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May 24th, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. mp5hiz: 3
  3. deaglehiz: 5
  4. awphiz: 6
  5. mp5hasar: 3
  6. deaglehasar: 5
  7. awphasar: 8
  11. #"SNİPER" , "SAVASCİ" , "SUİKASTCİ" Adlarina ait grouplar oluşturup her birine kendi group adındaki permi vermeniz gerekmektedir
  14. command /so [<text>]:
  15. permission: admin
  16. trigger:
  17. if arg 1 is "arenaekle" or "lobi" or "katil" or "arenasil" or "ayril" or "sniperdogus" or "savascidogus" or "suikastcidogus":
  18. if arg 1 is "arenaekle":
  19. if {so.arenalar.%arg 1%} is not set:
  20. set {so.arenalar.%arg 1%} to location of player
  21. send "&cArena Baslama Noktasi Ayarlandi" to player
  22. if arg 1 is "lobi":
  23. set {so.lobi} to location of player
  24. send "&cSilah Oyunlari Lobisi Ayarlandi!" to player
  25. if arg 1 is "katil":
  26. if {so.arenalar.%arg 1%} is set:
  27. if {so.lobi} is set:
  28. clear player's inventory
  29. teleport player to {so.arenalar.%arg 1%}
  30. open chest with 1 rows named "&eLutfen Sinif Seciniz" to player
  31. format slot 0 of player with gold hoe named "&eKeskin Nisanci Sinifi" to close then run "nisanci"
  32. format slot 1 of player with stone hoe named "&eSuikastci Sinifi" to close then run "suikastci"
  33. format slot 2 of player with wood hoe named "&eSavasci Sinifi" to close then run "savasci"
  34. if player has permission "sniper":
  35. teleport player to {sniper.dogus}
  36. send "&a%arg 1% &cAdli arenaya Girildi Cikmak Icin &a/so ayril" to player
  37. if player has permission "savasci":
  38. teleport player to {savasci.dogus}
  39. send "&a%arg 1% &cAdli arenaya Girildi Cikmak Icin &a/so ayril" to player
  40. if player has permission "suikastci":
  41. teleport player to {suikastci.dogus}
  42. send "&a%arg 1% &cAdli arenaya Girildi Cikmak Icin &a/so ayril" to player
  43. if arg 1 is "arenasil":
  44. if {so.arenalar.%arg 1%} is set:
  45. delete {so.arenalar.%arg 1%}
  46. send "&cArena Silindi" to player
  47. else:
  48. send "&cBoyle Bir Arena Yok" to player
  49. if arg 1 is "ayril":
  50. teleport player to {so.lobi}
  51. send "&cOyundan Basariyla Ciktiniz." to player
  52. if arg 1 is "sniperdogus":
  53. set {sniper.dogus} to location of player
  54. send "&aSniperlerin Dogma Yeri Ayarlandi." to player
  55. if arg 1 is "savascidogus":
  56. set {savasci.dogus} to location of player
  57. send "&aSavascilarin Dogma Yeri Ayarlandi." to player
  58. if arg 1 is "suikastcidogus":
  59. set {suikastci.dogus} to location of player
  60. send "&aSuikastcilerin Dogma Yeri Ayarlandi." to player
  61. else:
  62. send "&4---------------------------------------&b Silah Oyunlari &4---------------------------------------" to player
  63. send "&c/so arenaekle &a<Arena Ismi> &b- &7Arena Ekler." to player
  64. send "&c/so arenasil &a<Arena Ismi> &b- &7Arenayi Siler." to player
  65. send "&c/so katil &a<arena ismi> &b- &7Arenaya Girer." to player
  66. send "&c/sinif &a Yazarak Siniflara Bakiniz &b- &7Yeni Sınıflar Eklenecektir." to player
  67. send "&c/so sniperdogus &b- &7Yazarak Sniperlerin Dogus Noktasini Ayarlayabilirsiniz." to player
  68. send "&c/so savascidogus &b- &7Yazarak Savascilarin Dogus Noktasini Ayarlayabilirsiniz." to player
  69. send "&c/so suikastcidogus &b- &7Yazarak Suikastcilerin Dogus Noktasini Ayarlayabilirsiniz." to player
  70. send "&4---------------------------------------&b Silah Oyunlari &4---------------------------------------" to player
  72. command /nisanci:
  73. permission: silah
  74. trigger:
  75. execute console command "manuadd %player% sniper"
  76. set the player's level to 0
  77. apply swiftness to player for 0 seconds
  78. clear the player's inventory
  79. give gold hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cAWP" to player
  80. give iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cKilic" to player
  81. give 3 golden apple named "&aYe Iyi Gelir" to player
