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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. #
  3. #
  5. #
  6. # VERSION : 1.3
  7. #
  15. Command /OreSystem <text=help>:
  16. aliases: Ore , OS
  17. permission: OreSystem.use
  18. permission message: "&CU dont have permission for this command!"
  19. trigger:
  20. if arg-1 is "help":
  21. send "&b&m | | "
  22. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS XP &7➠ &3Xp Informations"
  23. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS Respawn &7➠ &3Respawn Informations"
  24. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS OreDrop &7➠ &3Ores Informations"
  25. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS BlockXP &7➠ &3BlockXP Informations"
  26. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS BlockRespawn &7➠ &3BlockRespawn Informations"
  27. send "&3 Use &7- &b/OS BlockDrop &7➠ &3BlockDrop Informations"
  28. send "&b&m | | "
  29. stop
  31. if arg-1 is "Xp":
  32. send "&b&m | | "
  33. send "&7 - &eGold ore (14) &7➠ &7(&70.65&7)"
  34. send "&7 - &7Iron ore (15) &7➠ &7(&70.50&7)"
  35. send "&7 - &8Coal ore (16) &7➠ &7(&70.30&7)"
  36. send "&7 - &9Lapis ore (21) &7➠ &7(&c0.25&7) "
  37. send "&7 - &bDiamond ore (56) &7➠ &7(&e1.20&7)"
  38. send "&7 - &cRedstone ore (73) &7➠ &7(&c0.25&7)"
  39. send "&7 - &aEmerald ore (129) &7➠ &7(&e1.50&7)"
  40. send "&b&m | | "
  41. stop
  43. if arg-1 is "Respawn":
  44. send "&b&m | | "
  45. send "&7 - &eGold ore (14) &7➠ Type &7(Medium &7- 10 sec&7)"
  46. send "&7 - &7Iron ore (15) &7➠ Type &7(Medium &7- 9.30 sec&7)"
  47. send "&7 - &8Coal ore (16) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 sec&7)"
  48. send "&7 - &9Lapis ore (21) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 sec&7) "
  49. send "&7 - &bDiamond ore (56) &7➠ Type &7(&cSlow &7- &c17 sec&7)"
  50. send "&7 - &cRedstone ore (73) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 Sec&7)"
  51. send "&7 - &aEmerald ore (129) &7➠ Type &7(&cSlow &7- &c14 sec&7)"
  52. send "&b&m | | "
  53. stop
  55. if arg-1 is "OreDrop":
  56. send "&b&m | | "
  57. send "&7 - &eGold ore (14) &7➠ &a1 &eIngot &7- &c2 &eIngots"
  58. send "&7 - &7Iron ore (15) &7➠ &a1 &7Ingot &7- &c2 &7Ingots"
  59. send "&7 - &8Coal ore (16) &7➠ &a1 &8Coal &7- &c2 &8Coal"
  60. send "&7 - &9Lapis ore (21) &7➠ &a3 &9Lapis Lazulis &7- &c8 &9Lapis Lazulis"
  61. send "&7 - &bDiamond ore (56) &7➠ &a1 &bDiamond &7- &c2 &bDiamonds"
  62. send "&7 - &cRedstone ore (73) &7➠ &a3 &cRedstone &7- &c8 &cRedstone"
  63. send "&7 - &aEmerald ore (129) &7➠ &a1 &aEmerald &7- &c3 &aEmeralds"
  64. send "&b&m | | "
  65. stop
  67. if arg-1 is "BlockXP":
  68. send "&b&m | | "
  69. send "&7 - &eGold block (41) &7➠ &7(&71.10&7)"
  70. send "&7 - &7Iron block (42) &7➠ &7(&71.00&7)"
  71. send "&7 - &8Coal block (173) &7➠ &7(&70.60&7)"
  72. send "&7 - &9Lapis block (22) &7➠ &7(&c0.52&7) "
  73. send "&7 - &bDiamond block (57) &7➠ &7(&e1.70&7)"
  74. send "&7 - &cRedstone block (133) &7➠ &7(&c0.52&7)"
  75. send "&7 - &aEmerald block (152) &7➠ &7(&e2.25&7)"
  76. send "&b&m | | "
  77. stop
  79. if arg-1 is "BlockRespawn":
  80. send "&b&m | | "
  81. send "&7 - &eGold block (41) &7➠ Type &7(Medium &7- 10 sec&7)"
  82. send "&7 - &7Iron block (42) &7➠ Type &7(Medium &7- 9.30 sec&7)"
  83. send "&7 - &8Coal block (173) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 sec&7)"
  84. send "&7 - &9Lapis block (22) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 sec&7) "
  85. send "&7 - &bDiamond block (57) &7➠ Type &7(&cSlow &7- &c17 sec&7)"
  86. send "&7 - &cRedstone block (133) &7➠ Type &7(&eFast &7- &e8 Sec&7)"
  87. send "&7 - &aEmerald block (152) &7➠ Type &7(&cSlow &7- &c14 sec&7)"
  88. send "&b&m | | "
  89. stop
  91. if arg-1 is "BlockDrop":
  92. send "&b&m | | "
  93. send "&7 - &eGold block (41) &7➠ &a1 &eIngot &7- &c3 &eIngots"
  94. send "&7 - &7Iron block (42) &7➠ &a1 &7Ingot &7- &c3 &7Ingots"
  95. send "&7 - &8Coal block (173) &7➠ &a1 &8Coal &7- &c3 &8Coal"
