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bcash irc

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Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. [19/02/2019 07:18] <sansGato> watch it >:(
  2. [19/02/2019 07:19] <sansGato> fak!
  3. [19/02/2019 07:20] <sansGato> (.____.) jus watch it
  4. [19/02/2019 07:22] <sansGato> (._.) hmmmffffft
  5. [19/02/2019 07:25] <dw1>
  6. [19/02/2019 07:25] <cashbot> [ Remote Viewing for Crypto Currencies and World Events | Hot Off the Presses. We've got RV & Crypto News! ]
  7. [19/02/2019 07:26] <-- ctr (~ct0xxx@unaffiliated/ctr) has left this server (Quit: Leaving).
  8. [19/02/2019 07:26] <sansGato> dw1 watch my video fist den we talk. Ha bot dat?
  9. [19/02/2019 07:26] <sansGato> (._.) HrrrrrrMMffffffffffaa
  10. [19/02/2019 07:27] <dw1>
  11. [19/02/2019 07:27] <cashbot> [ Patience Iago, PATIENCE! - 0:05 ]
  12. [19/02/2019 07:28] <sansGato> (._.) dw1... jus watch it pfffffhrm
  13. [19/02/2019 07:29] <sansGato> (._______.) hmmmmmmmmmfft
  14. [19/02/2019 07:30] <sansGato> (._________________________________________.)
  15. [19/02/2019 07:30] <sansGato> hrmph
  16. [19/02/2019 07:32] <sansGato> (._.) mrrrrf
  17. [19/02/2019 07:38] <sansGato> dw1 did you watch it yet (._.) hllmff
  18. [19/02/2019 07:39] <sansGato> (._.) maarrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhmmmffff
  19. [19/02/2019 07:46] <sansGato>
  20. [19/02/2019 07:46] <cashbot> [ Best Colors and Strains of Kratom for Pain Relief - 7:00 ]
  21. [19/02/2019 07:56] <sansGato> (._.) watch the savage video first dw1
  22. [19/02/2019 08:08] <sansGato> (._.) prly dnt even watch drrrmmmmfffft
  23. [19/02/2019 08:13] <sansGato>
  24. [19/02/2019 08:13] <cashbot> [ Is Kratom the Miracle Drug? Mini-documentary - 40:46 ]
  25. [19/02/2019 08:59] <sansGato> dw1 me and Sidney have put together some money for you to get you started on your trades... (._.)
  26. [19/02/2019 08:59] <sansGato> ziddey*
  27. [19/02/2019 09:02] <sansGato> just post your f**@$%*****in address (._.)
  28. [19/02/2019 09:04] <sansGato> ziddey I will let you do the dirty work (I am going to down some more kraterz) (._.)
  29. [19/02/2019 09:11] <dw1> is that what youre on
  30. [19/02/2019 09:13] <sansGato> huh?
  31. [19/02/2019 09:13] <sansGato> dw1 I'm not on anything but knowledge and a steady paced work ethic
  32. [19/02/2019 09:13] <sansGato> what are you implying?
  33. [19/02/2019 09:13] <dw1> that youre cuckoo for kratom puffs
  34. [19/02/2019 09:14] <sansGato> no no no
  35. [19/02/2019 09:14] <sansGato> I dont mess with drugs that dont get you high
  36. [19/02/2019 09:14] <sansGato> (._.) but ..
  37. [19/02/2019 09:14] <sansGato> I do drink coffee (there I said it)
  38. [19/02/2019 09:15] <sansGato> I'm more of a modafinil man myself
  39. [19/02/2019 09:15] <sansGato> or a piracetam popper
  40. [19/02/2019 09:15] <sansGato> or something like that
  41. [19/02/2019 09:15] <sansGato> not a fan of plants
  42. [19/02/2019 09:15] <sansGato> WAIT!!!!
  43. [19/02/2019 09:16] <sansGato> did you watch the videos dw1 >:X
  44. [19/02/2019 09:16] <dw1> no ive been battling linux
  45. [19/02/2019 09:17] <sansGato> (._.) ... you are prolly too busy trading ... linux coin
  46. [19/02/2019 09:17] <sansGato> figerz
  47. [19/02/2019 09:17] <sansGato> (._.) I'll just snort this line of coffee then
  48. [19/02/2019 09:17] <sansGato> SNNNNNNSSSSSRRRRZZZZT
  49. [19/02/2019 09:18] <sansGato> (._O)
  50. [19/02/2019 09:18] <sansGato> errrrraahhh
  51. [19/02/2019 09:18] <sansGato> (O_oo)
  52. [19/02/2019 09:19] <sansGato> (._\_.) my nose hurts now pfffft
  53. [19/02/2019 09:19] <sansGato> (._.) time for some more titanic music ...
