
Berzerk {AiE ; Marital Issues}

Jun 22nd, 2015
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  1. >Your lungs pump hard and fast as you walk through ponyville with your axe.
  2. >You feel rage and sorrow push against the back of your eyes, your teeth are locked in place.
  3. >Right now there is only one thing in your head, one word, being screamed repeatedly by the devil on your shoulder.
  4. >Kill.
  5. >Ponies who are normally eager to greet you stumble backwards and bust their asses scrabbling to get away from you.
  6. >They aren't your target.
  7. >A group of guards rounds a corner, spears at the ready, stopping your advance.
  9. >His voice projected authority, but you could see in his eyes and his buddies eyes that if you took another step they were like to piss themselves.
  10. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
  12. >You walk right up to the gold-clad guard and put the tip of his spear to your throat.
  13. Kill me. Or get the fuck out of my way.
  14. >Your gutteral growl no more than a whisper.
  15. >You feel a drip of blood run down your neck where the guards hands were shaking.
  16. >You grab the polearm and sling it into the side of a building where it lodged itself by the blade.
  17. >The guard stands there shaking like a leaf, and you simply walk around him and his backup.
  18. >They just stand there, rooted to the spot, not even trying to pursue you.
  19. >You keep walking, and a streak of color flashes past you and in your way.
  20. >"Anon! I get it I do! But you have to calm down!!"
  21. >As you approach you step around Dash, who jumps in front of you again.
  22. >"What are you going to do to him Anon? Kill him?"
  23. Yup.
  24. >You shove her out of your way this time.
  25. >"ANON!!"
  26. >Once more she is in your way.
  27. >"Calm down. Please? For your Dashie?"
  28. >*Pap*
  29. >Dash raises a hoof to her cheek in disbelief.
  30. >"You...you slapped me...?"
  31. >You don't even need to walk around, you backhanded her  so hard she fell.
  32. >Your march starts back up.
  33. >"Anon... Just listen to reason!"
  34. >That was...
  35. >You spin on your heel and point the end of your axe straight at Twilight Sparkle.
  37. >The rest of her friends rounded the corner with her, and stare wide eyed, their gazes shifting from you, to the axe, to Dash, to Twilight.
  38. >"I understand you don't want to see me ever again, and I won't force myself on you, but PLEASE DONT KILL HIM!!"
  40. >The whole of Ponyville is silent, watching this unfold.
  41. That's what I thought.
  42. >You turn and keep walking, turning down another street.
  43. >There it is, the house of FlashFuckingSentry.
  44. End of the line.
  45. >You don't bother trying the door.
  46. >Instead, with a great heave you slam the axehead into the door, obliterating it.
  47. >From inside somewhere you hear frantic yelling.
  50. >You step through the hole in the door and Flash is desperately throwing anything he can put hooves on at you.
  51. >A lamp smacks your chest and shatters at your feet.
  52. >Books whiz by your head.
  53. >Yet still your progress is unhampered.
  54. >He manages to get into another room, slaming the door and, judging by the heavy scraping noise, barricading it.
  55. >"Man, we can work this out! We can talk!"
  56. I've tried talking Flash, and I even forgave you for it. But IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!
  57. >The axe finds the door, sending splinters and a metallic ring into the room.
  58. >He pushed his bed up against it.
  59. >You step down the hall and into the adjacent room.
  60. >If its anything the marines taught you, it was that if there wasn't a door available, make one.
  61. ARGHH!!
  62. >Slam after slam the wall crumbles to dust revealing the blue maned shit gripping his chest, flush against the opposite wall and hyperventilating.
  63. >A manic smile breaks out on your face as his takes in the terror coming through the wall.
  64. >You kick in the last bit of paneling and step into the room.
  65. >Flash closes his eyes and turns his head, crying as a foul odor and wet splashing noise permeate the air.
  66. That's just sick.
  67. >You grab him by the neck an throw him facefirst into his own piss.
  68. >Then you plant a foot directly between his wings, getting a grip on the base of one and pulling.
  69. >You feel the bone pop out of place and keep yanking.
  70. >You hear the ligaments tearing as the skin stretches to unnatural proportions.
  71. >You hear the wet ripping noise and feel the recoil of your forceful claiming of the useless appendage.
  72. >All this over the terrified, pained hollering of an openly bleeding Flash.
  73. >Without resting, you go to work on the other.
