
Raindancer - 1

Aug 20th, 2020
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  1. Ol_Dirty, April 11, 2012 / PB 165432
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >You are the unicorn leader of a herd of feral fluffy ponies
  4. >There are about 50 fluffies in your group, mostly earth ponies
  5. >You've set up on a small field near a forest far from the city, you don't want those wicked humans intfuencing your people
  6. >The herd isn't doing very well
  7. >Most of the grass around your "turf" has been eaten, only a few tufts remain
  8. >It's fall, so pretty much all of the vegetation has died anyway
  9. >The others are eating the fallen brown leaves and throwing them right back up
  10. >It's not that they're poisonous or anything, they just taste like shit
  11. >You try to be a kind leader, you can't bring yourself to forcing your followers to eat the spoiled leaves
  12. >Many of the mares are pregnant, thus needing even more food than usual
  13. >The air is getting colder each day
  14. >Winter's coming
  15. >At this rate you won't survive long
  16. >Each day you pray to Fluffy God to save your people
  17. >It seems even he has forsaken you
  18. >Until one day at noon, while looking over the fields, contemplating your fate, you see a bright red dot race down a hill towards your group
  19. >The others are too distracted either grazing on what little grass is left or hugging each other to notice it
  20. >All of them except your most faithful friend and advisor, a pegasus named Rustle
  21. >"Wha' is tha', Waindancew?" he asks
  22. >"I dunno" you say "No fwuffy move, 'kay?"
  23. >Rustle nods in silence, backing up into the crowd of fluffies
  24. >You start calmly walking towards the red dots direction
  25. >You prepare youself to scare this thing off, whatever it is
  26. >You start hearing noises coming from behind you
  27. >Now they've all noticed the red dot too
  28. >"Wha' is tha?" "New fwiend?"
  29. >What's that supposed to mean? New friend? When has anything friendly ever approached your herd?
  30. >You ignore them as you keep walking
  31. >At last the red dot has come close enough to recognise
  32. >It's a fluffy pony
  33. >"Anothew fwuffy?" "New fwiend! New fwiend!" "Huggies fow new fwuffy!"
  34. >The fools are starting to run up to the bright red fluffy
  35. >"Quiet!" you turn and yell at them "Stawp!"
  36. >They all stop in their tracks
  37. >"Smawty fwiend handwes new fwuffy!" you proclaim and turn around to face the newcomer
  38. >It's only 20 feet away by now
  39. >"Hawt intwudew!" you scream "You entew home of Waindancew! State bwuisniz ow face punishmen'!"
  40. >The red fluffy slams on the brakes and tumbles over
  41. >It slides along the wet ground and bumps into you
  42. >You don't even flinch
  43. >It takes the red fluffy a second regain it's composure
  44. >It staggers up
  45. >Your eyes meet
  46. >It gasps and throws itself to the ground, cowering in fear
  47. >A faint smell of fluffy urine fills the air
  48. >"Wiggwy sowwy! Wiggwy no mean to intwude! Wiggwy saw fwuffies and jus' wan' make fwiends! Pwease no sowwy stick!"
  49. >You wonder what the hell is a sorry stick
  50. >No time for that, time for "Wiggly" to answer
  51. >"Why do Wiggwy come to Waindancew's wand?"
  52. >Wiggly doesn't answer, just babbles on
  53. >"Pwease no huwt Wiggwy..."
  54. >"Waindancew ask again. Why do Wiggwy come hewe?"
  55. >"Sowwy... No sowwy stick..."
  56. >Enough of this!
  57. >Bring your hoof up to smack him
  58. >"No Waindancew!" Rustle intervenes
  59. >"Don't huwt new fwuffy! Pwease wisten fiwst!" Rustle is hugging Wiggly, encouraging him to stand up
  60. >"Hmph! Fine den." you grumble
  61. >This fluffy deserves punishment, Rustle is pushing the limits of your generosity
  62. >Rustle helps Wiggly to his feet
  63. >"Pwease, teww why come, fwiend" he says
  64. >Friend? Rustle is way too trusting
  65. >Gonna have a long talk with him after this
  66. >Wigagly still has tears in his eyes
  67. >"Wiggwy weave home when dadde no come back"
  68. >A runaway domesticated fluffy pony
  69. >That's just great
  70. >The crowd of fluffies start whispering amongst themselves
  71. >They don't understand what Wiggly is talking about
  72. >Rustle looks at you with a look of concern on his face
  73. >He knows how you feel about humans and their weakling "pet" ponies
  74. >"Why dadde no come back?" Rustle asks Wiggly
  75. >"Wiggwy... Wiggwy dunno..."
  76. >The noises of the crowd are slowly getting louder
  77. >One of the fluffies steps up to you
  78. >"Wha' is new fwiend tawking 'bou'?"
  79. >There's that word again
  80. >"Fwuffie get back to hewd and be quiet" you say without even looking at him
  81. >He backs up bowing his head in shame
  82. >You, Rustle and Wiggly stand there, not saying a word
  83. >The herd keeps babbling to themselves
  84. >"Aww fwuwwies quiet!" you demand
  85. >Instant silence
  86. >"Whewe did Wiggwy come fwom?"
  87. >Wiggly shakes at the sound of your voice
  88. >"W-wiggwy come fwom t-thewe..." he points to the hill he ran to you from
  89. >"How faw 'way?"
  90. >"Weawwy weawwy faw 'way. Wiggwy wun weawwy wong time."
  91. >You didn't expect a very exact answer
  92. >Not that you understand how long 5 miles is anyway
  93. >"Wha kind is youw home?" you ask
  94. >"Home is big and wed wid pet doow fow fwuffies and wawm and wots food and-"
  95. >Wiggly doesn't get to finish the sentence before the herd behind you erupts with the predictable cries of "Food! Giv food! Giv numnums!"
  96. >"QUIET!" you scream
  97. >The herd falls silent once more
  98. >You get to thinking
  99. >What are you to do?
  100. >On one hand Wiggly's home is warm and has lots of food in it
  101. >But it's also the home of a human
  102. >You look at your tribe
  103. >They're shaking, some from hunger, some from cold
  104. >They won't last
  105. >You hop on a nearby rock to speak to the herd
  106. >You hate having to succumb to this
  107. >"Wisten! Waindancew has decided!"
  108. >The ones in the back snap to attention.
  109. >Rustle comes to stand at your side
  110. >"Fwuffies wiww fowwow Wiggwy. Wiggwy take us to new home of food and wawmness!"
  111. >No one asked for Wiggly's consent, but you know a dumb "pet" pony isn't going to turn down the request of this many new "friends"
  112. >The herd cheers in unison "Food!" "Wotsa numnum!" "My babbehs gon' be wawm!"
  113. >"Fwuffy God has not fowgotten us!" Rustle rallies them on
  114. >The cheers get louder "Pwaised be! Pwaised be!"
  115. >"Pwaised be Fwuffy God! Pwaised be his messengew Wiggwy!" you shout
  116. >"Pwaised be Wiggwy!"
  117. >The fluffies all rush to hug Wiggly, the hope bringer
  118. >You hide your reluctance quite well
  119. >The brave leader Raindancer to live in a human home? Ridiculous!
  120. >What would your father, the great Windwhisker, say?
  121. >You're betraying your principles to ensure your people's survival
  122. >That makes you a good leader, right?
  123. >You quess so, but you can't shake the feeling of shame
  124. >No time to contemplate, need get fluffies to safety
  125. >You jump off the rock and ask Wiggly to lead you to your new home
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