

Apr 27th, 2013
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  1. Blood Moon Akali
  2. Matador Alistar
  3. Unchained Alistar
  4. Emumu
  5. Noxus Hunter Anivia
  6. Woad Ashe
  7. Boom Boom Blitzcrank
  8. Mr. Mundoverse
  9. Soul Reaver Draven
  10. Masquerade Evelynn
  11. Commando Garen
  12. Frostblade Irelia
  13. Tempest Janna
  14. Hextech Janna
  15. Full Metal Jayce
  16. Sakura Karma
  17. Grim Reaper Karthus
  18. Deep One Kassadin
  19. Judgement Kayle
  20. The Judicator Kayle
  21. Deadly Kennen
  22. Prestigious LeBlanc
  23. Valkyrie Leona
  24. Bittersweet Lulu
  25. Wicked Lulu
  26. Marble Malphite
  27. Vizier Malzahar
  28. Charred Maokai
  29. Totemic Maokai
  30. Samurai Yi
  31. Candy Cane Miss Fortune
  32. Road Warrior Miss Fortune
  33. Dreadknight Nasus
  34. Subterranean Nautilus
  35. French Maid Nidalee
  36. Frozen Terror Nocturne
  37. Void Nocturne
  38. Nunu Bot
  39. Gothic Orianna
  40. Sewn Chaos Orianna
  41. Perseus Pantheon
  42. Noxus Poppy
  43. Full Metal Rammus
  44. Galactic Renekton
  45. Crimson Elite Riven
  46. Championship Riven
  47. Dark Crystal Ryze
  48. Workshop Shaco
  49. Blood Moon Shen
  50. Warmonger Sion
  51. Bandit Sivir
  52. Arcade Sona
  53. Silent Night Sona
  54. Divine Soraka
  55. Tyrant Swain
  56. Super Teemo
  57. Riot Girl Tristana
  58. Buccanner Tristana
  59. Underworld Twisted Fate
  60. Black Belt Udyr
  61. Tundra Warwick
  62. Commando Xin Zhao
  63. Shurima Desert Zilean
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