
Ebin City Suggestions

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. /t/ bay
  2. put a ham shop in the pirate area
  3. (Ham shop (Bacubs/Urswine?) somewhere)
  4. and a car shop
  5. if you dont get it then kill yourself
  7. in the pirate bay, there needs to be a garden with someone gardening
  8. i.e. seeding
  9. and maybe have a few people waiting in line (leeching)?
  11. Have two Pirates facing each other, one saying
  12. "You fight like a dairy farmer."
  13. The other Pirate responds
  14. "How appropriate. You fight like a cow!"
  16. Have someone asking for certain torrents to be put up
  17. Have someone tell them to fuck off to >>>/r/
  19. davy jones sidequest - Undoing an octai's curse in the sunken ship or pirate town
  21. Girl NPC outside Ham Shop says ">Don't mind me, just pirating this ham"
  22. A PokeMart where the clerk says they're out of business, get lost
  23. An NPC says "I came here for booty, but everybody's ass is so fucking flat!"
  24. a building that lets you buy free shit but just gives you viruses
  25. angry somalis
  27. I have an idea for an event in /t/
  28. So, /t/ needs to have a port for this to work, we'll call it "The Pirates' Bay"
  29. Anyway
  30. Fig 1. in the event, pirates sail into the Pirates' Bay and talk about all of the stolen porn they've gotten from their last raid.
  31. Fig 2. They try to sell the MC their torrented porn for some outrageous price that the player literally cannot afford.
  32. Fig 3a. If they say 'yes', the pirates will call them out on being broke and start a pokemon battle
  33. Fig 3b. If they say 'no', the pirates force them to battle and say that if they beat the player, the player has to just give them money.
  34. Fig 4. Two pirate battles, the first being a double battle between two crewmates who have a team consisting of Manatanks, Glassannons, and (of course) Corshark.
  35. Fig 5. After the pirates are beaten, the Capitain comes out and yells at the crew for fucking up the porn deal. He decides to challenge the player himself. His team consists of:
  36. - Monstrap
  37. - Holfunco
  38. - Manatank
  39. - Glassannon
  40. - Davyjaws (signature)
  41. Fig 6. After he's beaten, they'll admit defeat and give you an item: a Porn Drive. You can only obtain it from him and, while it may not sell high at shops, there's a NEET in the ci/tv/y that says "I want porn, but I'm too lazy to get it myself. Do you have any I can buy off you?"
  42. If you say yes, and sell it to him, he gives you a large sum of money (25k or so) and says "Thanks! That may have cost me the rest of my birthday bucks, but now I don't need to save my money in case I get a girlfriend!"
  44. sekret stash with treasure. accessed secretly through either something like the Team Rocket poster method
  46. pirate bar obv
  48. have some guy that tells you directions to a treasure by saying '200 paces west, 140 paces north, etc.' and then it is actually located right behind him
  50. closed store -
  51. -a pokemart but the door is locked and inspecting it results in "closed due to ham piracy"
  53. also old dude from ruse cruise should be a pirate now
  55. -just have a brothel
  56. but they just watch porn on computers instead
  58. dock area for all the boats
  60. pirate or NPC somewhere who will give you an item if you show them a Pokemon with the Torrent ability
  62. 1. Pier/Dock area 2. Haam Shop (locked pokemart) 3. Car Shop 4. Bar 6. Pokecenter 7. Secret stash area 8. Half Sunken boat to explore in the bay 9. Garden area 10. closed store
  64. -------------------------------------------------
  66. /tv/ city
  68. -TV Studio Tower - large tower with a TV like times square
  70. -live studio audience
  71. -actors on stage say nothing but bazinga permutations while the audience comments about how it is the funniest thing
  73. -something with capeshit
  75. -What about a terrorist on Avalon City saying he is gonna work as a special effects specialist in the next Michael Bay movie
  77. -sony execs gathered around a large table with quotes from their leaked emails and just generally being oblivious with their market research
  79. -also a giant Nicholas Cage poster like the masuda one in Animango
  81. Youtuber critics/RLM
  82. -no one by name, maybe just npcs complaining about how everyone is a hack reviewer now thanks to the internet
  84. -Dan Schneider something something
  86. -neckbeards talking about cunny
  88. -raimi posting
  90. -neckbeards arguing over who is best emma
  92. -movie theater. No singles policy means you have to find an npc in the city to go with you. You are forced to buy overpriced soda pop and tip. Alternate way to enter the theater is to win the designated shooter lotto. theater falcons and showers.
