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- <?php
- error_reporting( E_ALL );
- ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
- //ini_set("mysqli.default_port", 3310);
- class DBase {
- const HOST = '';
- const USER = '';
- const PASS = '';
- const NAME = '';
- private static $instance;
- public static function instance()
- {
- if (!isset(DBase::$instance)) {
- $db = array(
- 'host' => static::HOST,
- 'user' => static::USER,
- 'pass' => static::PASS,
- 'name' => static::NAME,
- );
- self::connect($db);
- }
- return DBase::$instance;
- }
- // $asArray - возвращать объект или массив
- public static function select($query, $asArray = false)
- {
- $mysqli_result = self::instance()->query($query);
- if ($mysqli_result) {
- $r = array();
- while ($row = $mysqli_result->fetch_object()) {
- $r[] = $asArray ? (array) $row : $row;
- }
- return $r;
- }
- return array();
- }
- public static function selectRow($query, $asArray = false)
- {
- $mysqli_result = self::instance()->query($query);
- if ($mysqli_result) {
- $row = $mysqli_result->fetch_row();
- if ($row) {
- if ($asArray) {
- return (array) $row;
- }
- else {
- return $row;
- }
- }
- }
- return array();
- }
- public static function selectCol($query)
- {
- $rows = self::select($query,true);
- return array_map(function ($row) {return array_shift($row);}, $rows);
- }
- public static function selectCell($query)
- {
- $mysqli_result = self::instance()->query($query);
- if($mysqli_result) {
- $row = $mysqli_result->fetch_row();
- if ($row) {
- return $row[0];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- public static function query($query)
- {
- return self::instance()->query($query);
- }
- public static function connect(array $db)
- {
- $mysqli = new mysqli($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);
- if (!$mysqli->connect_error) {
- $mysqli->set_charset("utf8");
- DBase::$instance = $mysqli;
- }
- return $mysqli;
- }
- }
- class Tecdoc extends DBase {
- //====================================//
- //===================================//
- // (1.1) Марки авто (производители)
- static function getMakes( $type )
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- $where = " AND ispassengercar = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- $where = " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- $where = " AND ismotorbike = 'True' AND haslink = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'engine':
- $where = " AND isengine = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'axle':
- $where = " AND isaxle = 'True'";
- break;
- }
- $order = $type == 'motorbike' ? 'description' : 'matchcode';
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description name
- FROM manufacturers
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True' " . $where . "
- ORDER BY " . $order);
- }
- // (1.2) Модели авто
- static function getModels( $make_id, $type, $pattern = null )
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- $where = " AND ispassengercar = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- $where = " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- $where = " AND ismotorbike = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'engine':
- $where = " AND isengine = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'axle':
- $where = " AND isaxle = 'True'";
- break;
- }
- if( $pattern != null ) $where .= " AND description LIKE '" . $pattern . "%'";
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description name, constructioninterval
- FROM models
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND manufacturerid = " . (int)$make_id . " " . $where . "
- ORDER BY description");
- }
- // (1.3) Модификации авто
- static function getModifications( $model_id, $type ){
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM passanger_cars pc
- LEFT JOIN passanger_car_attributes a on = a.passangercarid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND modelid = " . (int)$model_id . " AND ispassengercar = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM commercial_vehicles cv
- LEFT JOIN commercial_vehicle_attributes a on = a.commercialvehicleid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND modelid = " . (int)$model_id . " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM motorbikes m
- LEFT JOIN motorbike_attributes a on = a.motorbikeid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND modelid = " . (int)$model_id . " AND ismotorbike = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'engine':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, salesDescription, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM engines e
- LEFT JOIN engine_attributes a on a.engineid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND manufacturerId = " . (int)$model_id . " AND isengine = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'axle':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM axles ax
- LEFT JOIN axle_attributes a on a.axleid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND modelid = " . (int)$model_id . " AND isaxle = 'True'");
- break;
- }
- }
- // (1.4) Марка по ID
- static function getMake( $id, $type )
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- $where = " AND ispassengercar = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- $where = " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- $where = " AND ismotorbike = 'True' AND haslink = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'engine':
- $where = " AND isengine = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'axle':
- $where = " AND isaxle = 'True'";
- break;
- }
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description name
- FROM manufacturers
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True' " . $where . " AND id = " . (int)$id . ";
