
Thank you very much

Jan 12th, 2015
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  1415. <br><big><big>S</big></big>he is kind and very beautiful.<br>But she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly<br>and such birds that fly,<br>dipping and hunting,<br>with their small sad voices<br>are made too delicately for the sea.<br>
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  1456. <div id="lakehylia"><big><big><b>Jung Seolji</b></big></big><br>
  1457. <big>also known as <u><i>Uji</i></u>:</big><br>
  1458. Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea since January second, nineteen-ninety-one.<br>
  1459. One of the four members of the rising group BESTie, taking the title as their main vocals and lead dancer since July eleventh,<br>twenty-thirteen.
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  1467. <div id="fairy4" class="animated4 fadeIn4"><a href="/t:ou" title="+ { Idol-verse muse with a sort of OC twist due to the name change, so approach as if you know her already without any introduction, unless it truly is necessary. Plotting is welcome along with any form of writing, altough it'll be literate 99.9% of the time on my half. Nonetheless, please do approach. ♥"><img src=""></a></div>
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  1632. <div id="h4">+ Meet <a href="">Mi Corazon</a>.</div>
  1633. <div class="popupscroll">
  1634. <big>February third, twenty-thirteen.</big><br>
  1635. <p><i>The day I was approached by this one special anon, although I didn't expect them to be as special as what they are to me right now. They were just the sweetest thing, I didn't ever believe I was actually going to have an anon that stuck around, continuously messaging me. Then one day, another special day, this anon had accidentally revealed themselves. It was funny. I decided to leave the message in my inbox and message them as if I was just this random person messaging them, but then they basically gave their self away from that message from me. And ever since, that special anon has become my best friend. One that holds this certain spot in my heart. So this is to you, my best friend:</i></p>
  1636. <p>My best friend. My other half. I love you more than any number of words can express, and even more than that. The love I have for you can't even be expressed with even that one word, love. It is much more than that. I would have to say that that four letter word is an understatement when it comes to this.</p>
  1637. <p>You were there for me from the very beginning. Through all my ups and downs, even at my lowest point, which I didn't think it was possible for me to even come back up from that. I felt so broken and lost, the only thing on my mind was to leave and to not ever come back. But you kept me here, and no matter how many times I say it, I truly appreciate you for keeping me here. For showing me that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel, I just got to push through it and to not give up. So I didn't give up, and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here right now, writing this. I don't really know where I'd be really.. But I hope you know that I'll always be here for you as well. And I was there, in your darkest moment also. No matter how many dark moments you have, I'll be there to show you that the sun must shine through at some point after a rainstorm. Don't ever forget that.</p>
  1638. <p>You are the one who understands me the most. Who gets me and doesn't judge my weirdness, mainly because you're weird as well haha. I love that about you, that we can be ourselves with each other, so free, not caring what others think. Basically, I love everything about you. From your awkwardness, to your smiling, to even your sadness, because if we weren't ever sad, we wouldn't know how being happy actually feels.</p>
  1639. <p>I hope you'll be there in the end for me as I will always be there for you, through thick and thin. You are the one that gets me from the simplest to the most complex things. You must know that I love you for you, for who you are, and that love could go around the world a billion times, and counting.</p>
  1640. <p>To infinity and beyond, Park Minha. ♥</p>
  1641. <p><a href="/tagged/r.einako"><img src="" style="width:200px; padding:4px; border:3px double {color:Borders};"></a></p>
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  1645. <div id="dearloser" class="popup_block">
  1646. <div id="h4">+ Mouthful of Forevers.</div>
  1647. <div class="popupscroll">
  1648. ❝ I am not the first person you loved.<Br>
  1649. You are not the first person I looked at<Br>
  1650. with a mouthful of forevers. We<Br>
  1651. have both known loss like the sharp edges<Br>
  1652. of a knife. We have both lived with lips<Br>
  1653. more scar tissue than skin. Our love came<Br>
  1654. unannounced in the middle of the night.<Br>
  1655. Our love came when we’d given up<Br>
  1656. on asking love to come. I think<Br>
  1657. that has to be part<Br>
  1658. of its miracle.<Br>
  1659. This is how we heal.<Br>
  1660. I will kiss you like forgiveness. You<Br>
  1661. will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms<Br>
  1662. will bandage and we will press promises<Br>
  1663. between us like flowers in a book.<Br>
  1664. I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat<Br>
  1665. on your skin. I will write novels to the scar<Br>
  1666. of your nose. I will write a dictionary<Br>
  1667. of all the words I have used trying<Br>
  1668. to describe the way it feels to have finally,<Br>
  1669. finally found you.
  1671. <p>And I will not be afraid<Br>
  1672. of your scars.</p>
  1674. <p>I know sometimes<Br>
  1675. it’s still hard to let me see you<Br>
  1676. in all your cracked perfection,<Br>
  1677. but please know:<Br>
  1678. whether it’s the days you burn<Br>
  1679. more brilliant than the sun<Br>
  1680. or the nights you collapse into my lap<Br>
  1681. your body broken into a thousand questions,<Br>
  1682. you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.<Br>
  1683. I will love you when you are a still day.<Br>
  1684. I will love you when you are a hurricane. ❞</p>
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