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May 31st, 2017
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  1. 06[18:13] * Malachi is in his room, sitting on his bed, tapping away quite contently on a laptop. It's 8am, and he's not exactly in a hurry to go to school.
  2. 03[18:14] * LawfishNice (qwebirc@CCA1989.B07CD9B1.DD410DB3.IP) has joined #NervAtlantis
  3. [18:14] <Malachi> Repeating for LN's benefit!
  4. 06[18:14] * Malachi is in his room, sitting on his bed, tapping away quite contently on a laptop. It's 8am, and he's not exactly in a hurry to go to school.
  5. 06[18:14] * Chris_Northop is sitting on her bed, dressed for school, just thinking.
  6. 03[18:15] * HLeviathan is now known as Karla_Ortega
  7. [18:16] <Hiika> *new mail from*
  8. 03[18:16] * PWV ( has joined #NervAtlantis
  9. 06[18:16] * Malachi blinks as the thing comes up in the corner. He goes through a series of clicks and opens up the email.
  10. 06[18:17] * Malachi reads it. He looks vaguely pleased with it.
  11. [18:18] <Hiika> From: Hi'ika Brace <> Subject: RE:Okay I Think I Got This Email Thing Working.I took a beam to the chest, so did Gregory. Don also lost a limb when the thing exploded on us. The Nacaal kept trying to shoot me but I only got hit once and i was okay. The science team was freaking out about the LCL overheating but I was fine. Dr Brace says it was attacking me because I was the one standing in it's path, the Nacall
  12. [18:18] <Hiika> (that diden't work like I expected it to)
  13. 06[18:19] * Malachi opens up the picture of the girl again, after reading the email, and closes it after a couple of seconds. He begins typing a response. He write a lot and then deletes it multiple times.
  14. 06[18:20] * Chris_Northop gets off her bed and knocks gently on Mal's door.
  15. 06[18:21] * Malachi looks up at the door.
  16. [18:21] <Malachi> "Hi?"
  17. 06[18:21] * Chris_Northop opens the door slowly. "Hey."
  18. 06[18:21] * Malachi grins at her.
  19. [18:21] <Malachi> "Are you feeling any better?"
  20. 01[18:22] <Chris_Northop> "Sort of."
  21. 06[18:22] * Chris_Northop takes a seat on his bed.
  22. 06[18:22] * Malachi puts his feet on Chris's lap.
  23. [18:23] <Malachi> "Cool."
  24. 06[18:23] * Malachi looks at the screen, and then back at Chris.
  25. 06[18:23] * Chris_Northop looks at his feet and then at a screen. "Were you typing something?"
  26. 06[18:23] * Malachi shifts the laptop around and demonstrates the screen to Chris.
  27. [18:24] <Malachi> "I got an email from a girl at another Nerv base."
  28. 06[18:24] * Chris_Northop reads it. She looks annoyed. "Oh."
  29. 06[18:25] * Malachi looks at her.
  30. [18:25] <Malachi> "What?"#
  31. 06[18:27] * Chris_Northop gets more annoyed when she sees the attached picture. "So, you're email buddies?"
  32. [18:27] <Malachi> "Yeah kinda."
  33. [18:28] <Malachi> "She's pretty cool."
  34. 06[18:28] * Malachi pauses.
  35. 01[18:28] <Chris_Northop> "..."
  36. [18:28] <Malachi> "She's not as cool as you but she's pretty cool."
  37. 06[18:29] * Chris_Northop smiles a bit when he says that. "Of course."
  38. 06[18:29] * Malachi looks over the top of the monitor to see what's on the screen.
  39. 03[18:29] * Hiika ( has left #NervAtlantis
  40. [18:29] <Malachi> "Do you not want me to do this any more?"
  41. 03[18:29] * Hiika ( has joined #NervAtlantis
  42. 06[18:30] * Chris_Northop is reading the email. "Well, don't get any funny ideas."
  43. 06[18:30] * Malachi snrk
  44. 06[18:31] * Hiika looks to be about ten in that picture btw
  45. [18:31] <Malachi> "I hadn't actually. Well I have now but I hadn't before."
  46. 06[18:31] * Chris_Northop hands it back. "Can I ask you something?"
