108. [02:38] <Katsa> He liked me and kept asking me out but I didn't like him like that
  109. [02:38] <Katsa> Was it Josh who said it
  110. [02:38] <Lillian> He is a horny mf.
  111. [02:39] <Lillian> Don't even mention josh
  112. [02:39] <Lillian> And no.
  113. [02:39] <Katsa> Then I don't know who else it could be who regularly says they've seen me naked
  114. [02:39] <Lillian> Oh.
  115. [02:39] <Katsa> And it's a bit creepy when you say you know all my exes lol
  116. [02:39] <Lillian> I do almost.
  117. [02:39] <Lillian> Except tango and Koga and jay
  118. [02:40] <Katsa> Do you mean the ones I listed or all
  119. [02:41] <Lillian> I'm confused.
  120. [02:41] <Katsa> like
  121. [02:41] <Lillian> Oh. I dont know the ones I just said
  122. [02:42] <Katsa> Idunno
  123. [02:42] <Lillian> Hmm?
  124. [02:42] <Katsa> I get hard to understand sometimes
  125. [02:42] <Lillian> I see.
  126. [02:43] <Katsa> Was it an ex who said it
  127. [02:43] <Katsa> I'm really curious now
  128. [02:43] *Lillian* sealed her lips.
  129. [02:43] <Lillian> I promised my be..
  130. [02:43] <Lillian> Uhh
  131. [02:43] <Lillian> Oops.
  132. [02:43] <Katsa> Be?
  133. [02:44] *Lillian* sighed in relief.
  134. [02:44] <Lillian> Nothing. Just my best pal
  135. [02:44] <Katsa> If Drew said he's seen me, that's a straight lie
  136. [02:44] *Lillian* blinks.
  137. [02:45] <Katsa> Well he's seen -me- but not.. Anything else
  138. [02:45] <Katsa> We weren't dirty
  139. [02:45] <Lillian> My lips are sealed.
  140. [02:45] <Lillian> By that...
  141. [02:46] <Lillian> I mean I won't say his name.
  142. [02:46] *Katsa* rolled
  143. [02:46] <Katsa> Why lol
  144. [02:47] <Lillian> Cause
  145. [02:47] <Lillian> I try not to break promises.
  146. [02:48] <Katsa> Mreh. This will be back at the back of my mind. Oh well. But at the end of the day, no one has seen me naked. Unless I'm forgetting something
  147. [02:48] Disconnected
  148. [02:49] Connected to:
  149. [02:49] <Katsa> Mreh. This will be back at the back of my mind. Oh well. But at the end of the day, no one has seen me naked. Unless I'm forgetting something
  150. [02:49] <Lillian> Good.
  151. [02:49] <Lillian> Well... one boy has but that's ehh.
  152. [02:49] <Lillian> A long story...
  153. [02:50] <Katsa> Whooo
  154. [02:50] <Lillian> Irl.
  155. [02:50] <Katsa> O
  156. [02:51] <Lillian> Yea. I'm not proud of it. We broke up right after.
  157. [02:51] <Katsa> Boyd are esh sometimes
  158. [02:51] <Katsa> .
  159. [02:51] <Katsa> Boyd. Yes
  160. [02:52] <Lillian> Oh.
  161. [02:52] <Lillian> Happened lol
  162. [02:53] <Katsa> This might be a bit odd to you, but are you straight
  163. [02:53] <Lillian> You think I'm lesbian?
  164. [02:53] <Katsa> .
  165. [02:53] <Katsa> No lol I never said that
  166. [02:53] <Katsa> I was just asking because I don't want to assume things. Obviously you're not lesbian.
  167. [02:54] <Lillian> Maybe I am. '-'
  168. [02:54] <Katsa> Unless you haven't came out yet
  169. [02:54] <Lillian> Jk.
  170. [02:54] <Lillian> But why'd you ask?
  171. [02:55] <Katsa> I don't like to assume things. I thought my best friend irl was trans, I asked, she wasn't, we moved on.
  172. [02:56] <Lillian> Oh mkay.
  173. [02:56] <Lillian> I like boys.
  174. [02:56] <Lillian> Strictly.