  94. -Hall of Justice filled with super heroes for capeshit posting
  95. or a legion of Doom
  97. NPC who thinks he is a superhero and tries to save someone in the city getting mugged, only to get beaten up by the gang of nigs
  99. There needs to be two NPCs somewhere, either the movie theater or studio, arguing about whether the term is Kino or Ludo
  101. -indoor pool or rooftop pool for pool's closed event
  103. -anarchists on one of the rooftops making fight club references wanting to blow up all the other buildings
  105. -bank that will exchange money for Nuggets
  107. -art Museum where someone teaches Deloris sketch
  108. you could also maybe use that as an excuse to fill it with the painter/artist NPCs
  109. and gentlemen as art critics(edited)
  110. definitely needs to be one Memer asking about jumping into a painting, with a Burglar saying he did that once to steal some nigga's shit
  111. both an SM64 and a P5 reference at the same time
  112. Could also have a Hex Maniac or Channeller near a painting, with the dialogue being a reference to Kirby Canvas Curse
  113. some cheeky fucker has the idea to put a frame over/around one of the windows
  114. a novice painter back in /pol/ony dreams of one day being feature in the avalon art museum
  116. movie theater dialog:
  117. Popcorn mines:
  118. "I failed the penis inspection, it's like middle school gym all over again!"
  119. "I got drunk and forgot my falcaptain in my taxi on the way here. I tried faking it by sticking feathers in a cabbage, but the inspector saw right through it. Now I'm stuck here"
  120. "That dirty ho left halfway through the movie because I only paid her for an hour, guess the bouncer saw her on the way out and got me..."
  121. "It was my turn to be the shooter, but I didn't bring enough money for the gun dispenser. I guess I deserve my fate"
  123. Bazingas:
  124. Bazinga
  125. bizooper
  126. zimbabwe
  127. bonkzonko
  128. zongotongo
  129. tuskooti
  130. wambato
  131. Baspingas
  132. Zionga
  133. Mazionga
  134. zimbabwe
  135. bobskabulba
  136. bazooka
  137. bojangles
  139. Penny: girl on stage: "shelder can you teech me siyense?"
  141. -Mcdoland's
  142. at the McDolan's either a Weeb or Lass needs to have this as the thing they say
  143. "For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant."
  145. -library with a bunch of pasta. computer section with a bunch of nigs
  147. -bar
  149. -pedowood hills
  151. npc recalling his encounter with Ryan Gosling at the grocery store
  153. 1. TV studio tower 2. beeg shoppe 3. gym 4. legion of doom 5. bank that exchanges money for nuggets 6. art museum 7. movie theater 8. mcdolands 9. pool 10. sex change center 11. housing tower 12. bar 13. dan schneider dungeon you get locked in 14. Hollywood Hills 15. Pokemon Center 16. Library
  154. ------------------------------------------------
  156. /k/ base
  157. Have the phrase "A Magical Place" somewhere in there, maybe on a sign
  158. Have a bunch of Ace Combat references
  159. Have a bunch of XCOM references
  160. southern route or the base itself has an airport landing strip
  161. ayylmao building - area 51
  163. -some dude in /k/ that asks if you want to see his guns. if you say yes he battles you and his team is 6 cannonance or something like that. when you win he gives you a scope lens or something similar
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