  47. 06[18:31] * Malachi nods affirmatively.
  48. 01[18:32] <Chris_Northop> "Would ever... want to have kids?"
  49. 06[18:32] * Malachi blinks.
  50. 06[18:32] * Chris_Northop just looks back at him.
  51. [18:33] <Malachi> "I wouldn't mind in a hypothetical way. But I dunno if that'd work."
  52. [18:33] <Malachi> "I'm a bit different and stuff."
  53. [18:33] <Malachi> "But, yeah."
  54. [18:34] <Malachi> "I would. I don't think I'd be much good at being a parent though."
  55. 06[18:34] * Chris_Northop looks away. "Well..."
  56. 06[18:35] * Malachi waits for Chris to continue, breath somewhat held.
  57. 01[18:35] <Chris_Northop> "Mal..."
  58. 06[18:36] * Chris_Northop smiles weakly. "I'm pregnant."
  59. 06[18:36] * Malachi raises his eyebrows and leans forward a bit.
  60. [18:36] <Malachi> "What?"
  61. 01[18:36] <Chris_Northop> "Remember how I was feeling sick
  62. [18:36] <Malachi> "Oh. Wow. Yeah okay that did occur to me for a second but I thought it was a dumb idea."
  63. 06[18:37] * Malachi looks at the monitor.
  64. [18:37] <Malachi> "I should probably cut this out then."
  65. 06[18:37] * Chris_Northop nods. "Probably."
  66. 06[18:37] * Malachi laughs.
  67. [18:37] <Malachi> "Okay. Wow."
  68. 06[18:38] * Malachi stares at Chris's stomach.
  69. [18:38] <Malachi> "Who else knows?"
  70. 03[18:38] * Mel_Petya ( has joined #NervAtlantis
  71. 06[18:39] * Chris_Northop puts a hand on her stomach. "Liz. Probably Karla."
  72. 03[18:39] * Mel_Petya is now known as Feldion1
  73. [18:39] <Malachi> "Okay so you haven't announced it to everyone before me at least."
  74. 06[18:39] * Malachi smiles.
  75. [18:39] <Malachi> "And you want to keep it yeah?"
  76. 06[18:40] * Chris_Northop smiles too. "Yes. If I can. Liz doesn't seem to think it's a good idea."
  77. 06[18:41] * Malachi bites his thumb.
  78. [18:41] <Malachi> "I'll be nearly as big as you when it comes out. Heh."
  79. 06[18:41] * Chris_Northop chuckles.
  80. [18:42] <Malachi> "So, er."
  81. 06[18:43] * Chris_Northop looks up him.
  82. [18:43] <Malachi> "Will you be okay piloting and stuff? Or do you want to quit that>"
  83. 01[18:43] <Chris_Northop> "I probably shouldn't. We should ask Karla."
  84. 06[18:43] * Malachi nods.
  85. [18:43] <Malachi> "This is really weird."
  86. 06[18:44] * Chris_Northop nods. "It's certainly a first for me."
  87. [18:44] <Malachi> "Well yeah me too. Sorta In a less scary way, but yeah."
  88. [18:44] <Malachi> "I mean weird stuff has happened while I've been on this island."
  89. [18:45] <Malachi> "But.... this is bizzare."
  90. 01[18:45] <Chris_Northop> "I know."
  91. [18:45] <Malachi> "It's so normal I never expected it!"
  92. 06[18:45] * Malachi lies back on the bed.
  93. [18:45] <Malachi> "Wow."
  94. 06[18:45] * Chris_Northop curls up to him. "You can email her back if you want. Your friend."
  95. 06[18:46] * Malachi puts the laptop on the floor and takes a hold of Liz.
  96. [18:46] <Malachi> "Maybe later. How long until we have to stop doing this?"
  97. 01[18:47] <Chris_Northop> "doing what?
  98. 01[18:47] <Chris_Northop> *"Doing what?"
  99. 06[18:47] * Malachi pulls Chris to him.
  100. [18:47] <Malachi> "Well, this."
  101. 01[18:47] <Chris_Northop> "The fighting?"
  102. 06[18:48] * Malachi sighs.
  103. [18:48] <Malachi> "No."
  104. 01[18:50] <Chris_Northop> "Then what? Cuddling?"
