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/watchmen/ cheat sheat

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Aug 27th, 2019
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  1. Watchmen is a limited run series of comic books written by Alan Moore in the mid 80s. The comic series is meant to be an exploration into the deconstruction and satire of the superhero genre for the era as our "heroes" navigate a world that hates costumed heroes as they try to uncover a conspiracy to kill all the remaining capes in NYC. However everyone took the comic the wrong away and ushered in an era of dark and gritty superhero comics.
  3. Below is a description of the medals:
  4. I Scored 35 Minutes Ago: A reference to the "bad guy" of the story, now retired hero Ozymandias. It is a reference to a line in which after describing his plan and our protagonists vowing to stop him, he mentions that he would not explain his plan if there was any chance of it being stopped, and that he had gone through with his plan 35 minutes ago. If you ever seen the chart of hero tier lists from shit tier to elder god, he is the character often depicted in the elder god tier section.
  6. RRAAARRL: A famous panel of Rorschach jumping out of a window yelling this particular line. Rorschach is a huge right wing autist who retards see themselves in as the good guy who has very rigid morals of black and white.
  8. Consensual Rape: Reference to the character The Comedian. The Comedian is an asshole who's only as asshole because in his view that's the punchline to life and to being a superhero. The name in particular references a time where he attempts to rape a fellow superhero Silk Spectre I. Even after the rape Silk fell in love with The Comedian and had a child together (Silk Spectre II)
  10. BRAVO SNYDER: Zack Snyder helped bring Watchmen to the big screen despite the fact Alan Moore said it'd be impossible to adapt. It was very divided when it first came out and clocking in at almost 3 hours long. Some call it capekino and some usher it as the reason for capeshit's popularity
  12. ligma balls: An edit of one of the final chapters of Watchmen. What is supposed to be a depressing moment and final end for Rorschach ends into a "ligma balls" meme. Zoom into player to read the full comic.
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