- ");
- }
- // (1.5) Модель по ID
- static function getModel( $id, $type ){
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- $where = " AND ispassengercar = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- $where = " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- $where = " AND ismotorbike = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'engine':
- $where = " AND isengine = 'True'";
- break;
- case 'axle':
- $where = " AND isaxle = 'True'";
- break;
- }
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description name, constructioninterval
- FROM models
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True' " . $where . " AND id = " . (int)$id . "
- ");
- }
- // (1.6) Модификация по ID
- static function getType( $id, $type ){
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM passanger_cars pc
- LEFT JOIN passanger_car_attributes a on = a.passangercarid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND id = " . (int)$id . " AND ispassengercar = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM commercial_vehicles cv
- LEFT JOIN commercial_vehicle_attributes a on = a.commercialvehicleid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND id = " . (int)$id . " AND iscommercialvehicle = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM motorbikes m
- LEFT JOIN motorbike_attributes a on = a.motorbikeid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND id = " . (int)$id . " AND ismotorbike = 'True'");
- break;
- case 'engine':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, fulldescription name, salesDescription, a.attributegroup, a.attributetype, a.displaytitle, a.displayvalue
- FROM engines e
- LEFT JOIN engine_attributes a on = a.engineid
- WHERE canbedisplayed = 'True'
- AND id = " . (int)$id . " AND isengine = 'True'");d . " AND parentId=" . (int)$parent . "
- ORDER BY havechild
- ");
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description,
- IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM motorbike_trees t1
- INNER JOIN motorbike_trees t2 ON WHERE t2.parentid=" . (int)$parent . " AND t1.motorbikeid=" . (int)$modification_id . " LIMIT 1), 1, 0) AS havechild
- FROM motorbike_trees WHERE motorbikeid=" . (int)$modification_id . " AND parentId=" . (int)$parent . "
- ORDER BY havechild
- ");
- break;
- case 'engine':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description,
- IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM engine_trees t1
- INNER JOIN engine_trees t2 ON WHERE t2.parentid=" . (int)$parent . " AND t1.engineid=" . (int)$modification_id . " LIMIT 1), 1, 0) AS havechild
- FROM engine_trees WHERE engineid=" . (int)$modification_id . " AND parentId=" . (int)$parent . "
- ORDER BY havechild
- ");
- break;
- case 'axle':
- return parent::select("
- SELECT id, description,
- IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM axle_trees t1
- INNER JOIN axle_trees t2 ON WHERE t2.parentid=" . (int)$parent . " AND t1.axleid=" . (int)$modification_id . " LIMIT 1), 1, 0) AS havechild
- FROM axle_trees WHERE axleid=" . (int)$modification_id . " AND parentId=" . (int)$parent . "
- ORDER BY havechild
- ");
- break;
- }
- }
- // (2.2) Название раздела по ID - используется в СЕО
- static function getSectionName( $section_id, $type )
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- return parent::selectCell("SELECT description FROM passanger_car_trees WHERE id=" . (int)$section_id . " LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- return parent::selectCell("SELECT description FROM commercial_vehicle_trees WHERE id=" . (int)$section_id . " LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- return parent::selectCell("SELECT description FROM motorbike_trees WHERE id=" . (int)$section_id . " LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case 'engine':
- return parent::selectCell("SELECT description FROM engine_trees WHERE id=" . (int)$section_id . " LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case 'axle':
- return parent::selectCell("SELECT description FROM axle_trees WHERE id=" . (int)$section_id . " LIMIT 1");
- break;
- }
- }
- // (2.3) Поиск запчастей раздела
- static function getSectionParts( $modification_id, $section_id, $type )
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'passenger':
- return parent::select(" SELECT al.datasupplierarticlenumber part_number, s.description supplier_name, prd.description product_name
- FROM article_links al
- JOIN passanger_car_pds pds on al.supplierid = pds.supplierid
- JOIN suppliers s on = al.supplierid
- JOIN passanger_car_prd prd on = al.productid
- WHERE al.productid = pds.productid
- AND al.linkageid = pds.passangercarid
- AND al.linkageid = " . (int)$modification_id . "
- AND pds.nodeid = " . (int)$section_id . "
- AND al.linkagetypeid = 2
- ORDER BY s.description, al.datasupplierarticlenumber");
- break;
- case 'commercial':
- return parent::select(" SELECT al.datasupplierarticlenumber part_number, s.description supplier_name, prd.description product_name
- FROM article_links al
- JOIN commercial_vehicle_pds pds on al.supplierid = pds.supplierid
- JOIN suppliers s on = al.supplierid
- JOIN commercial_vehicle_prd prd on = al.productid
- WHERE al.productid = pds.productid
- AND al.linkageid = pds.commertialvehicleid
- AND al.linkageid = " . (int)$modification_id . "
- AND pds.nodeid = " . (int)$section_id . "
- AND al.linkagetypeid = 16
- ORDER BY s.description, al.datasupplierarticlenumber");
- break;
- case 'motorbike':
- return parent::select(" SELECT al.datasupplierarticlenumber part_number, s.description supplier_name, prd.description product_name
- FROM article_links al
- JOIN motorbike_pds pds on al.supplierid = pds.supplierid
- JOIN suppliers s on = al.supplierid
