
Thoughts on Tulpa's D.I.Y Guide

Nov 11th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Thoughts on Tulpa's Guide:
  2. Guide link for reference:
  5. Comparing tulpas to "sacred objects" and saying they should be respected because the host is respected... No.
  6. "...this almost definitely represents less than one percent of the total human population," uh, it's theorized that Plurality makes up at LEAST 1-3% of the population. It's also hilarious how sure he sounds.
  7. OKAY, huge problem: calling traumagenic systemmates "identities" and "personalities," THEN STATING THAT NON-TRAUMAGENIC HEADMATES ARE PEOPLE MORE THAN TRAUMAGENIC ONES. I've spoken with traumagenic/mixed-origins systems and they usually *really* do not like being referred to like that; they see that as downright offensive.
  8. "Tulpas rarely suffer the same mental conditions you do." The body's brain is an autistic brain, it is physically different from an allistic brain. Therefore, my systemmates inhabiting an autistic brain are ALSO autistic, just that their quirks and symptoms can manifest differently or in varying amounts. For example, Hexicronix is nonverbal in front; they cannot speak no matter how hard they try while I'm perfectly capable of speaking and even public speaking. Like, he doesn't even mention that fronting can also affect tulpas via the body's mental illness(es).
  9. His motivation tips for depressed Tulpamancers aren't bad, though.
  10. Tulpa really should've given more insight for the Aphantasia section; it's very lacking. It's literally just "adapt," but two blurbs long.
  11. Mentions things like the front in only chapter 2 with no reference to the glossary.
  12. Tulpa's advice is basic: essentially just live a healthy lifestyle, but it's not necessarily bad advice.
  13. Even early on, some of these exercises or tips just aren't fleshed out enough.
  14. "Like with everything else, once again, Tulpa is touching upon the right directions, but missing every mark by a mile, and showing they don't really understand any of these concepts they're talking about, but talk about them as though they do," thank you, Wolfgang.
  15. Tulpa tells readers to stop taking medication unless it's for "mood stabilization." NO. THAT IS EXTREMELY BAD ADVICE! Fucking abled people, I swear. Please don't stop taking your meds unless your doctor tells you to, not some fucking tulpa on the internet.
  16. Tulpa's definition of "subconscious" is super vague and probably unscientific.
  17. "S_x is gross," goes on to constantly use sexual metaphors through the entire fucking guide.
  18. The entire "are you making a tulpa for s_x?" blurb doesn't mention that having s_x with a non-sentient tulpa is automatically rape. The entire blurb is just fucking gross.
  19. Don't agree with determining a tulpa's likes and dislikes during personality forcing; it's too controlling, not to mention superfluous.
  20. Ah yes, let's put an exercise that's the amalgamation of three chapters and reference sh!t the reader has not read about yet.
  21. In "Shard Seeding," Tulpa states that you can turn a part of your trauma into a tulpa... How about we DON'T dump our trauma onto someone else who couldn't give consent??? Seriously, that's fucked up.
  22. Tulpa first teaches you how to meditate and maintain a calm mind, but then teaches you how to make your mind have more spontaneous thoughts??? That's so contradictory.
  23. What the fuck does ASMR have to do with personality forcing...
  24. "If you were looking for the fundamental secret behind tulpamancy, you may need to look no further than this," that is such a fucking BOLD claim with no proper evidence.
  25. Sometimes, the chapters don't make sense. Why have a chapter just called "form," then proceed to go full-out on mindscapes and visualization? *Sigh...*
  26. He constantly assumes people are scummy and dirty-minded like him and it really shows.
  27. He doesn't mention that you can also make art of your tulpa... bruh, which is probably even better because art usually improves visualization skills.
  28. Various forms of visualization are listed, but he doesn't include any methods on how to develop them.
  29. Definition of grounding is completely wrong... You're looking for immersion, buddy. Grounding is *literally* the opposite of that.
  30. Some of Tulpa's visualization methods are just pervy and gross.
  31. Has a method centered around technical drawing, but doesn't even BOTHER to explain what technical drawing is because that's a pretty out-there term.
  32. Perfume method with the given context is creepy; it wouldn't be creepy if Tulpa wasn't kind of obsessed with touching tulpas and others and all the gross sexual metaphors.
  33. Don't like Tulpa's attraction to using sexual sh!t as metaphors in sections that have nothing to do with s_x when there are plenty of better examples. Seriously, this sh!t is just unnecessary and gross.