  54. [19/02/2019 09:23] <dw1> coffee is plants bro
  55. [19/02/2019 09:23] <sansGato> no
  56. [19/02/2019 09:23] <sansGato> not mine
  57. [19/02/2019 09:23] <sansGato> mine is snot
  58. [19/02/2019 09:23] <sansGato> because I snorted it
  59. [19/02/2019 09:25] <sansGato> "mine is snot" -snanz Gato 2016
  60. [19/02/2019 09:25] *** sansGato is now known as snanzGato2016.
  61. [19/02/2019 09:26] <snanzGato2016> (._.)
  62. [19/02/2019 09:28] <snanzGato2016> I'm leaving I need to get to werk
  63. [19/02/2019 09:29] <snanzGato2016> == sansGato [ad19994d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has queeyaht #bitcoincash [._.]
  64. [19/02/2019 09:31] <snanzGato2016> [._.]
  65. [19/02/2019 09:33] *** snanzGato2016 is now known as sansGato.
  66. [19/02/2019 09:33] <sansGato> (._.) dw1 I'm back
  67. [19/02/2019 09:34] <sansGato> don't worry I wont talk (._.)
  68. [19/02/2019 09:34] <sansGato> (._.) I know you are busy trading
  69. [19/02/2019 09:34] <sansGato> (._.) np
  70. [19/02/2019 09:36] <sansGato> (._.) might go to sleep after I make cheese crackers anyways
  71. [19/02/2019 09:36] <sansGato> ... lay my head on my desk and drift off (._.)
  72. [19/02/2019 09:37] <sansGato> (._.) I'll let you trade
  73. [19/02/2019 09:39] <sansGato> (.___.) I'll just be playing sad titanic music
  74. [19/02/2019 09:40] <sansGato> (.________.) don't worry bout me
  75. [19/02/2019 09:41] <sansGato> (~_~) I'll bee fine..... buzz ya later
  76. [19/02/2019 09:42] <sansGato> (..
  77. [19/02/2019 09:43] <sansGato> (=_=) mrrrrrrhhrrrrrrRRRrrrhhhhhhhmmmm
  78. [19/02/2019 09:43] <sansGato> (._________________________________________________________________________________.)
  79. [19/02/2019 09:45] <sansGato> (._.) {thought this may help)
  80. [19/02/2019 09:45] <cashbot> [ Simple Method To Make $100 A Day Trading Cryptocurrency As A Beginner | Tutorial Guide - 15:14 ]
  81. [19/02/2019 09:48] <sansGato> (>._.<)
  82. [19/02/2019 09:49] <sansGato> <(._.<)
  83. [19/02/2019 09:49] <sansGato> (>._.)>
  84. [19/02/2019 09:49] <sansGato> <(._.)>
  85. [19/02/2019 09:50] <sansGato> (._.) that was my cheer ... hope u do well ... *turns on titanic music loop*
  86. [19/02/2019 09:55] <sansGato> (~.~) zzzzz zzzz hrrrrmmmm
  87. [19/02/2019 10:01] <sansGato> (`~.~) paaaaahahhchuuuu
  88. [19/02/2019 10:08] <sansGato> (O<>O) BAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
  89. [19/02/2019 10:08] <sansGato> (._.) ..
  90. [19/02/2019 10:08] <sansGato> (`~.~) paaaaahahhchuuuu
  91. [19/02/2019 10:29] <sansGato> ..
  92. [19/02/2019 10:29] <sansGato> It is amazing that when you think you are having a heart attack, it's really just a big trapped fart and boy oh boy is it reliving when it escapes.
  93. [19/02/2019 10:30] <sansGato> "It is amazing that when you think you are having a heart attack, it's really just a big trapped fart and boy oh boy is it reliving when it escapes." -freenode staff ( el )
  94. [19/02/2019 10:55] <dw1>
  95. [19/02/2019 10:56] <cashbot> [ 403 FORBIDDEN ]
  96. [19/02/2019 10:56] <dw1> mcafee the sovereign citizen tax protestor
  97. [19/02/2019 11:03] <sansGato> soon to be president dw1
  98. [19/02/2019 11:03] <sansGato> >:(
  99. [19/02/2019 11:03] <sansGato> >X(_)
  100. [19/02/2019 11:03] <sansGato> he says Bitcoin will be at 1 million to morrow so be ready to make some moooooney
  101. [19/02/2019 11:05] <sansGato> dw1 I command you to watch the savage video I command you ...