  105. [18:50] <Malachi> "Yeah. That stuff."
  106. 06[18:51] * Chris_Northop sighs and rolls onto her back, away from him.
  107. 03[18:51] * Firespitter (~Firespitt@A2745453.5D6D9F7C.6D52A469.IP) has joined #NervAtlantis
  108. 06[18:51] * Malachi laughs.
  109. [18:51] <Malachi> "What now?"
  110. 01[18:52] <Chris_Northop> "I think we tell Karla."
  111. 01[18:52] <Chris_Northop> "Or, well, talk to her."
  112. [18:53] <Malachi> "She'll tell you that it's actually a chestbuster or something and that it's going to eat you and that you need to get rid of it I bet."
  113. 06[18:54] * Chris_Northop laughs when he says that. "No way! I think she'll be able to help."
  114. 01[18:54] <Chris_Northop> "She figured out how to have you, this baby shouldn't be much different, right?"
  115. [18:55] <Malachi> "Hah, I hope so."
  116. 06[18:55] * Malachi fidgets and reaches for the laptop.
  117. 06[18:55] * Chris_Northop smiles. "You think it'll be a boy or a girl?"
  118. [18:56] <Malachi> "A girl would be cool. They're a bit less annoying."
  119. 06[18:56] * Chris_Northop nods. "I think I'd rather a daughter."
  120. [18:56] <Malachi> "Yeah."
  121. 06[18:56] * Malachi pulls the email back up.
  122. [18:57] <Malachi> "Help me respond to this girl."
  123. 06[18:57] * Chris_Northop sits up slowly and walks over, looking at the screen. "You should probably not mention the baby."
  124. 01[18:58] <Chris_Northop> "...why do you keep capitalizing stuff?"
  125. 06[18:58] * Malachi shrugs.
  126. 01[18:58] <Chris_Northop> "It makes you look like a 'tard or something."
  127. [18:58] <Malachi> "I'm not very good at letters."
  128. 01[18:58] <Chris_Northop> "Well that's not helping."
  129. [19:00] <Malachi> "Okay then what do I say? We are kind of sending information about stuff back and forth."
  130. [19:00] <Malachi> "But not much I want to talk about has happened."
  131. 06[19:01] * Chris_Northop shrugs. "Just don't giver her any ideas."
  132. [19:01] <Malachi> "Yeah she doesn't need much help with that now that I read it in retrospect."
  133. 06[19:04] * Chris_Northop sighs.
  134. 01[19:04] <Chris_Northop> "Maybe I should send her an email."
  135. 06[19:04] * Malachi squints at her, smirking.
  136. [19:04] <Malachi> "What'd you say?"
  137. 06[19:05] * Chris_Northop shrugs. "Something threatening."
  138. [19:05] <Malachi> ((TIMESKIIIIIP))
  139. 06[19:07] * Malachi gets dropped off with Chris by the awesome S2 taxi service.
  140. 01[19:07] <Chris_Northop> :awesome:
  141. 06[19:08] * Chris_Northop gets out, holding Mal's hand.
  142. 06[19:08] * Malachi pulls Chris along and tries to get into the house quietly because they managed to evade Karla that morning and goddamn he is keen to try and evade her for as long as possible.
  143. 06[19:11] * Malachi succeeds! He and Chris head upstairs and loiter quietly etc
  144. 06[19:11] * Chris_Northop loiters
  145. [19:12] <Karla_Ortega> Some hours later, Karla calls everyone down for dinner. Everyone consists of herself, Chris and Mal tonight. Liz and Sonya are indisposed for reasons Mal and Chris are not privy to. It's just the three of them.
  146. 06[19:13] * Malachi stands at the top of the stairs waiting for Chris.
  147. 06[19:13] * Chris_Northop walks up to him, smiling.
  148. 06[19:14] * Malachi is less confident. He heads downstairs to the kitchen with her, and takes a seat quietly.
  149. 06[19:14] * Chris_Northop sits next to him. Her appitite is back. "So..."
  150. 06[19:15] * Karla_Ortega cooked dinner tonight it seems. It's rare she does so. It usually means something. Tonight's meal is a lasagna and a salad.
