
Summary SE Rain

Aug 20th, 2018
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  1. Rain thought he died after the clash with Sol. However, Majin Fina saved him and sent him to Paladia, saying he was needed there. She foretold that he would encounter hardship and sorrow. But since it was Rain, he could definitely pull it through.
  3. Rain woke up in the middle of desert, and recognized from Majin Fina's spiritual world that he landed in Paladia. By the time he finally reached Zahha, he was completely drained of energy and water. The townspeople were too afraid to approach him, until he collapsed in front of Milfas. Milfas gave him water and brought him to her house. She shared her bread with him, although she did not have much food available. Rain was touched by her kind act. Milfas said the town was a town of sorrow because all the people capable of working are captured to the forced labour area, including Milfas' parents. Every time Ardore soldiers came, they came to look for more labours.
  5. One time they encountered Ardore soldiers and Rain dispatched of them easily, Milfas asked Rain if he was related to the town's hero "Reagan" since they were both so powerful.
  7. Eventually, Rain encountered a hooded man that was fending off Ardore soldiers. Rain saved him when he was in danger. Then he recognized him as the person faking as "Reagan". Rain questioned him and the person answered that his name is Crimson. Crimson said he was Reagan's right-hand man. He underwent the same immortalization to work better with Reagan. Before Reagan's final mission to seal Majin Fina, Reagan dispatched Crimson to the capital so that the war could be stopped as soon as possible. Crimson guessed that Reagan dispatched him because he could be a burden to him in battle although Reagan told him that his mission was critical to prevent sacrifices.
  9. Then, he witnessed Reagan and friends being betrayed and the world became under domination and cruelty of Ardore emperor. However with his single person's strength, he could only protect one single town. He said that to save Paladia, Reagan with his Ardore royalty blood, was needed.
  11. Rain was surprised to hear that his father was Ardore royalty, however he did not reveal to Crimson. He suggested to go to the forced labour area to rescue the townspeople. Now that they were two people they could achieve that. Although Crimson said it was reckless but somehow he saw Reagan in Rain and agreed to his plan.
  13. They eventually succeeded to save the people. But they were found out by a lot of Ardore soldiers before they could escape. Rain and Crimson tasked Kyanos to escort the townspeople back while they fended off the soldiers. Eventually they were being cornered. Crimson said he felt compelled to save Rain no matter what, and forced out magic power beyond what his body can take to finish the soldiers. However doing that meant he ended his life.
  15. While Crimson was dying, Rain told him that he was Reagan's son and would do a royalty's duty to save Paladia. Crimson was happy to hear that Reagan was safe and he died. However, Rain admitting that he was royalty was overheard by both an Ardore soldier and a townspeople.
  17. Then, Rain went back to town and told them that Crimson ("Reagan") went off to protect the other towns. Rain told Milfas that he was Ardore royalty. Milfas was delighted and said Rain was the hope of overthrowing Ardore emperor. However she warned him not to tell this to the townspeople (iirc?). Kyanos thanked Rain and told him that the town was actually separated into Ardore and Hess. There are Hess survivors scattered all over the world. However, since Hess was being persecuted all over Paladia under the rule of Ardore, they blamed and hated Ardore royalty for being the culprit behind all their sufferings. Kyanos was one of them, saying the she would never forgive Ardore royalty.
  19. After that, Ardore soldiers were spotted marching to the town. Rain tried to go off alone to fend them off but Kyanos offered to accompany him. Then they realized it was a trap to lure them away. When they went back the whole town was in chaos. The soldiers were trying to burn down the whole town. Since they did not want hope of going against Ardore to spread to other places. They said that Rain, as an Ardore royalty was a plague that had to be removed. Then the town was in tension between Hess that hated him and Ardore that supported him. Then an internal fight broke out. Hess killed a lot of Ardore supporters, including Milfas parents. When Rain was cornered, Kyanos saved him and helped him to fend off the Hess. Kyanos said that although she hated Ardore royalty, she did not want to see a man like Rain die.
  21. Rain fled and found Milfas. Then he learnt that Milfas parents were killed during the conflict. He blamed himself although Milfas said it is not his fault. Then Hess people came and wanted to kill Rain. Milfas shielded Rain from an attack and suffered a fatal wound. Rain became devastated and scared off the Hess people with a Tranquility attack while carrying Milfas away from the town.
  23. Then, Rain tried to carry Milfas away to find a safe place to heal her. One the way he saw Kyanos died, lying on the ground. He blamed himself to have another person who died for him. Milfas asked Rain to put her down as they exited the town since she knew she would not make it. She said although Zahha was full of sorrow, it was still her home and she wished to die there. She told Rain not to blame himself and still firmly assured Rain that Rain was the hope of Paladia before she passed away.
  25. Rain was in despair that let alone a hundred people, he could not even save a single person. Rain was devastated and sought Emperor for revenge but he was defeated easily due to the overwhelming power of Emperor. He vowed that he would do something even if it meant submitting to his enemy. Then it lit the fire within him, the start of everything.
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