
CBB Route v3

Jan 18th, 2017
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  1. 01. Start
  3. Start hunter, master key
  4. Valley start, get 2k + 1k soul, get estoc, gcs, rtsr, kill the bk
  5. Get Warpick +3 and smithbox from Andre, rest at Undead Parish
  6. Go to the church, send down the elevator, kill Gargoyles, darksign without ringing the bell
  7. Level 14 STR
  9. 02. Sen's + Anor Londo
  11. Do SGS, get Hush, DON'T do the arrow trap rtsr setup, get rtsr from the drop down to Cage Key
  12. Get 10 bombs + 3 blossoms or more, get Cage Key
  13. Kill Ricard with a firebomb snipe (need 6 bombs to hit)
  14. Kill IG w/ warpick moveswap (use blossom), skip the AL bonfire, pop IG soul on elevator, knock down GMW
  15. Rest at Darkmoon Tomb, level 10 ATT 14 END 27 STR 15 INT
  16. Get DT, kill the Titanite Demon and O&S (1 blossom for both (not 1 each)), equip bow over DT on elevator, drop warpick, kill Gwynevere
  17. Rest at CoP bf, level 19 end, warp to Firelink
  19. 03. Depths
  21. Merchant Snipe, get Mail Breaker, free Griggs
  22. Turn around, kill Capra with moveswap, quitout strats, to go Depths
  23. Kill the 2 butchers, free Laurentius, get Large Ember, kill the Giant Rat, get Sewer Chamber Key
  24. Take the Depths bonfire, warp to Firelink
  26. 04. Daughter of Chaos
  28. Buy FC + Catalyst + GHSA + BDR, kill Griggs for SDR, get Pyromancy Flame from Laurentius, attune FC
  29. Get FAP ring, get RTSR from elevator (FAP + DT on leverpull in addition to mail breaker, gcs and hunter chest piece), dupe Smough's soul once
  30. Kill the Undead Dragon (running attack on his head, wait for spit attack, 2 running attacks on body), you get the dragon scale automatically
  31. Heal once, get the key to new londo ruins and remedy, equip SDR
  32. Blighttown parcour jump, roll towards the ladder and quitout (for the blowdart sniper), go up the ladders, cast FC, moveswap and kill the parasite
  33. The blowdart sniper suicides for you and gives you moss you can use to cure the poison for RTSR on quelaag
  34. At the parasite do FC drops down to the dragon scale, get it + poison mist, go to quelaag
  35. Kill Quelaag, rest at DoC bonfire, level 22 end, upgrade DT to +2, warp to Firelink
  37. 05. Undead Asylum
  39. Dupe setup for RTSR on the way to Stray, get the Asylum F2 West Key, kill the first BK and Oscar
  40. Kill Stray Demon, kill the second BK, get Peculiar Doll, bone out, warp to Darkmoon Tomb, drop any bk weapons you got
  42. 06. Dark AL + Painted World
  44. Send down the elevator, rest at Darkmoon Tomb, moveswap, kill Gwyndolin, get Sunlight Blade, equip SDR, dupe bone
  45. Get GMW, go to Painted World, take the bonfire, get Acid Surge, bone back
  46. Do Annex Key Skip jump, get Dark Ember, get Vow of Silence, run down the left side
  47. Do a plunge attack onto the railing allowing you to drop to the Firesurge hollow
  48. Get Annex Key, bone back, RTSR with hollow jump attack + arrow
  49. Kill Undead Dragon, pick up Dragon Scale, kill Priscilla, leave, bone back
  50. Warp to Undead Parish, put Gwyndolin soul over Smough soul and BDR over RTSR
  52. 07. Darkroot
  54. Kill Andre, kill Titanite Demon with 2 running attacks, equip GCS over DT
  55. Rest at Darkroot bonfire, level 14 ATT 22 INT, attune GHSA and PW, DT over MB at foggate + equip catalyst in 2nd slot
  56. Kill Butterfly (use PW, always go towards the right in the fight), dupe Gwyndolin soul once, equip full hunter set, get Divine Ember + Watchtower Basement Key + the bone, bone back
  57. Equip RTSR, go kill Hydra, free Dusk, bone back, equip SDR
  58. Get Enchanted Ember (quitout on chest opening), go kill the Felines (jump up the hill, cast PW, moveswap, kill them, equip DCR for RTSR setup)
  59. Kill Sif, bone back, get DT +3, warp to Firelink, equip catalyst and CoA
  61. 08. Four Kings & Seath
  63. Dupe Gwyndolin soul once, get Very Large Ember via FC
  64. Kill Four Kings with PW (4 rolling attacks, r2), take the Abyss bonfire, warp to AL, equip SDR
  65. Kill the boars, dupe Gwyndolin soul
  66. Duke skip, rest at the balcony bonfire, equip RTSR
  67. Get Crystal Ember, get Giant Cell Key, kill the two Golden Crystal Golems (moveswap before manly drop for more weight for rtsr)
  68. Kill Seath, use Gwyndolin soul, rest at the crystal cave bonfire, level 35+ int, warp to UP, equip SDR over RTSR
  70. 09. Hellkite & Taurus
  72. Kill the Berenike Knight, then the Channeler with a GHSA
