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a guest
Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. accerciser
  2. adwaita-icon-theme
  3. aisleriot
  4. alsa-utils
  5. android-tools
  6. anjuta
  7. aria2
  8. atomix
  9. autoconf
  10. automake
  11. baobab
  12. bash
  13. bijiben
  14. binutils
  15. bison
  16. blueman
  17. bluez-utils
  18. brasero
  19. bumblebee
  20. bzip2
  21. calibre
  22. cheese
  23. clojure
  24. cmake
  25. colordiff
  26. conky
  27. coreutils
  28. cryptsetup
  29. cscope
  30. d-feet
  31. dconf-editor
  32. deluge
  33. devhelp
  34. device-mapper
  35. dhcpcd
  36. dialog
  37. diffutils
  38. dmenu
  39. dos2unix
  40. e2fsprogs
  41. ecryptfs-utils
  42. emacs
  43. empathy
  44. eog
  45. epiphany
  46. erlang
  47. evince
  48. evolution
  49. fakeroot
  50. fbreader
  51. feh
  52. file
  53. file-roller
  54. filesystem
  55. findutils
  56. firefox
  57. five-or-more
  58. flashplugin
  59. flex
  60. four-in-a-row
  61. gawk
  62. gcc
  63. gcc-libs
  64. gdm
  65. gedit
  66. gedit-code-assistance
  67. gettext
  68. gimp
  69. gitg
  70. glibc
  71. gnome-2048
  72. gnome-applets
  73. gnome-backgrounds
  74. gnome-builder
  75. gnome-calculator
  76. gnome-calendar
  77. gnome-characters
  78. gnome-chess
  79. gnome-clocks
  80. gnome-code-assistance
  81. gnome-color-manager
  82. gnome-contacts
  83. gnome-control-center
  84. gnome-desktop
  85. gnome-devel-docs
  86. gnome-dictionary
  87. gnome-disk-utility
  88. gnome-documents
  89. gnome-font-viewer
  90. gnome-getting-started-docs
  91. gnome-initial-setup
  92. gnome-keyring
  93. gnome-klotski
  94. gnome-logs
  95. gnome-mahjongg
  96. gnome-maps
  97. gnome-mines
  98. gnome-music
  99. gnome-nettool
  100. gnome-nibbles
  101. gnome-photos
  102. gnome-robots
  103. gnome-screensaver
  104. gnome-screenshot
  105. gnome-session
  106. gnome-settings-daemon
  107. gnome-shell
  108. gnome-shell-extensions
  109. gnome-software
  110. gnome-sound-recorder
  111. gnome-sudoku
  112. gnome-system-log
  113. gnome-system-monitor
  114. gnome-taquin
  115. gnome-terminal
  116. gnome-tetravex
  117. gnome-themes-standard
  118. gnome-todo
  119. gnome-tweak-tool
  120. gnome-user-docs
  121. gnome-user-share
  122. gnome-weather
  123. gparted
  124. gpsd
  125. grep
  126. grilo-plugins
  127. groff
  128. guake
  129. gucharmap
  130. gufw
  131. gvfs
  132. gvfs-afc
  133. gvfs-goa
  134. gvfs-google
  135. gvfs-gphoto2
  136. gvfs-mtp
  137. gvfs-nfs
  138. gvfs-smb
  139. gzip
  140. hitori
  141. htop
  142. hwinfo
  143. hydra
  144. i3-wm
  145. i3blocks
  146. i3lock
  147. i3status
  148. iagno
  149. inetutils
  150. intel-ucode
  151. iproute2
  152. iputils
  153. iw
  154. jdk8-openjdk
  155. jfsutils
  156. kdebase-lib
  157. kdiff3
  158. less
  159. libpng12
  160. libreoffice-fresh
  161. libtool
  162. licenses
  163. lightsoff
  164. linux
  165. llvm
  166. logrotate
  167. lsof
  168. lvm2
  169. m4
  170. make
  171. man-db
  172. man-pages
  173. maven
  174. mc
  175. mdadm
  176. mediainfo
  177. medusa
  178. menumaker
  179. mousetweaks
  180. mutter
  181. nano
  182. nautilus
  183. nautilus-sendto
  184. netctl
  185. network-manager-applet
  186. ninja
  187. nmap
  188. nodejs
  189. ntfs-3g
  190. nvidia
  191. obconf
  192. obmenu
  193. openbox
  194. opendesktop-fonts
  195. openssh
  196. orca
  197. p7zip
  198. package-query
  199. pacman
  200. pam_mount
  201. patch
  202. pciutils
  203. pcmciautils
  204. perl
  205. pkg-config
  206. polari
  207. procps-ng
  208. psmisc
  209. pulseaudio
  210. pulseaudio-alsa
  211. qscintilla-qt4
  212. qscintilla-qt5
  213. qt5-tools
  214. quadrapassel
  215. reiserfsprogs
  216. rlwrap
  217. roxterm
  218. rpm-org
  219. rsync
  220. ruby
  221. rygel
  222. s-nail
  223. seahorse
  224. sed
  225. shadow
  226. spacefm
  227. splint
  228. srm
  229. sudo
  230. sushi
  231. swell-foop
  232. sysfsutils
  233. systemd-sysvcompat
  234. tali
  235. tar
  236. texinfo
  237. totem
  238. tracker
  239. transmission-gtk
  240. tree
  241. ttf-anonymous-pro
  242. ttf-arphic-ukai
  243. ttf-arphic-uming
  244. ttf-droid
  245. ttf-fira-mono
  246. ttf-fira-sans
  247. ttf-freefont
  248. ttf-inconsolata
  249. ttf-indic-otf
  250. ttf-liberation
  251. ttf-linux-libertine-g
  252. ttf-oxygen
  253. ttf-symbola
  254. ttf-ubuntu-font-family
  255. ufw
  256. unrar
  257. usbutils
  258. util-linux
  259. vi
  260. vinagre
  261. vino
  262. virtualbox
  263. vlc
  264. watchdog
  265. wget
  266. which
  267. wpa_supplicant
  268. xclip
  269. xdg-user-dirs-gtk
  270. xf86-input-keyboard
  271. xf86-input-mouse
  272. xf86-input-synaptics
  273. xf86-video-intel
  274. xf86-video-nouveau
  275. xfsprogs
  276. xmonad
  277. xorg-iceauth
  278. xorg-luit
  279. xorg-server-utils
  280. xorg-sessreg
  281. xorg-smproxy
  282. xorg-twm
  283. xorg-x11perf
  284. xorg-xauth
  285. xorg-xbacklight
  286. xorg-xclock
  287. xorg-xcmsdb
  288. xorg-xcursorgen
  289. xorg-xdpyinfo
  290. xorg-xdriinfo
  291. xorg-xev
  292. xorg-xgamma
  293. xorg-xhost
  294. xorg-xinit
  295. xorg-xinput
  296. xorg-xkbevd
  297. xorg-xkbutils
  298. xorg-xkill
  299. xorg-xlsatoms
  300. xorg-xlsclients
  301. xorg-xmodmap
  302. xorg-xpr
  303. xorg-xprop
  304. xorg-xrandr
  305. xorg-xrdb
  306. xorg-xrefresh
  307. xorg-xset
  308. xorg-xsetroot
  309. xorg-xvinfo
  310. xorg-xwd
  311. xorg-xwininfo
  312. xorg-xwud
  313. xscreensaver
  314. xterm
  315. yaourt
  316. yelp
  317. zaproxy
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