  175. [02:56] *Katsa* nodded
  176. [02:57] *Lillian* blinks.
  177. [02:57] <Katsa> Boys are pretty nice c; I'm pansexual, but mostly attracted to guys
  178. [02:57] <Lillian> Pansexual?
  179. [02:58] <Lillian> The prefix pan means all
  180. [02:59] <Katsa> If I like someone, I like them for them, regardless of their gender. Yes, I've only been with boys, yes, I'm only attracted to boys, but if I met a girlie, I'd be okay to be with her rather than a boy
  181. [03:00] <Katsa> I know what pan means lol. I'm either pansexual or demisexual, which is you need a deeper emotional connection with someone before you feel like sexual things for that person
  182. [03:00] <Lillian> Oh.
  183. [03:00] <Lillian> That's deep.
  184. [03:01] <Katsa> I won't show it in channels, but I'm pretty cuddly and gushy around people
  185. [03:01] *Lillian* nod.
  186. [03:01] <Katsa> I'm odd, sorry
  187. [03:01] <Lillian> I like odd.
  188. [03:03] <Katsa> Don't get weirded out by what I told you. Please. Or tell anyone else. I've only told a few people.
  189. [03:03] <Lillian> Omg.
  190. [03:03] <Lillian> That must like bond us forever.
  191. [03:04] <Katsa> Lol if you want to think of it like that, go right ahead.
  192. [03:04] <Lillian> But I might be bi. Idk yet
  193. [03:04] <Lillian> I really like this girl irl. But idk. Might just feel real close to her.
  194. [03:04] <Katsa> It's hard. I'm still not completely sure.
  195. [03:05] <Lillian> I understand that.
  196. [03:05] <Katsa> What's your real name
  197. [03:05] <Katsa> If you don't mind me asking
  198. [03:05] *Lillian* inhales deeply.
  199. [03:06] <Lillian> No one on this chat knows.
  200. [03:07] <Katsa> If you tell me, I pinky promise with sprinkles on top (I'll telly you later what it means to me) that I won't tell anyone else ever or call you by your real name in public
  201. [03:07] <Lillian> Anastacia.
  202. [03:08] <Katsa> Pretty. Mine's Brittany. As you've probably seen a lot of people call me e.e
  203. [03:08] <Lillian> You?
  204. [03:08] <Katsa> O
  205. [03:09] <Lillian> Thanks.
  206. [03:11] <Lillian> Oh.
  207. [03:11] <Lillian> I have one question and you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
  208. [03:11] <Katsa> So about the sprinkles, it's like idunno. I'd never break a pinky promise with sprinkles on top. My brother and I always did that after my parents got into an argument. He'd tell me everything would be okay and just go to sleep.
  209. [03:11] <Katsa> And sure
  210. [03:11] <Katsa> I'm a pretty open book
  211. [03:11] <Katsa> I'll answer almost any question ;o
  212. [03:12] <Lillian> This may be almost. But I'll get in on pinky promises and won't break it. Are you a virgin?
  213. [03:14] <Katsa> Lol that's an easy one. Yes I'm a virgin. Tbh, I've never let a guy even kiss me. I wanted to wait for the right moment. Another example of odd
  214. [03:16] <Lillian> Me too
  215. [03:16] <Lillian> Well I'm a virgin. I have been kissed before.
  216. [03:18] <Katsa> Is asking if I was a virgin personal to you?
  217. [03:22] <Lillian> Um
  218. [03:22] <Lillian> Yea.
  219. [03:22] <Lillian> A little
  220. [03:22] <Katsa> O okie if you feel uncomfortable with answering things, you don't have to tell me. I can just answer
  221. [03:23] <Lillian> No. If you're comfortable I am.
  222. [03:24] <Katsa> If that ever changes, keep what I said in mind
  223. [03:25] <Lillian> Mkay
  224. [03:26] <Katsa> Any other question
  225. [03:26] <Katsa> +s?
  226. [03:27] <Lillian> Idk. Do you have anymore
  227. [03:28] <Katsa> Why'd you ask about my past boyfriends anyhow? I don't mind, just curious
  228. [03:28] <Lillian> Just wondered.
