

Feb 21st, 2009
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  1. Guest_j3221 has joined the chat
  2. Guest_j3221: hi
  3. Zer0bandit: Hallo there.
  4. Guest_j3221: wat is ur name
  5. Zer0bandit: Zero will do for now. What's up?
  6. Guest_j3221: not much
  7. Guest_j3221: u
  8. Zer0bandit: Oh, not much. Procrastinating going for a walk.
  9. Guest_j3221: r u a dude or a girl
  10. Guest_j3221: wat dose procrastinating
  11. Guest_j3221: mean
  12. Zer0bandit: um
  13. Zer0bandit: putting off?
  14. Guest_j3221: ooooooo
  15. Zer0bandit: Man, this apartment room is always a bitch to load.
  16. Guest_j3221: i no
  17. Zer0bandit: In any case, in response to your earlier question, I was working under the assumption that I was pretty obviously female.
  18. Guest_j3221: do u hav a full sic rooom
  19. Zer0bandit: I have a few which load more quickly than this joint, at least.
  20. Guest_j3221: oooooo
  21. Guest_j3221: can we go there
  22. Guest_j3221: sic
  23. Guest_j3221: just a a&g thing
  24. Zer0bandit: Pardon?
  25. Guest_j3221: "r u emo"
  26. Zer0bandit: I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying.
  27. Guest_j3221: were r u from
  28. Zer0bandit: I'm going to assume that means "Where are you from?"
  29. Zer0bandit: And under that assumption, the answer is Australia.
  30. Guest_j3221: no but were r u from
  31. Guest_j3221: im from austraila
  32. Zer0bandit: Small world.
  33. Guest_j3221: yer it is
  34. Guest_j3221: wat lanuage do u spec
  35. Zer0bandit: Er, English.
  36. Zer0bandit: Unfortunately, whatever you're speaking is almost beyond my ability to interpret.
  37. Guest_j3221: same
  38. Guest_j3221: do u no wat an emo is
  39. Zer0bandit: I'm going to assume you just said 'do you know what an emo is'
  40. Zer0bandit: and say yes, I do.
  41. Guest_j3221: i do r u an emo
  42. Guest_j3221: how old r u any
  43. Guest_j3221: way
  44. Zer0bandit: Do I look particularly emo to you, at all?
  45. Guest_j3221: well ur house is black
  46. Zer0bandit: Uh, no it isn't.
  47. Guest_j3221: but ur clothes r like elf clothes
  48. Zer0bandit: What, a bra and shorts and knee-high converse?
  49. Zer0bandit: If those are elf clothes, boy does lord of the rings have it wrong.
  50. Guest_j3221: i mean ur ears and hair
  51. Guest_j3221: but i lik ur clothes
  52. Zer0bandit: Um, well, I'll agree that the ears are elfin, but the hair is hardly racially-typical.
  53. Guest_j3221: how long hav u been on this
  54. Zer0bandit: Not an awfully long time.
  55. Guest_j3221: ive only got gay clothes i wish i could hav clothes lik urs
  56. Guest_j3221: i strated yesterday
  57. Zer0bandit: You ought to have gotten a selection when you signed up, and besides that some promotional credits you can buy clothes with.
  58. Guest_j3221: i did not get 2 pick wen i 1st started
  59. Zer0bandit: you ought to have.
  60. Guest_j3221: nope
  61. Guest_j3221: i hav to go bye add me please
  62. Zer0bandit: You can go ahead and friend me.
  63. Guest_j3221: i dont no how u add me
  64. Guest_j3221: ok bye
  65. Guest_j3221 has left the chat
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