

Apr 13th, 2019
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  1. # Default messages for CombatLogX
  2. # DO NOT set a message to `false` or null
  3. # DO NOT delete any messages
  4. #
  5. # To remove a message, set it to "" or ''
  6. messages:
  7. plugin prefix: "&8[&3CombatLog&8] &7"
  8. expansion prefix: "&8[&3CombatLog - &b{expansion}&8] &7"
  10. loading expansion: "Loading expansion '{name} v{version}'"
  11. loaded expansions: "Loaded {amount} expansion{s}"
  13. broadcasts:
  14. on enable: "&2CombatLogX is now enabled."
  15. on disable: "&4CombatLogX is not disabled."
  17. commands:
  18. no permission: ""
  19. invalid target: ""
  21. combatlogx:
  22. reloaded: "&a&oYou have successfully reloaded all of the configs."
  23. tag: "&a&oYou just forced &f{target}&a&o into combat. This may cause issues!"
  24. untag: "&a&oYou just forced &f{target}&a&o out of combat. This may cause issues!"
  25. not in combat: "That player is not in combat."
  27. combattime:
  28. not in combat: "You are not in combat."
  29. time left: "You have &c{time} seconds &a&oremaining."
  30. time left other: "&f{target}&a&o has &c{time} seconds &a&oremaining"
  32. combat:
  33. expire: "You are no longer combat tagged!"
  34. enemy death: ""
  35. tagged:
  36. attacked by player: "You have been combat tagged!"
  37. attacker of player: "You attacked a player and have been combat tagged!"
  38. attacked by mob: "You have been combat tagged!"
  39. attacker of mob: "You attacked a mob and have been combat tagged!"
  40. unknown: "You have been combat tagged!"
  42. expansions:
  43. cheat prevention:
  44. gamemode:
  45. change: "Your gamemode was changed to &f{gamemode} because you were tagged."
  46. not allowed: "You cannot switch gamemodes during combat."
  48. flight:
  49. disabled: "Your flight was disabled because you were tagged."
  50. not allowed: "You cannot enable flight during combat."
  52. elytra:
  53. disabled: "Your elytra was disabled because you were tagged."
  54. not allowed: "You cannot use elytra during combat."
  56. command:
  57. not allowed: "You cannot execute &a{command} &7during combat."
  59. teleport:
  60. enderpearl:
  61. not allowed: "You cannot use enderpearls during combat"
  62. other:
  63. not allowed: "You cannot teleport during combat."
  65. inventory:
  66. closed: "Your inventory was closed because you were tagged."
  67. not allowed: "You cannot open inventories during combat."
  69. chat:
  70. not allowed: "You cannot send chat messages during combat."
  73. notcombatlogx:
  74. all damage: "You took damage. Do not log out!"
  75. damage tag:
  76. contact: "You were pricked by a cactus. Do not log out!"
  77. suffocation: "You are suffocating in a wall. Do not log out!"
  78. fall: "You fell down. Do not log out!"
  79. fire: "You walked into fire. Do not log out!"
  80. fire tick: "You are burning. Do not log out!"
  81. lava: "You are boiling in lava. Do not log out!"
  82. drowning: "You are drowning. Do not log out!"
  83. block explosion: "You were exploded by tnt. Do not log out!"
  84. lightning: "Zeus hates you. Do not log out!"
  85. starvation: "You are starving to death. Do not log out!"
  86. poison: "You are poisoned. Do not log out!"
  87. magic: "Someone threw a potion at you. Do not log out!"
  88. wither: "You are withering away. Do not log out!"
  89. falling block: "A block fell on you. Do not log out!"
  90. custom: "You took damage from an unknown source. Do not log out!"
  91. fly into wall: "You hit a wall. Do not log out!"
  92. hot floor: "The floor is lava! Do not log out!"
  93. cramming: "You are being squished. Do not log out!"
  95. factions compatibility:
  96. no entry: "You cannot enter a no-pvp area during combat"
  98. towny compatibility:
  99. no entry: "You cannot enter a no-pvp area during combat"
  101. residence compatibility:
  102. no entry: "You cannot enter a no-pvp area during combat"
  104. lands compatibility:
  105. no entry: "You cannot enter a no-pvp area during combat"
  107. worldguard compatibility:
  108. no entry:
  109. pvp: "You cannot enter a no-pvp area during combat"
  110. mob: "You cannot enter a non-mob area while tagged with a mob"
  112. placeholder compatibility:
  113. zero time left: "Not in combat"
  114. yes: "&aYes"
  115. no: "&cNo"
  116. status:
  117. fighting: "&cFighting"
  118. idling: "&aIdling"
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