  229. [03:28] <Lillian> See if you would be honest about drew tbh
  230. [03:29] <Katsa> Lying isn't my strong suit or my go to.
  231. [03:30] <Lillian> Ahh
  232. [03:30] <Katsa> But according what you know, was I honest
  233. [03:30] <Lillian> Okay
  234. [03:30] <Katsa> o.o
  235. [03:31] <Lillian> Hmm?
  236. [03:32] <Katsa> Like if I had lied, what would you expect that lie to be
  237. [03:32] <Katsa> If that makes sense
  238. [03:32] <Lillian> Idk
  239. [03:32] <Lillian> No
  240. [03:32] <Lillian> Lol or saying just jay
  241. [03:33] <Katsa> No lol I liked Drewgon a lot.
  242. [03:38] <Lillian> Oh
  243. [03:38] *Katsa* nod
  244. [03:39] <Katsa> Even though he doesn't like to put up with me
  245. [03:39] <Lillian> Why?
  246. [03:40] *Katsa* shrugged
  247. [03:40] <Katsa> I'm odd lol
  248. [03:40] <Lillian> Oh
  249. [04:02] <Lillian> I got rejected
  250. [04:02] <Katsa> By who
  251. [04:02] <Lillian> Jay lol
  252. [04:02] <Lillian> In the channel
  253. [04:02] <Katsa> O
  254. [04:02] <Katsa> He's just kidding ;o
  255. [04:03] <Katsa> He's bb
  256. [04:03] <Lillian> Oh
  257. [04:03] <Katsa> Ye
  258. [04:05] <Lillian> I'm so sleepy.
  259. [04:05] <Katsa> Go nai nai
  260. [04:06] <Lillian> Mkay
  261. [04:06] <Lillian> I'll try.
  262. [04:06] <Katsa> Sweet dreams ;o
  263. [04:06] <Lillian> You think I can find some one awesome?
  264. [04:06] <Katsa> Yes
  265. [04:06] *Lillian* nods.
  266. [04:06] <Katsa> There's always someone out there who's waiting to be yours c;
  267. [04:07] <Lillian> Thanks. Night. Well morning.
  268. [04:07] <Katsa> Have a lovely sleep
  269. [04:07] <Lillian> You too.
  270. [04:07] <Katsa> Thanks
  271. [04:10] <Lillian> Wth
  272. [04:10] <Lillian> Isn't severen a guy?
  273. [04:10] <Katsa> Ahum what happened
  274. [04:11] <Lillian> [03:59] (Sev) Forgive me for using a make nick, not many here know I'm a girl. :/
  275. [04:11] <Lillian> [04:02] (Sev) *male
  276. [04:11] <Lillian> [04:07] * Sev smiles and cuddles.
  277. [04:11] <Lillian> [04:08] (Lillian) I'm going to sleep
  278. [04:11] <Katsa> O
  279. [04:11] <Lillian> [04:08] (Sev) Oh..Okay. ^.^
  280. [04:11] <Katsa> Yes I didn't want to say anything
  281. [04:11] <Katsa> Yeah she's a girlie
  282. [04:11] <Lillian> [04:08] (Sev) Night!
  283. [04:11] <Lillian> Ohh
  284. [04:12] <Lillian> [04:08] * Sev smooches your cheek sweetly.
  285. [04:12] <Katsa> She told me a while ago too
  286. [04:12] <Lillian> So she pretended to be a boy?
  287. [04:12] <Katsa> Ye. She likes girlies mainly so
  288. [04:12] <Katsa> [04:11] <Sev> I'm gonna go to bed..
  289. [04:12] <Katsa> [04:11] *Sev* hugs and smooches..
  290. [04:12] <Katsa> [04:11] <Sev> Night..
  291. [04:12] <Katsa> I got the same lol
  292. [04:15] <Lillian> Lol
  293. [04:15] <Lillian> Hmm.
  294. [04:16] <Katsa> Speaking of bed though
  295. [04:16] <Katsa> I should probably get there
  296. [04:18] <Lillian> Sweet dreams.
  297. [04:18] <Katnap> Thankies. You too, when you get there
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