
WarpedRealm release 1.1

Sep 18th, 2022
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  1. Release 1.1 Changes:
  3. Changed quest prefix
  4. Added exp command permissions
  5. Added /exp, /alchemist, /tinkerer, /ce, /chatcolor to TCF
  6. Added permissions for Tinkerer alchemist and enchanter
  7. Fixed sellwands not working properly
  8. Fixed a few errors regarding TCF and discord bots
  11. AFKing:
  13. Afking got nerfed this release.
  14. After being idle for a extended period of time, chunks around you will tick a lot slower. Spawners will spawn mobs slower and so on.
  15. Now, grinding gets rewarded more, with a lot of buffs regarding all jobs across the table. All jobs got buffed moneywise, so enjoy farming them.
  16. Respectively to this as well, the spawner activation range got extended from 16 to 32 blocks
  18. CEs:
  19. Added 5 Groups: Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, Godlike and Warped
  20. Cost: 1000 -> 2000 -> 3000 -> 4000 -> 5000 exp
  21. CE Gui features the 5 Enchanting groups to purchase enchants for EXP, plus the Tinkerer to tinker books for magic dust and the Alchemist to combine books and magic dust to upgrade it
  23. Enchantments:
  24. - Uncommon:
  25. - Wise Miner: Giving you more exp for mining ores
  26. - Nourishing: Giving you a chance to regain hunger while fighting
  27. - Safeguard: Chance to gain Damage resistance when getting hit
  29. - Rare:
  30. - Paralyze: Strikes down a lightning on your opponent, also inflicting slowness and mining fatique
  31. - Trench: Giving you a chance to break in a 3x3 area when you break a block
  33. - Legendary:
  34. - Haste: Giving you permanent Haste
  35. - Vein Miner: Giving you the ability to mine whole veins of ores
  36. - Wise Slayer: Chance to increase exp drops from mobs
  38. - Godlike:
  39. - Impervious: Chance to reduce incoming damage while holding a sword by 22% at max level
  40. - Paladin: chance to receive less damage
  41. - Ravenous: A chance to steal health when attacking
  43. - Warped:
  44. - Repairing: Tools with this enchant restore durability when used
  45. - Looter: Chance to multiply mob drops
  46. - Prospector: Chance to multiply ore drops
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