- JOIN motorbike_prd prd on = al.productid
- WHERE al.productid = pds.productid
- AND al.linkageid = pds.motorbikeid
- AND al.linkageid = " . (int)$modification_id . "
- AND pds.nodeid = " . (int)$section_id . "
- AND al.linkagetypeid = 777
- ORDER BY s.description, al.datasupplierarticlenumber");
- break;
- case 'engine':
- return parent::select(" SELECT pds.engineid, al.datasupplierarticlenumber part_number, prd.description product_name, s.description supplier_name
- FROM article_links al
- JOIN engine_pds pds on al.supplierid = pds.supplierid
- JOIN suppliers s on = al.supplierid
- JOIN engine_prd prd on = al.productid
- WHERE al.productid = pds.productid
- AND al.linkageid = pds.engineid
- AND al.linkageid = " . (int)$modification_id . "
- AND pds.nodeid = " . (int)$section_id . "
- AND al.linkagetypeid = 14
- ORDER BY s.description, al.datasupplierarticlenumber");
- break;
- case 'axle':
- return parent::select(" SELECT pds.axleid, al.datasupplierarticlenumber part_number, prd.description product_name, s.description supplier_name
- FROM article_links al
- JOIN axle_pds pds on al.supplierid = pds.supplierid
- JOIN suppliers s on = al.supplierid
- JOIN axle_prd prd on = al.productid
- WHERE al.productid = pds.productid
- AND al.linkageid = pds.axleid
- AND al.linkageid = " . (int)$modification_id . "
- AND pds.nodeid = " . (int)$section_id . "
- AND al.linkagetypeid = 19
- ORDER BY s.description, al.datasupplierarticlenumber");
- break;
- }
- }
- //====================================//
- // (3) Информация об изделии
- //===================================//
- // (3.1) Оригинальные номера
- static function getOemNumbers( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT m.description, a.OENbr FROM article_oe a
- JOIN manufacturers m ON
- WHERE a.datasupplierarticlenumber='" . $number . "' AND a.supplierid='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.2) Статус изделия
- static function getArtStatus( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT NormalizedDescription, ArticleStateDisplayValue FROM articles WHERE DataSupplierArticleNumber='" . $number . "' AND supplierId='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.3) Характеристики изделия
- static function getArtAttributes( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT attributeinformationtype, displaytitle, displayvalue FROM article_attributes WHERE datasupplierarticlenumber='" . $number . "' AND a.supplierid='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.4) Файлы изделия
- static function getArtFiles( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT Description, PictureName FROM article_images WHERE DataSupplierArticleNumber='" . $number . "' AND a.supplierId='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.5) Применимость изделия
- static function getArtVehicles( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- $result = [];
- $rows = parent::select("
- SELECT linkageTypeId, linkageId FROM article_li WHERE DataSupplierArticleNumber='" . $number . "' AND supplierId='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- foreach ( $rows as &$row ){
- switch ($type) {
- case 'PassengerCar':
- $result[ $row['linkageTypeId'] ][] = parent::select("SELECT DISTINCT, mm.description make, m.description model, p.constructioninterval, p.description FROM passanger_cars p
- JOIN models m ON
- JOIN manufacturers mm ON
- WHERE" . $row['linkageTypeId'] );
- break;
- case 'CommercialVehicle':
- $result[ $row['linkageTypeId'] ][] = parent::select("SELECT DISTINCT, mm.description make, m.description model, p.constructioninterval, p.description FROM commercial_vehicles p
- JOIN models m ON
- JOIN manufacturers mm ON
- WHERE" . $row['linkageTypeId'] );
- break;
- case 'Motorbike':
- $result[ $row['linkageTypeId'] ][] = parent::select("SELECT DISTINCT, mm.description make, m.description model, p.constructioninterval, p.description FROM motorbikes p
- JOIN models m ON
- JOIN manufacturers mm ON
- WHERE" . $row['linkageTypeId'] );
- break;
- case 'Engine':
- $result[ $row['linkageTypeId'] ][] = parent::select("SELECT DISTINCT, m.description make, '' model, p.constructioninterval, p.description FROM `engines` p
- JOIN manufacturers m ON
- WHERE" . $row['linkageTypeId'] );
- break;
- case 'Axle':
- $result[ $row['linkageTypeId'] ][] = parent::select("SELECT DISTINCT, mm.description make, m.description model, p.constructioninterval, p.description FROM axles p
- JOIN models m ON
- JOIN manufacturers mm ON
- WHERE" . $row['linkageTypeId'] );
- break;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- // (3.6) Замены изделия
- static function getArtReplace( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT s.description supplier, a.replacenbr number FROM article_rn a
- JOIN suppliers s ON
- WHERE a.datasupplierarticlenumber='" . $number . "' AND a.supplierid='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.7) Аналоги-заменители
- static function getArtCross( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT DISTINCT s.description, c.PartsDataSupplierArticleNumber FROM article_oe a
- JOIN manufacturers m ON
- JOIN article_cross c ON c.OENbr=a.OENbr
- JOIN suppliers s ON
- WHERE a.datasupplierarticlenumber='". $number ."' AND a.supplierid='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- // (3.8) Комплектующие (части) изделия
- static function getArtParts( $number, $brand_id )
- {
- return parent::select("
- SELECT DISTINCT description Brand, Quantity, PartsDataSupplierArticleNumber FROM article_parts
- JOIN suppliers ON id=PartsSupplierId
- WHERE DataSupplierArticleNumber='". $number ."' AND supplierId='" . $brand_id . "'
- ");
- }
- }
- //$foo = Tecdoc::getMakes('passenger');
- //echo '<pre>';
- //print_r($foo);
- //echo '</pre>';
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