  74. >At the same time his other wing comes loose, you raise your leg up and slam your heel into his spine and feel it shatter.
  76. >The axe comes up, poised to deliver the final, decapitating blow.
  77. >You swing down.
  78. >Instead of the wet thunk and spray of warm blood on your face, the axe denies your request and buries its head into the wood floor next to Flash's head, severing a few strands of mane.
  79. >You rip around once more to see Twilight running interference, her horn still alight.
  80. >Like the strike of a snake, your right hand finds her horn, and your left on her neck, constricting her throat from taking in air.
  81. He fucks you once, shame on you. He fucks you twice, shame on me for not making sure it didn't happen again.
  82. >"Hugkk"
  83. >Your thumb finds the tip of her horn and presses until it snaps off.
  84. >You release your grip on her neck and she falls coughing and crying, the tip of her horn tapping against the floor.
  85. >Your attention turns once again to the bloody mess, and your hands find their way to either side of his head.
  86. >Before you can twist, something rock hard and traveling fucking fast plants itself in your cheek with enough force to make your head smack the wall.
  87. >Darkness envelopes your senses before you even register hitting the floor.
  88. >You wake up, an iron taste in your mouth, and your head pounding.
  89. >Your final missions objective returns to its spot as the only thought in your head, and you look around to see only a pair of wings, blood, and a hole in the wall.
  90. >You stand and walk out the hole, finding your dazed way through Flashs house.
  91. >Now only three words share your foggy mind.
  93. >To be replaced with two more.
  95. >Your marine training kicks in and you ignore the fact your jaw won't respond properly, instead spitting the increasing amount of blood from your mouth.
  96. >It is very sloppy, and saliva laced blood trails down your shirt.
  97. >You get outside and see a circle around who you know is Flash and Twilight.
  98. >AppleJack hears you stepping onto the porch and gasps.
  99. >"How're yeh even standin? Never mind. GALS, AHMMA NEED HELP WITH THIS'N!!"
  100. >Five ponies form a semicircle preventing you from approaching the target.
  101. >Dash and AJ are the first to rush you, and smash into you with their heads at the same time.
  102. >You lean into it and your boots rip up dirt as you are pushed back.
  103. >You stomp your left foot in, then your right, and push back, first breaking, then reversing their combined momentum.
  104. >Your arms wrap around each of their necks and you squeeze as you drop your weight to the dirt, falling on top and crushing their windpipes.
  105. >You stand again while they cough there lungs up, and the other three, who had encircled you without you noticing, bring their back legs up and buck into your torso at three different spots.
  106. >Vaugely you are aware of snapping ribs, and grab a handful of tail, slinging Fluttershy out of the way.
  107. >Another double buck, and your arm dislocates as you fall on your ass.
  108. >"You *huff huff* done yet?"
  109. >You look up and laugh in Raritys face, spitting more blood out.
  110. >Then, with a nasty crunch that makes her cringe, you pop the ball of your arm back into its socket unphased.
  111. Ish thaht ahll yeh gut?
  112. >You bitchslap her so hard she passes out, spit flying from her mouth.
  113. >One down.
  114. >Fluttershy is back at it, hitting you as hard as she can.
  115. >You grab her forehooves and twist her around so her back is in your abdomen, her arms crossed across her chest, and you pull.
  116. >Eventually you hear two pops saying you did to her what she helped contribute to you.
  117. >You toss her and her useless forelegs to the ground.
  118. >Scratch two.
  119. >"ARGHHH!!!"
  120. >"HYAAA!!!"
  121. >Dash and AJ try the same thing from earlier, and once again your arms coil around their necks, smashing into the dirt.
  122. >Pinkie is wailing on you, even breaking your nose, but you continue to choke the two under you until their faces turn blue and they stop struggling.
  123. >Then you football tackle Pinkie and land shot after shot into her gut until she coughs blood and quits resisting.
  124. >You stand once more, the crowd around you not daring to step in.
  125. >You hold your arms outstretched, challenging another opponent.
  126. WHO HWANTSH SHUM? HUH? Jihint shink sho.
  127. >You turn back to Twilight, who is cradling Flash.
  128. >Her tearstreaked face turns to you.
  129. >"Go ahead, kill him. Kill him, and then kill me. You've broken my horn, and I don't know if I can live without you, or Flash, or my magic. So kill him, then kill me, and we can all laugh about it together in the next life."