  102. [19/02/2019 11:05] <sansGato> (o.O) ... gulp
  103. [19/02/2019 11:05] <sansGato> Splat______SPlat
  104. [19/02/2019 11:08] <dw1> cooking now
  105. [19/02/2019 11:16] <sansGato> (._.)
  106. [19/02/2019 11:37] <sansGato> dw1 hurry up because I need to sleep
  107. [19/02/2019 11:42] <dw1> watching Creed 2
  108. [19/02/2019 11:42] <sansGato> (.____).) hurry up
  109. [19/02/2019 11:42] <dw1> 2h10m
  110. [19/02/2019 11:43] <sansGato> put it on fast forward and get it done, or just eject the tape now
  111. [19/02/2019 11:43] <sansGato> (._).)
  112. [19/02/2019 11:45] <sansGato> {HURRY UP}
  113. [19/02/2019 11:49] <dw1> oh that guy
  114. [19/02/2019 11:49] <dw1> he's ok
  115. [19/02/2019 11:51] <dw1> funny when he triggers people and just stays calm
  116. [19/02/2019 11:51] <dw1> like he's on sedatives all the time
  117. [19/02/2019 11:57] <dw1> he cool
  118. [19/02/2019 12:13] <bitbee> Anyone have any good resources for writing on bitcoin's growth? writing a paper for university and have to give a presentation, this will help me write further papers on the subject
  119. [19/02/2019 12:13] <sansGato> (p_p)
  120. [19/02/2019 12:14] <sansGato> ya
  121. [19/02/2019 12:14] <sansGato> bitbee not now , me and dw1 and ziddey are sleeping
  122. [19/02/2019 12:21] <dw1> just write a historical account. pretty straightforward
  123. [19/02/2019 12:21] <dw1> dont forget bitcoin jesus
  124. [19/02/2019 12:21] <dw1> he was instrumental
  125. [19/02/2019 12:21] <dw1> ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)
  126. [19/02/2019 12:22] <dw1> or steam stopping accepting it
  127. [19/02/2019 12:22] <dw1> or microsoft
  128. [19/02/2019 12:22] <dw1> lols
  129. [19/02/2019 12:22] <dw1> it grew, now it's uncertain
  130. [19/02/2019 12:22] <dw1> still kinks to work out of the tech
  131. [19/02/2019 12:23] <dw1> but there is reason for optimism, and pessimism
  132. [19/02/2019 12:23] <dw1> ;P
  133. [19/02/2019 12:23] <dw1> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  134. [19/02/2019 12:23] <dw1> i mean, most people arent ready for the responsibility
  135. [19/02/2019 12:23] <dw1> may never be
  136. [19/02/2019 12:24] <dw1> easier not to be kidnapped when money is in a bank vault
  137. [19/02/2019 12:24] <dw1> you gotta be bank level security all on your own
  138. [19/02/2019 12:24] <dw1> it's a bold experiment
  139. [19/02/2019 12:24] <dw1> all that can really be said
  140. [19/02/2019 12:25] <dw1> the initial dream of using it to separate from government completely is unrealistic
  141. [19/02/2019 12:25] <dw1> governments protect the internet companies, servers, cables
  142. [19/02/2019 12:25] <dw1> computer factories
  143. [19/02/2019 12:25] <dw1> but it may compliment government
  144. [19/02/2019 12:25] <dw1> in some ways
  145. [19/02/2019 12:26] <dw1> empower people within it
  146. [19/02/2019 15:36] <ctr> dw1 dw1 dw1 dw1 dw1 dw1
  147. [19/02/2019 15:38] <ctr> limitless is pretty boring
  148. [19/02/2019 15:38] <dw1> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  149. [19/02/2019 15:39] * ctr stabs dw
  150. [19/02/2019 15:39] <ctr> what u watching
  151. [19/02/2019 15:39] <dw1> you can't stab me it's hte internet
  152. [19/02/2019 15:39] <dw1> Creed 2
  153. [19/02/2019 15:40] <ctr> metastabbing
  154. [19/02/2019 17:18] <rafalcpp> bitbee: ask #bitcoin , this channel here is about mentall illnes and/or bcash
  155. [19/02/2019 17:19] <ctr> yeah
  156. [19/02/2019 17:19] <ctr> about right
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