  34. Also, HEY, PLEASE PUT A CONTENT WARNING. I was about FIFTEEN OR JUST TURNED SIXTEEN when I first found Tulpa's guide and I am SO glad I didn't read it much when I first found it. If you're going to be so gun-ho with sexual metaphors and general gross shite like the next bullet point, please put a content warning for sexual mention and references. Please.
  35. The "Kiss me you Fool" method is fucking GROSS and should not be there in the first place.
  36. He describes a lotta sh!t that doesn't seem fully relevant to the guide and never gives proper explanations on *why* it's relevant other than like, two words and not fully explaining it, which can be confusing to readers.
  37. Constantly references later sections, which really ruins the flow of the guide when you have to hop from section to section just to understand ONE THING.
  38. There is some misinformation regarding possession and how it'll never feel alien. Ha.
  39. He gets points for saying force-switching is possible, though.
  40. "It is believed that in most cases, the cause is cultural, with the primary evidence here being that dark thoughtforms seem to be a western culture only thing, only appearing in places that believe in demons and possession." Tenebris from fucking Indonesia would like to know your location. I fucking told him about this.
  41. Tulpa saying to remove doubt by removing any kind of belief in your tulpa doesn't sit well with me. Sure, it's not cool to be doubted, but it also sucks not to be believed in.
  42. "Median-tulpa." That's a new one.
  43. "All young people think they know everything but know almost nothing," ah, the Dunning Kruger Effect at its finest... Like, that is some mad irony.
  44. FAQ is very short and only really covers doubts, not to mention that it's in pretty much the exact middle of the damn guide. Also, the names of some of the FAQ questions still makes assumptions about the reader that aren't help and honestly jugmental.
  45. The answers to the FAQ questions are pretty good, though.
  46. When he mentions hypnosis, he fucking references an "Equestrian Souls (pony hypno transformation site)," fucking WHY.
  47. Also, in modern day, hypnosis and Tulpamancy has been proven not to be a good combination. Do I need to mention Jade?
  48. Some pages are like, 80% blank before reaching into the next chapter and it feels like page filler.
  49. Section 8 is iffy, especially concerning definitions of median facets and alters (alter isn't even the most liked term in the Plurality community because it's a medical term). Headmate and voice is NOT synonymous and downplays headmates as just voices and not as people.
  50. Hypnosis section is also pretty yikes.
  51. Literally mentions switching like it was already discussed when there's been no actual section on switching yet. Good job. That's sarcasm.
  52. "Dominance Switching"? more like just kicking the host out of front. Seriously.
  53. In his imposition section, Tulpa talks like you can just suddenly impose a tulpa at all when people usually start with being unable to see jack sh!t and doesn't clarify this.
  54. Imposition exercises are not organized by type; some of these exercises seem almost pointless.
  55. Why the fuck is he recommending tulpas to bite their hosts to draw blood? Why is that a method????
  56. Tulpa isn't always clear on what perspective he's talking about. Like with possession, is he talking about the host's perspective or the tulpa's? Example: "Under this mode, you will have complete memory of everything that happens guaranteed." Who? The host??? Motherfucker needs to clarify because if this confuses someone with high reading proficiency, then there's a problem because most people aren't above average in reading comprehension.
  57. Why did it take him so long to state that tulpas can connect to their host's senses? I'm in chapter TWELVE OUT OF FOURTEEN.
  58. "First person projection" that's... astral projection, my guy... at least a form of it.
  59. Holy fucking sh!t, why is there 21 different forms of switching/possession. Most of these definitions boil down to something + tulpa possessing and it's SO FUCKING REDUNDANT.
  60. His definitions on dissociation are hilariously bad; he has so little understanding of something so fundamental to switching and possession. It's fucking amazing.
  61. The guide mentions tips that can be incredibly useful, but then doesn't describe them. It's like Tulpa mentions them off-handedly, and that pisses me off.
  62. Tulpa starts talking about possession, then suddenly starts talking about eclipsing? Seriously? You were JUST talking about possession! Finish your point! Don't just... mix topics like that. Bad writer!
  63. Tulpa: Try out eclipsing! Tulpa in literally the very next fucking paragraph: fighting off eclipsing while possessing is hard! Why the fuck did you encourage them to try out eclipsing in the first place, then? Bruh.
  64. "Body Shaped Soul" exercise feels convoluted and just poorly explained.