  130. Whurr ahm headed hun, jerr ish no luffsher.
  131. >You bend down and grip Flash's neck, giving it the final twist you missed earlier.
  132. >You consider taking Twilight up on her offer, but the only one you planned to kill was dead.
  133. >Having completed your final mission, you turn and walk.
  134. >And walk.
  135. >And walk.
  136. >Aimlessly.
  137. >Buildings get fewer and farther between.
  138. >Soon there aren't any at all.
  139. >Before you know it, the sun is setting, and you have been walking for hours.
  140. >You don't even know where you are, your jaw is rattling with every labored, painful breath, and your ribs cry for attention.
  141. >Your nose won't work, and your shoulder isn't moving properly.
  142. >Your knees and calves are burning, your feet aching and blistered.
  143. >But still you walk.
  144. >Your vision is so blurred and tunneled you can't even see the road anymore.
  145. >At some point you stop, the sound of flapping wings making you drop to your knees.
  146. >A white blur and a black blur land in front of you.
  147. >Celestia voice comes to you with tones of pity and regret.
  148. >"Anonymous..."
  149. >Before you let her finish you mumble something.
  150. Kuh....meh.
  151. >"Excuse us? Thou must speak up."
  152. >So the other blur is Luna, her voice has sympathy.
  153. >With the last bit of force you can muster from your chest, you bellow into the air.
  154. KULL MEYAHH!!
  155. >"I'm afraid that is not going to happen."
  156. Ah kulled ah fony... Ah hruk jwahlahts horn, und ah frut sheh ulumensh ov hurmuny shu shere kneesh. Ahm ah monsher. Kull meh now. Fleesh.
  157. >"Yes, we are aware of today's... altercation. However, we are also aware of Flash Sentrys habit for ruining marriages. And Twilights... eagerness to please him."
  158. >You drop to your arms and crawl to Celestias feet.
  159. >Your voice is that of a broken mans, and tears drip onto her golden cuffs.
  160. Kull muh, jusht kull muh fleeeeeesh! All ah cun fehl ish pain, in muh boshy, an muh shoul.
  161. >She comes down to your level and rests her head on yours, and Luna does the same.
  162. >Luna whispers into your ears.
  163. >"We were aware Flash was going to get himself killed. We do not blame thee for thine actions."
  164. >"No charges will be held to you, and we have an opportunity for you, if you come with us."
  165. She sheated ohn meh, shwish! Fer sheh shame shallyon. Ahm no good fer her, ahm no good fer yeh. Shusht kull meh, fleheheheheesh!
  166. >"Sister, we cannot bear to see him like this, should we grant his wish? Ye will not have to get thine hooves dirty if that is thine wish, but we cannot allow him this suffering either."
  167. >"No Luna, I have plans for him. Hush now my dear Anonymous, and let sleep take you."
  168. >Blissful, dark peace covers you in a warm blanket.
  170. >You are Celestia.
  171. >You know very well how to repair Twilights broken horn, but you decide to keep her without her magic for just a bit longer, under the guise of looking into it.
  172. >She committed a grave sin when she broke the oath she had made with Anon.
  173. >He had the decency to talk through it and forgive both her and Flash Sentry, whom had a track record of bringing marriages crumbling down for his entertainment.
  174. >Then she turns around not a week later and does it again, even having the audacity to tell Anon about it and expecting him not to take action.
  175. >It is regrettable that Flash perished, but he was bound for that fate eventually.
  176. >As for Anon, well, your top general and director of physical training for your guard and army, you couldn't be happier for.
  177. >His mind may wander sometimes to the darker side, but that is exactly what your rule as Princess lacked.
  178. >A cold, hard fist to enforce your directive, should it be needed, sun forbid.
  179. >The Saint of Anger, the guards like to call him.
  180. >Your troops go home sore and complaining, but no longer are they the laughingstock of the world for their spinelessness.
  181. >Quite the opposite.
  182. >Anon has made amends with most of the other elements of harmony, who are still confused about where their allegiances lie.
  183. >The next step in his recovery is hopefully opening his guarded heart from the thorny armor that ensnares it, doing more damage than it prevents.
  184. >At this point you would even settle for his opening up to you or your sister, though he will grow old and die one day.
  185. >You just hope he tastes the sweet fruit of love once more before that time.
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