

Jul 30th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {Captcha.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  3. set {Captcha.%player's uuid%} to 0
  4. if {Captcha.%player's uuid%} is not 6:
  5. Captcha(sender)
  8. function Captcha(p: player):
  9. set {_UUID} to uuid of {_p}
  10. set {True.%{_UUID}%} to true
  11. set {Captcha.%{_UUID}%} to 0
  12. open virtual chest with 6 rows named "&aVERIFICATION PANEL" to {_p}
  13. format gui slot 0 and 53 of {_p} with black glass pane named "&cNot Here!" to run:
  14. loop all players:
  15. if loop-player has permission "Staff.logs":
  16. send "&3[LOGS] &f%{_p}% failed the Captcha" to loop-player
  17. set {Captcha.%{_UUID}%} to 0
  18. kick {_p} due to "&a&lKICKED DUE TO:%nl%%nl%&fFailed Captcha"
  19. loop 52 times:
  20. format gui slot loop-value of {_p} with black glass pane named "&cNot Here!" to run:
  21. loop all players:
  22. if loop-player has permission "Staff.logs":
  23. send "&3[LOGS] &f%{_p}% failed the Captcha" to loop-player
  24. set {Captcha.%{_UUID}%} to 0
  25. kick {_p} due to "&a&lKICKED DUE TO:%nl%%nl%&fFailed Captcha"
  26. wait 2 ticks
  27. loop 5 times:
  28. set {_RNG} to random integer between 0 and 53
  29. format gui slot {_RNG} of {_p} with green glass pane named "&aCLICK ME" to run:
  30. add 1 to {Captcha.%{_UUID}%}
  31. format gui slot clicked slot of {_p} with yellow glass pane named "&eNice!" to run:
  32. format gui slot clicked slot of {_p} with red glass pane named "&cOw!"
  33. while {True.%{_UUID}%} is true:
  34. if {Captcha.%{_UUID}%} = 5:
  35. send "&aYou completed the Captcha. You may now play!" to {_p}
  36. set {True.%{_UUID}%} to false
  37. set {Captcha.%{_UUID}%} to 6
  38. close {_p}'s inventory
  39. wait 5 ticks
  40. on inventory close:
  41. if {True.%player's uuid%} is true:
  42. loop all players:
  43. if loop-player has permission "Staff.logs":
  44. send "&3[LOGS] &f%player% failed the Captcha" to loop-player
  45. set {Captcha.%player's uuid%} to 0
  46. kick player due to "&a&lKICKED DUE TO:%nl%%nl%&fFailed Captcha"
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