

Jul 3rd, 2017
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  1. 128 - Limsa Upper
  2. 129 - Limsa Lower
  3. 130 - Ul dah - Steps of Nald
  4. 131 - Ul dah - Steps of Thal
  5. 132 - New Gridania
  6. 133 - Old Gridania
  7. 134 - Middle La Noscea
  8. 135 - Lower La Noscea
  9. 137 - Eastern La Noscea
  10. 138 - Western La Noscea
  11. 139 - Upper La Noscea
  12. 140 - Western Thanalan
  13. 141 - Central Thanalan
  14. 144 - Gold Saucer
  15. 145 - Eastern Thanalan
  16. 146 - Southern Thanalan
  17. 147 - Northern Thanalan
  18. 148 - Central Shroud
  19. 152 - East Shroud
  20. 153 - South Shroud
  21. 154 - North Shroud
  22. 155 - Coerthas
  23. 156 - Mor Dhona
  24. 180 - Outer La Noscea
  25. 397 - Coerthas Western Highlands
  26. 398 - The Dravanian Forelands
  27. 399 - The Dravanian Hinterlands
  28. 400 - The Churning Mists
  29. 401 - Sea of Clouds
  30. 402 - Azys Lla
  31. 478 - Idyllshire
  32. 612 - The Fringes
  33. 613 - The Ruby Sea
  34. 614 - Yanxia
  35. 620 - The Peaks
  36. 621 - The Lochs
  37. 622 - The Azim Steppe
  38. 628 - Kugane
  39. 635 - Rhalgrs Reach
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