  83. command /suikastci:
  84. permission: silah
  85. trigger:
  86. execute console command "manuadd %player% suikastci"
  87. set the player's level to 0
  88. clear the player's inventory
  89. give stone hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cDeagle" to player
  90. give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cKilic" to player
  91. give rose named "&aHizlandirici" to player
  92. give brick named "&aGorunmezlik !" to player
  95. command /savasci:
  96. permission: silah
  97. trigger:
  98. execute console command "manuadd %player% savasci"
  99. set the player's level to 0
  100. apply swiftness to player for 0 seconds
  101. clear the player's inventory
  102. give wood hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cMp5" to player
  103. give iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cKilic" to player
  104. give rose named "&aHizlandirici" to player
  108. command /silah [<text>]:
  109. permission: silah
  110. trigger:
  111. if arg 1 is "mp5" or "deagle" or "awp":
  112. if arg 1 is "mp5":
  113. give wood hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cMp5" to player
  114. set player's level to 35
  115. if arg 1 is "deagle":
  116. give stone hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cDeagle" to player
  117. set player's level to 8
  118. if arg 1 is "awp":
  119. give gold hoe of unbreaking 10 named "&cAWP" to player
  120. set player's level to 10
  121. else:
  122. send "&cHatali Kod Kullanim &7/&esilah mp5&7/ &edeagle&7/ &eawp" to player
  125. on damage:
  126. damage cause is fall
  127. cancel event
  129. on rightclick with brick:
  130. if tool's display name is "&aGorunmezlik !":
  131. remove 1 brick from player
  132. apply invisibility to player for 30 seconds
  133. send "&735 saniye Sonra Gorunmezlik Terar Gelecek..." to player
  134. wait 45 seconds
  135. give brick named "&aGorunmezlik !" to player
  137. on rightclick with rose:
  138. if tool's display name is "&aHizlandirici":
  139. remove 1 rose from player
  140. apply swiftness to player for 30 seconds
  141. send "&735 saniye Sonra Tekrar Hizlandirici Gelicek..." to player
  142. wait 45 seconds
  143. give rose named "&aHizlandirici" to player
  145. on place rose:
  146. cancel event
  150. on damage:
  151. if projectile is a snowball:
  152. attacker is holding wood hoe:
  153. set the damage to {@mp5hasar}
  154. attacker is holding stone hoe:
  155. set the damage to {@deaglehasar}
  156. attacker is holding gold hoe:
  157. set the damage to {@awphasar}
  160. on rightclick with wood hoe:
  161. if tool's display name is "&cMP5":
  162. if player's level is not 0:
  163. remove 1 from the player's level
  164. push the player backwards at speed 0.3
  165. shoot a snowball from player at speed {@mp5hiz}
  166. if player's level is 0:
  167. cancel event
  168. send "&aYeniden Dolduruluyor..." to player
  169. wait 4 second
  170. set player's level to 35
  172. on shoot:
  173. projectile is a snowball
  174. show mobspawner flames at the projectile
  177. on rightclick with stone hoe:
  178. if tool's display name is "&cDEAGLE":
  179. if player's level is not 0:
  180. remove 1 from the player's level
  181. shoot a snowball from player at speed {@deaglehiz}
  182. push the player backwards at speed 0.5
  183. if player's level is 0:
  184. cancel event
  185. send "&aYeniden Dolduruluyor..." to player
  186. wait 3 second
  187. set player's level to 8
  189. on rightclick with gold hoe:
  190. if tool's display name is "&cAWP":
  191. if player's level is not 0:
  192. remove 1 from the player's level
  193. shoot a snowball from player at speed {@awphiz}
  194. push the player backwards at speed 0.8
  195. if player's level is 0:
  196. cancel event
  197. send "&aYeniden Dolduruluyor..." to player
  198. wait 5 second
  199. set player's level to 10
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