  65. "Relevance: Possession training and kinky fun." NO. STOP. STOP RIGHT FUCKING THERE. That "relevance" part was basically click-bait; it's just having your tulpa use belief to move your arms around. This is the fucking problem with this guide.
  66. It doesn't get better; Tulpa has an obsession with touching and feeling tulpas and it's... no.
  67. Tulpa stating that talking to a tulpa can, " better than any regular therapy," is potentially harmful. Tulpas are not a replacement for trained therapy or physical world connections and interaction.
  68. Of course. Of fucking course the first kind of energy he mentions is "sexual energy." That's gross, that's wrong, you need to fucking STOP. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
  69. Bibliography is poorly organized, some sources are from Jade, which are either dead links or you should just take those down because Jade is no longer welcome in any Tulpamancy community and her research was flawed. Stop endorsing an abusesive sh!thead. I get the guide was last updated in 2017, but I KNOW Tulpa was last active at LEAST in 2019!!! (He came back a few days ago in fucking 2020) Long after Jade was outed!
  70. Glossary is flawed, synonyms higher on the list just say "synonym for this" without including the actual definition, some defintions are just wrong. Some definitions also flat-out feel like they're superfluous, not described well enough, or literally just "humorous" terms like "tupper." Bruh.
  71. "What does S_x Feel Like?" question is gross and shouldn't have been included and Tulpa's wording makes it sound like the reader has the dirty mind when Tulpa's the one who wrote the guide like that AND included that question.
  72. The guide just kinda... ends? There's no proper conclusion or anything. That's disappointing.
  75. Final Thoughts:
  77. I have read this guide basically 1 1/2 times because I forgot to write my thoughts before chapter 8 (fuck my life), and my second-ish go around did not make it a better experience. There are a few good things in this guide, but they're just... DROWNED out by all the downsides.
  78. For one, the use of sexual metaphors throughout the entire. Fucking. Guide. Jesus Christ, dude, like, I know I'm asexual and s_x-repulsed, but even my allo friends who read these were like, "No, this guy has a problem." This is supposed to be a proper D.I.Y book, right? Then why does it sound like a teen made it? A teen with a very perverted mind who likes to project that mindset onto others. The metaphors just aren't necessary; there are so many other metaphors you could use that aren't sexual and creepy. It ruins the flow and feel of the entire guide for me.
  79. There's fluff, meaningless drivel that's never explained or elaborated on while there are actually very useful and nice tips that just get mentioned off-handedly and never mentioned again. Like, lots of guides have fluff, but I frequently thought to myself, "What's the relevance of this?" or, "Why am I reading this in a Tulpamancy guide?" No wonder this guide is 70,000 words long.
  80. The chapter format is just... weird. For example, switching is just mushed into the possession chapter even though the chapter is labeled as possession? Along with other forms of fronting? Why? And then just visualization and mindscapes are smushed into the "form" chapter.
  81. Definitions section is just... bad. What kind of dictionary just says, "Synonym for X," for a word instead of including the actual definition? If needed, just put the two words next to each other like mindscape/wonderland instead of having the actual definition for mindscape, then way later down, have wonderland just say, "Synonym for mindscape." It just creates a bad reading experience.
  82. Furthermore, some definitions are just incorrect and not just in the glossary. This is especially true for terminology from the general Plurality community; it's like Tulpa didn't bother to consult people in that community at all.
  83. Knowing Tulpa's background helps with my viewpoint on this and understanding why this guide just fails... so miserably in a lot of areas. This guide is essentially the Dunning Kruger effect on steroids. Tulpa was only a few months old when he wrote this guide, i.e. his experience was very limited. He just binged so much at once instead of letting it all absorb, and it's really obvious if you read this guide and you legitimately know a thing or two about Tulpamancy or even just Plurality. He wrote a full-blown book in just I think four months, if I remember correctly? My guide (plus the FAQ) is next to his in length, yet I have spent YEARS working on it, not just a few months.
  84. For example, he gets the definition of dissociation completely wrong, something so fundamental to Plurality, and then thinks grounding is mindscape immersion when it's literally the opposite. Like, for someone writing an entire book-length guide, how do you fuck that up? You can literally just google what dissociation is or what grounding does; it's not hard.