  151. [19:15] <Malachi> "Ooh!"
  152. [19:15] <Karla_Ortega> "How was school?" Karla asks, motioning for them to dig in.
  153. 06[19:15] * Malachi is genuinely excited by the prospect of lasagne.
  154. [19:16] <Malachi> "It was okay."
  155. 06[19:16] * Malachi goes for it with the force of an angry god
  156. 06[19:16] * Chris_Northop eats happily. "It was alright, as usual."
  157. 06[19:16] * Karla_Ortega smirks in amusement, starting on her own plate. "Not missing too many classes are you?" she asks both of them.
  158. 06[19:17] * Chris_Northop smirks back. "Not too many."
  159. [19:17] <Malachi> "I don't normally. I don't like some of the teachers."
  160. [19:18] <Malachi> "They think I'm weird."
  161. 01[19:18] <Chris_Northop> "You are weird, Mal."
  162. [19:18] <Malachi> "Well yeah but they think it's a bad thing."
  163. [19:19] <Karla_Ortega> "Then its a good thing they only get to teach a subject," Karla chuckles.
  164. 06[19:20] * Chris_Northop giggles and finishes devouring her food.
  165. [19:20] <Malachi> "Yeah. I pick what I miss up on the internet anyway."
  166. 06[19:20] * Malachi eats like a boss too
  167. [19:21] <Karla_Ortega> "Well, a long as you're passing, that's good," Karla concedes,"Have you made any friends?"
  168. 06[19:21] * Malachi looks at Chris.
  169. [19:21] <Malachi> "Well I got one."
  170. 06[19:23] * Karla_Ortega smiles, "I get the feeling you would have met even without going to school," she jokes.
  171. 06[19:24] * Chris_Northop blushes slightly and puts her hand on his. "Maybe. I did introduce him to a few of mine...
  172. [19:24] <Malachi> "No I am kidding. I am doing better than before though."
  173. [19:24] <Malachi> "I mostly hang around with Chris but I'm not crap like I was when I started."
  174. 06[19:25] * Chris_Northop nods, and then pauses for a moment, looking at Karla. "So."
  175. [19:25] <Karla_Ortega> "Yes?" Karla asks, stopping her fork long enough for her to respond before biting into another piece of lasagna.
  176. 01[19:26] <Chris_Northop> "Liz filled you in, right?"
  177. 06[19:26] * Karla_Ortega nods. "Yes. She did."
  178. 06[19:27] * Malachi leans back in his chair, avoiding eyeline with the others in the room.
  179. 06[19:28] * Karla_Ortega continues to eat her lasagna as if the matter in question was completely mundane, obviously waiting for Mal and Chris to take the lead.
  180. 01[19:29] <Chris_Northop> "Well, what are we going to do?"
  181. [19:29] <Malachi> "Well I only found out this morning. I don't actually know how Chris found out."
  182. [19:29] <Karla_Ortega> "Good question. Chris?" Karla asks, motioning to her.
  183. 01[19:30] <Chris_Northop> "Last night. Liz suggested it could be morning sickness, so on the way back from synch testing she picked up some pregnancy tests. We found out then..."
  184. [19:30] <Karla_Ortega> "Hmm," Karla considers the information.
  185. 06[19:31] * Chris_Northop shakes her head slightly. "I don't know how it happened, though."
  186. [19:31] <Malachi> "Well, you do."
  187. 06[19:31] * Karla_Ortega raises an eyebrow. "Well?"
  188. 06[19:32] * Chris_Northop shrugs. "Every time we've had sex I make sure before hand." she turns to Mal. "Can you recall any time you didn't wear a condom?"
  189. [19:32] <Malachi> "Once. Before Karla talked at the three of us for an hour about it."
  190. 06[19:32] * Malachi is still avoiding eye contact.
  191. [19:33] <Malachi> "Also we might have been drinking some time and I forgot."
  192. 01[19:33] <Chris_Northop> "I don't think we did that night."
  193. [19:33] <Malachi> "No."
  194. [19:33] <Malachi> "What about Asuka?"
  195. 01[19:34] <Chris_Northop> "I think she's fine..."
  196. 01[19:34] <Chris_Northop> "Remember?"
