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Spetsgruppa "A" back-story

a guest
Jul 23rd, 2014
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  1. When word of the zombie virus reached the Kremlin, it was first passed of as a hoax, allowing the infection to spread further towards Russia. Once the severity of the problem was fully revelead, hundreds of Russians soldiers were sent south, into Chernarus to try and combat the plague. They were unsuccesful, not a single soldier made it out alive, and it was at this point the Russian government realised they had only one option: Spetsgruppa Alpha.
  2. Spetsgruppa Alpha are among the most elite special forces in the world, rivaling the US Navy SEALs and the British SAS with their intense training and advanced weaponry. Members of Spetsgruppa Alpha have been involved in heavy conflicts, such as eleminating Georgian special forces teams in the 2008 South Ossetia War. It is even rumoured they were responsible for the mysterious death of Chechen terrorist leader Dokka Umarov, who masterminded several attacks against the Russian people.
  3. This new 'threat' to the motherland looked to be a walk in the park for Spetsgruppa Alpha, but they did not expect the sheer number of armed bandits that had saturated the country. Now, their objectives are not just to defend the Russian border from the viral infected, but to put down the enourmous armed resistance in Chernarus, lest they be overrun. Their methods for completing their goals are highly classisfied, to the point where not every member of Spetsgruppa Alpha is fully aware of the plan. Their skill, equipment, and highly secretive naturemakes them a dangerous adversary for any who dare incite the wrath of the Kremlin.
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