  73. Get Basement Key + Mystery Key, go kill the Boar, the BKGS Knight, jump down the tower
  74. Past the rats, trigger hellkite, heal up and drop anything you don't need while waiting for him, shoot him, moveswap, kill him
  75. Rest at Sunlight Altar, down to Undead Burg, kill the BKS Knight, equip DCR, kill Taurus, quitout strats
  76. Down to Havel, equip RTSR, oneshot him, go to DLC
  78. 10. DLC
  80. Rest at bonfire before Guardian
  81. Kill him (use PW), rest at sanctuary bonfire, level 16 ATT, buy HB
  82. Do RWS, buy 2 blossoms, 1 bone, 1 llyods, 1 alluring skull (+ 1 moss for poison at Great Hollow if not doing GHS unless you rest at the GH bonfire) from chester
  83. Jump down, equip DCR, cast PW, moveswap, kill dogs, trigger Kalameet, kill Artorias (equip RTSR), rest at Township (PW runs out here), attune HB, don't level
  84. Cast HB just before the first sorceress, take the entrance on the right, get Dark Orb, equip SDR during jump and bow on chest opening, dupe bone
  85. FC drop down the elevator, equip SDR, cast HB, shoot down Dark Fog and pick it up, go to the mimic
  86. Quitout at the mimic, use llyods, pick up the key, drop down the building
  87. Over hellbridge, kill Chained Prisoner, take the bonfire
  88. Get dark bead, use the drops to Black Flame as an RTSR setup for Manus
  89. Get Black Flame (use alluring skull for safety if you want), run back around to the sorceress on the cliff on the way to Manus, kill her, foggate skip gives you rtsr
  90. Kill Manus, take bonfire in his arena, warp to Township, equip GCS and PyroFlame, rest there and attune Dark Bead, talk to Gough, bone back
  91. Kill Kalameet, bone back, warp to Duke's Archives
  93. 11. Sen's Fortress & Duke's Archives
  95. Rest at the bonfire, level 44 INT, warp to Anor Londo
  96. Go to Sen's, kill the firebomb Giant, FC drop down to the Gate Giant, kill it
  97. Take the drops down the ladders for RTSR, equip BDR over FAP, cast HB
  98. Kill the Titanite Demon right next to you, roll towards the second one and kill him, cast HB again as soon as you can
  99. Kill the two in the other hall (take 2 beads each, so make sure you are to the side of them so they turn first instead of attacking), bone back
  100. Go to get Large Magic Ember, equip SDR, kill the Crystal General, bone back at the ember
  101. Go towards the ladder, cast HB just before the ladder, equip mail breaker on ladder
  102. Cast HB just before SMS, get Strong Magic Shield, go to Prison Area, cast FC, get Cell Key from Lizard, up the ladder again
  103. Drop on the railing and from there to the platform with the giant door key, quitout and pick it up
  104. Cast HB, drop down the ladder, get Prison Extra Key, bone back, warp to the Depths, equip bow over mail breaker, and dcr
  106. 12. Gaping & Ash Lake
  108. Kill the channeler, do Gaping Foggate Skip, kill Gaping, equip DCR, run back to the blighttown door
  109. FC drop down after the Blighttown door
  110. Great Hollow Skip, unequip DCR for RTSR on standup
  111. Run towards Hydra, cast PW as you enter the water and immediately cast Dark Bad at hydra center, right, left (not always necessary) to kill it
  112. Quitout to get rid of PW, get great magic barrier, rest at Stone Dragon bonfire, warp to Firelink
  114. 13. Catacombs & Tomb of the Giants
  116. Go to catacombs, get Tranquil Walk of Peace (equip BDR + DCR on ladder before)
  117. Kill the titanite demon (equip RTSR beforehand), enter the side path
  118. Heal once, equip DCR over RTSR, cast HB, equip SDR over DCR, drop down the 2nd broken floor, kill the BK
  119. Kill Pinwheel, cast FC, equip DCR over BDR on ladder, FC drop down to the big coffin, cast HB
  120. Get Large Divine Ember, run out again, equip BDR and RTSR on the ladders out, take the bonfire, kill the Black Knight
  121. Kill Nito, take his bonfire, warp to DoC
  123. 14. Izalith & Gwyn
  125. Take the Demon Ruins bonfire, kill Ceaseless
  126. Get Large Flame Ember, quitout to reset worms, equip SDR, cast HB, run back, kill Firesage + Centipede
  127. Equip SDR, run past the Daughter of Chaos at first, go to chaos fire whip chest, quitout, pick it up
  128. Now kill the Daughter of Chaos from behind, kill Bed of Chaos, keep Orange Charred Ring equipped
  129. Don't take the bonfire, bone back
  130. Get Chaos Flame Ember (use HB just before you reach the lava in front of the Taurus Demons), bone back, warp to The Abyss
  131. Kill Gwyn, the end
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