  197. 06[19:34] * Chris_Northop smirks slightly
  198. [19:34] <Karla_Ortega> "I'll be contacting Dr. Akagi and making sure she takes Asuka aside and does a check."
  199. [19:34] <Malachi> "I don't really... I dunno."
  200. 06[19:35] * Chris_Northop turns to Karla. "For the best."
  201. 06[19:35] * Malachi slams his forehead into the table and leaves it there.
  202. 06[19:35] * Chris_Northop runs a hand through his hair. "So what do we plan to do about the one we know about?"
  203. [19:36] <Karla_Ortega> "First. We're going to do the routine tests. Make sure its healthy, get an idea how long you've been pregnant."
  204. [19:36] <Karla_Ortega> "Make sure your health isn't at risk," she emphasizes to Chris.
  205. 06[19:37] * Chris_Northop nods. "It'll be... well it'll be like Mal was before right? Half?"
  206. [19:37] <Malachi> "You make me feel like a minority."
  207. 06[19:37] * Malachi remains staring at the table.
  208. [19:37] <Karla_Ortega> "You're the most minor minority out there Mal," Karla makes a subdued joke.
  209. [19:37] <Karla_Ortega> "A few things."
  210. 06[19:38] * Chris_Northop smiles at the joke and kisses him on the head.
  211. [19:38] <Malachi> "Yeah I know."
  212. [19:38] <Karla_Ortega> "First. As long as you are pregnant, you are off the piloting roster. I am already looking for possible replacements."
  213. [19:39] <Karla_Ortega> "Even if everything checks out alright, carrying a half-angel is dangerous. It's only been done once, and I made mistakes that nearly killed both Mal and myself."
  214. [19:39] <Malachi> "Isn't this one kind of less weird because it's natural instead of... whatever you did?"
  215. 06[19:40] * Karla_Ortega stops.
  216. 06[19:40] * Malachi looks up.
  217. [19:40] <Karla_Ortega> "Let me back up for a moment.
  218. [19:40] <Karla_Ortega> "What are your intentions?"
  219. 06[19:40] * Malachi looks up at her.
  220. [19:40] <Malachi> "What do you mean?"
  221. 06[19:41] * Chris_Northop looks away. "I... I'd like to keep it."
  222. [19:41] <Malachi> "Oh. That."
  223. 01[19:42] <Chris_Northop> "But you said it could be dangerous. Is there anything to help with that?"
  224. [19:42] <Malachi> "Could we grow it in a tube?"
  225. 06[19:42] * Malachi is only half serious
  226. 06[19:43] * Chris_Northop looks at him. "Does that work?"
  227. 06[19:43] * Malachi sits up and looks at her.
  228. [19:43] <Malachi> "There is a world renowned biologist in the room and you're asking me?"
  229. 06[19:44] * Malachi squints.
  230. 06[19:44] * Chris_Northop looks to Karla
  231. 06[19:44] * Malachi laughs.
  232. 06[19:44] * Karla_Ortega sits back and considers this.
  233. 01[19:44] <Chris_Northop> "I'm serious. If it's dangerous to me *and* the baby, wouldn't it be worth a shot?"
  234. [19:45] <Karla_Ortega> "Yes. There are still risks, but that is a possibility."
  235. [19:46] <Karla_Ortega> "We would, however, be much better off if we could find a surrogate mother."
  236. [19:46] <Karla_Ortega> "It's safer, for one. For another, it leaves alot less to be explained."
  237. 06[19:46] * Chris_Northop thinks about it, looking at her stomach. "I suppose."
  238. [19:46] <Malachi> "Okay well the first thing that I thought was Liz but that is actually a really terrible idea."
  239. [19:47] <Malachi> "She would claw it out of herself or something."
  240. 06[19:47] * Chris_Northop looks at Mal, not sure if serious.
  241. 01[19:47] <Chris_Northop> "Mal."
  242. 06[19:47] * Karla_Ortega frowns. "She probably would."
  243. 06[19:47] * Malachi splutters.
  244. [19:47] <Malachi> "Erm."
  245. 01[19:47] <Chris_Northop> "Remember when I said to lay off?"
  246. [19:47] <Malachi> "She isn't here though!"
  247. [19:47] <Malachi> "Okay sorry."