  96. send "&7 - &9Lapis block (22) &7➠ &a6 &9Lapis Lazulis &7- &c12 &9Lapis Lazulis"
  97. send "&7 - &bDiamond block (57) &7➠ &a1 &bDiamond &7- &c2 &bDiamonds"
  98. send "&7 - &cRedstone block (133) &7➠ &a6 &cRedstone &7- &c12 &cRedstone"
  99. send "&7 - &aEmerald block (152) &7➠ &a1 &aEmerald &7- &c3 &aEmeralds"
  100. send "&b&m | | "
  101. stop
  107. # GOLD ORE (14)
  108. on break of gold ore:
  109. event-block is gold ore:
  110. if player is not holding shears:
  111. cancel event
  112. set block to air
  113. chance of 99%:
  114. give gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot to player
  115. # IRON ORE (15)
  116. on break of iron ore:
  117. event-block is iron ore:
  118. if player is not holding shears:
  119. cancel event
  120. set block to air
  121. chance of 99%:
  122. give iron ingot or 2 iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot or iron ingot to player
  123. # COAL ORE (16)
  124. on break of coal ore:
  125. event-block is coal ore:
  126. if player is not holding shears:
  127. cancel event
  128. set block to air
  129. chance of 99%:
  130. give 2 coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal or coal to player
  132. # LAPIS LAZULI ORE (21)
  133. on break of lapis lazuli ore:
  134. event-block is lapis lazuli ore:
  135. if player is not holding shears:
  136. cancel event
  137. set block to air
  138. chance of 99%:
  139. give 3 lapis lazuli or 4 lapis lazuli or 4 lapis lazuli or 4 lapis lazuli or 5 lapis lazuli or 5 lapis lazuli or 6 lapis lazuli or 7 lapis lazuli or 8 lapis lazuli or 4 lapis lazuli or 5 lapis lazuli to player
  141. # DIAMOND ORE (56)
  142. on break of diamond ore:
  143. event-block is diamond ore:
  144. if player is not holding shears:
  145. cancel event
  146. set block to air
  147. chance of 99%:
  148. give 2 diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond or diamond to player
  150. # REDSTONE ORE (73)
  151. on break of redstone ore:
  152. event-block is redstone ore:
  153. if player is not holding shears:
  154. cancel event
  155. set block to air
  156. chance of 99%:
  157. give 2 redstone or 3 redstone or 3 redstone or 4 redstone or 4 redstone or 5 redstone or 6 redstone or 5 redstone or 4 redstone or 4 redstone or 4 redstone or 5 redstone or 7 redstone or 2 redstone or 2 redstone or 1 redstone or 7 redstone or 5 redstone or 2 redstone or 4 redstone or 4 redstone to player
  159. # EMERALD ORE (129)
  160. on break of emerald ore:
  161. event-block is emerald ore:
  162. if player is not holding shears:
  163. cancel event
  164. set block to air
  165. chance of 99%:
  166. give 2 emerald or 3 emerald or 2 emerald or 2 emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald or emerald to player
  172. # WELCOME TO
  173. #
  175. #
  176. # VERSION : 1.6
  177. #
  184. # GOLD ORE (14)
  185. on break of gold ore:
  186. add 6 xp or 7 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 19 xp or 17 xp or 6 xp or 10 xp or 8 xp or 12 xp or 15 xp or 7 xp or 6 xp or 6 xp to player
  188. # IRON ORE (15)
  189. on break of iron ore:
  190. add 4 xp or 4 xp or 10 xp or 10 xp or 12 xp or 17 xp or 4 xp or 6 xp or 8 xp or 12 xp or 11 xp or 7 xp or 4 xp or 6 xp to player
  192. # COAL ORE (16)
  193. on break of coal ore:
  194. add 2 xp or 4 xp or 6 xp or 10 xp or 12 xp or 15 xp or 4 xp or 6 xp or 6 xp or 6 xp or 10 xp or 6 xp or 4 xp or 4 xp to player
  196. # LAPIS LAZULI ORE (21)
  197. on break of lapis lazuli ore:
  198. add 4 xp or 4 xp or 5 xp or 9 xp or 10 xp or 12 xp or 6 xp or 6 xp or 9 xp or 5 xp or 12 xp or 7 xp or 2 xp or 5 xp to player
  200. # DIAMOND ORE (57)
  201. on break of diamond ore:
  202. add 9 xp or 9 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp or 10 xp or 8 xp or 8 xp or 12 xp or 14 xp or 15 xp or 20 xp or 14 xp or 12 xp or 8 xp to player
  204. # REDSTONE ORE (73)
  205. on break of redstone ore:
  206. add 6 xp or 3 xp or 5 xp or 9 xp or 10 xp or 12 xp or 6 xp or 5 xp or 9 xp or 3 xp or 10 xp or 7 xp or 5 xp or 5 xp to player
  208. # EMERALD ORE (129)
  209. on break of emerald ore:
  210. add 10 xp or 12 xp or 10 xp or 10 xp or 15 xp or 24 xp or 26 xp or 14 xp or 15 xp or 9 xp or 10 xp or 12 xp or 13 xp or 14 xp or 16 xp or 20 xp or 11 xp or 25 xp or 17 xp or 10 xp or 10 xp or 8 xp or 5 xp or 21 xp or 15 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp to player
  216. # WELCOME TO
  217. #
  219. #
  220. #
  221. # VERSION : 1.2
  222. #
  229. # GOLD ORE (14)
  230. on break of gold ore:
  231. wait 10 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 12 seconds
  232. set event-block to gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold block
  234. # GOLD BLOCK (41)
  235. on break of gold block:
  236. wait 10 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 12 seconds
  237. set event-block to gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold ore or gold block
  239. # IRON ORE (15)
  240. on break of iron ore:
  241. wait 10 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 12 seconds
  242. set event-block to iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron block
  244. # IRON BLOCK (42)
  245. on break of iron block:
  246. wait 10 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 12 seconds
  247. set event-block to iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron ore or iron block
  249. # COAL ORE (16)
  250. on break of coal ore:
  251. wait 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds
  252. set event-block to coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal block
  254. # COAL BLOCK (173)
  255. on break of coal block:
  256. wait 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 9 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds
  257. set event-block to coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal ore or coal block
  259. # LAPIS LAZULI ORE (21)
  260. on break of lapis lazuli ore:
  261. wait 8 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds
  262. set event-block to lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli block
  264. # LAPIS LAZULI BLOCK (22)
  265. on break of lapis lazuli block:
  266. wait 8 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds or 8 seconds or 7 seconds
  267. set event-block to lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli ore or lapis lazuli block
  269. # DIAMOND ORE (56)
  270. on break of diamond ore:
  271. wait 15 seconds or 18 seconds or 17 seconds or 18 seconds or 19 seconds or 15 seconds or 16 seconds
  272. set event-block to diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond block
  274. # DIAMOND BLOCK (57)
  275. on break of diamond block:
  276. wait 15 seconds or 18 seconds or 17 seconds or 18 seconds or 19 seconds or 15 seconds or 16 seconds
  277. set event-block to diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond ore or diamond block
  279. # REDSTONE ORE (73)
  280. on break redstone ore:
  281. wait 7 seconds or 7 seconds or 7 seconds or 9 seconds or 7 seconds
  282. set event-block to redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone block
  284. # REDSTONE Block (152)
  285. on break redstone block:
  286. wait 7 seconds or 7 seconds or 7 seconds or 9 seconds or 7 seconds
  287. set event-block to redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone ore or redstone block
  289. # EMERALD ORE (129)
  290. on break emerald ore:
  291. wait 14 seconds or 13 seconds or 14 seconds or 15 seconds or 16 seconds
  292. set event-block to emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald block
  294. # EMERALD BLOCK (133)
  295. on break emerald block:
  296. wait 14 seconds or 13 seconds or 14 seconds or 15 seconds or 16 seconds
  297. set event-block to emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald ore or emerald block
  304. # WELCOME TO
  305. #
  307. #
  308. #
  309. # VERSION : 1.2
  310. #
  317. # GOLD BLOCK (41)
  318. on break of gold block:
  319. event-block is gold block:
  320. if player is not holding shears:
  321. cancel event
  322. set block to air
  323. chance of 99%:
