
Sissy Missy

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. Missy's week had been a long one, but before she was Missy he had been Michael. A man that felt overworked and overstressed by his school and work life. He’d been failing 3 classes, on the verge of getting fired and his girlfriend did nothing but nag and abuse him. Michael a way to blow off steam. He scoured the internet till he found a "sexual healing" clinic. One that'd take every care of every worry he had. It seemed perfect from the description and the final nail in the coffin was when Celeste (his girlfriend) left him. He decided to pay the money, take the time off, and go to the clinic. When Michael walked into the lobby, the room was a calming tan with soothing music playing. A receptionist greeted him and he checked in, giving, him a mountain of paperwork that he signed after barely skimming it. From there he moved to the next room. Instead of the calming brown this room was stark white with a woman in what Michael thought must be the skinniest nurses outfit anybody ever saw. Michael felt the arousal take over as she moved toward him, then the needle entered his neck, and he passed out. When he awoke the world was bright and pastel with pink stripes running down the walls. Missy tried to remember who she was and what she was doing. Now whenever she thought about her name it wasn't Michael it was Missy, and she wasn't "he" but "she" instead. Her hair was much longer than when she had arrived and held a beautiful sheen to it. Again Missy saw the nurse walk in. Instead of the nurses uniform she wore a sweater and pencil skirt, her hair up in a bun and a clipboard in hand. “Hello sweety, welcome to the nursery!” Missy sat in shock, “Wha-” Even before she could say anything the woman started a very planned speech. She explained that the contract he signed committed him to the full “Adult Baby regression and sissification.” It was a six month long process that would de-age the subject, completely feminize them and then re age them so they could greet the world as a completely new person. Missy looked the woman in horror. Unable to believe what she was hearing. She had signed the contract without reading and from the way the woman presented herself she was sure it was iron clad. She nodded her head, waiting to hear what else this entailed, hoping it would even be relaxing. “we started you off with a heavy cocktail of drugs that atrophy out your muscles, making you slower and more feminine. A round of hypnosis rewrites your brain to accept yourself as a girl. The muscle relaxers also take away any bladder and bowel control, really reinforcing that helpless ideal that you are just a little baby.” Almost as if on cue urine yellowed the front of Missy’s first diaper, the woman ignored this. “Your hair is yours through a new growth process, while you’re here we'll make sure it’ll stay so long and pretty.” Missy squirmed in her warm diaper, unable to get used to the wetness. “The drugs will also work to shrink that boy cock down into the perfect sissy clitty.” Missy kept squirming in the unfamiliar warmth only half listening to the woman. Here she stopped and looked over her clipboard making sure she didn’t miss anything in the meantime “Oh yes, and the automated care system.” The woman walked away towards a wall flipped a switch An alarm startled them as it blared above. “WETNESS DETECTED, WETNESS DETECTED.” Arms flew toward Missy from the ceiling, they removed the soiled diaper, dried and cleaned Missy’s nethers, and re diapered her with excellent precision. Missy’s life became days spent filling diapers and running the schedule that the hands set for her. She was humiliated, having no control and being turned into a diaper wearing sissy. On the seventh day, the automated speakers did something they hadn't done before, announce a schedule.Part of it included a walk in the park that included playground time that would last for three hours. At this Missy started throwing a fit “There’s no fucking way you’re getting me out in public.” “FOUL LANGUAGE DETECTED, APPLYING PACI GAG.” Hands were quick to force a pink pacifier into Missy’s mouth, a strap held it in place securely. The same happened with fluffy pink mittens when she attempted to force her diaper off. The puffy monstrocity wouldn't even move after the mittens were locked in place. The hands presented Clothes to her but Missy wouldn’t budge from her hunched position, no matter how she was poked. The woman she’d come to know as “Doctor Suzy” came in. “ Now Missy why are you being so difficult, we thought you’d like some sun shine!” Missy huffed at the woman through her pacifier and shook her head vigorously “no”. Suzy watched Missy intently as the back of her diaper sagged and expanded. Missy sighed at the hot snaking intruder introducing herself in her nappy. No matter how many times it happened Missy was disappointed by how easily her new body let loose a torrent of mess into her diaper. Her diaper hit the floor because of how the mess made it sag and she tried to force her diaper off one last time. “SELF CHANGE DETECTED APPLYING LOCKING PANTS.” the hands lifted Missy and she was in the air. The arms pulled a pair of locking plastic pants between her legs while Doctor Suzy nodded in approval at their chosen punishment. Missy’s diaper no longer sagged below her, instead the plastic pants held the mess against her rear. She felt the heat of the mess wrap around her waist covering every inch of her rear and new clitty. Suzy wrote “more regression hypnosis, mild resistance” on Missy’s chart as she watched on. With Missy’s diaper locked around her the hands gave the key to Doctor Suzy and set the sissy down. Her messy diaper audibly squished as the hands plopped her into an oversized stroller. She sat stunned as the buckles snapped and Suzy and began pushing her to a 3 hour trip to the park, trapped in her own mess.
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