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Jan 16th, 2019
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  488. Your help request: My Steam Gift Card or Wallet Code is damaged </div>
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  502. Message from you on Jan 2 @ 9:51pm |
  503. 13 days ago </div>
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  507. Hello support Today i try to buy a steam wallet from g2a seller but its look like a key has already redeem so im trying to get some help its code wallet 10$ i want to know the date of activation and all !! About the redeem i really need it to get the refund the steam wallet key : X9CRF-00CV5-HBMJQ / i really need your help !! Thnx to get the refund i need some proofs about the date of activation key or they will not refund me that look like the seller is scammer so i really need your help !! The redeem date confirmation and thnx for reply
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  525. Im waiting 2 days. What is all this late ???
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  534. Message from Steam Support on Jan 4 @ 7:47pm |
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  539. Hello,<br><br>I apologize for the delay, due to the Steam Winter Sale we have experienced a high volume of help requests and are working diligently at responding to each of them. <br><br>Looks like the Steam Wallet Code you provided was already redeemed in our system on 2018-09-04 at 18:19:15 PST.<br><br>I’m sorry, but we at Steam Support can’t issue you a replacement code.<br><br>Depending on where you purchased this code, the seller may be able to provide further assistance. Please reach out to them to discuss your options.<br><br>We recommend purchasing your Steam Wallet Codes from a trusted local distributor listed on our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Steam Wallet Codes</a> page.
  540. <br><br>Steam Support
  541. <br>Crysta
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