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a guest
Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- CALL
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. local blips = {}
  5. RegisterCommand('chamar',function(source,args,rawCommand)
  6. local source = source
  7. local answered = false
  8. local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source)
  9. if user_id then
  10. local players = {}
  11. if args[1] == "911" then
  12. players = vRP.getUsersByPermission("policia.permissao")
  13. elseif args[1] == "112" then
  14. players = vRP.getUsersByPermission("paramedico.permissao")
  15. elseif args[1] == "mec" then
  16. players = vRP.getUsersByPermission("mecanico.permissao")
  17. elseif args[1] == "adm" then
  18. players = vRP.getUsersByPermission("chamado.permissao")
  19. elseif args[1] == "taxi" then
  20. players = vRP.getUsersByPermission("taxista.permissao")
  21. else
  22. TriggerClientEvent("Notify",source,"negado","Serviço inexistente.")
  23. return
  24. end
  26. local descricao = vRP.prompt(source,"Descrição:","")
  27. if descricao == "" then
  28. return
  29. end
  31. local identitys = vRP.getUserIdentity(user_id)
  32. TriggerClientEvent("Notify",source,"sucesso","Chamado enviado com sucesso.")
  33. for l,w in pairs(players) do
  34. local player = vRP.getUserSource(parseInt(w))
  35. local nuser_id = vRP.getUserId(player)
  36. local x,y,z = vRPclient.getPosition(source)
  37. local uplayer = vRP.getUserSource(user_id)
  38. if player and player ~= uplayer then
  39. async(function()
  40. vRPclient.playSound(player,"Out_Of_Area","DLC_Lowrider_Relay_Race_Sounds")
  41. TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage',player,"CHAMADO",{19,197,43},"Enviado por ^1"" "..identitys.firstname.."^0, "..descricao)
  42. local ok = vRP.request(player,"Aceitar o chamado de <b>"" "..identitys.firstname.."</b>?",30)
  43. if ok then
  44. if not answered then
  45. answered = true
  46. local identity = vRP.getUserIdentity(nuser_id)
  47. TriggerClientEvent("Notify",source,"importante","Chamado atendido por <b>"" "..identity.firstname.."</b>, aguarde no local.")
  48. vRPclient.playSound(source,"Event_Message_Purple","GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset")
  49. vRPclient._setGPS(player,x,y)
  50. else
  51. TriggerClientEvent("Notify",player,"negado","Chamado ja foi atendido por outra pessoa.")
  52. vRPclient.playSound(player,"CHECKPOINT_MISSED","HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET")
  53. end
  54. end
  55. local id = idgens:gen()
  56. blips[id] = vRPclient.addBlip(player,x,y,z,358,71,"Chamado",0.6,false)
  57. SetTimeout(300000,function() vRPclient.removeBlip(player,blips[id]) idgens:free(id) end)
  58. end)
  59. end
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end)
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