  248. 06[19:47] * Chris_Northop sighs
  249. 06[19:48] * Malachi sighs.
  250. [19:48] <Malachi> "I dunno but I really like the idea of putting it in a tube. We could watch it grow! I bet you have a ton of stuff like that at the base."
  251. 06[19:48] * Malachi beams at Karla.
  252. 03[19:48] * PWV ( has left #NervAtlantis
  253. 06[19:49] * Karla_Ortega smirks. "That sort of thing would be highly illegal and unethical. Stop making guesses."
  254. 06[19:50] * Chris_Northop squeezes Mal's hand. "Besides, I want it to be safe."
  255. 06[19:50] * Malachi reciprocates.
  256. [19:50] <Karla_Ortega> "Right now, the most important thing is to resolve the problem in house, with as few people knowing as possible."
  257. [19:50] <Malachi> "Yeah... but couldn't something happen if it was just in some woman?"
  258. [19:50] <Malachi> "I mean, how do you even cover that up?"
  259. [19:51] <Karla_Ortega> "Honestly? I am seriously considering using myself as the surrogate."
  260. [19:52] <Karla_Ortega> "It would fulfill most of the requirements, my only concerns are if I'M physically healthy enough to give birth again."
  261. 06[19:52] * Chris_Northop looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "I guess that makes sense."
  262. [19:53] <Malachi> "I was hoping for the tube."
  263. 06[19:53] * Malachi looks a bit disappointed.
  264. 06[19:53] * Karla_Ortega smirks. "You disapprove. On some level you feel squeemish about the idea of me carrying my own son's and your child."
  265. [19:53] <Malachi> "Well yeah that too but the tube would have been awesome."
  266. [19:53] <Malachi> "This is probably better cover though."
  267. [19:54] <Karla_Ortega> "I may go with the tube option."
  268. [19:54] <Karla_Ortega> "The problem is propriety."
  269. 06[19:54] * Chris_Northop looks down. "I'd disapprove, but you'd be the best person to carry it."
  270. [19:55] <Karla_Ortega> "I have to do some thinking on it. However, we did settle one thing. You will remain a pilot. That child will live."
  271. 06[19:55] * Chris_Northop looks up and smiles at her. "Thank you."
  272. [19:56] <Karla_Ortega> "We'll remove it from your womb tomorrow. We'll store it," Karla looks at Mal, "in a 'tube'," for the time being.
  273. 06[19:56] * Malachi grins.
  274. 06[19:56] * Malachi pauses.
  275. [19:56] <Malachi> "Oh it won't actually be very big right now will it?"
  276. [19:57] <Karla_Ortega> "At most, it'd be a little over a month old."
  277. [19:57] <Karla_Ortega> "The beginning of the first trimester. It'd be tiny."
  278. [19:57] <Malachi> "I was hoping for a full grown person in a tube like in the Matrix or something."
  279. 06[19:57] * Chris_Northop nods and then frowns at Mal. "That's not the way it works."
  280. [19:58] <Karla_Ortega> "Not unless you want to wait that many years."
  281. [19:58] <Malachi> "No I realise that now."
  282. [19:58] <Karla_Ortega> "And to have a child who knows nothing, understands nothing, and has had no experiences."
  283. 06[19:58] * Malachi rubs his eyes.
  284. [19:58] <Malachi> "Can't you brain pro- okay I am going to stop now."
  285. 06[19:58] * Karla_Ortega smirks again. "Stop guessing."
  286. 06[19:58] * Malachi sighs loudly.
  287. [19:59] <Karla_Ortega> "Okay. That's one crisis averted."
  288. 06[19:59] * Malachi lies on the table again and rolls his head so he can see Karla.
  289. [20:00] <Malachi> "Are there any more incoming?"
  290. [20:00] <Karla_Ortega> "Liz stuff mostly."
  291. 06[20:00] * Malachi groans.
  292. [20:00] <Malachi> "What like?"
  293. [20:00] <Karla_Ortega> "For now, there's desert in the fridge. Grab it for us Mal?"
  294. 06[20:00] * Malachi drags himself up and plods over to the fridge.
  295. [20:00] <Malachi> "What is it?"
  296. 06[20:00] * Malachi opens the thing.
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