  85. Throughout this guide and despite said guide being written by a tulpa, a very poor and unhealthy mindset looms everywhere: toxic host-centrism. The emphasis on the host, the lack of care for the tulpa's well-being, the language used against developing tulpas like stating how vulnerable they are; yet not warning against abusing that, or even in his "why you shouldn't have s_x with a tulpa" blurb, he doesn't even mention that having s_x with someone who can't consent (i.e. a non-sentient tulpa in this case) is a form of rape, just that there are "ethical" implications. His whole reasoning behind that point includes literally NOTHING about it simply being wrong or just... fucked, just how it can "taint" the relationship or just how it's "taboo." Or here's another good one: turn your trauma into a tulpa. How about we don't? Seriously, what the fuck.
  86. Another good example is his warning against letting tulpas make more tulpas, I quote: "Don't let your tulpa make a tulpa! Not only can they, they are naturally better at it than you, and probably want to do this. It is like a species that is born pregnant. Set ground rules! Explain the risks!" just look at the way he speaks of his own kind and makes those assumptions. Doesn't that seem very off for a TULPA to say? Like tulpas doing that is inherent wrong and bad? One final example is how much control he says the host should have over their tulpa's development like, for example: telling the tulpa what they *will* think, the emotions they *will* feel, and the things that they *will* do during personality forcing. Look at the wording, how Tulpa wants the host to exercise *that* much control over the tulpa in that specific way. It feels way too controlling.
  87. Oh, not to mention the absolute statements scattered everywhere in the guide. I have this issue with a lot of guides giving objective statements despite putting a foreword that everything in the guide could either be ignored or followed (which Tulpa's guide does include that), their language conveying the opposite. Statements like "will," "are," "must," and so on are statements that give the feel of objectivity and even in one of my quotes, you can see that. Tulpa makes an objective statement about tulpas being better at making tulpas than their hosts when this just simply isn't an objective fact, but subjective. Nearly *every* experience in Tulpamancy is subjective; there are very little absolutes. So why treat the entire practice like it's a universal constant? It just doesn't make sense other than people like Tulpa having narrow viewpoints and think that their Tulpamancy experiences are universal.
  88. Some section are just problematic like the hypnosis and architecture chapters, giving dangerous guidelines in things like hypnosis (like self hypnosis) or being legit downright offensive in the architecture section. Like how Tulpa said a less offensive term to call alters would be "parts," which is even more patronizing. Do I even need to mention the "Equestrian Souls (pony hypno transformation site)"? I didn't think so.
  89. One of the few highlights of this guide is the coverage of community history, which most guides only touch upon briefly, which is appreciated.
  90. Though this can be considered more minor, Tulpa has links related to ex-members of the community like Jade who were outed as being extremely toxic, abusive, and even acting like a cult leader who was thrown out of the community years ago. I get this guide was last updated before Jade was outed, but people can still see that, and seriously, let's not promote an abusive sh!thead.
  91. Some methods and practices in the guide are unique and I can see them being helpful, but then there are methods that just seem plain pointless or just completely unfounded/unrelated.
  92. I do appreciate the post with the hyperlinks to each individual section, which I *think* is where I got my inspiration to use the document outline to organize my guide? It's good practice.
  93. Overall, it's truly a shame that such a popular guide is just so... misguided and poorly written. That the longest guide (I think my guide if you include the FAQ is actually about as long now, but eh) the community has ever seen is just is so chock *full* of misinformation, bad word flow, toxic mindsets, poor pacing, and so much more. There *are* a few good things about this guide, but there's just issues in it that just can't be ignored. I talked to Tulpa recently and when I mentioned his guide and how I had a lot of gripes with it, he sounded like he doesn't want anything to do with the guide anymore. And to be honest? I get that, but it's still public, there are still people reading this guide RIGHT NOW. That misinformation is still being read, and at the very least, Tulpa could put a foreword that he does not endorse the contents of the guide anymore and leave it at that. Or y'know, just private it? He now considers it a "historical document" despite it only being three years old now, wow. It kind of makes me sad to say this because I understand how much effort it takes to write a piece this long, and... I used to house a lot of respect for Tulpa and I know a lot of people felt the same. But hey, a bad guide is a bad guide no matter who wrote it, no matter their reputation or their charisma. Also wouldn't be surprised if Tulpa's horribly bad misinformation on non-Tulpamancy systems was due to him being buds with... Kopase, which is a whole 'nother can of worms I'm not opening here. Anyway, wouldn't recommend this guide to *anyone* who's new to Tulpamancy or Plurality, and would only suggest it to veterans who can spot the misinformation for a good laugh at how wrong some of the things in this guide are.
  95. (S.e.x has been censored because Pastebin is flagging this as "offensive content.")
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