  324. give 3 gold ingot or gold ingot or gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot or 2 gold ingot to player
  325. # IRON BLOCK (42)
  326. on break of iron block:
  327. event-block is iron block:
  328. if player is not holding shears:
  329. cancel event
  330. set block to air
  331. chance of 99%:
  332. give 3 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot or iron ingot or 2 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot or 2 iron ingot to player
  333. # COAL BLOCK (173)
  334. on break of coal block:
  335. event-block is coal block:
  336. if player is not holding shears:
  337. cancel event
  338. set block to air
  339. chance of 99%:
  340. give 2 coal or coal or coal or 2 coal or 2 coal or 2 coal or 2 coal or 3 coal or 3 coal to player
  342. # LAPIS LAZULI BLOCK (22)
  343. on break of lapis lazuli block:
  344. event-block is lapis lazuli block:
  345. if player is not holding shears:
  346. cancel event
  347. set block to air
  348. chance of 99%:
  349. give 6 lapis lazuli or 8 lapis lazuli or 10 lapis lazuli or 8 lapis lazuli or 9 lapis lazuli or 10 lapis lazuli or 7 lapis lazuli or 8 lapis lazuli or 11 lapis lazuli or 6 lapis lazuli or 7 lapis lazuli or 9 lapis lazuli or 8 lapis lazuli to player
  351. # DIAMOND BLOCK (57)
  352. on break of diamond block:
  353. event-block is diamond block:
  354. if player is not holding shears:
  355. cancel event
  356. set block to air
  357. chance of 99%:
  358. give diamond or diamond or diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or 2 diamond or diamond or diamond to player
  360. # REDSTONE BLOCK (152)
  361. on break of redstone block:
  362. event-block is redstone block:
  363. if player is not holding shears:
  364. cancel event
  365. set block to air
  366. chance of 99%:
  367. give 6 redstone or 10 redstone or 8 redstone or 9 redstone or 10 redstone or 7 redstone or 8 redstone or 11 redstone or 6 redstone or 7 redstone or 9 redstone or 8 redstone to player
  369. # EMERALD BLOCK (133)
  370. on break of emerald block:
  371. event-block is emerald block:
  372. if player is not holding shears:
  373. cancel event
  374. set block to air
  375. chance of 99%:
  376. give 2 emerald or 3 emerald or 2 emerald or 2 emerald or emerald to player
  382. # WELCOME TO
  383. #
  385. #
  386. #
  387. # VERSION : 1.2
  388. #
  395. # GOLD BLOCK (41)
  396. on break of gold block:
  397. add 8 xp or 10 xp or 15 xp or 16 xp or 15 xp or 20 xp or 10 xp or 10 xp or 15 xp or 20 xp or 23 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp to player
  399. # IRON BLOCK (42)
  400. on break of iron block:
  401. add 8 xp or 10 xp or 15 xp or 16 xp or 15 xp or 20 xp or 10 xp or 10 xp or 15 xp or 20 xp or 23 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp to player
  403. # COAL BLOCK (173)
  404. on break of coal block:
  405. add 8 xp or 6 xp or 10 xp or 16 xp or 18 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp or 8 xp or 8 xp or 10 xp or 6 xp or 8 xp or 10 xp to player
  407. # LAPIS LAZULI BLOCK (22)
  408. on break of lapis lazuli block:
  409. add 10 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp or 12 xp or 10 xp or 16 xp or 9 xp or 12 xp or 11 xp or 11 xp or 12 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 5 xp to player
  411. # DIAMOND BLOCK (57)
  412. on break of diamond block:
  413. add 20 xp or 24 xp or 30 xp or 20 xp or 20 xp or 18 xp or 18 xp or 22 xp or 24 xp or 25 xp or 35 xp or 25 xp or 26 xp or 19 xp to player
  415. # REDSTONE BLOCK (152)
  416. on break of redstone block:
  417. add 10 xp or 10 xp or 9 xp or 12 xp or 10 xp or 16 xp or 9 xp or 12 xp or 11 xp or 11 xp or 12 xp or 15 xp or 10 xp or 5 xp to player
  419. # EMERALD ORE (133)
  420. on break of emerald block:
  421. add 25 xp or 32 xp or 20 xp or 25 xp or 31 xp or 41 xp or 35 xp or 37 xp or 29 xp or 28 xp or 31 xp or 25 xp or 24 xp or 27 xp or 31 xp or 35 xp or 24 xp or 35 xp or 37 xp or 22 xp or 30 xp or 20 xp or 20 xp or 25 xp or 30 xp or 45 xp or 25 xp to player
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